Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
November 2024 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday November 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Spring Creek Charter Academy Lunchroom
Directors Present
G. Flowers, J. Earp, L. Hixon, N. Johnson, R. Collins, R. Lane
Directors Absent
E. Austin, J. Sanders, K. Gilbert
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
Non Voting Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
Guests Present
L. Adkinson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
Approve Executive Session Minutes
Public Comment
II. Superintendent Report
Approval of ELA Instructional Materials for GaDOE - PCA/SCCA
As part of the new GA Early Literacy Act schools are required to adopt K-3 ELA
instructional materials from the "approved" list OR use a rubric to determine if the
materials they are using meet research-based practices. Curriculum Director, Kathy
Bantz, has used the rubric to assess our current materials and determined that they
do meet requirements. We have invested a lot of money and time into the current
curricular programs, and also believe continuity of instruction is key to continued
growth and achievement. Therefore, we would recommend that we continue to use
the following instructional materials for our K-3 Reading/English Language Arts:
• Knowledge-Based Reading Curriculum: Wit and Wisdom
• K-3 Phonics: From Phonics to Reading by Wiley Blevins
• K-1 Phonological/Phonemic Awareness: Heggerty Phonemic Awareness
At this time we need a formal vote from the Board approving our curriculum.
PCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
PCA is on track to meet Operational CPF with a score of 100. We will receive our monitoring results in January, this may affect our score.
SCCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
SCCA is on track to meet Operational CPF with a score of 100.
Enrollment Updates
PCA is still on target to have less than a 3% enrollment variance with a total of 576
students in grades K-12 and currently has 113 students on the waiting list.
SCCA is still on target to have less than a 3% enrollment variance with a total of 466
students in grades K-12 and currently has 127 students on the waiting list.
Open Enrollment is open for the 2025-2026 SY and marketing/outreach has begun.
III. CFO/Business Director Report
FY 2024 Audits
FY 24 audit is complete and has been submitted to the state. We have also received our single audit report. There were no findings at PCA or SCCA.
Pataula - FY 25 Amended Budget
This is the first presentation of the FY 25 Amended General Operating Budget for PCA.
Pataula - Public comment on the FY 25 Amended Budget
There was no public comments on PCA's amended budget.
SCCA - FY 25 Amended Budget
This is the first presentation of the FY 25 Amended General Operating Budget for SCCA.
SCCA - Public comment on the FY 25 Amended Budget
There was no public comment on SCCA's amended budget.
SCCA - Bus Driver Position
Enrollment numbers indicate the need for another bus route at SCCA. The Finance Committee has approved the addition of another full time bus driver position for SCCA. Cheryl is requesting full Board approval.
SCCA - Bus radios
The Finance Committee has approved the recommendation to Install Radios in the buses at SCCA. Using the same vendor as PCA, Mobile Communications, Jeremy will be able to contact buses from both schools using his equipment already in place. Safety Grant funds will be used to purchase the radios for $15,118.14. Cheryl is requesting full Board approval.
IV. Governance Committee Report
2024-2025 Board Goal
The Board set the 24/25 Board Goal of "creating a long-term sucession plan". Board
members serving on this ad hoc committee are Lindsey Hixon, Jennifer Sanders,
Jamie Earp, and Erica Austin. We need to set a meeting date for this. Kylie will contact Jennifer and Erica for their input - the meeting is tentatively set for January 27 2025 at 5:00 in lieu of the Finance Committee meeting.
V. Academic Committee Report
2023-2024 State Data Report and Fall 2024 MAP Growth Data
The Academic Excellence Committee met Oct. 28 to review the 2023-2024 State Data
that has been released pubicly so far, as well as Fall 2024 MAP Growth data:
- Spring 2024 Milestones
- 2023-2024 Graduation Rate
- Fall 2024 MAP Growth reports
Both schools showed growth. We will receive our CCRPI score mid-December. This will determine our status toward meeting charter goals.
There was no public comment.