Bridge Preparatory Charter School

Special Board Meeting & Strategy Session

Published on July 15, 2024 at 5:21 PM EDT
Amended on July 16, 2024 at 2:48 PM EDT

Date and Time

Friday July 19, 2024 at 4:00 PM EDT


Wagner College

Reynolds House Library

631 Howard Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10301

Hi all, 

Please review the minutes or notes from the last meeting and send any requests for edits to the secretary in writing 48 hours before the meeting so that we can make any necessary changes. 


Thank you,


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order  
  C. Welcome from the Co-Chairs   Traci Frey and Mark Harmon-Vaught 3 m
  D. Breaking the Ice Discuss Traci Frey 10 m
II. Business Meeting 4:14 PM
  A. Approve Minutes of June 11, 2024 Board Meeting Approve Minutes Geena Kuriakose 2 m
  B. Proposed Election of a Trustee: Amanda Wolkowitz Vote Mark Harmon-Vaught 2 m

(n.b., because of the change in trustee type, Amanda Wolkowitz requires a formal resolution and vote of the board to be made a regular trustee)

  C. Proposed Election of a New Trustee: Tara Gore Vote Mark Harmon-Vaught 2 m
  D. Proposed Election of a New Trustee: Deirdre Medina Vote Mark Harmon-Vaught 2 m
  E. Public Comment Geena Kuriakose 1 m
III. Strategy Session 4:23 PM
  A. Reorienting Ourselves to Our Work FYI Traci Frey & Mark 30 m
  B. Board Planning, SY 2024-25 Discuss 30 m
  C. Executive Director Updates FYI Tim Castanza 10 m
IV. Closing Items 5:33 PM
  A. Review of Action Items & Next Steps Discuss Mark Harmon-Vaught & Traci Frey 5 m
  B. Adjourn Meeting FYI Geena Kuriakose 1 m