Palisades Charter High School
Special Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday January 14, 2025 at 5:00 PM
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Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.
Trustees Present
Amir Ebtehadj (remote), Jessica Recinos (remote), Kiumars Arzani (remote), Kristina Irwin (remote), Maggie Nance (remote), Martha Monahan (remote), Minh Ha Ngo (remote), Nicholas Albonico (remote), Roger Crystal (remote), Sara Margiotta (remote)
Trustees Absent
Andrew Paris
Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened
Kiumars Arzani, Kristina Irwin
Ex Officio Members Present
Dr. Pam Magee (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
Dr. Pam Magee (remote)
Guests Present
Charlie Speiser (remote), Jeff Roepel (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance and Guests
Public Comment (One minute allotted per speaker)
Joumana Saba: Thank you to the Board of Trustees for the much needed support at this difficult time. My heart goes out to everyone in the Palisades community and to all those who have lost their homes and livelihoods. My heart goes out especially to the Pali school community and our students. At this incredibly challenging time, I urge the Board to think creatively in how we can maintain a hybrid model in the immediate future. While finding a temporary physical location is ideal, the logistics of finding space that will accommodate all students can prove to be a challenge. Additionally, many of the Pali families are currently displaced and will need to also consider access and transportation logistics for any physical space. A consideration of a hybrid (virtual and in-person) model might be more tenable. Additionally, for Seniors and Juniors these are critical times as they navigate their transition to higher education and will need the ability to maintain their academic focus, while also being in community, especially as they go through the grief of losing homes and circle of friends. Our young people are resilient and I have no doubt that the Pali community will rise and strive again.
Lara Magnusen: I have a student who has no login info or a laptop. When will tech be available to assist? I say this knowing tech and everyone is overwhelmed so I completely understand the delay - I simply have a panicked teen at home feeling very disconnected. Thank you everyone!
Joseph Richardson: Spoke earlier on public comment. FB Group is called Palisades Fire Meeting Place. (Chat was closed on meeting so couldn't leave it there).
II. State of Emergency Declaration
Formal Declaration for the School
Ms. Nance inquired about the end date on this declaration, it is as needed.
The ten days are within the EDPs privilege to close the school.
Roll Call | |
Jessica Recinos |
Amir Ebtehadj |
Kristina Irwin |
Andrew Paris |
Sara Margiotta |
Kiumars Arzani |
Martha Monahan |
Minh Ha Ngo |
Nicholas Albonico |
Maggie Nance |
Roger Crystal |
Maggie Nance moves to make this item a voting item.
III. Strategic Planning
Discussion of Immediate Next Steps and Action Items
Initial assessments indicate the campus bungalows sustained damage, while Buildings A and classroom buildings, Gym, Mercer Hall, and Gilbert Hall remain intact. Multiple safety inspections are required before campus reentry. Support from various government officials has been secured to expedite the inspection process. Damage assessment for FEMA funding and grants is underway. Administration is prioritizing keeping the student body and staff unified during the transition, with a timeline for return to in-person instruction forthcoming.
IV. Facilities Status Update
Facilities Status Update
Director of Operations Rafael Negroe reminded that the campus remains an active disaster zone with safety as the principal focus. Environmental teams are assessing chemical hazards and cleanup requirements, coordinating with 20 agencies on safety protocols, cleanup operations, and water source safety. Recent insurance documentation confirms damage concentrated in the rear campus area, with legacy "alphabet" buildings largely preserved. Comprehensive cleaning and safety inspections will precede any campus return. Administration continues temporary facility search with state-level support.
Director of Academic Achievement Diana Kim outlined professional development resources for staff and confirmed continuation of EVEN/ODD schedule structure with synchronous Zoom classes for attendance. ParentSquare remains the primary communication platform. Teachers are adapting lesson plans for online delivery, with built-in flexibility during asynchronous periods and office hours. Plans for potential satellite location tutoring services are under consideration. NWEA testing has been temporarily suspended.
Director of Admissions, Attendance and Accountability Tyler Farrell announced the 2025-2026 lottery date is being rescheduled, with new date forthcoming. Families opting to transfer students are requested to notify the attendance office via email.
Director of Special Education Dr. Ian Sayer reported secured SELPA (Special Education Local Planning Association) support and confirmed IEP emergency provisions are in place to accommodate current changes. The special education team is prepared to resume student services.
Director of Counseling Chad Greendale reported second semester schedule change requests will be communicated via ParentSquare links. Mental health counseling is available via Zoom from 1:30-3pm daily. All senior activities including Prom, Senior Night, and graduation are to proceed as planned. The College Center continues supporting seniors with college communications regarding school status.
