Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
March 2023 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday March 20, 2023 at 6:00 PM
SCCA Lunchroom
Directors Present
E. Austin, E. Lenz, G. Flowers, J. Sanders, K. Gilbert, L. Hixon, R. Lane, R. Sapp
Directors Absent
R. Collins
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
Non Voting Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
Guests Present
H. Worsley, L. Adkinson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
Approve Executive Session Minutes
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Executive Session - Personnel
II. Superintendent Report
PCA 2023-2024 Teacher Hires
Kylie is recommending the hiring of Ramona Mulkey for a teaching position at PCA for the 2023-2024 school year.
PCA Para Hire
Kylie is recommending the hiring of Michelle Avera and Chloe Hubbard to fill open Paraprofessional positions at PCA for the remainder of the 2022-2023 school year.
SCCA 2023-2024 Teacher Hires
Kylie recommends hiring the following persons for certified teaching positions at SCCA for the 2023-2024 school year:
Perry Everson
Audrey Davis
Paula Baggett
Ashton Webb
Lynn Aldridge
Paula Smith
PCA - Add new positions
New enrollment numbers for next school year indicate the need for an additional Special Education paraprofessional position at PCA for the 2023-2024 school year. The substitute budget has doubled in the last two years and it is time consuming for administration to try to find subs for absent personnel. Admin is requesting the addition of a full time sub/Para position for the 2023-2024 school year.
PCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
PCA is on target to meet on Operational CPF with a predicted score of 96.
SCCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
SCCA is on target to meet on Operational CPF with a predicted score of 96.
Pataula 2021-2022 SCSC CPF
PCA met in all 3 areas of the SCSC Comprehensive Performance Framework.
SCCA 2021-2022 SCSC CPF
SCCA met in all 3 areas of the SCSC Comprehensive Performance Framework.
PCA Contract Release - Vote
Coach Daniel McFather has accepted a Head Football Coach position at Miller County for the 2023-2024 school year. He is requesting release from his 2022-2023 contract for Spring Football training at Miller County. His resignation will be effective April 10, 2023. Caleb McFather will also be accepting a position at Miller County for the 2023-2024 school year. He is requesting release from his 2023-2024 contract.
PCA Part Time Athletic Director position - Vote
Kylie is requesting the addition of a Districtlevel part-time Athletic Director position. This will help strenghten leadership and communication in our athletic programs and relieve a burden on administrators who need to spend the majority of their time focused on academics.
PCA Part-Time PE position to Full-Time - Vote
The resignation of Daniel McFather leaves an open part-time PE position as well as the open Head Football Coach position. Kylie is asking approval to make the Part-time PE position a Full-time position for the 2023-2024 school year if it is necessary.
III. CFO/Business Director Report
Pataula - FY 24 Initial General Operating Budget Presentation
This is the first presentation of the PCA FY 24 General Operating Budget. The Finance Committee reviewed each line item for errors/needed additions. These will be corrected before the Budget is presented for Approval at the April board meeting. All added positions are included in the budget and a surplus of $213,389 is projected.
Pataula -Public Comment on FY 24 Budget
There were no oral or written public comments regarding the PCA FY 24 General Operating Budget.
Spring Creek - FY 24 Initial General Operating Budget
This is the first presentation of the SCCA FY 24 General Operating Budget. The Finance Committee reviewed each line item for errors/needed additions. These will be corrected before the Budget is presented for Approval at the April board meeting. All added positions are included in the budget and a surplus of $286,000 is projected.
Spring Creek -Public Comment on FY 24 Budget
There were no oral or written public comments regarding the SCCA FY 24 General Operating Budget.
Spring Creek - Hiring recommendation for SNP Position
This item was tabled at this time.
Pataula - FY 24 Salary Increases
Several classified staff members have approached Administration regarding pay - bus drivers, paraprofessionals, etc. In order to retain staff members administration is seeking approval to increase salaries of certain PCA classified personnel. The Finance Committee has approved this request in the total amount of $138,482.00.
Spring Creek - FY 24 Salary Increases
Several classified staff members have approached Administration regarding pay - bus drivers, paraprofessionals, etc. In order to retain staff members administration is seeking approval to increase salaries of certain SCCA classified personnel. The Finance Committee has approved this request in the total amount of $64,759.00.
PCA INC - Credit Card Request
Both schools previously held credit lines with Amazon. Amazon dissolved these in January. The Finance Committee is requesting approval from the Board to open a credit card with Amazon for each school. Established credit card procedures will be followed and the card will be in the name of each principal. The Board will vote to approve a credit card for the District Office as well.
PCA INC - SNP Adult Meal Price Increase
Based on the results of our school nutrition Administrative Review, we are required to increase adult/staff meal prices and document that increase. SNP is requesting the Board approve the increase of $.50 per adult/staff meals. The new prices will be $3.00 for breakfast and $4.00 for lunch for both schools.
IV. Governance Committee Report
Board Retreat - Superintendent/CFO Evaluation Work Session
This session will be held on April 28, 2023 at 9:00 AM in the PCA, INC Central Office Board Room.
An NPR Reporter, Grant Blankenship, contacted Erin and Rochelle via email. He was requesting a response for a potential story regarding some charter schools' disproportion in enrollment racial make-up to community make-up and discipline incidents disproportion to racial enrollment. We will make a response to the reporter indicated what we have done and will continue to do to increase our enrollment diversity. Our minority population has increased by 18% since 2015. Our lower grades, which is mostly where we are able to grow enrollment, show more diversity than upper grades. We will continue to work on improving our markteting and outreach plan to continue the upward trend in diversity. Black students being disciplined at a higher rate than white students is a nation-wide issue. While discipline data collected indicates that PCA actually has a smaller disproportion in discipline than the local schools in the counties we serve, we understand that any disproportion is not acceptable. We will respond to the reporter the ways we have already attempted to decrease the disproportionatly (which has been working to close that gap). Further discussions of additional ways to address this disproportionality should be a part of our annual retreat.
FY23 Board Self-Assessment
Be sure to complete the self-assessment if you have not already done so. The report will be used for strategic planning and/or goal setting.
Kylie requested the following items be added to the Agenda:
II. I. PCA Contract Release - Vote
II. J. PCA, INC Part Time Athletic Director position - Vote
II. K. PCA Part Time PE position - Vote