Elgin Math & Science Academy
Board of Directors
Date and Time
Art Barn
1600 Dundee Avenue; Elgin, IL 60120
Our Mission:
The Elgin Math and Science Academy is an EL Education public charter school.
We strive to support the whole child and develop socially responsible leaders who aspire to create a better world.
Purpose | Presenter | Time | |||
I. | Opening Items | 5:45 PM | |||
Opening Items
A. | Record Attendance and Guests | Kaitlyn Coventry | 1 m | ||
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | Kerry Kelly | 1 m | ||
C. | Open Meetings Act Allowances | Vote | Kerry Kelly | 5 m | |
Vote to allow attendance by all board members remotely and to allow board members who qualify under Illinois law to vote and make/second motions. |
II. | Executive Session | 5:52 PM | |||
A. | Motion to Enter Executive Closed Session | Vote | Gary Swick | 1 m | |
B. | Executive Session | Discuss | 15 m | ||
The EMSA Board proposes a closed session to discuss specifically items enumerated below and in accordance with the Open Meetings Act which provides: (c) Exceptions. A public body may hold closed meetings to consider the following subjects:
C. | Motion to Exit Executive Closed Session | Vote | Gary Swick | 1 m | |
III. | Board Meeting | 6:09 PM | |||
A. | Public Comment | FYI | Gary Swick | 1 m | |
Public comment: The time for public comment will take place at the end of the meeting due to the online nature of our gathering. If anyone would like to participate, we ask that you comment with your first and last name, your comment/question and the best way for us to contact you (if you want feedback) in the comments bar provided on screen. We welcome this and consider it seriously, but we cannot respond immediately unless the President or meeting chair decides that an immediate response by the board is needed and can be made during public comment, s/he will refer it to the appropriate person for a brief response. Due to this virtual format, individual comments and questions submitted will be read into record at the end of the meeting. |
B. | Approve Minutes from May 23, 2023 Board Meeting | Approve Minutes | Kerry Kelly | 2 m | |
C. | Board Calendar Fiscal 2024 | Vote | Kerry Kelly | 5 m | |
D. | Adopt By-Law Changes | Vote | Kerry Kelly and Ron Manderschied | 10 m | |
E. | FOIA Report | FYI | Dan Alexander | 2 m | |
There have been no FOIA requests made since the May Board Meeting. |
IV. | Financial Report | 6:29 PM | |||
A. | Finance & Operations Committee Report: FY24 Budget Approval | Vote | Ron Manderschied, Dan Alexander, Douglas DeJong | 15 m | |
The draft Minutes of the June 20, 2023 Meeting of the Finance & Operations Committee are attached.
Attached is the final draft of the FY24 Budget, reflecting Board and Finance Committee feedback. |
B. | Financial Statements - May 31, 2023 | Discuss | Shanan Egger | 13 m | |
V. | Construction & General Operations Report | 6:57 PM | |||
A. | Update on Construction Progress | FYI | Dan Alexander | 5 m | |
Construction is on schedule for occupancy August 21, 2023, and on budget. Teachers should expect to have access to their classrooms/offices for setup on Monday August 14th.
Construction updates are being sent to staff and parents regularly.
Master Planning Committee will report on uses for the $100,000 in bond borrowings which the Board directed in December 2022 that it would reserve for use on special projects around the campus. Those funds are available to use for those purposes as they will not be needed for the Admin Project itself. |
B. | Update on General Operations | FYI | Dan Alexander | 6 m | |
ISBE and EMSA have finalized the first Charter Renewal for the next five-year term.
DCEO presented EMSA with a Grant Agreement for our $300,000 capital grant which we immediately signed and returned. We are waiting on the executed Grant Agreement.
ISBE audited EMSA in both federal/state grants from FY20-22, and the CACFP after-school food program for FY23. There were no findings for/about EMSA.
ISBE is about to approve Quest Food Management Services as EMSA's food vendor for SY23-24. Much more information will be presented to parents through EPTC and back-to-school events about next year's food program. EMSA's goal is to increase participation significantly while holding prices constant, and improving food quality, attractiveness, and nutrition within the limits set by the federal food programs.
VI. | Principal's Report | 7:08 PM | |||
A. | Principal's Report | FYI | Jacquelyn Willer | 10 m | |
VII. | EMSA Parent Teacher Crew Report | 7:18 PM | |||
A. | EMSA PTC Update | FYI | Sue Bennett & Bethea Lane | 5 m | |
VIII. | EMSA Committee Reports | 7:23 PM | |||
A. | Development and Community Outreach | FYI | Katie Taylor, Doree Haight & Kimberly Shaw | 10 m | |
B. | Master Planning Committee and Enviro Work Group Subcommittee | Vote | Kerry Kelly and Gary Swick | 10 m | |
Given the $100,000 portion of construction contingency was set aside by Board Resolution in December 2022 and is still available to be used on special projects, the Committee voted to recommend the Board approve the following expenditures:
1. Up to $30,000 to be used to create fifteen parking spaces by the existing roadway near the Silo, removing maple (but not walnut or oak) trees, with asphalt paving and removal of the existing tree-borne lighting for the Dorm pathway. 2. Up to $11,000 for rain garden extension in the area east of the Middle School driveway, and to the northeast of the Admin Building. 3. $23,800 for asphalt paving replacement near the I-25 entrance, as well as certain traffic safety improvements. 4. $6,290 for Neil Building door strengthening. 5. $2,500 for installation of signage to warn drivers that tresspassing is not allowed, and that the campus is under video surveillance.
Total recommended: $73,590. |
C. | Governance Committee | Vote | Melanie Gibbs and Ron Manderschied | 10 m | |
VOTES: 1. Board Nomination 2. Board Chair Appointments
D. | Academic Excellence Committee | FYI | Bethea Lane | 5 m | |
E. | School Leader Support and Evaluation Committee | FYI | Kerry Kelly | 2 m | |
IX. | Closing Items | 8:00 PM | |||
A. | New Business | Discuss | 5 m | ||
B. | Audience Comments and Questions | FYI | Doree Haight | 2 m | |
Audience Comments and Questions will be read into record at this time.
C. | Adjourn Meeting | Vote | Gary Swick | ||
If no Executive Session, adjourn meeting. |
X. | Adjourn Meeting |