Bridge Preparatory Charter School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday January 8, 2020 at 7:00 PM
715 Ocean Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10301
Trustees Present
A. Margolis (remote), F. Santarpia, G. Winn, L. Gyimesi, L. Timoney, M. Casale, R. Kerr
Trustees Absent
V. Cerullo
Guests Present
T. Castanza
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance and Guests
Approve Minutes
L. Timoney made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 12-04-19.
G. Winn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
The agenda is abbreviated for tonight's meeting and we have a by-laws ammendment vote and some committee reports. We will then go into executive session and discuss our overall structure. Our ED will come in for part of that meeting.
II. Committee Updates
Executive Committee
We have some open questions which will be addressed by the ED. The EC discussed the need for a legal counsel for the school. We had committee updates in this meeting as well.
Board Development & Governance
We have a proposal to amend the bylaws to add people to board committees. This would allow them to come in for a one year period of time and limits it to 2 people per committee so they outweigh actual board members on the committee. They can sit for one year or less and then the board can vote to add them to the board proper.
We developed a job description for potential trustees. We want more people on the board by March. Victoria Cerullo resigned. This is a critical time to recruit trustees and we will email job spec to the board proper.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee did not formally meet but had discussion surrounding the Walton Funds so there is no December report.
Academic Committee
Meeting being set up on a Tuesday to meet at Leap Academy. We have two main objectives - the Dashboard to be more informative and to address behavior management. We are looking at Pax, staff certifications, training for the staff and at our school to see what can be offered and report back to the board at the February meeting.
III. Executive Director
Susan Briggs was recommended as a potential legal counsel for the board. Her firm is NYC based and has a charter specialty. The ED will reach out and include L.Gyimesi.
Enrollment - we are using SchoolMint for our application and aggregating data around applicants. Then we will decide if we want to take them on to run the lottery. We will not be using the weighted lottery generator.
Admissions - got feedback from NYSED at the end of December. The State was okay with student grade modifications. They had an issue was with preferences and specifically the use of a neuropsych. Conclusion - we will us language in the DSM and in the PLOP as a preference.
We received language and the application was completed and translated into Spanish along with the admissions policy. We are putting the language on our website and families can apply as of Jan 9th.
We have a campaign and recruitment calendar and ED will invite the board. We will use social media and target website blasting. We are doing a Van Guard mailing again. We had analysis done and deciding if doing current 3rd graders. We are speaking to parents and second parent survey had 96% of families participation with 68/86 citing joy and learning. We put testimonials from families on the recruiting materials. We've invited families to all recruitment events. Dan from the website company is helping us with material design.
Admissions - got feedback from NYSED at the end of December. The State was okay with student grade modifications. They had an issue was with preferences and specifically the use of a neuropsych. Conclusion - we will us language in the DSM and in the PLOP as a preference.
We received language and the application was completed and translated into Spanish along with the admissions policy. We are putting the language on our website and families can apply as of Jan 9th.
We have a campaign and recruitment calendar and ED will invite the board. We will use social media and target website blasting. We are doing a Van Guard mailing again. We had analysis done and deciding if doing current 3rd graders. We are speaking to parents and second parent survey had 96% of families participation with 68/86 citing joy and learning. We put testimonials from families on the recruiting materials. We've invited families to all recruitment events. Dan from the website company is helping us with material design.
No updated dashboard until next meeting.
Monthly Financials
Moved $250K from Signature to Northfield. Josh didn't want to do CD account at Chase. Signature Savings is insured and getting interest. $75K in Signature from Walton is segregated. Need to look at interest rates. Josh will be here on 1/16. We will share December financials with finance committee.
IV. Votes
L. Gyimesi made a motion to amend our bylaws by adding section H(2) Advisory Committee Members to the bylaws.
F. Santarpia seconded the motion.
We discussed language of the proposal
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:36 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
L. Timoney