Bridge Preparatory Charter School

Academic Committee Meeting

Published on December 4, 2021 at 1:05 PM EST

Date and Time

Wednesday December 8, 2021 at 9:15 AM EST
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Section Number Topic Number Details
I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Recap and Summary of Academic Committee Meeting: 11/10/21


  • All vacancies due to impact of COVID vaccine mandates on staff have been filled.  SETSS position still remains vacant.  Social Worker vacancies filled.  In addition, a 3rd social worker will be brought on board to concentrate on COVID-inducted trauma, behavior management, crisis counseling and SEL. 
  • DTL Hiring--still in progress, nearing completion.
  • After-school Academic Enrichment program has begun and will run November-May in two distinct sessions.  The program will incorporate NYS Test prep.
  • Busing- There are currently a few outliers yet to receive service.
  • CSE continues to fail to make provision for our SETSS instruction.  Bridge staff has had to provide direct service to our kids causing disruption to classroom coverage.  CSE has also had significant gaps in providing OT/PT services.  There has been some movement in PE, but OT still remains largely unsupported.  Mandated counseling is being offered remotely.  As a result, some families are opting out.  This has necessitated the school to pick up on a higher level of crisis counseling.  
  • November Dashboard presentation given with October MAP and F & P data.


    II. Executive Director Report



    • Data Overview:  What do the numbers tell us as to how are we doing on the road to reauthorization and fulfilling charter goals


    • Road to re-authorization.  Where are we now, and what is the timeline ahead 


    III. Other Business
      A. Discussion of Open/Other Items and Agenda for January Academic Committee Meeting
    • FYI- Steve Cucchia resigned from Academic Committee


    • Items for January Academic Committee Meeting
    IV. Closing Items
      A. Adjourn Meeting