Bridge Preparatory Charter School

Board Meeting

Published on August 6, 2024 at 7:42 PM EDT

Date and Time

Thursday August 8, 2024 at 4:30 PM EDT


Bridge Preparatory Charter School

715 Ocean Terrace

Building A - Atrium (Main Floor)

Staten Island, NY 10301


328 Oakland Avenue

SI NY 10310


3700 Walnut Street, Suite 215

Philadelphia, PA 19104




      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Geena Kuriakose 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Meeting Chair 3 m
II. Consent Agenda 4:34 PM
  A. Approve Minutes from July 19 Special Meeting and Strategy Session Approve Minutes Geena Kuriakose 2 m
    Minutes for Special Board Meeting & Strategy Session on July 19, 2024  
  B. Adopt Revised Trustee Responsibilities and Commitment Agreement Vote Mark Harmon-Vaught

The trustee responsibilities and commitment agreement, a document all new trustees are asked to sign, has been updated with revised language and information reflecting board governance best practices and the current norms and expectations of the board.

III. Reports from Committees 4:36 PM
  A. Academic and Finance Progress Update Discuss Tim Castanza and Traci Frey 10 m
IV. New Business & Special Topics 4:46 PM
  A. Discuss Special Topics for Board Business Calendar, SY 2024-25 Discuss Mark Harmon-Vaught 15 m

As discussed at the July meeting, the co-chairs propose the adoption of a yearlong board calendar to govern the key topics of discussion, important votes, and other matters at each Board meeting throughout the year. Board Members are invited to propose topics for inclusion in the yearlong calendar, to be finalized with the Executive Director between the August and September meetings and formally adopted by the board at the September meeting.

  B. Approval of BoardOnTrack Annual Renewal Contract Vote Mark Harmon-Vaught & Nicole DeStefano 2 m
  C. Approval of BPCS District Safety Plan Vote Tim Castanza 5 m
  D. Approval of Staten Island Media Contract Vote Tim Castanza 5 m
  E. Proposal for Closet Buildout Vote Tim Castanza 5 m
V. Other Business 5:18 PM
  A. Update from the Family Association FYI Deidre Medina 5 m
  B. Public Comment FYI Geena Kuriakose 3 m
VI. Closing Items 5:26 PM
  A. Review of Action Items & Next Steps FYI Traci Frey & Mark Harmon-Vaught 2 m
  B. Adjourn Meeting Vote