Bridge Preparatory Charter School

Academic Committee Meeting

Published on February 7, 2022 at 9:58 PM EST
Amended on February 8, 2022 at 9:46 AM EST

Date and Time

Wednesday February 9, 2022 at 9:15 AM EST

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Section Number Topic Number Details
I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Review of January 19, 2022, Academic Committee Meeting



  • Staff vacancies in process of filling
  • January data, to be presented on February dashboard during AC and BOT meetings, will report mid-year OG and F&P data. Meetings being held with DTL and Jill Edwards to establish clearer criteria for OG, and more focused and tiered training for staff; grade/class analyses underway
  • CSE is now providing 1 day a week in-person counseling.  Previously reported service gaps by CSE mostly resolved
  • School staff and CSE continue to work on IEPs to reflect true testing accommodations for our students.  Progress has been made
  • Bloomberg grant- no application criteria available yet
  • School staff met with Pasek Consulting with very favorable results
  • Metrics for salary merit- based increments discussed: significantly based upon supervisory evaluations and will not commence until staff member returns in the fall term.  Criteria for professional, teacher-created portfolios discussed which can be used to inform teacher rating
II. Executive Director/ DTL Report
  A. Academic School Level and School Community Issues

1.  Testing administration

2.  February Dashboard: OG/F&P data

3.  Teacher retention 

4.  Merit-based criteria and metrics for staff increments

5.  Update with conversation with NYSED: David Frank

6.  Middle school readiness and articulation update

7.  Math curriculum update 


III. Other Business
  A. Discussion of Open/Other Items and Agenda for February Academic Committee Meeting
  • Status of Discipline Policy


IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting