Bridge Preparatory Charter School
Academic Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday November 10, 2020 at 6:00 PM
Dial In --701-802-5114
Happy Thanksgiving
Committee Members Present
M. Casale (remote), M. Petrone (remote), R. Kerr (remote), T. Castanza (remote)
Committee Members Absent
A. Margolis, S. Cucchia
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
R. Kerr called a meeting of the Academic Committee Committee of Bridge Preparatory Charter School to order on Tuesday Nov 10, 2020 at 6:06 PM.
Record Attendance
Approve Minutes
M. Petrone made a motion to approve the minutes from Academic Committee Meeting on 10-06-20.
T. Castanza seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Academic
Re-Opening Status/Remote and Blended Learning
Related Topics
Staffing and Planning and purposeful use of budget are under review. There is currently a need to hire an additional teacher who can fill in for absent teachers, and help with intervention when needed.
Dash Board
TC mentioned that he attached the Dash board to the "Board on Track" site and the AC could review the populated fields at their leisure. Also, TC mentioned that he gave access to the AC to view the Dash board at any time during the course of the month by using the google drive. This site will have documents and resources and a live dashboard as you can see the populated dashboard as it is at that moment.Rose asked that TC have the Dash board available prior to the AC meeting and send her a hard copy at least a few days prior to the meeting.
This month TC informed the committee that he added a metric to show growth in OG by looking at the beginning year data from 2019 and comparing it to the 2020 data using the same assessment for OG in decoding skill growth. This was done for each student that was at BP in 2019 and 2020.
This month the Board will see data on all the components discussed at the Oct. meeting and the academic measure will be OG for the month of Nov..
Math and ELA MAP measurement will be seen in Dec. Dash board.
TC said that when he looked at the current data he saw how many BP students at high academic risk, but that the data will show the readiness of students when it comes to reading as measured against the OG and F&P data soon to be available.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:03 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
R. Kerr
Administration is working with various families of students, who are currently all remote, to move them into blended. These students require more academic intervention.
Special Education has a busy month ahead as there is alignment of the IEPs that need to be completed. Also, one student has alternate assessment and BP is looking into how to support this accommodation.