Bridge Preparatory Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday September 18, 2019 at 7:00 PM


715 Ocean Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10301

Trustees Present

F. Santarpia, G. Winn, L. Gyimesi, L. Timoney, M. Casale, M. Langella, R. Kerr, V. Cerullo, W. Halle

Trustees Absent

A. Margolis, L. Tobacco

Guests Present

Raul Sepin, T. Castanza

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Timoney called a meeting of the board of trustees of Bridge Preparatory Charter School to order on Wednesday Sep 18, 2019 at 7:05 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Greetings & Welcome

Welcome to the school.  On September 5th school began, and we could exhale.  It took one year of structured work and two years from the application to get to this point and have students walk through the door. There are still ripples, but the school is where it should be at this moment.  Rose Kerr is at the school once a week to help with the triad model. There is a real buzz going around about the school. Thanks to the Board, we exist. 

Frank Santarpia will be the new Sgt. at Arms as Lou Tobacco will be resigning from the Board because of his new role as CEO & President of Monsignor Farrell H.S. 


Approve Minutes

M. Langella made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 07-10-19 Board Meeting on 07-10-19.
W. Halle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Executive Director's Update


Financial Reports

If you have any additional questions about the finance reports, please email Tim Castanza. Josh from BoostEd will be coming to the school on 9/26.  When the Finance Committee meets, we would like to have as close to the current budget completed by then from the actual standpoint.  DOE billing is 9/28 and there will be a larger billing at the end of October.  While we have 89 students, we will be billing for 86, and we chose which 86 to bill for. 


Enrollment & School Update

Enrollment is currently 89 students. 
School Update - all rooms are named after prominent dyslexics. Parents thank us because their children are smiling when they come home from school.  "Remember ideas become things."


Staff Hiring

We are fully staffed and have a fantastic team. We are a work in progress.  We know all the buses and the routes and the majority of students take the bus.  Walkers go outside to parents.  We have media requests from Fox 5 and Pix 11 to come to the school.  Pix 11 will be at the school on 9/26 @ 12 noon.  The board viewed a video on the school and saw students who are Bold, Bright & Unique. 


Walton Grant

We are being awarded $325K.  The school submitted items to be funded to Walton including items that were originally on the school budget.  Walton is innovative and we look forward to partnering with them. 


Ribbon Cutting Ceremony & NYSED Visit

Regent CEA was here on the first date of school.  She was very excited, took pictures and shared them with the entire Board of Regents.  She asked NYSED's David Frank to visit the school.  They are coming on 10/18 which is the same date Bridge Prep is hosting a campus-wide Dyslexia Awareness event and walk. Details to follow.

Ribbon Cutting - Scheduled for 10/4 from 9:30-11am.  We have a full guest list and the event will take place rain or shine.  There will also be refreshments and tours of the school. 

III. Executive Committee


Monthly Dashboard

The is very important.  The dashboard elements will give the board an overview of how the school is doing.  At the October Board meeting, we will have the dashboard.  The Executive Director will share elements with the board prior. 



BridgePrep is a registered trademark. The owners of the trademark would like us to enter into a licensing agreement to use the name.  We have nothing in writing yet.  We have reached out to our pro-bono attorneys for an IP expert. The owners are watching us, have screen shots and we need to address. Suggestions are BPCS, Bridge Preparatory Charter School or putting the logo between the words Bridge and Prep. All stationery says "Bridge Preparatory". 


Teacher Training Institute

A Teacher Training Institute is in our charter although details have not been determined.  We need to create a strategic plan for the institute including what it will look like, the structure, and how it is funded.  You can look at the charter to see the description, and we will investigate if we can use grant money. A committee will be formed and the Finance Committee will help determine how we pay for this. 

IV. Board Development & Governance


Board Recruitment

We will need to actively be recruiting for additional board members.  We will determine the skill sets needed and Board on Track will help us in this area. 


Board On Track

We have a proposal from Board on Track to continue with them for another year. We will be reviewing with them and bring to the October meeting potentially for a board vote. 

V. Finance Committee


Upcoming Finance Committee Meeting

We need to incorporate the actuals and the projections. We need to do some housekeeping in terms of financial governance and determine financial level needing board approval.  Importantly, we need to address investments, debt and other strategic conversations.  The Finance Committee will look at where we are and then we will all have a larger conversation about strategy.  How do we keep staff, grow in multiple counties as well as own, control and brand the model.  The Finance Committee should know were we are by October and then strategy will be the real driver. BoostEd may be able to help us as they have another school in the Teacher Retirement System.

VI. Academic Committee


Academic Committee Update

We have a school!

VII. Other Business


Board Updates

Witt Halle is moving to Florida to help his children run their respective businesses.  Witt noted Bridge Prep is a wonderful community model and a bright light on top of a hill.  
As mentioned earlier, Lou Tobacco is leaving the Board as well.  Lou is on the Executive Committee and we need a 5th trustee named to the committee.  The Executive Committee unanimously agreed and asked Victoria Cerullo to join the EC.  She accepted and is now a member of the Executive Committee. 

VIII. Public Comment


Comments from Raul Sepin

Raul is a teacher at Bridge Prep.  He shared the work is tough but great.  Students are smiling and learning.  Tim Castanza shared that Raul contributes beyond the academics at Bridge Prep.  He is involved with the Social Emotional Learning and the website.  He invited the board to come see Raul's class and the CTL public debate program he leads. 

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

W. Halle made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
V. Cerullo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:08 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Timoney