Director Athletics, Discipline and Student Activities Adam Licea updated regarding the student survey data:
2,520 students responded, roughly 86% of families.
1,027 students responded they have been directly affected.
177 students have had their meal access affected.
150 students do not have access to any device.
Athletics has received much support from teams, other schools, donors and facilities for student athletes to still maintain their competitions. ASB has been working hard to figuring out how to bring students together, a picnic, or other outing to bring students together.
ASB President Charlie Speiser reported that the ASB is working to plan different events to bring students together, sports games, in-person and via Zoom. A lot happening in the future but a lot in the now.
Director Jeff Roepel announced procurement of several hundred replacement devices for impacted students. T-Mobile provided six-month hotspot wifi access, and Lenovo pledged device donations for teachers. Technology needs assessment and distribution survey forthcoming via Parent Square.
Executive Director and Principal Dr. Pam Magee reminded that the parent community is still active and thriving through parent activities including the Booster Club (their upcoming spring fundraiser), the PTSA and other groups are organizing.
Director of Human Resources Dr. Martha Monahan reported 11 teachers lost homes and 14 are displaced. Staff gathering held at Beverly Hills USD with strong attendance both in-person and virtually. Administration working with union leadership on extended absence provisions and support measures for affected employees.
CBO Joseph Lin emphasized resource allocation for rebuilding efforts. Highlighted Give Butter donations platform and continued review of site recommendations and support offers.
Maggie Nance expressed concern about balancing toxic hazard mitigation with timely campus return, affirming her commitment to keeping students at Pali. She emphasized the importance of community resilience and rebuilding together through this challenging period.
Kiumars Arzani commended administrative leadership's swift response and reported on LAUSD's efforts to secure state funding for recovery. He proposed implementing 10-20 modular buildings on campus and noted LA City Counilmember Adrin Nazarian's work on supportive city resolutions. He encouraged discussion of enhanced community partnerships during recovery and PaliHigh becoming a community hub for the rebuild effort.
Sara Margiotta expressed appreciation for EDP Magee's rapid response in preserving campus resources and structures.
V. Executive Director's Report
Presentation of Survey Results and Analysis
Updates on Planned Field Trips and Conferences
No new approvals at this time, however, school trips and conferences will continue and take place as scheduled.
Dylan Iamarre: Expressed their feelings, they have created a fundraiser and are hear to listen and support.
Negeen Ben-Cohen: Son is a freshman at Pali, she is a real estate attorney. She is here to express her support and help in seeking a temporary location. Herself and her staff are willing to support in the regulation and funding aspects.
Ryan Saul: Son Tyler is a senior at Pali, sent an email out to the recovery email, suggesting that Fox or Culver Studios, SamoHi, Beverly or other spaces. Inquiring how parents can help.
Joseph Richardson: Alum from 1989, has created a Facebook page to help support the school. Looking forward to help and organize the alums.
Christopher Coleman: Created alongside Joseph, Palisades Fire Meet. Both he and Joseph were in ASB at Pali, and they are now working to bring together alums and be here for the school.
Ary Naim: Pali parent, son is a 10th grader on the football team. He started a petition with to get people on site. Former JPLer and the Altadena Fire also hits home. Wants to offer his assistance going forward in regards to emergency prep and infrastructure. Wants to make sure this does not happen again.
Pete Stevens: Been only here one semester, online is fine with his family. Prefers this over having students at many different schools.
Jacqueline McIntyre: Several questions: Where would AP testing locations be now? If students left the school this semester and live outside the zone, would they be able to return in the fall? How does this affect the end of the year timing, will the end be pushed back? They know several other families that have relocated their children to other schools.
Angela Telles: Currently in Scottsdale, looking to relocate their children to Pali this fall? How can they help from Scottsdale, they have a freshman and junior coming in. Are there plans for the school to open in the new year?
Niloo Farhadian: Parent of a senior and an 8th grader at Revere, what can they expect from the new year? Many parents are seeking private or alternative options as enrollment deadlines are looming for those schools. Is there any possibility that students will return to campus?
Archie's parent: Really hoping to not change schools? Wondering if there could be any official photographs of the campus to be published? What still exists and what is damaged?
Kristin Dattilo: Mother of 11th grader, trying to figure out trying to help. There are many students who want to help the community, wondering if there could be some sort of Zoom to get the student body activate to help rebuild.
Bahareh Leviadin: Really want an update, they do not want to go anywhere else. Could we please get a timeline about this semester and next school year.
Charlie Guillen: Member of Santa Monica-Palisades Masonic Lodge, wanted to support the students and school to help with physical space donations or monetary support.
Virgine Drouot: Wondering if colleges will be aware of the impact of the fire on student performance and grades, especially if online.
Ashly Stohl: Pali grad 1989, son is in 10th grade. There are kids leaving, and knows that the finances and the funding is dependent on the attendance. Concerned of teachers leaving because of the funding issue. Does not want to lose any teachers. Give all teachers raises.
Cahill Family: Lisa, mom of Michael a junior, given the ongoing issues with online learning as well as specific issues with technology and online grading issues. Wants to know what steps are being taken? Wants to know of an estimated deadline for the temporary location.
Gerard Bocaccio: Parent of Scarlett, 11th grader, fourth child at Pali. On the website, hopes that the website can be utilized as a tool to bring people together.
Bob Kapoor: Has a junior, works in a REIT, would be helpful if he can get timelines and information for funds and their usage. Wants to get more information, phases, so that they can help acquire funds.
Emily Ames: Ballpark estimate how long online learning will last?
Hilla Nourmand: 9th grader and does not want to leave the school, how many hours a day will online learning consist of? If any sports will be implemented in any way? If students are registering at other schools, will they be able to re-enroll when Pali opens?
Cat Benner: Pali grad class of 1993, mother of freshman and junior. For those kids who are taking AP classes, she is concerned about the continuity of learning? Are teachers committed to continuing instruction via Zoom? Especially concerned
Nicole Toobin: For those who had their Pali High issued devices burned in the fire, what steps will be taken to reconnect those students with devices for online learning.
Stephanie Moore: Teaches at PaliHigh, she wants to make sure students are doing well and maintain rigor but also be cognizant of the current situation.
Anonymous: How do you plan on making the surrounding area safe enough for Pali students to return this semester? With all the surrounding area burnt down how fast are cleanup crews going to be working ?
Jenna Ringer: I’m a senior at pali high and I am desperately wondering about things like graduation, prom, Ap exams/classes, and other senior events. I love this school so much, I’m devastated.
Anonymous: If many people’s homes and belongings were damaged or lost during the Palisades fire, how will they have access to start the school spring semester online? Some that are trying to find their way around such a disastrous event are unable to have access to a device, let alone having to worry about school starting in less than 10 days.
Anonymous: How are students going to get to school if there house burnt down. How are students going to be in school if the whole town around them is burnt to the ground doesn’t make sense.
Anonymous: It is incredibly difficult for families to drive their students to another campus (if Pali relocates temporarily). Every student that attends Pali does so with a way to get to school and a way to get home. Some students who live hours away from the campus might have to drive even more just to get to school. Pali should be hybrid, students who live nearby a temporary location can attend in person, the rest will be online. Paul Revere followed this structure at one point during Covid. I, and many of my friends with children attending Pali, are fully prepared to un-enroll our children out of Pali if the school moves. Pali will lose a lot of families.
Anonymous: Pali has been my home forever. I hope we can figure out a way to keep my friends at this school and provide a space where we can still feel a sense of community.
Anonymous: I love this school and I know everyone else does all I wish for is us to come back In person this semester and to have football in the summer along with a winning season let’s make it happen Pali!!!
Riley Donner: As the captain of the lacrosse team, it would be a dream to be able to run out onto the Pali field one more time. Hopefully this could be a senior night or championship situation if able to make happen.
Anonymous: I am a senior at Pali, and I wanted to share my experience and concerns about the current situation with our campus. During online school, I struggled immensely. I dealt with depression and suicidal thoughts, and I felt like I couldn’t function, mentally and academically. Returning to campus was a critical part of my recovery and being able to succeed in school again. My F’s became straight A’s when I came back to campus. Being able to interact with my friends in person has been my lifeline during some of the hardest moments in my life. Their support and presence have carried me through when nothing else could, and right now, I need that more than ever.
Now, with the damage to the school, I feel like that progress is slipping away. If only some of the buildings are gone, why can’t we clear the debris and set up temporary structures to replace the lost classrooms? There’s space in the quad and around campus to erect these structures quickly. They can go up in matters of days.
I know there are logistical challenges, but as a senior, I need to be on my campus—our campus. It’s where I feel connected and where I want to finish my time at Pali. I’m asking the Board to please prioritize this solution so that we can all get back to the place we belong as soon as possible. Thank you so much, and I hope that everyone on the board is doing well and is safe. Thank you for your work and your support!