Bridge Preparatory Charter School


Executive Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday June 1, 2020 at 8:30 AM

Committee Members Present

G. Winn (remote), L. Gyimesi (remote), L. Timoney (remote), M. Casale (remote), R. Kerr (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

T. Castanza (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Timoney called a meeting of the Executive Committee Committee of Bridge Preparatory Charter School to order on Monday Jun 1, 2020 at 8:31 AM.


Record Attendance


Approve Minutes

Section II. D. The Chair of the task force will present the recommendation to the board. 
Section IV: Math needs to be reviewed in terms of enrichment to help our students with learning differences demonstrate their capabilities.
Section V: BoostEd needs to done and we asked the ED to discuss a flexible structure to accommodate if there is a reduction in revenue.
L. Timoney made a motion to approve the minutes from Executive Committee Meeting on 05-04-20.
L. Gyimesi seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



Chair welcomed all and inquired if we needed to go into executive session to discuss staffing plan and salary proposal.

II. Executive


Staffing Proposal Recommendations

We are not proposing anything at this time. T. Castanza will join us on the call to answer any questions regarding staffing. We will remain on the call after to discuss final recommendations and the Task Force Chair will follow up with T. Castanza. 
  • Instructional - The school needs more instructional support and other supports for the children - what capacity is he hiring to support that? There needs to be an intense look at curriculum, supports and connections made. It may be the DTL leading more teacher groups, appointing someone to be the structural liaison or someone at grade level. How will we fund mentor teachers as a natural progression? DTL may lead the work but who on the staff will drive the work? What is the plan for per session funding for establishment of teams and mentor groups and must build internal capacity. 
  • Social Worker - want to understand what the current social worker is doing. 
  • DOO - The proposal is to bring on in Year 2 instead of Year 3 at a higher salary. Is there a potential opportunity for savings with contracts or vendors by on boarding this role?


Executive Director Evaluation - next steps

The evaluation process is expected within the next week and will be shared. The evaluation will be completed by June 30th. 


Proposed June 10th Board Meeting Agenda

June board meeting - elections, vote on the budget, pay back $100K line of credit by June 30, Conflict of Interest Attestation to board members and committee updates.

III. Governance/Board Development


Committee Update

Finalizing committee protocols, attestation and will have Governance meeting by end of week. 

IV. Academic Excellence


Committee Update

The Academic Committee is meeting on June 2 @ 6pm and will report at next board meeting. 

V. Finance


Committee Update

Finance Committee met with ED on budget. New budget has two changes - per pupil reimbursement increased by $11 and total number of students increased to 144. We received a demand note from BoostED payable within 30 days. Terms are reasonable and looking at other possible lines of credit as we need one. The register of contracts is still outstanding. It tells us school obligations, notifications, commitment in terms of dollars and can be used to control the finances of the school and drive committee work. This will be helpful to the committee and the school. We have had contracts renew automatically and is necessary in terms of control. 

VI. Other Business


Executive Director - Staffing Needs Discussion

Academic question: In order to build capacity and increase instructional focus, we need to establish a lead or mentor teacher or someone to drive the work beyond the DTL so we can stand on our own. Have you thought about money or funding for teacher training, mentorship or per session funding to develop lesson plans and design curriculum with the support of our consultants to own the work?  What do you envision?
Answer: Each grade level will have a grade team lead. This year it will be a mentor teacher per grade. The goal is to build capacity internally with planning and curriculum mapping.  Not sure we need to set aside money but timing during the day to do that.
Question: Do we have someone to serve as point person internally alongside DTL for OG?
Answer: Ms. Q. is strong and will be the point person. She will lead the instructional focus and then we need to identify lead teachers across the grades to drive the work.
Question: The compilation of the work is time consuming and takes time off hours and we need money in the budget. We need to build the capacity and intellectual content and own it. Has the money been set aside for this?
Answer: We can set aside additional per session funds. We would not require them to stay longer or come in earlier. We could assign within common planning time and for mentor teachers - built in that way.
It was suggested that the year be mapped out with consideration for common planning time, subs and per session funds. 

Additional Social worker. Please explain what the current social worker does and what the new position would handle.
The current social worker is teaching Sanford Harmony SEL class 6x week.  She also serves as head of crisis, liaises with outside agencies and does at-risk counseling. She is the point person with parents, agencies (ACS, DOH) and does classroom behavioral push-ins. She will be the Pax person for parent and home training. The new social worker will focus on culture from a behavioral perspective. We will need traditional social work with new student's coupled with potential COVID issues. 
Question: We have experienced behaviors due to inappropriate placement. Are you tied to the social worker title or can it be a more behavior oriented title?
Answer: I am not tied to the title but what will they be doing during day.  We need to understand where behaviors are coming from and what can we put in place to get ahead of the behaviors.  We have students with social development needs in terms of making friends and regulating emotions. A
behavior interventionists can do that.  We need a social worker who has done  group work with students, with a focus on behavior and crisis.
DOO coming on in year 2 instead of year 3.  What can come in house with that role in place and can that translate to savings?
Answer: HR, Finance and Tech are our big 3 non-academic vendors. I don't foresee the DOO replacing any vendors but having DOO taking relief off internal staff, keeping a close eye on risk management and compliance and focusing on operational tasks, major processes and tightening up the ship internally.
Question:  - Do we have money put aside for HMH?  
Answer: Yes - PD money over the summer for HMH. 
Additional comments: What do having these internal positions do? They will build internal capacity with Pax, Leader in Me  and OG.  So in year four, we are less reliant on external partners. All of this will lead to greater emphasis in the classroom and academics. 
OG - will not be as available this year to support. We need the teachers to commit to time and planning. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:29 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Timoney