Bridge Preparatory Charter School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday August 19, 2020 at 7:00 PM
Laura Timoney is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Bridge Prep Board Meeting
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Meeting ID: 853 6286 6716
Passcode: 152827
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 853 6286 6716
Passcode: 152827
Trustees Present
A. Margolis, A. Volpe, F. Santarpia, G. Winn, L. Gyimesi, L. Timoney, M. Casale, R. Kerr
Trustees Absent
Guests Present
A. Quattrocchi, F. Ebanks, R. Illuzzi, R. Majmudar Aziz, S. Cucchia, T. Castanza
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
L. Timoney called a meeting of the board of trustees of Bridge Preparatory Charter School to order on Wednesday Aug 19, 2020 at 7:05 PM.
Record Attendance and Guests
Approve Board Minutes
L. Timoney made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 07-22-20.
A. Volpe seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Welcome and looking forward to a safe opening of the school.
II. Executive Committee
Committee Update
A CEO support and evaluation committee is being formed to establish goals, evaluate, and self evaluate the CEO/ED. The goals will be shared with the ED and the entire board for relevant input. The support and evaluation committee will drive the process and schedule trimester reviews. The executive committee members will form this committee and any board member is welcome to join. All board members will take part in the actual ED evaluation.
III. Executive Director
Executive Director's Report
With sadness the passing of Principal Maria Munoz of PS 20 was shared.
Bridge Prep's annual report was submitted to NYSED.
Standard financial documents were submitted to Schall & Ashenfarb for NYSED's annual audit.
A schedule for the audit will be provided to the Finance Committee and the audit will be approved by the Board at the October meeting and submitted to NYSED by Nov 1st.
Title I, IIA, IV grants were filed and the Cares Funding application was submitted for $13,075.
The contract register is being compiled and will be shared with the Board by the September Board meeting with actual PDF contracts.
25% of students (Unique) will be fully remote and 75% will be in blended learning (Bold & Bright).
Bridge Prep's annual report was submitted to NYSED.
Standard financial documents were submitted to Schall & Ashenfarb for NYSED's annual audit.
A schedule for the audit will be provided to the Finance Committee and the audit will be approved by the Board at the October meeting and submitted to NYSED by Nov 1st.
Title I, IIA, IV grants were filed and the Cares Funding application was submitted for $13,075.
The contract register is being compiled and will be shared with the Board by the September Board meeting with actual PDF contracts.
25% of students (Unique) will be fully remote and 75% will be in blended learning (Bold & Bright).
School Opening Plan
Opening plan was submitted to NYSED & DOH on 7/31/2020 and approved.
Family focus groups and staff meetings were held to gather input and feedback.
The most updated version of the opening plan is located on the school's website.
First day of school is September 9th and will be virtual. In-person instruction will begin no earlier than September 22nd based on construction, transportation and ensuring building is safe and ready to open.
School facilities and the custodian inspected the HVAC and fans. A work order was put in for one fan. One windowless classroom was taken offline and can be used only by staff.
A campus governance meeting was held with Petrides to ensure health and safety in operations.
ED to find out if Bridge Prep students are eligible for the Mayor's Learning Bridges childcare program.
Family focus groups and staff meetings were held to gather input and feedback.
The most updated version of the opening plan is located on the school's website.
First day of school is September 9th and will be virtual. In-person instruction will begin no earlier than September 22nd based on construction, transportation and ensuring building is safe and ready to open.
School facilities and the custodian inspected the HVAC and fans. A work order was put in for one fan. One windowless classroom was taken offline and can be used only by staff.
A campus governance meeting was held with Petrides to ensure health and safety in operations.
ED to find out if Bridge Prep students are eligible for the Mayor's Learning Bridges childcare program.
Employee Handbook
The format of the handbook has been changed by LittleBird HR to include lettered exhibits. The board will be voting on changes to the main section, Exhibit A and Exhibit B. Exhibit C will be reviewed by the academic committee and voted on at the September board meeting.
Monthly Financials
The school is owed a small amount of money from the DOE for Special Education reconciliation.
IV. Academic Committee
Committee Update
There have been two meetings held regarding the back to school framework for the academic year. The school design can go totally remote at any moment. Next academic meeting will cover the dashboard and determining what data can be shared with the Board.
V. Finance Committee
Committee Update
Contract Register - will drive committee process with renewal and auto renewal dates. The finance committee will work with admin staff for re-biding or renewal driving toward the budget process by June. It is important that each committee can weigh in on contracts as we move through the year.
Audit and Tax schedule - will show deliverables to authorizer and when taxes are due. Finance committee will work with management team to walk the board through the process.
PPP Loan - bank has given approval for forgiveness and waiting on SBA.
Line of Credit - paid off existing line to BoostED at the end of June. Administration is looking into a new line of credit.
Audit and Tax schedule - will show deliverables to authorizer and when taxes are due. Finance committee will work with management team to walk the board through the process.
PPP Loan - bank has given approval for forgiveness and waiting on SBA.
Line of Credit - paid off existing line to BoostED at the end of June. Administration is looking into a new line of credit.
VI. Board Development & Governance
Trustee Job Description
The trustee job description is completed and can be shared with potential and current board members. We are working on committee descriptions now.
Committee Update
The committee is working on protocols for structured email communications with the ED, amending the Code of Ethics and adding a Social media clause, and committee goals are being drafted.
VII. Votes
2020-2021 Employee Handbook
R. Kerr made a motion to approve the main section of the handbook plus Exhibit B and Exhibit A with the exception of Paid Childcare Leave and Paid Parental Leave language to remain "as is" for now.
G. Winn seconded the motion.
Outstanding issues to be addressed:
Paid Parental Leave going from 6 weeks to 8 weeks and primary and non-primary caregiver leave time.
Need to better understand: financial exposure, disability law and parity.
Can the 10 month staff opt into being paid 10 months vs 12 months?
Remove reference to students as "scholars" from handbook.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Paid Parental Leave going from 6 weeks to 8 weeks and primary and non-primary caregiver leave time.
Need to better understand: financial exposure, disability law and parity.
Can the 10 month staff opt into being paid 10 months vs 12 months?
Remove reference to students as "scholars" from handbook.
Roll Call | |
G. Winn |
R. Kerr |
L. Timoney |
L. Gyimesi |
F. Santarpia |
A. Margolis |
M. Casale |
A. Volpe |
VIII. Other Business
New Business/Other Business
Rose Kerr acknowledged Fahron Ebanks as the Director of Operations and thanked her.
IX. Public Comment
Public Comment section
Rosemarie Illuzzi shared her heartfelt appreciation and the importance of Bridge Prep's culture. The Bridge Prep team and the family association are the heart of the school and truly make families feel welcome and at home. Thanks was also given to the board and the team for making Bridge Prep the school she always wanted for children.
Steve Cucchia discussed his work with the school's leadership team through some very trying times. He praised the team's professional manner and comprehensive approach to identifying problems and finding solutions. He noted they work well together as a team in all areas whether it be instructional, operations, with the parent organization, the academic plan, safety and health, facilities or finance.
Azalia Volpe shared some parents have been asking about the number of students coming to school and are a bit nervous. To ensure she is conveying the proper message to parents, she asked for clarity with student numbers. Currently the school has 152 students enrolled. With 25% on full remote learning, there are approximately 65 students at school across all three grades with two classes in 1st grade and three classes in both 2nd and 3rd grades.
Alayna Quattrocchi shared everyone is excited to come back. Teachers miss the kids and can't want to get back in the building.
X. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:29 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
L. Timoney