Lighthouse Community Public Schools

LCPS Board of Directors - Regular Meeting (December 1st, 2021)

Published on November 23, 2021 at 3:05 PM PST
Amended on December 1, 2021 at 5:53 PM PST

Date and Time

Wednesday December 1, 2021 at 6:00 PM PST




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I. Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Land Acknowledgement
Honor Native Land - we are on Ohlone land and want to acknowledge native peoples and our ancestors this evening.
  C. Record Attendance
  D. Board findings pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(e)
The LCPS Board of Directors determines, in accordance with Government Code Section 54953(e)(1)(B), that meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(e)(3), the Board has also reconsidered the circumstances of the State of Emergency declared by the Governor on March 4, 2020, and finds the State of Emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the Directors to meet safely in person and/or that State or local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing.
  E. Open Forum and Introductions
No individual presentation on agendized or non-agendized items shall be for no more than three (3) minutes and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes.  Speakers requesting translations will have six (6) minutes to present.  


The Board will hear public comments, and Identify next steps as needed.
II. Closed Session
  A. Anticipated Litigation: Gov't Code 54596.9(d)(2)
III. Board Training
  A. Annual Board Training: Brown Act and Conflict of Interest
Jerry Simmons, Partner at Young Minney & Corr, LLP will be conducting a Brown Act and Conflict of Interest Training for our Board of Directors.  
IV. Opening Items (Continued)
  A. Committee Report Outs and Announcements
  • Finance Committee report from Wednesday November 17, 2021 meeting
  • Academics and Accountability Committee report from November 18, 2021 meeting
  • Governance Committee report from November 19, 2021 meeting
V. Consent Items
  A. Approve Minutes: October 22, 2020
LCPS received a notice of concern from OUSD which alleged that LCPS failed to comply with AB 361 (2021) and the Ralph M. Brown Act when conducting recent teleconference meetings of the LCPS Board of Directors.  While LCPS and our legal counsel reached a different conclusion about our implementation of the Brown Act regulations, LCPS was not in technical compliance as we did not have a board finding related to COVID-19 and teleconference / zoom meetings per AB361.  Hence, out of an abundance of caution, LCPS legal counsel recommends re-approving our actions on from the October 22 special board meeting and approving the minutes in our consent agenda. 
    Minutes for October Special Board Meeting on October 22, 2021
  B. Approve Minutes: October 6, 2021
LCPS received a notice of concern from OUSD which alleged that LCPS failed to comply with AB 361 (2021) and the Ralph M. Brown Act when conducting recent teleconference meetings of the LCPS Board of Directors.  While LCPS and our legal counsel reached a different conclusion about our implementation of the Brown Act regulations, LCPS was not in technical compliance as we did not have a board finding related to COVID-19 and teleconference / zoom meetings per AB361.  Hence, out of an abundance of caution, LCPS legal counsel recommends re-approving all actions and minutes from our October 6 board meeting in our consent agenda. 
  C. Financial Statement Packet
Recommended Action: The Finance Committee has reviewed these materials and recommends approval of the Finance Committee packet as part of the Consent Agenda



VI. Discussion and Approval Items
  A. LCPS Organizational Priorities, OKRs, and Academic Update
  • Organization Priorities and OKR Dashboard:
  • Academic Update:
  B. LCPS COVID-19 Health and Safety Updates
Update on  OUSD's student vaccination (12+) policy and LCPS's next steps:


For reference:
OUSD Charter School FAQ:


  C. Finance - 2021 Approval of First Interim Reports
Please refer to the finance presentation and packet (pdf in Consent section)

Recommended Action: The Finance Committee has reviewed these materials and recommends approval of the 2021 First Interim Reports for 
  • Lighthouse K-8
  • Lighthouse HS
  • Lodestar K-12
Note: Our charter authorizer, OUSD, requires board approval of First Interim Reports.   
  D. Finance - 2022-23 Budget Planning Overview
Please refer to the finance presentation and packet (pdf in Consent section)
  E. Material Revisions for Lighthouse HS
Recommendation: CEO and Governance Committee recommends approval of the material revisions for Lighthouse HS.  This revision has been reviewed by our legal counsel:
  • Unhoused Preference in admission lottery.  This material revision will align admission lottery criteria and the unhoused preference that was OUSD Board approved December, 2020.  
The Material Revision of Lighthouse HS Charter Petition can be found on pages 4-6 of this document:


  F. Material Revision for Lodestar K-12 Charter
Recommendation: CEO and Governance Committee recommends approval of the material revisions for Lodestar K-12.  This revision has been reviewed by our legal counsel:
  • Increase in Enrollment:  This material revision will increase the max enrollment at full build out from 816 to 855 (adding 39 students).  This will align the enrollment model at both Lighthouse and Lodestar over a two year time period, as Lodestar currently serves K to 10th grade.  
  • Special Education and admission lottery procedures.  This material revision will prioritize total program enrollment for students eligible for LCPS's proposed behavior health program (students eligible for the LCPS Behavioral Health Program must be eligible for Special Education under Emotional Disturbance or Other Health Impairment due to Mental Health needs) and hybrid inclusion program (Students eligible for the LCPS Hybrid Inclusion Program must have an assessed moderate or severe cognitive disability.)   
The LCPS Special Education Proposal for the 22-23 SY is accessible here:


The Material Revision of Lodestar Charter Petition can be found on pages 3-6 of this document:


VII. Board Policies and Resolutions for the 2021-22 School Year
  A. LCPS Transportation Safety Plan and Policy
Recommendation:  CEO and Governance Committee recommends approval of the LCPS Transportation Safety Plan and Policy.  This is a required policy for charter schools, and has been thoroughly reviewed by our legal counsel.    


The Draft Policy is accessible here:
  B. LCPS Tobacco Free School Policy
Recommendation:  CEO and Governance Committee recommends approval of the LCPS Tobacco Free School Policy.  This is a required policy for charter schools, and has been thoroughly reviewed by our legal counsel.  


The Draft Policy is available here:


  C. LCPS Student Freedom of Speech and Expression Policy
Recommendation:  CEO and Governance Committee recommends approval of the LCPS Student Freedom of Speech and Expression Policy.  This is a required policy for charter schools, and has been thoroughly reviewed by our legal counsel.    

The Draft Policy is accessible here:
  D. LCPS Visitor / Volunteer Policy
Recommendation:  CEO and Governance Committee recommends approval of the updates to the LCPS Visitor / Volunteer Policy (originally adopted on June 12, 2019).  This is a required policy for charter schools, and updates have has been thoroughly reviewed by our legal counsel.    

The redline version of this policy is accessible here:
  E. Resolution for Wells Fargo Brokerage Account
Recommendation:  CEO and Governance Committee recommends approval of the Wells Fargo Non-Corporate Resolution for Lighthouse Community Public Schools.  

Context:  Lighthouse Community Public Schools has a brokerage account so that funders cold have the option to donate stocks and bonds to our organization.  This resolution is required to provide Rich Harrison, CEO and Linda Wu, Senior Director of Finance, access to LCPS's brokerage account.  

VIII. Closed Session
  A. Anticipated Litigation: Gov't Code 54596.9(d)(2)
  B. Public Employee - CEO mid-year evaluation
IX. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting
Next Meeting:
  • Special Board Meeting TBD in January to approve annual Audit
  • Regular Board Meeting on 2/2 from 6pm to 8pm at Lighthouse