Liberation Academy
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday September 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Directors Present
K. Scott (remote), L. Brown (remote), M. Mehta (remote), R. Nobles (remote), W. Hunter (remote)
Directors Absent
C. Clark
Guests Present
B. King (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Approved minutes from Board retreat and Board Meeting for 08/13/2024
II. Executive Director's Report
Liberation Academy Updates
SY24-25 Enrollment
Current enrollment is below minimum requirement at 136 working to get families in through our lead contractor. Families are currently being scheduled to begin enrollment documentation. Hopeful that we will be able to meet FTE count in November. Current enrollment is above the number projected and reported to the SCSC which will have positive indicator on the budget.
MAP Scores
Students engaged in MAP testing which provided preliminary data for teachers to measure improvement against for SY24-25. Teachers will work collaboratively during Power Hour to implement interventions across the curriculum.
III. Policy Adoption
Board Governance
Brown requested that current Bylaws add a provision that calls for new members to wait a period of time prior to assuming an officer role; Board agreed to consider such and add verbiage to Bylaws prior to its adoption. This will be added under the condition that a clause is mentioned to address an insufficient number of Board Members to carry out officer responsibilities.
Discussion of Strategic Plan Goals
Strategic Plan final goals were reviewed for discussion; no discussion points were raised. Assignment of goal owners will be handled asynchronously.
IV. Finance
EdTec Presentation
Financial report is attached.
V. Executive Session
Executive Session
No executive session was held as quorum was not maintained.
VI. Closing Items
Public Comment
No public comments submitted.
Adjourn Meeting
- Meeting Notes - LA Board Retreat Fall 2024.docx
- 2024_08_13_board_meeting_minutes.pdf
- Bylaws_LIBERATION_08242024 - Google Docs.pdf
- LiberationAcademy_ Strategic Plan .docx - Google Docs.pdf
- Liberation - FY25 - July 2024 Financials - 240905.xlsm
- Liberation - FY25 - July 2024 Financial Update - 240905.pdf
Flag Football will have games on each Saturday (schedule to be sent out to Board members)
Students celebrated first incentive for positive behavior with Bruisters Ice Cream truck via a sponsor.