Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
October 2023 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday October 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM
PCA Inc. Central Office Conference Room
Directors Present
G. Flowers, J. Sanders, K. Gilbert, L. Hixon, R. Collins, R. Lane, S. Confer
Directors Absent
E. Austin, R. Sapp
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
Non Voting Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
Guests Present
C. Boyd, L. Adkinson, T. Spooner
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
Approve Executive Session Minutes
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
II. Superintendent Report
Ga Charter School Replication and Expansion Cohort Program 2023-24
We were awarded this grant and work with Bellwether on strategic planning has already started with weekly Zoom meetings. The focus of strategic planning will be on SCCA and plans for growth and permanent facility. The hope to have an initial plan to present by December.
SCCA - GHSA Membership
Kylie is requesting a Board vote for SCCA to join GHSA and to adopt the GHSA Constitution and By-laws. PCA is a member school of GHSA. This will allow SCCA to compete in Region competitions and be eligible for Region/State Championship playoffs.
Enrollment Policy revision
PCA/SCCA Enrollment Policy needed to be updated to include Grady County in the attendance zone for Spring Creek.
Section 504 Manual Revison
The Section 504 Manual has been revised. Brandi Adams, SPED Director, and Casey Cleveland, PCA Assistant Principal, have extensive experience in MTSS and 504. They assisted Mrs. Holley with revisions to further align our policies with State Guidelines.
PCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
We are three months into the new year, PCA is on track to meet on Operational CPF with a score of 100. We have not received our monitoring letter yet.
SCCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
We are three months into the new year, SCCA is on track to meet on Operational CPF with a score of 100.
2023 Graduation Rates
Kylie shared 2023 Graduation Rates with the Board. PCA's 4 year Graduation Rate of 93.5 for 2023 exceeded the State's average and the local district's average.
School Based Health Center Initiative
Someone reached out to Kylie again regarding a School Based Health Center initiative at Calhoun County Schools. Kylie presented the sample surveys related to this grant initiative. Some board members expressed concerns about this program based on their experience with these initiatives in other counties.
III. CFO/Business Director Report
PCA - Contractor selection for the Gym/Field House Project
Selection of construction firm for the Auxiliary Gym and Field House at Pataula. CGM Construction returned the lowest bid of $2,175,000.00. The public bid sheet is posted on Pataula's website. There are concerns regarding Efficiency Margin scoring on the CPF Indicator. There is a projected Fund Balance of $4,917,655.00 at years end after this outlay.
PCA - Tractor expense approval
The Finance Committee is asking for approval to purchase a used tractor from AG South Equipment at a price of $27,000.
Pataula - Emergency HVAC Repair Expense
The Finance Committee is seeking approval for Emergency HVAC repairs at Pataula. Two compressors need to be changed out totaling $12,463,50 from RHC Heating and Cooling.
Pataula - FY 24 Amended General Operating Budget
This is the first presentation of the Amended FY 24 General Operating Budget for Pataula. The projected surplus has decreased from the Initial Budget by approximately $18,000. The Board will approve the Amended budget in November.
Pataula - public comment on budget
There was not public comment on the Amended FY 24 General Operating Budget for Pataula.
Pataula - Monthly Financial Reports
The monthly financials through August 2023 were reviewed. Pataula is on track to meet on CPF Financials.
SCCA - FY 24 Amended General Operating Budget
This was the first presentation of the Amended FY 24 General Operating Budget for Spring Creek. The projected surplus has increased from the Initial Budget by approximately $17,000. The Board will approve the Amended budget in November.
SCCA - Public Comment on Budget
There was no public comment on the Amended FY 24 General Operating Budget for Spring Creek.
SCCA - Monthly Financial Reports
The monthly financials through August 2023 were reviewed. Spring Creek is on track to meet on CPF Financials.
Pataula Football Facility Use Agreement
Andrew College President and Athletic Director approached Pataula with plans to begin a Collegiate Football program at Andrew. They would like to use our Football facilities for 2-3 home games next year. They are an insured school agency and allowed us the use of their facilities when we needed them. Cheryl notified the board that she would be moving forward with an agreement based on recommendations from insurance agent. However, this will not change the Board and School Administration's stance on not allowing use of the school's facilitiies to outside individuals or non-school affiliated organizations due to liability concerns.
IV. Governance Committee Report
New Member Recuitment Plan
Erin is working on a new Board member recruitment plan, which will include a recruitment informational packet and an informational session at each school. The packet was provided for Board review.
V. Academic Committee Report
September 11 Meeting Recap
The committee met on September 11 to review the attached Milestones, CCRPI and Map Growth Data, as well as school improvement plans.
VI. Ad Hoc Superintendent/CFO Evaluation Committee Report
Superintendent 2022-2023 Evaluation Report
The Ad Hoc Committee presented the Superintendent 2022-2023 Evaluation Report for Board approval. The evaluation rated all areas highly, and goals were set for the the 2023-2024 school year.
CFO 2023-2024 Evaluation Report
The Ad Hoc Committee presented the CFO 2022-2023 Evaluation Report for Board approval. The evaluation rated all areas highly, and goals were set for the the 2023-2024 school year.
The following changes were made to the Agenda:
II. H. School Based Health Center Initiative
III. J. Pataula Football Facility Use Agreement