Palisades Charter High School
Special Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday January 21, 2025 at 5:00 PM
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.
Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.
Trustees Present
Amir Ebtehadj (remote), Andrew Paris (remote), Jessica Recinos (remote), Maggie Nance (remote), Martha Monahan (remote), Minh Ha Ngo (remote), Nicholas Albonico (remote), Roger Crystal (remote), Sara Margiotta (remote)
Trustees Absent
Kiumars Arzani, Kristina Irwin
Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened
Nicholas Albonico
Ex Officio Members Present
Dr. Pam Magee (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
Dr. Pam Magee (remote)
Guests Present
Charlie Speiser (remote), Jeff Roepel (remote), Joseph Lin (remote), Karen Cox (remote), Rafael Negroe (remote), Tyler Farrell (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance and Guests
II. Approval of the PCHS Board Policy and Resolution Course-Based Independent Studies
PCHS Board Policy and Resolution Course-Based Independent Studies
Legal counsel Lisa Corr presented on independent studies policy and J13 Certification requirements. Corr outlined two existing programs: traditional independent study and course-based independent study, recommending the latter as more suitable for PCHS given current circumstances. Course-based independent study requires credentialed subject matter teachers and streamlines administrative processes while maintaining educational rigor equivalent to in-person instruction.
The policy maintains flexibility in synchronous learning requirements, with a minimum of once weekly meetings, allowing departments discretion in scheduling additional synchronous sessions. Student participation will be monitored through educational work and assessment completion and synchronous attendance.
The Board approved modifications to Section 8 of the PCHS Board Course Based IS Policy, extending the assignment period from five to forty school days and adding a 20% threshold for assigned educational work and assessments.
The policy is designed to complement potential future transitions to part-time in-person learning.
Roll Call | |
Amir Ebtehadj |
Maggie Nance |
Nicholas Albonico |
Martha Monahan |
Kiumars Arzani |
Roger Crystal |
Minh Ha Ngo |
Andrew Paris |
Sara Margiotta |
Jessica Recinos |
Kristina Irwin |
Public Comment (One minute allotted per speaker)
General public comment occurred at 6:05.
Liz Tyler: Concern was expressed in regards to attendance being recorded without any educational progress being tracked or recorded. Additionally seeks more consideration for students from varying learning levels and backgrounds, IEP, A.P, SpEd.
Kenda: Is there a target date to the school returning on campus instruction?
Hilla Nourmand: If independent study takes place, would it be limited to the work assigned in synchronous teaching? Will there be opportunities for students to meet with their teachers outside of class? How about if students miss class due to moving, lack of access to devices?
Cat Benner: A class like AP Pre-Calculus not taught at Pali, will they be able to move around the requirement? Her daughter's teacher lost her home and has not received communication from them yet, how will they proceed?
Paula Anderson: Very satisfied to be on Zoom with her students today, from chatting with them, she would like the board to consider the hybrid platform even if the school returns to in-person learning at the temporary location.
Monica Gonzalez: Her son was concerned about the WiFi situation that she has, is seeking some advice on how to support him better.
Gosia Ashby: Lives in Topanga and son wanted to make swim class in Santa Monica, had to drive two hours to make the practice as well as the Zoom class. Would like hybrid learning to be considered.
Nikki K.: Concerned about where AP testing will be taking place, i.e AP World History on May 8th. Would like to know where the testing will be hosted.
Shawn: If a student goes temporarily to another school, will "once a Dolphin, always a Dolphin" be honored. Believes current students should take precedence over new students.
Online Form Submitted Responses
Anonymous: Me nor my husband currently have a car and my daughter so if school decides for a temporary location I don’t know how I would get my daughter there because I pay for the school bus every month. And I also paid it this month and i’m not sure if i’m going to get that money back. Me and my husband work 2 jobs so we can give our kids a decent life and just throwing that money away for the bus and not seeing that money back is very hard on us and especially in this economy.
Anonymous: Is transportation also being considered during campus relocation? PCHS is our resident-assigned school and we live in Topanga. Will PCHS consider a pick-up point along PCH, Palisades or Santa Monica to transport students still living on this side?
Also, I'm hearing Santa Monica High School is taking PCHS students? I know PCHS doesn't want to lose students, but families need correct information. Are other districts (ie SMMUSD, Las Virgenes) waiving residency requirements to help PCHS students?
Like many other families, we want to stay at Pali, but we have to consider what's best for our family. Without PCHS-provided transportation, we need to attend a high school that is closer to us. A campus that is much farther than Santa Monica, is not going to work.
Thank you.
Anonymous: I want to know if there is any information on summer school for those who are missing credits from first semester 2024.
Anonymous: Regarding virtual academy. I’ve heard it is full. Is there any discussion around opening that up to more students given the circumstances. Also is it an option to relax the requirements to take a minimum of 4 classes.
Anonymous: Please make sure you're addressing the needs for practice and competition for ALL the sports teams, not just the marquis ones.
Also, there are rumors going around about how many students have actually left Pali already. It would be great to get this information from an official source.
Kat Yeatman: Hi thank you to everyone who is ensuring continued quality education. We are so grateful for every person who is involved.
My questions are: what was our attendance today? How many students have we lost?
Can kids stay online if they choose when our temporary location begins?
Thank you
Hilla Nourmand: If a student enrolls at another school in order to do in person learning, would they be able to to re-enroll at Pali, if a permanent physical location is secured in 4-6 weeks ?
Lisa Morrison: Are you extending the school year? Will Pali continue to receive funding if student participates via Zoom? If we find a temporary location for half the students and staff, can they have a split schedule? In person and remote learning?
Anonymous: When do you think you will have an idea of when a location will be found?
If a student enrolls at another school will they be able to re-register at Pali mid semester if an in- person location is established?
III. Facility and Temporary Relocation Planning Updates
Facility and Temporary Relocation Planning Updates
EDP Magee acknowledged community support during the crisis, specifically thanking state partners, Governor's office, First Partner, Mayor Karen Bass and her team, including Larry Frank who is assisting with temporary location efforts. EDP Magee recognized the impact on relocated families and pledged continued support. Appreciation was expressed to LAUSD, LACOE, District Four Board Member Nick Melvoin, Senior Adviser Allison Holdorff-Polhill, and Pali faculty and staff for ensuring smooth transition to remote instruction.
Director of Operations Rafael Negroe reported the fire remains approximately 60% contained within an active zone. He outlined a three-pronged operational approach: normalizing operations, supporting academics, and securing temporary facilities. The recovery process follows a four-step cycle: assessment, clean-up, return, and rebuild. Transportation refunds were confirmed as available upon request.
CBO Joe Lin provided an update on the ongoing temporary site search process. Ms. Nance emphasized student preference for in-person learning and referenced LAUSD Board Member Melvoin's commitment to resume in-person instruction within four to six weeks, requesting a clear timeline for this transition.
IV. New Business / Announcements
Announcements / New Business
Regular scheduled board meeting will take place next Tuesday, January 28th at 5pm on Zoom.
Maggie Nance will be chairing the meeting as Sara Margiotta does not have the bandwidth to run the meeting.