Bridge Preparatory Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday July 10, 2019 at 7:00 PM


715 Ocean Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10301 Building A, Room A-212

Trustees Present

F. Santarpia, G. Winn (remote), L. Gyimesi, L. Timoney, M. Casale, V. Cerullo, W. Halle

Trustees Absent

A. Margolis, L. Tobacco, M. Langella, R. Kerr

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Timoney called a meeting of the board of trustees of Bridge Preparatory Charter School to order on Wednesday Jul 10, 2019 at 7:12 PM.


Greetings & Welcome

Greetings from Vice Chair L. Gyimesi who recognized the the USA's women's soccer team and their win.


Record Attendance and Guests



We had 3 members whose terms expired. The Vice Chair nominated Laura Timoney, Maria Casale and Amy Margolis for a term of three years. 
L. Gyimesi made a motion to Nominate Laura Timoney, Amy Margolis and Maria Casale to three year term as trustees.
W. Halle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes

L. Gyimesi made a motion to approve minutes from the Monthly Board Meeting on 06-12-19 Monthly Board Meeting on 06-12-19.
W. Halle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Executive Committee


Mentor agreement

G. Winn reported we reached an agreement with the mentor to support and professionally develop our leadership team (ED, DTL, DSI).  We have the budget to do this through January 2020 to bring his mentorship to one full year.  We will decide in January whether to move forward but we have a proposal that outlines the scope of work and cost. 


Insurance Policies

We instructed ED to bind the insurance policies with Gallagher and the quotes came in under budget.



L. Gyimesi reached out to the person who wrote the letter to Bridge Prep regarding the trademarked name. They go by S.M.A.R.T Academy and not Bridge Prep and there was no address or working phone number. There was an email address and Laurel reached out but they have not been responsive.  They have BridgePrep trademarked as one word or possibly Bridgeprep Design. There is no attorney letter and they are located in Florida. You cannot trademark either Bridge or Prep as they are too common. The discussion was tabled until we hear from them. 

III. Academic Committee


Curriculum Update

We have secured all core subjects with HMH.  We have the Writing Revolution secured as well.  This is a pilot program for younger grades and we are registered for training with includes all materials. Art, Music and Specialty programming is as follows: Sundog Theater will provide the Budding Artists program 1x per week for both grades and came in at budge, a dance program which counts toward half fo the required PE, and a supplementary social studies program.  There will be two different music programs - choral music and instruments. The choral music program will tie into public speaking and empowering student voices lead by one of our teachers.  This will be done in collaboration with 12th grader students at Petrides who posses talent in music and have IEPs and will be one of our CTLs. Instrumental music will be teaching rhythm with recorders. PE will be taught 1 day per week.  We may share a PE teacher with  NYC Charter School for the Arts.  Our DTL is certified yoga teacher and will be training teachers in mindfulness and tied into executive functioning. We are encountering some programming issues with shared spaces at Petrides. We will not have access to the gym, auditorium and possibly the dance room.  We do have access to the Movement room and playground. There are continuing discussions regarding access to the shared space to be addressed by campus governance. Art will happen in our multipurpose space. The ED and DTL are mapping out the day with academics, specialties, recess and lunch. We have the multipurpose space we can utilize and sensory hallways. 
A suggestion was made by W. Hall to look into Reader's Theater for voice, drama and vocals.  ED mentioned the social worker and speech pathologist will be involved with that as well. 

IV. Finance Committee


Finance Committee Update

The audit results were shared with the finance committee and BoostEd.  The letter provided by Schall & Ashenfarb states the "offer letters of the employee contracts were approved by the board". It should state the board approved the ED and the school approved subsequent hires.  With that change, the letter can be signed by the ED and submitted to NYSED.

V. Board Development & Governance


Board meeting update

The 2019-2020 Board meeting calendars were given out with changes made based on school closures and holidays. 

VI. Board Votes


Student & Family Handbook

We had a discussion and there were minor changes made.  This will always be changing and it's a fluid document. We are compliant with state law that the only immunization exemption is a medical exemption. 
L. Timoney made a motion to approve the Student & Family Handbook, which encompasses the Discipline Code and the Safety Plan.
V. Cerullo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Code of Conduct and Student Discipline Policy

No vote needed as it was approved with the Student & Family Handbook


Safety Plan

No vote needed as it was approved with the Student & Family Handbook. Because we are on a co-located campus, we are part of the Petrides campus safety committee and help develop the safety plan. We are identifying the egresses and fire exits and will incorporate the DOE's fire drills, emergency drills, etc. and staff will be trained. 

VII. Executive Director's Update


Financial Reports

501c3 update - we passed the deadline and the IRS informed us they are back logged and need more time.  We don't have a number because it has not be assigned to a person yet. We applied for NYS tax ID.  When we put in large orders, our letter applying to the IRS will be sufficient for now. Vendors will not charge us tax, and we need to send our ID once approved by the IRS. 

Per Pupil Funding hit our bank account already so we can order large ticket items. We can bill the CSP a second time for reimbursable expenses at the end of July. 


Enrollment & School Update

We are fully enrolled and maintain a waitlist on both grades. We continue to receive applications. We will over offer and have a smaller class size in first grade. We have good diversity numbers 37% white, 33% African American, 25% Hispanic and 5% Asian with about 70% of students having IEPs. We have slightly more males than females. 


Staff Hiring

We are fully hired on all associate teachers, offer went out for our final lead teacher, hired social worker who is bilingual in Spanish and can provide counseling services, and we have two finalists for DSI role being interviewed. The SLP search is still underway.  We do have the Perfect Playground to provide services. 


Walton Grant

The grant was submitted and we are being moved to the final round. There will be a video conference interview July 16th with Walton team for a possible award of $323K.  Only stand-alone charters can be awarded this amount.  We are unsure what the possible disbursements might be or if smaller amounts could be awarded.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

M. Casale made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
W. Halle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Timoney