Lighthouse Community Public Schools


Lighthouse Community Public Schools as Sole Member of Lighthouse Facilities, LLC Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 4, 2023 at 7:30 PM


444 Hegenberger 

Oakland, CA 94621

  • In Person: 444 Hegenberger Oakland, CA 94621
  • In Person: 4153 Fruitvale Ave Oakland, CA 94602

Directors Present

A. Moore, B. Wall, E. Figueroa, K. Kean (remote), K. Williams, M. Milner, R. Torney

Directors Absent

A. Drumwright, A. Ocegueda, J. Hinton, M. Barnes-Dholakia

Guests Present

A. Martin, Jennifer Afdahl Rice (remote), K. Liljeberg, Keivan Abidi (remote), M. Bacigalupi, R. Harrison

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Williams called a meeting of the board of directors of Lighthouse Community Public Schools to order on Wednesday Oct 4, 2023 at 7:09 PM.


Record Attendance


Open Forum, Public Comment on Agenda or Non-Agenda Items, and Introductions

Hearing none and seeing no members of the public, public comment was closed.

II. Discussion and Approval Items:


Facilities and Capital Expenditure Plan Update

Anna Martin, Chief Operating Officer, introduced members Jennifer Afdahl Rice and Keivan Abidi and their connection to the projects for Lighthouse Facilities. Anna then gave background to the proposals for the scope of work to occur at LCPS campuses. Anna discussed the reason for the recommendation for the approval to authorize the proposed contract.


The board asked questions to the project managers, Jennifer Afdahl Rice and Keivan Abidi, about their process, pricing, and response from contractors. Jennifer and Keivan responded that they feel comfortable with the teams selected to complete the projects and went into detail on how costs were determined. 


Approval to Authorize CEO to negotiate and execute the final contract

R. Torney made a motion to award the contract for the Lighthouse-Lodestar Tenant Improvements Project to Bjork/LCA in the amount of $2.8 including contingencies, and authorize Rich Harrison, CEO, to negotiate and execute the final contract. COO will return to the LLC Board on Dec. 6, 2023 to ratify the executed contract between Lighthouse and Bjork/LCA.
B. Wall seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Barnes-Dholakia
B. Wall
E. Figueroa
A. Drumwright
K. Kean
A. Ocegueda
A. Moore
J. Hinton
R. Torney
M. Milner
K. Williams

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Williams