Bridge Preparatory Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday June 17, 2020 at 7:00 PM


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Trustees Present

F. Santarpia, G. Winn, L. Gyimesi, L. Timoney, M. Casale, R. Kerr

Trustees Absent

A. Margolis, A. Volpe

Trustees who left before the meeting adjourned

M. Casale

Guests Present

Alayna Quattrocchi, Arlin Guerrero, Francesca DiCanio, R. Illuzzi, Rhadi Aziz, T. Castanza

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Timoney called a meeting of the board of trustees of Bridge Preparatory Charter School to order on Wednesday Jun 17, 2020 at 7:01 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Approve May 20th Board Minutes

L. Timoney made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 05-20-20.
F. Santarpia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve June 4 Task Force Recommendation Minutes

L. Timoney made a motion to approve the minutes from Task Force Recommendations on 06-04-20.
R. Kerr seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



R. Kerr welcomed everyone and congratulated our new board member A. Volpe.  We have a lot of year-end business to cover.

II. Annual Elections


Officer Elections

L. Timoney made a motion to Nominate Rose Kerr for Chair.
F. Santarpia seconded the motion.
No other nominations. Rose Kerr is Chair.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
R. Kerr made a motion to Nominate Laurel Wedinger for Vice Chair.
G. Winn seconded the motion.
No other nominations. Laurel Wedinger is Vice Chair.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
L. Timoney made a motion to Nominate George Winn for Treasurer.
L. Gyimesi seconded the motion.
No other nominations. George Winn is Treasurer.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
L. Gyimesi made a motion to Nominate Laura Timoney as Secretary.
G. Winn seconded the motion.
No other nominations. Laura Timoney is Secretary.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Board Member Renewal - Frank Santarpia

G. Winn made a motion to Renew Frank Santarpia as board member for another 3 year term.
R. Kerr seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Board Development & Governance


Update on Board Protocol

Committee protocols were updated and recommend meeting protocols, an annual calendar and adopting a methodology to communicate with the Executive Director. 


Finalized 2020-2021 Annual Board Calendar

The annual calendar included board meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. The standing committees have formalized the time and days for all committees. One note is that the 8:30am time may need to change when we are no longer working remotely and/or due to ED's school schedule.


Conflict of Interest Attestation

Simple one page document attesting that each board member has no conflict of interest. If there is a conflict, it needs to be noted. Each board member will need to sign the document retrospectively for 19/20 SY and then prospectively for the new 20/21 SY. Once signed, please scan and email to L.Timoney and T. Castanza. 

IV. Executive Committee


Staffing/Salary Proposal

All board members have weighed in on the Executive Director's salary plan and staffing proposal. After the Executive Director answered the board's questions, it was decided by the board to adopt the staffing plan but not the salary proposal. Notable items for staffing include bringing on a Director of Operations a year earlier and hiring an additional Social Worker. These changes will be reflected in the budget.


Executive Director Evaluation

The process has begun and will be completed by June 30th. The goals and evaluation forms have been sent to all board members and to the Executive Director should he want to provide documentation. The ED will have access to the school to recover information that might be needed. The task force will be disbanded once the Executive Director's evaluation is complete. 

V. Finance Committee


FY 20-21 Budget Overview

G. Winn - there has been a good deal of time spent on the budget and the staffing plan. There is one item pending and that is the Executive Director's salary which will come following the evaluation process.  Committees have been finalizing inputs in terms of contracts. There are fixed items in the budget and some numbers that are changing, and we need to determine what we are comfortable with for close of June. BoostEd is getting a 3% increase. There was a demand note for the Line of Credit payable by June 30th. T. Castanza will be looking for other lines of credit.
T. Castanza - budget is a fluid process. We need to execute on contracts, staff hiring and retention. There will be changes but this budget presents us with flexibility. Certain line items like insurance may change based on cost proposals from vendor. When we meet in July, the budget will reflect actual cash flow. One item to flag are minor payroll discrepancies found in LittleBird's payroll system which are being rectified.  

VI. Votes


FY 20/22 Budget

G. Winn made a motion to Approve the 2020/2021 Budget.
F. Santarpia seconded the motion.
The ending cash balance will likely change due to surplus. There will be continual updates to the budget throughout the year with a newer version in July with closeout numbers. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Promissory Note

L. Timoney made a motion to Approve repayment of $100k line of credit back to BoostEd.
G. Winn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



L. Timoney made a motion to Approve the Sundog Contract for $73,500 plus materials.
R. Kerr seconded the motion.
There is no loss of programming and more students.  Being virtual is factored into the contract which encompasses the curriculum, teaching and professional development but not materials.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
L. Timoney made a motion to Approve the Center for Educational Funding Contract for $7,500.
G. Winn seconded the motion.
This is for Title grants and is priced less than last year's contract. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
L. Timoney made a motion to Approve the BoostEd contract $77,250.
G. Winn seconded the motion.
The scope is the same with a 3% increase.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
L. Timoney made a motion to Approve the Literacy for Life contract Package 1 for $161,000 plus materials.
M. Casale seconded the motion.
We are voting on Package 1 which is more financially conservative. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
L. Timoney made a motion to Approve the Leader in Me Contract for $12,015.
R. Kerr seconded the motion.
Cost includes school membership, professional development, parent training and materials. There are online components for families. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Academic Committee


Remote Learning & Dashboard Overview

The dashboard was revamped for virtual learning. How will HMH crosswalk with OG and how to capture data to inform the board.? Data is based on assessments received to determine proficiency. Assessments during virtual learning posed challenges, and will be refined over the summer.  We must get the correct tools to get informative data in a remote environment. This is a mandate and a priority. The general trend shows improvement.

VIII. Executive Director


Executive Director's Report

Thank you to the board for all you do to help the school. Best item to report is that students can't wait to return to school.
  • Horizon Summer Programming - this will not happen this year due to loss of funding. There will be a full, in-person summer program next year which is free to families. 
  • The school team is working hard to wrap up this school year. They are the hardest working school team and are changing student's lives. 
  • ED wants to set time with the board in the next few weeks regarding the 20/21 SY after news from NYS.
  • Surveys were sent to families and awaiting results.  We will try to walk in lock step with NYC DOE. 
  • Hiring and staffing - all interviews completed and offers out for teachers. DTL's offer has been extended and that role will focus on teacher development and classroom data. Very excited about the DSI and DOO too. All very good on hiring and staffing front.
R. Kerr - told staff how much the board admires and appreciates their hard work.  Thank you to all from the board. 
M. Casale left.


Monthly Financials

It was noted numbers were off in Title 1 funding, salaries and staff recruitment.
It appears line items are off by one line in format. T. Castanza to look in Excel.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:18 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Timoney