Bridge Preparatory Charter School


Executive Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday May 4, 2020 at 8:30 AM

Committee Members Present

G. Winn, L. Gyimesi, L. Timoney, M. Casale, R. Kerr

Committee Members Absent


Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened

G. Winn

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Timoney called a meeting of the Executive Committee Committee of Bridge Preparatory Charter School to order on Monday May 4, 2020 at 8:34 AM.


Record Attendance

G. Winn arrived.


Approve Minutes

L. Gyimesi made a motion to approve the minutes from Executive Committee Meeting on 04-06-20.
R. Kerr seconded the motion.
G. Winn had one comment on the minutes.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Kerr
G. Winn
L. Timoney
M. Casale
L. Gyimesi

II. Executive


Confirm Loan

R. Kerr stated the loan was submitted on Friday and looked at payroll documents. 


NYSED Update

R. Kerr stated the school is still closed and NYSED is holding webinars.


Desk Audit

R. Kerr - Desk Audit is being submitted today. Questions were sent to the board. Question #4 related to the board in terms of reviewing of policies. Responses from the Board have been reviewed. A general statement will be submitted as there is current and ongoing review of the bylaws that govern the board. More to come after the May 13th Board meeting. 
Other trustees contributed this is NYSED's review of school's first year and the State wanted to see emphasis on math instruction.


Staffing Proposal - next steps & approval process

R. Kerr formally created a task force to pull together the staffing proposal, ED evaluation and salary recommendations to be chaired by L. Wedinger. These three items will be discussed, recommendations made and then the task force will dissolve. The entire Executive Committee will be members of the task force and the Chair can extend to other board members. The Chair of the task force will present the recommendation to the board.  The approved recommendations will culminate to the finance committee with the main responsibility to work into the budget. Once documents are received from the ED, they will be forwarded to the task force. 
It was noted the formation of the task force without prior discussion to the meeting did not uphold the spirit of collegiality and was referred to governance. Also that the ED evaluation will be completed after the staffing and salary recommendations due to timing. 


Executive Director Evaluation - next steps

R. Kerr - this will be part of the task force work but as a stand alone piece due to time and will dissolve after that is done. 
L. Wedinger - the task force will take up the ED evaluation after the May meeting and before June. 

III. Governance/Board Development


Board Protocol Overview

The Board is experiencing growing pains. Governance committee is reviewing best practices, tightening up protocols, and board communications. A tightened plan is being developed to be adopted and used including creating protocols to communicate with the ED, and putting rules of order in play so the board can work through a committee structure. This will be presented to the entire board for discussion and adoption.  There will be a few changes to the bylaws in terms of procedures to clarify.  Bylaw changes will be posted before the 5/13 board meeting. Review and email comments. A vote will happen after the board thoroughly reviews.  


Add Board Meeting May 13th

A 5/13 board meeting was proposed to vote on the 990 which needs to be filed by 5/15 and to vote to add the parent member to the Board. This meeting will also focus on governance, board protocol, bylaws and proposed 20-21 annual calendar. Committees will present as well. 
It was noted we are awaiting the final draft of the 990 for board review. 


Board Meeting May 20th

5/20 board meeting will be focused on the very important work coming of of committees:
finance committee with the budget and the academic committee with the dashboard and remote learning.


June Board Meeting

It was proposed to move the board meeting to 6/10 in case we need a secondary meeting and with the Chair possibly traveling on 6/17.  The 6/10 board meeting will focus on annual elections, voting on the 20/21 annual budget, finalizing the 20/21 annual calendar and all committee updates. 

IV. Academic Excellence


Committee Update

M. Casale reported meetings were held with Literacy for Life (LFL) and that OG is not connected to the main stream curriculum. Steps will be undertaken with HMH and LFL to see if there are access points for OG to be integrated.  This may impact the nature of the LFL contract. An academic committee meeting is scheduled for 5/5 @ 6pm which will include contract discussion. If no access points can be found, OG will stand as a separate program. Math needs to be reviewed in terms of enrichment to help our students with learning differences demonstrate their capabilities. The academic committee will review and report on remote learning and dashboard. It was acknowledged that the OG/HMH integration is a very big lift and will take time.  Also noted is the talented academic braintrust on the board. 

V. Finance


Committee Update

IRS 990 Filing - the 990 came to the board via email on 4/6 but lacked any documentation, reference, explanation and contained some incorrect information. Finance committee has requested documentation from ED and are awaiting final document. It will go out to full board ahead of 5/13 board meeting. 
Draft Budget - last year's budget is being updated and not that complex. A draft budget will be provided for the 5/13 board meeting so other committees can review. 
Contracts - BoostEd needs to done and we asked the ED to discuss a flexible structure to accommodate if there is a reduction in revenue. 
Compliance - reporting Audit Calendar for FY 20/21. The finance committee wants a calendar created by the ED organized by due dates to include tax returns, budget, contracts, etc. Next year we need to have this structure in place. 

VI. Other Business


Update to Minutes

G. Winn asked that the Minutes reflect the following changes since the vote had already been taken.
Finance Section A Update on Budget:
Staffing plan is still the biggest outstanding item. 
Finance committee still needs the list of contracts and vendors. 


Open Meetings Law

G. Winn stated he has concerns about how we are upholding Open Meetings Law and will take it through the Governance Committee as it affects board procedures and relationships. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:34 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Timoney