Bridge Preparatory Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday September 16, 2020 at 7:00 PM


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Meeting ID: 853 6286 6716
Passcode: 152827

Trustees Present

A. Volpe, F. Santarpia, G. Winn, L. Gyimesi, L. Timoney, M. Casale, R. Kerr

Trustees Absent

A. Margolis

Guests Present

A. Quattrocchi, Francesca DiCanio, R. Illuzzi, R. Majmudar Aziz, T. Castanza

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Timoney called a meeting of the board of trustees of Bridge Preparatory Charter School to order on Wednesday Sep 16, 2020 at 7:03 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Approve Board Minutes

L. Timoney made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 08-19-20.
R. Kerr seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



R. Kerr welcomed all and is grateful the school is open during these challenging times. While there is anticipation and trepidation, we have faith in the school, teachers, administration and the board. 

II. Executive Committee


Committee Update

The Committee discussed the protocols surrounding the set up the the ED support and evaluation committee, which is composed of the Exec Committee and open to all board members. Protocols are being set up including documents, timelines, ED check-ins, etc. 
All Committee (Finance, Executive, Governance, Academic) meetings are being rescheduled due to work schedule changes. Times will be shared when finalized.

III. Executive Director


Executive Director's Report

Operational responses to COVID:
The school is working with multiple agencies including the Situation Room which will provide guidance if needed.  The school will be doing an operations walk through prior to students in the building. There will be a COVID report card accessible to the public which is updated daily. 
Families have expressed concern about Bridge Prep not being open due to DOE COVID closings or Union issues being on a DOE campus. There is a need to form a facilities task force.


School Opening Plan

School started remotely and in-person starts next week. All school construction will be done by first day of in-person school on Sept 22nd. 
The school is prepared to go fully remote at any time and will provide 5 days of live instruction. 
Technology issues - families are running into issues and the school is providing support. The strategy is to get students back into a routine prior to using SWIVL.
Four students have not logged in as of today, of those, two are awaiting technology. 
40% of students are fully remote and 60% are blended learning. 
Busing - the school is working with OPT to match students to bus stops. 


Monthly Financials

There were no questions regarding monthly financials. 

IV. Academic Committee


Committee Update

Baseline assessments - to determine learning loss, what learning recovery is needed, and instructional interventions. OG assessments have been completed. F&P is being conducted.  The literacy and reading-based assessments may be done again in the Fall.
The Director of Teaching and Learning resigned unexpectedly. An interim plan was put in place with the instructional coach stepping in to support teachers with coaching and instructional planning. Teachers are being supported, and we are fully ready to open. The Assessment Coordinator will be doing assessments and the Director of Specialized Instruction will work with our OG partner. This resignation has accelerated our internal capacity process. The DTL job will be posted and the job description is being worked on now to enhance responsibilities and importantly include math.

V. Finance Committee


Committee Update

The audit is underway and will be submitted to the State by 11/1/2020. When the draft audit report is ready, the Finance committee will meet. The board will approve the draft audit at the October board meeting after it is vetted by the Finance committee. This is a standard audit required by NYS and includes items like payroll and student census documentation. The school is in good hands working with our experienced partners.
PPP Loan - submitted and awaiting SBA approval.
Budget Refresh - targeted for October
Line of Credit - ED working on
Contract Register - In Google Docs and available for review. Reach out to the Finance committee on formatting.  This register will be used to drive committee work, budget prep and contract approvals. 

VI. Board Development & Governance


Committee Update

Protocols for email communication with ED and Board including disclaimer on email. 
BoardOnTrack Contract Renewal - we negotiated annual contract for $10,500 and had budgeted $12K.


Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics is amended to be in alignment with board job description regarding confidentiality clause. There is also a social media clause added regarding board members and their opinions are not representative of the school.


Committee Job Description

Committee description was created and is being used this to launch the committee's annual goals.  One goal is to create a handbook for new members with all necessary documentation (bylaws, code of ethics, etc.) and be uploaded to BoardOnTrack to guide and orient new members. 
A secondary goal is long and short term recruitment. 

VII. Votes


Family Handbook

Added the word "unexcused" to total number of student absences (10), keep positive behavioral expectation wording, add page numbers on bottom, and correct non-substantive typos. 
L. Timoney made a motion to approve the student handbook with noted changes.
G. Winn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Code of Ethics

L. Timoney made a motion to approve the Code of Ethics.
A. Volpe seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


BoardOnTrack Contract

L. Timoney made a motion to approve the BoardOnTrack Annual Contract.
F. Santarpia seconded the motion.
Acceleration PackageĀ for $10,500 beginning on 10/14/2020
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Public Comment


Public Comment section - Overview of Procedures


Public Comments

Members of the Board thanked the staff for getting the school open, appreciates them and are here for them. Thanks was given to Tim Castanza for all he has done and gratitude was expressed for choosing Bridge Prep and not a DOE school. It was also noted it is not an easy undertaking to move a school location. 

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:01 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Timoney