Bridge Preparatory Charter School


Executive Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 10, 2020 at 7:45 AM


Dial in: (701) 802-5114
Passcode: 5094595#

Committee Members Present

G. Winn (remote), L. Gyimesi (remote), L. Timoney (remote), M. Casale (remote), R. Kerr (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened

M. Casale

Guests Present

T. Castanza (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance

M. Casale arrived.


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Timoney called a meeting of the Executive Committee Committee of Bridge Preparatory Charter School to order on Thursday Dec 10, 2020 at 7:47 AM.


Approve Minutes

L. Timoney made a motion to approve the minutes from Executive Committee Meeting on 11-11-20.
R. Kerr seconded the motion.
There was a discussion to clarify the hiring of a substitute teacher and on what basis, part time or full time. 
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.


Welcome from Chair

II. Executive Committee


Finalize Parental Leave Recommendations

ED will get back to us with finalized and very clear parental leave policy to be voted on at January board meeting after consulting with TriNet. Per the minutes:
  • Strike any wording covering a waiting period of paid parental leave at full salary. 
  • Strike any wording of intermittent leave, all leave must be consecutive. 
  • Differentiate clearly the benefit being provided by Bridge Prep and the eligibility for school's parental leave. This is different from the NYS Paid Family Leave, which is a state provided benefit. 
This needs to be a clear and cogent policy showing the changes to the existing policy.  ED is aware and will finalize for January.


ED Support

L. Timoney to upload agreed upon CEO evaluation into BOT, set up next trimester check in meeting, and review with ED how to upload documentation into BoardOnTrack.

III. Committee Reports



Financial dashboard being worked on. 
ED asked to focus and report on salary overages. This needs to be finalized and documented to ensure it was handled legally and properly, does not happen in the future and tie up audit issues and risk exposure. 



A Board mission statement will be presented at the board meeting to go into the handbook.  A recruitment document is being developed and shared with the committee. We still need outstanding committee descriptions for the handbook. 



  • The primary focus is to get students into the school building for in-person instruction as many days as possible. A blended and remote learning status was shared. Covid issues come up frequently and are ongoing and disruptive. 
  • The new DSI has started and is doing well. 
  • The Dashboard - Attendance is down slightly. Academic data from MAP, which shows test readiness, continues to show anomalies with special needs students scoring higher in ELA and Math than Gen Ed. Next month, F&P to show reading levels.
  • Special Ed - Compliance was discussed and is intact with the exception of counseling services due to vendor and parent's opting out. Mandates must be made up. Social Workers are doing much needed at-risk counseling.
  • Staff handbook appendix - the committee reviewed and there are some changes being recommended. 

IV. Executive Director


Check In & Updates

  • We had our first positive COVID case in the building requiring reporting and communications. The school can remain open with some staff and students required to quarantine 14 days. COVID testing is being done off site. 
  • We are considering having virtual instruction on Jan 5th  and starting in-person instruction on Jan 12th with COVID spiking after the holidays. It was suggested to survey to parents on this for both safety and continuity of instruction. 


Facilities Task Force

DOE will provide a new proposal which will be an extension of the current co-location for the remainder of the school's two year charter. They propose a split site with Building E and Building A. The committee will review the language surrounding long-term commitment. The PEP would likely vote on this proposal in February or March.  The committee will continue to meet to discuss long-term siting options, financial implications, leasing strategies and reliance on DOE.

The committee needs to ascertain whether it falls under open meetings laws and, if so, do confidential conversations necessitate a motion to go into executive session. 


Trinet Financial Support Agreement

TriNet has presented a $10,800 incentive to remain with them through 9/30/2021. The current agreement will expire on 6/30/2021. In signing the extension, it caps any increases at 3%. If we decide not to stay until 9/30, the amount owed would be less than the incentive given. We can terminate at any time and pay nothing after 10/1/2021. By July the school will be looking at other providers.  This topic will be taken up in the finance committee and TriNet has offered to answer any questions at that meeting. This agreement may not require a board vote since no monies are expended.

V. Other Business


Administrative Assistant

There is discussion of hiring a part time, hourly person to handle administrative tasks for the Board including typing of minutes, scheduling meetings and working in BoardOnTrack. The board secretary and committee chairs would review minutes. We need the board focused on more significant issues and better use of their time. This is time sensitive and a priority. This will be taken up in finance. 


Intervention Teacher

We are looking to hire a full time intervention teacher.  There are additional SETSS mandates and this teacher is needed for additional small group interventions in OG and math. The goal is to bring on someone in January. This will be discussed further in finance committee.

The academic team is in the process of a strategic academic vision with time line. 

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:06 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Timoney