Liberation Academy
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday February 13, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Directors Present
C. Clark (remote), N. Long (remote), R. Nobles (remote), R. Oglesby (remote), W. Hunter (remote)
Directors Absent
K. Scott, M. Mehta
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
N. Long
Guests Present
B. King (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
C. Clark called a meeting of the board of directors of Liberation Academy to order on Tuesday Feb 13, 2024 at 6:03 PM.
Approve Minutes
C. Clark made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 01-09-24.
R. Oglesby seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Governance
Fiscal and Operations Monitoring
- Out of compliance with some policies and need to resubmit
- Had 12-13 findings, most year one schools average 15-18 findings
- New policies that need to be updated will need to be approved by the board before March
- We need to add some language
- An example is additional language for the conflict of interest for the board
III. Executive Director Report
Enrollment Update
- Current enrollment: 75
- New enrollment: 2
- Withdrawal: 2 (Transportation)
- Able to provide a car service to 5 families right now.
Academic and School Culture Reports
N. Long arrived.
- Top infractions
- Fights/physical infractions: 1
- Other: 2 (horseplay)
- Interventions
- Restorative circles
- Heightened monitoring in the hallway and cafeteria
- Increased incentives for good behavior
Focus for February
- Problem-based learning
- Vocabulary
- Data tracking
IV. Development
Funding Opportunities
- New grant
- Received 2 grants
- RedefinED - $67K being mailed, should get by the end of the month
- Charter School Growth Fund - $40K, expected mid March
- Started application for 2-3 additional grants
- Received 2 grants
- Double Good Fundraiser starts next week
V. Facility
Facility Update
- Potential sites
- Will be at capacity next year at the current site
- Site on the border of Clayton County and Fulton
- Would be a purchase
- It works with the projected growth
- Would relocate '25-'26 school year
- Former medical facility
- Would need renovation
- Purchase price with facility and land (about 2 acres) is $2.6M, renovation estimated at $2.5M
- Currently bank owned and has been vacant for a while
- Would need to go under contract in March or April
VI. Finance Committee
Budget Review-January
VII. Other Business
Public Comment
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:04 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
R. Oglesby
Documents used during the meeting
- Liberation - FY24 - December 2023 Board Report - 240202.xlsm
- Liberation - FY24 - December 2023 Financial Update - 240202.pdf