Bridge Preparatory Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Saturday November 16, 2019 at 1:30 PM


1150 Clove Rd, Staten Island, NY 10301

Trustees Present

A. Margolis, F. Santarpia, G. Winn, L. Gyimesi, L. Timoney, M. Casale, R. Kerr

Trustees Absent

V. Cerullo

Guests Present

T. Castanza

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Timoney called a meeting of the board of trustees of Bridge Preparatory Charter School to order on Saturday Nov 16, 2019 at 1:35 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Approve Minutes

L. Gyimesi made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 10-23-19 Board Meeting on 10-23-19.
F. Santarpia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board Meeting Protocol

Clarity was given surrounding board meeting protocol. Committees need to be meeting regularly and submitting synthesized reports to the board. There should be only a brief discussion and then move on to have more effective board meetings. 

II. Executive Committee


Trademark Update

Trademark attorney advised BridgePrep trademark is too generic, and we will win any litigation. Also does not recommend entering into a licensing agreement. If they every follow up with us, the attorney will respond. We can use Bridge Prep. It is being used all over the country. The logo in the middle of the names would not hurt. 

III. Finance Committee


Financial Reports October 2019

Budget - finance committee received it on Tuesday 11/12 and did not have time to meet prior to today. A one page sheet was sent prior but was not enough. The request to have a detailed review of the budget was originally made in September and October. If there is a hold up, the finance committee needs to know. ED stated he is getting information on a timely basis from BoostEd. 
Recommendation - the finance committee needs to meet and bring conclusions to the board. We need a better system/communication.

IV. Academic Committee



We will continue to visit the school. There are behaviors occurring which interrupt classroom management. This requires more intervention immediately. We need to see who is best suited to handle in the building. We want to look at IEP classifications, related services and diagnosis. This information is on the dashboard. The academic committee will meet after a review of the dashboard. 

V. Executive Director's Update



Dashboard - the school dives into data on a weekly basis.
OG - Every student has been assessed and grouped accordingly. The assessment was Gallistel-Ellis Test of Coding Skills. The groupings meet 45 minutes every day and they are working on specific skills and goals. Teachers are assigned to meeting those goals by January and Jill is working with each group.  Can we track monthly goals by color group?  There is progress monitoring in the group goals by month.  Every month this will change and you can track through lesson plans in the OG model.
RTI - specific tiered remediation and students who need this have been identified. 
Enrollment - the subgroup analysis is important. ED to incorporate Regent targets and actual school numbers on dashboard. Also breakout economically disadvantaged by GE and SE.  YTD numbers are 87 in enrollment and notes reasons if student leaves.
Absences - The numbers are high. Want to see overall school attendance as a percentage.  Number does not include suspensions. 
Special Education - Breakout is requested by academic committee and will require a school visit.  Most students are LD or SLI.
Suspension - tracking for students with disabilities and suspensions are out of school due to space. Need to look at OT and counseling and see who is trained in behaviors on staff.  SWDs must be documented and have antecedents. Academic committee will take this up. 
MAP Assessments - a few students still need to be tested due to either absence or refusal to sit.  OG is very granular and MAP is nationally normed from a standards basis and has a growth predictor.  It is a 16 minute iPad assessment and the school is using academic data for IEP meetings.  MAP compares students to peers nationally and in the building including a projected growth path.  Looking to co-align with OG.  OG is baselined and will be re-assessed in January, March and end of year. 
Staffing - Certification listed is based on state reporting. 3 GE and 3 SE certified. This number will change later in the year who additional teaching certifications. Does anyone have CPI certification? Social worker has that certification. ED states one person is crisis certified. All admin are CPR trained. 
Staff Absences - seem high. The academic committee will pick this up. Start up and burn out are considerations
External Affairs - added to keep track of engagement. This is something NYSED wants tracked. 
Conclusion: We need time to digest the dashboard information and need to get a week prior to the board meeting. The data will be for prior month same as financials.  


Bank Account & Credit Card

Walton Funds - is in an interest-bearing money market account at Signature Bank. The Operating money is in the same account. The board wants to keep the money separated and not co-mingled. BoostEd recommended keeping all of the money in the same account to accrue interest and is earmarking funds. From a fund accounting standpoint it means that the Walton money is traced and has a discreet number associated with it. That is how you distinguish the funds.  If decisions are made counter to what the board asks, which was to open a separate account, we need to be informed and updated. The account is insured only up to $250K.
Recommendation: ED to go back to BoostEd and articulate a recommendation to the finance committee. 
Debit card - We are moving forward with Northfield Bank. They have two local branches and the paperwork is being processed on November 18th at the school. The branded card is in a non-profit account with no fees or minimum balance.


School Happenings

Website - Speaking with Dan from Magix Studio who does web design and a member of SI Chamber of Commerce. 
Upkeep and redesign - are two different things. This is a priority. L. Gyimesi wants IT contract to see what services were contracted for regarding encryption and security concerns. 
Next step: George Casale to be looped in and speak to Dan. Dan and Tim meeting on 11/18/19.  We need an up to date secure website by Friday 11/22/19 and loop back in Exec Committee.

61 families came to the school's first Saturday event. Sent a survey home today about how we communicate.  Parents want to hear more from the classroom teachers.  Families sat with Ann and Jill and learned about groupings in an OG session and then in the classroom.  There was a social studies project based learning about communities. 
Family Association - 9 families came out. School scheduled another meeting in November and the FA will go under the 501c3 of the Federation. Bylaws were shared with families and Nov 25 is elections. We need the FA board member and the FA chooses after election. 


VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

A. Margolis made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
R. Kerr seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:38 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Timoney