Foxborough Regional Charter School


Finance & Facilities Committee

Date and Time

Tuesday February 20, 2024 at 8:00 AM

Meeting Format
Whether in person or online, the public is welcome to attend Board/Committee Meetings and have access to meeting minutes. Meetings are held once a month and additionally, as determined by the Board/Committee Chair. All meeting Agendas are posted on the school website at least 48 hours in advance of each public meeting.

During the meeting, the Board and its committees follow the published agenda. Gallery members are not part of the formal discussion or deliberations.  Those wishing to speak at a meeting are asked to follow our Privilege of the Floor Policy. To request to speak at a meeting, please complete the following google form before the start of the meeting.  

Committee Members Present

Badawi Dweik (remote), Karen Calvert, Lesly Michelot, Matthew Yezukevich (remote)

Committee Members Absent

Sergio Martin

Guests Present

Christine Barraford

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Matthew Yezukevich called a meeting of the Finance & Facilities Committee of Foxborough Regional Charter School to order on Tuesday Feb 20, 2024 at 8:03 AM.

II. Facilities


Elementary roof/HVAC System and High School gym roof/HVAC

Mr. Yezukevich summarized the presentation given by Mr. Tony Pina, OPM including the following highlights in order to make a recommendation to the Board of the most prudent options.

  • Replacement of elementary school roof.
  • Replacement of end-of-life penthouse HVAC system at $100K.
  • If done as part of entire project, have same team in place and they will be able to set the table this summer for the roof and envelope of penthouse structure; replacement of HVAC system in summer of 2025.
  • Replacement of high school HVAC system in the gym.

Discussion ensued of the pros and cons of the options including the following highlights:

  • Replacement of elementary school roof and penthouse containing HVAC system and not waiting sixteen to eighteen months wards off the danger of the cooling and air filtration system breaking down in the middle of the school year.
  • If not done at the same time, there is more potential for damage to the roof by other future contractors.
  • More pressing project is replacement of technology for students and staff.
  • While replacing the high school HVAC system would increase potential revenue for external organizations’ rental of the gym, there is no guarantee of reservations with demographics of decreasing number of children, etc.; Mr. Michelot has not heard back from prior renter Mass Premier as to guarantee of year-round rental.
  • Breakdown of high school and elementary school HVAC systems at $100K each.
  • Every day counts to approve elementary roof to get on track with completion by the end of August.
  • Decision can be made by the end of March for the high school gym as it will not be as disruptive to overall functioning of the building.
  • Design of high school gym can be done now for future completion possibly in FY2026; further delay makes design no longer valid and increased costs.



Matthew Yezukevich made a motion to recommend to the Board to move forward with change order for the penthouse/elementary roof HVAC unit replacement for Terva and Studio Umbra for soft/design costs up to $120K.
Karen Calvert seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Karen Calvert
Heidi Berkowitz
Matthew Yezukevich
Lesly Michelot
Kathleen Crawford
Sergio Martin
Badawi Dweik

Mr. Yezukevich asked Mr. Michelot to advise Mr. Pina of the FincCom’s recommendation to the Board, and if he has any major concerns with the recommendation to give his feedback. Otherwise, the recommendation will be presented to the Board at tomorrow’s meeting.

III. Other Business


Discussion of initiatives

Mr. Yezukevich summarized other issues including the following highlights:

  • Summary of scope of work entailed in the $320K capital plan reserved for technology updates for students/staff.
  • Summary of scope of work to engage outside firm to do a complete campus-wide assessments to capital planning purposes over the next five to ten years, inclusive of study of traffic flow, reutilization/repurposing of current space, etc.
  • Approval of enrollment and recommendations to state and impact to FRCS.


IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Karen Calvert made a motion to adjourn.
Badawi Dweik seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sergio Martin
Karen Calvert
Badawi Dweik
Lesly Michelot
Kathleen Crawford
Matthew Yezukevich
Heidi Berkowitz
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:29 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Christine Barraford
Documents used during the meeting