Elgin Math & Science Academy

Master Planning Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday September 14, 2022 at 6:00 PM CDT




Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83909541907?pwd=VU04M3NxVW9FT01yRDFCY0NDTmpIUT09

Meeting ID: 839 0954 1907
Passcode: MS53jw



Section Number Topic Number Details
I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Master Planning Meeting on June 8, 2022
  D. Review/Approve Minutes from August Architect Meeting with Staff
II. Master Plan & Facilities Committee
  A. Wheeler Kearns Architects Presentation

Review plan revisions, ideas based upon feedback from August 30th Master Planning Committee Meeting and follow up meeting with Principal, COO.  See attached design options.


WKA to provide any initial feedback from the civil engineers.

  B. Review of Administration Building Schedule

Review of Administration Building development schedule with milestone dates for:


  • selection of pre-construction contractor.  WKA and Dan would recommend they spend time to evaluate the proposals and provide a recommendation to the Committee/Board.     
  • finalization of plans for permit, bidding.  October 14th is the date for release of drawings for competitive bidding by three general contractors.
  • bidding of construction.  November 4th is the date for submission of proposals from three general contractors
  • Go/No-Go decision on Admin Building.  End of November Board Meeting.  

Board may consider, instead of Administration Building, authorizing a leased mobile classroom building.  Dan is preparing an cost budget for this option, using an actual proposal from one or more vendors in this business, and utilizing WKA to understand the site preparation work to be done in such a case.  

III. Other Business
  A. Other Design Costs for consideration

Can Committee authorize the $6,600 savings against authorized capital spending to be applied against the cost of the Gates installed on campus near the Middle School?  This will help to protect the Repair budget, which is under strain.  


Additional MEP engineering services connected with re-design of mechanical spaces in former Garage of Admin Building. WKA to explain and provide cost information updates in Meeting.  

  B. Environmental Subcommittee Report

Environmental subcommittee voted to approve the $9,400 cost for additional civil engineering services, through WKA.



September 26th tree-planting event.  Chris Flaherty is coordinating outreach to organizations who potentially would want to help with tree planting, on that day.  Report on Chris' plans for preparing 20 holes for trees prior to event day.    



  C. Update on Kindergarten Outdoor Classroom, 4th Grade Sound Installation
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting