Bridge Preparatory Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday March 11, 2020 at 7:00 PM


715 Ocean Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10301

Trustees Present

A. Margolis (remote), F. Santarpia (remote), G. Winn (remote), L. Gyimesi (remote), L. Timoney, R. Kerr

Trustees Absent

M. Casale

Guests Present

S. Cucchia, T. Castanza

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Timoney called a meeting of the board of trustees of Bridge Preparatory Charter School to order on Wednesday Mar 11, 2020 at 7:01 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Approve January Minutes

L. Timoney made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 01-08-20.
A. Margolis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve February Minutes

L. Timoney made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 02-12-20.
R. Kerr seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.



Rose welcomed all.

II. Committee Updates


Executive Committee

Consultant arrangement finalized. 
Exec Director evaluation review meeting set for 3/22 time and location tbd.
We need a 5th executive committee member and will update at April board meeting.
Board governance protocol set up for board and school for Susan Briggs, the school's counsel.  
Does board need to vote on school policies? Discussion to be had at next EC meeting. 


Board Development & Governance

April meeting we will discuss possible board recommendations.
All committees should sent minutes to Secretary one week prior board meeting.
At April Board Meeting we will discuss date and times for future board meetings.


Finance Committee

Budget meeting held on 3/10.  There will be a draft budget before April meeting to discuss and voting in May meeting. Boost Ed to attend the next finance committee meeting the week of 3/23.
Budget must be done by June meeting and uploaded to NYSED.
Invite for finance meeting to be sent out to entire board. 
We had a risk management discussion regarding revenue stream and continuity of instruction if we are not in the school building. 


Academic Committee

Academic Committee meeting took place on Thursday 3/5.  We had the same agenda which is the dashboard and to make it as informative as possible for the board, and what information can go on the monthly dashboard - eg. HMH or OG, MAP assessments, etc. Tracking student behaviors and IEP that is school wide that will impact academic progress is our focus. This is a year one focus. School psychologist was brought up again and we will address behaviors that impact academic progress. 

III. Executive Director



Board wants school news on a weekly basis.
Monthly Financials - ED will forward to G. winn and EC along with renewal contract from BoostEd. 
Admissions & Recruitment - Lottery will be April 6 and applications close April 1.  SchoolMint is administering the lottery and sorts information very well.  Applications: 1st grade is 18 (no lottery), 2nd grade is 27 and 3rd grade is 35 (both lotteries). We will factor retention and class size into total number of seats and will over offer seats. 
Lottery Trends - 41 qualify for dyslexia preference and D31, 6 have dyslexia but are out of district. 
1 is automatically out due to living in NJ.  32 have no dyslexia preference. 18 have a sibling applying with them and 12 of the 18 have the dyslexia preference. 6 are applying with more than one sibling. 
Sibling Preference - We have been looking closely at sibling preference according to the law and Bridge Prep's preference. Our policy states sibling preference currently goes to enrolled students.  Charter law is vague on waitlist and siblings.  If a student gets an offer and has a sibling, that sibling skips to the front of the line (eg. 1 and 1a). Take this offline and have a lottery and enrollment call.
Facilities - walk through conducted with space planning.  We were assured instructional programming needs will be met. We need 5 new classrooms and office space. They will come back with next steps on construction in April.  We are the DOEs responsibility to place and they are required to come up with a plan. We will need additional space for the following year.  We will have a long-term space plan.  They will have to rewrite the proposal they submitted. 
Risk Management - Coronavirus handout given to the board. 
Parent Teacher Meetings - Thursday and Friday. Friday is remote through FaceTime, Zoom or phone. Thursday will now be remote as well. There will be students in the building both days for school. Teachers are logging calls in the student information systems.  
Open House - cancelled for Saturday.
Contingency planning - a tech survey was sent out to parents. We are preparing one weeks worth of content work to be sent home with students Friday. DTL reviewing tomorrow. 
Continuative Instruction - each teacher will have a Google classroom or Zoom account so students can video conference or call in for that classroom. Staff is available for students and parents. Each teacher will have a block of designated time. HMH is available online. This is not a replacement for classroom instruction but works on skills development. Staff putting together continuity plan.  NYS and NYC have not yet figured this out. The school will seek feedback and be mindful of instruction. A call will be set up to discuss this further.
If we are closed for 2 weeks or longer - NYSED anticipates the Governor will issue guidance on this and issue a waiver for billing. 
Staffing plan for next year - focus on retention of students and staff and identifying new talent. Salary schedule for new and existing staff meetings will be discussed at finance committee meeting.  ED to get staffing plan to finance committee before 3/26 call.  There is urgency because our DTL will not be returning, and we are working to identify a replacement.  ED will share this progress with the academic committee.  



The dashboard will have monthly or trimester data as follows: 
Enrollment - monthly with discharge analysis
Special Education Snapshot - monthly and reflective of IEP changes or discharges. This shows program, related services, classification and other more detailed information.
Student Attendance - slightly higher in February.  Anticipate March will be impacted by current circumstances. Younger grades tend to have more absences. 
Suspensions - zero in February
Staff Attendance - used a formula to get an average monthly rate. Then further broke down staff number by percentage of attendance and then reason for absence. 
Academic Data - HMH data this month is based on assessments. OG is reported 3x per year. MAP and OG measure different things. HMH is our curriculum and there are class-based assessments for Math and Reading. Assessments are done online at individual student level. What does OG measure? How does curriculum work with OG and what are the gaps? How is your work supporting the curriculum? This is a huge discussion for next year.  OG to OG and Map and HMH for Math and Reading.  Apples to apples this year and progress monitor.  This is the first baseline HMH assessment in reading. It measures the same skills that OG measures but contextualizes for grade levels. This is the most precise to data to see students on grade level. These skills can be done by 53% of 1st graders. We will see this as a baseline in Fall 2020. How do kids feel about online assessment and that they may bomb on it? Students are tested individually based on where they are at which is what is good about iRead. Grade 1 - 69% of GE and 39% of SE students are at, or above, district levels. Grade 2 is lower as many students were significantly behind, but they are making significant progress.  Some students were at Pre-K level, work is harder and they are farther behind. February is baseline for iRead. Gaynor school to be discussed at next Academic Committee meeting.


Monthly Financials

A few things to follow up on in committee. 

IV. Public Comment


Public Comment section

Steve Cucchia - thank you to Rose for reaching out and bringing me on as mentor and leadership coach.  Tim has been open and receptive to mentorship and coaching since we met.  Gratifying to see growth of the school and see his progress as a school leader along with Jesse and Fahron. Thank you. 

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

L. Timoney made a motion to Adjourn the meeting.
G. Winn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Timoney