Lighthouse Community Public Schools

LCPS Board of Directors Meeting

Published on June 9, 2021 at 5:24 PM PDT

Date and Time

Wednesday June 9, 2021 at 6:00 PM PDT


Virtual meeting until further notice
Meeting ID: 843 2260 5337
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      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Kimi Kean 5 m
  B. Land Acknowledgement   Rich Harrison 1 m
Honor Native Land - we are on Ohlone land and want to acknowledge native peoples and our ancestors this evening.
  C. Record Attendance   Brandon Paige 2 m
  D. Open Forum and Introductions   Kimi Kean 10 m
Hear/Record public comments, Identify next steps as needed
  E. Committee Report Outs and Announcements Discuss Various 10 m
  • AAC - Committee report from May 27, 2021 meeting
  • Governance - Committee report from May 28, 2021 meeting
  • Finance - Committee report from June 3, 2021 meeting
  • Talent - Committee report from June 7, 2021 meeting with Edgility
II. Consent Items 6:28 PM
  A. Approve Minutes: May 19, 2020 Approve Minutes Brandon Paige 2 m
    Minutes for May Special Board Meeting on May 19, 2021  
  B. Financial Statement Packet Vote Brandon Paige
Recommended Action: The Finance Committee has reviewed these materials and recommends approval of the Finance Committee packet as part of the Consent Agenda


Note that the attachments for Action Items later on the agenda have been pulled from the Packet, and included separately for each of those items.  


  C. EPA Resolution Vote Brandon Paige 1 m
See Finance Committee Packet for proposed resolution.
  D. Resolution: Retirement Plan Trustees Vote Brandon Paige 2 m
III. Discussion and Approval Items 6:33 PM
  A. End of Year - LCPS Organizational Priorities, OKR, and Academic Update Discuss Shannon Wheatley 20 m
  • Review current/end of year OKRs for 2020-21 School Year 
  • Academic Update:
    • State Testing Update - ELPAC and CAASPP
    • Summer School
Discussion Questions:  
1) Pandemic learnings - as we come back to in person learning in August, what have we learned?  what we are taking away from this past year's experience?  What are the team's reflection and analysis?
  B. Edgility HR/Talent Analysis and Next for LCPS Discuss Anna Martin 15 m
  • This spring, Edgility has conducted focus groups, interviews, and surveys and has been working with our LCPS team to determine short and long term actions to improve our HR and Talent practices.  
  C. Introduction to New Chief Academic Officer and Chief of Staff Discuss Rich Harrison 20 m
  • Tina Hernandez - CAO, promoted from Lighthouse K-8 Principal
  • Robbie Torney - CoS, promoted from Lodestar K-5
  D. Local Control Accountability Plans for 2021-2024 Vote Rich Harrison 20 m
  E. Budget: 2021-22 and MYP Vote Brandon Paige 20 m
See Finance Committee Packet for Budget Information.  
Staff will also provide additional background regarding the LCPS Budget based on Committee recommendations.  
  F. Oakland and California Advocacy Update Discuss Kimi Kean 10 m
  • Update on status of AB 1316
  • Update on CA Dashboard and impact on future charter renewals
  • Update on potential Independent Study legislation for the 21-22 SY
IV. Closing Items 8:18 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Kimi Kean 5 m
Note: Next steps on 2021-22 Board Calendar:
  • Dates for Board Retreat (July / August)
  • Regular Board Meeting dates (August - June; conflicts with OUSD board meeting calendar)
  • Committee Meeting dates and cadence