Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 19, 2024 at 5:00 PM


Gilbert Hall, Palisades Charter High School
15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

Trustees Present

Andrew Paris, David Pickard IV, Karen Ellis, Maggie Nance, Rustin Kharrazi, Saken Sherkhanov, Sara Margiotta, Tyler Farrell

Trustees Absent

Kiumars Arzani, Kristina Irwin, Melissa Schilling, Robert Rene

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Guests Present

Jeff Roepel, Martha Monahan

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Sara Margiotta called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Mar 19, 2024 at 6:06 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

ANONYMOUS: It is verified fact that a student had links to extremist terrorist groups on his TikTok page as recently as this summer when a Pali parent became aware, screenshot it and brought it to the schools attention. Pali did nothing about this issue. WHAT MEASURES CAN BE TAKEN TO ENSURE THAT ACTS OF VIOLENCE AND TERRORISM CANNOT BE ENACTED AT YHE SCHOOL? Is there a policy to address this type of dangerous proliferation of hate and violence?


Faculty Member: I would like to speak on behalf of the teachers, the majority of whom voted to approve ending fall semester on December 20th. We have discussed this as a faculty and decided that it is the best interest of instruction to have the traditional three weeks after Thanksgiving to finish out the semester. After a week off it would be too disruptive to learning to go right into quiet week and then have finals. There is a reason why we are separate from LAUSD. They sometimes make bad decisions. We need to do wha's best for our students not what is best for alignment with Paul Revere's calendar.


Emily Loughran: In an era when school shootings have become a sad fact of life why does Pali refuse to do random back pack searches or make selective use of metal detecting wands—- reasonable measures that I believe would make students and parents feel safer?


Anonymous: As a proud pali high patent I would like to submit a concern over the safety of pali high students and staff from violent, threatening and mentally unhinged children coming to school. 

I appreciate our beautiful campus and the wonderful atmosphere that appears to circulate the school. 

However last year and again this year we have children on campus who are known to be violent in and out of school, last year the freshman was removed after being expelled from a private school and coming to Pali to commit the same offenses. This year we have another freshman who appears to be a “known” offender free to walk in and around the school. 

Please can you make your safety policies known to the school body, it is not clear to me as a parent what your policies are. 

With appreciation and gratitude for all that you do.


Anonymous: As a member of a parents what’s app group at the school I have noticed a lot of conversations about children taking classes online outside of school due to the absence of teachers, teachers not able to address all students needs in class or the teacher not being challenging enough. Our student is currently taking a science class outside of Pali. I thought we were in a minority but it seems otherwise. Is this an issue being looked into by the school?


ANONYMOUS: Reports from multiple students state that bullying of fellow classmates and teachers continues because the security guards are friends with the popular kids who get sent out. "Bad (behavior) kids fist bump with security guards and just hang out and talk with them instead of being brought to the dean's office." Students feel bad for the teachers who are repeatedly harassed by students who do not actually suffer consequences. Students are bullied to let others cheat off of them, share homework. It is difficult for students to learn in these environments.


Anonymous: Apparently a student has been expelled from the school. This is a positive first step to weed out the violence that has been happening both on campus and in the neighborhood. What is the school prepared to do to make sure that this group does not continue to terrorize the kids and elderly that have been affected. Some of the kids are still enrolled at Pali High. They have continued to beat up kids and elderly because there have been zero consequences. As a parent on the forefront of the school we need your help to put and end to this before it turns tragic. The school has been made aware and so has the LAPD about the seriousness of this group and the weapons they carry and the acts of violence committed.


Marge and Bob Gold: We are long residents of the community, having been here since 1977. We are also senior citizens who are 84 and 90. We no longer feel safe going into town during the hours after school is out. We understand that the school both pictures and videos showing the outrageous behavior of juveniles on the streets in our community. How can we be assured that the school is addressing this behavior and taking steps that are appropriate.


Anonymous: Certain students and others in this group have photos of themselves with guns, videos of him beating people up, his instagram was stra8 terrorism, his instagram handle says he aligns with hasassin. All violations of the pp code of conduct . Is the school monitoring? And what are consequences?


Lauren Armisted: It is now clear that you are very aware of this issue. I cannot believe you have kept this child in school. I don't even have a kid that goes to this school and I know people that are victimized. He is terrorizing the community and I really wonder if that the reason this has been pushed under the rug is because it will affect your charter status.


C. Bademer: I want to clarify that there are many of us that have first hand information and now we know that these are not isolated incidents, but that this is some egregious and consistent behavior. My child has not been involved in this at all, but a lot my information comes from LAPD SMPD., photographs and videos, social media and this is just the tip of the iceberg. I asked about random backpack checks and they said there had to be probably cause and it had to come from LAPD. What actions can people take to defend themselves.


Annie Madok: I just want to say as a member of the community I would like to ask Pali to please let us know as community members what we can do to assist in dealing with this problem. Obviously it doesn't just happen within the walls of Pali. Students go out into the community and have witnessed shoplifting myself. What can we do stop help? I have spoken to other schools in the community and I would suggest getting the heads of discipline together so they can be more of a resource for these boys and the community. We have great educators that are not teachers, but are counselors and authors that have offered these services for their families.


Chris Baffa: I say what I'm going to say with a very heavy heart. I understand protocol and I understand rules and their need. I also understand that they can sometimes get in the way of doing what is right. You knew what you were coming to today and the response that you have given them is reprehensible. It is not time to throw the handbook at us. This is a new situation that requires new thinking. We need leadership. I have had conversations with the officer and we need leadership now. When can you talk about it? What meeting can we talk about this and nothing has been addressed. We are all leaving here more frustrated than when we arrived. I want to know what you are going to do.


Leslie Williams: I echo his statement and we are all here because we haven't gotten any information from the school. The school has not given any information in a timely manner. We would feel safer and calmer if we were informed.


Joe Ramirez: I am from the American Legion and I want to say that I know you guys are in a tough spot. It has gotten to a point where frustration is at an all-time high. We are here for assistance and we have recently installed cameras. I was party to the most recent instance and I was surprised that these kids are that bold. I bring this up because you are on notice now and we are doing our best to be polite. I bring this up because if someone gets injured and there is an investigation there will be questions as to what was known.


Chaz Plager: I may have some insight as to what is happening with student violence. This may sound unorthodox, but I believe that a lot of the violence is an indirect result of a lack of space. When you go to the village it feels like an upscale place not meant for students. I think creating places for teens to hang out that are market for teens would reduce this lashing out and give teens a place to be. Also, please do not do random backpack searches. Teens do not respond well to this kind of pressure.


Approve Minutes

Karen Ellis made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 02-20-24.
Tyler Farrell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Melissa Schilling
Tyler Farrell
Rustin Kharrazi
Robert Rene
Karen Ellis
Saken Sherkhanov
Sara Margiotta
David Pickard IV
Kiumars Arzani
Kristina Irwin
Andrew Paris
Maggie Nance

II. Organizational Reports


Student Report

Rustin Kharrazi:

- This is election week and our ASB President is running unopposed. Many others also running.

- This week is Spirit Week, we will also have on after Spring Break.

- Pep Rally on Friday

- Leadership Show coming out on Friday

- Student Survey going out soon



Parent Report

Saken Sherkhanov: 

- There are concerns about the violence in the community.

- There are also concerns about the academic calendar being different than LAUSDs calendar.


Represented Classified Staff Report

Andy Paris: Nothing to report at this time.


Unrepresented Classified Staff Report

Karen Ellis: Nothing to report at this time.


Faculty Report

David Pickard IV, Tyler Farrell, Maggie Nance: The report stands as submitted.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

Dr. Martha Monahan: 

- I am proud to present to you our new Director of Operations, which you will be voting on later this evening.

- We have also updated the Administrative Director, Academic Achievement job description, which can be found in the board materials.

Sara Margiotta made a motion to approve the Employment Contract for the Director of Operations.
Saken Sherkhanov seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sara Margiotta
Kiumars Arzani
Rustin Kharrazi
David Pickard IV
Melissa Schilling
Robert Rene
Saken Sherkhanov
Maggie Nance
Karen Ellis
Tyler Farrell
Andrew Paris
Kristina Irwin

Karen Ellis voices support and indicated she would vote yes on this matter.


Director of Operations Report

The report stands as submitted.


Admin. Safety and Security Team

Brooke King: 

- We just received notice that the application we submitted to FEMA for reimbursement of COVID funds has been approved, which is about $68,000 for the school.

- We have a fire drill tomorrow.

- I also want to talk about the school safety plan and many of the questions from today can be answered in our safety plan.


Director of Development Report

The report stands as submitted.


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

Juan Pablo Herrera: The report stands as submitted.

-  The 2nd Interim Financial report will be presented later tonight.

- Thank you to the tech team for helping with the Phone-a-thon, $9,500 was raised.

- Transportation program for '24-'25 is now open and students can now apply for scholarships. There are some tech difficulties, so we are working on that and will extend the deadline.


Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report

Dr. Pam Magee: The report stands as submitted.

- We have had ongoing meetings with our affinity groups and still have more to go to develop a strategic plan to develop our programs to support students on campus.

- Ethnic Studies is under development and the committee visited El Rancho High School and will meet again in early April.

- We will have more information going out to parents after this meeting regarding school safety and security.

III. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Academic Accountability Committee Update

Tyler Farrell: The report stands as submitted.

- Pali Period task force is wrapping up their report and is wondering if there is any specifics that the board wants included for their final version.


Budget & Finance Committee Update

Sara Margiotta: 

- 2023-24 Second Interim Financial Report

- 2024-25 Food Service Management Company Contract Extension

- 2023-24 Consolidated Application (CARS)


Election Committee Update

David Pickard IV: 

- Election is happening now, voting closes on Friday (3/22) at 3 p.m.

IV. Academic Excellence


Proposed 2024-2025 School Calendar

Tyler Farrell shared the Academic Accountability Committee discussion on the proposed 2024-2025 school calendar.


Saken Sherkhanov: Many parents have issue with the fact that the schedule is different than LAUSD schools.

David Pickard IV made a motion to approve the 2024-2025 school calendar.
Maggie Nance seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andrew Paris
Maggie Nance
Tyler Farrell
David Pickard IV
Rustin Kharrazi
Robert Rene
Melissa Schilling
Karen Ellis
Saken Sherkhanov
Kristina Irwin
Sara Margiotta
Kiumars Arzani

V. Finance


2023-24 Second Interim Financial Report

Juan Pablo Herrera presented the 2023-24 Second Interim Financial Report, which can be found in the board materials.

Sara Margiotta made a motion to approve the 2023-24 Second Interim Financial Report as submitted.
Maggie Nance seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
David Pickard IV
Kristina Irwin
Melissa Schilling
Maggie Nance
Rustin Kharrazi
Sara Margiotta
Karen Ellis
Saken Sherkhanov
Robert Rene
Kiumars Arzani
Andrew Paris
Tyler Farrell


2024-25 Food Service Management Company Contract Extension

Juan Pablo Herrera presented the 2024-25 Food Service Management Company Contract Extension, which can be found in the board materials.

Andrew Paris made a motion to approve Agreement # 2023001, Extension #2 - naming Chartwells as the Food Service Management Company (FSMC) for 2024-2025.
Karen Ellis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sara Margiotta
Kiumars Arzani
Tyler Farrell
Kristina Irwin
Karen Ellis
Andrew Paris
Melissa Schilling
Saken Sherkhanov
Robert Rene
David Pickard IV
Rustin Kharrazi
Maggie Nance


2023-24 Consolidated Application (CARS)

Juan Pablo Herrera presented the 2023-24 Consolidated Application (CARS), which can be found in the board materials.

Sara Margiotta made a motion to approve the 2023-2024 CARS Application.
Karen Ellis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Melissa Schilling
Kristina Irwin
Robert Rene
Andrew Paris
Kiumars Arzani
Maggie Nance
Karen Ellis
Saken Sherkhanov
Tyler Farrell
David Pickard IV
Sara Margiotta
Rustin Kharrazi


2022-23 Actuarial Valuation

Juan Pablo Herrera presented the 2022-23 Actuarial Valuation, which can be found in the board materials.

Sara Margiotta made a motion to approve the 2022-23 Actuarial Valuation as presented.
Andrew Paris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andrew Paris
Sara Margiotta
Kristina Irwin
David Pickard IV
Saken Sherkhanov
Melissa Schilling
Tyler Farrell
Maggie Nance
Robert Rene
Kiumars Arzani
Rustin Kharrazi
Karen Ellis


2023-24 Audit Engagement Letter

Agenda item tabled until next month.

VI. Consent Agenda: Finance Items


School Organized Conferences/Trips

Maggie Nance made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Andrew Paris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Robert Rene
David Pickard IV
Rustin Kharrazi
Karen Ellis
Maggie Nance
Kristina Irwin
Tyler Farrell
Sara Margiotta
Saken Sherkhanov
Melissa Schilling
Kiumars Arzani
Andrew Paris

VII. New Business / Announcements


Announcements / New Business

Date of the next regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.


Announce items for closed session, if any.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:44 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
David Pickard IV
Documents used during the meeting
  • Faculty Board Report 03_19_2024.pdf
  • HR Board Report 03_19_2024.pdf
  • Administrative Director Curriculum and Instruction.pdf
  • Operations Board Report 03_19_2024.pdf
  • CBO Board Report 03_19_2024.pdf
  • EDP Board Report 03_19_2024.pdf
  • AAC Meeting Minutes 02_29_2024.pdf
  • AAC Board Report 03_19_2024.pdf
  • Budget Com Meeting Minutes 03_11_2024.pdf
  • Election Committee Meeting Minutes 03_13_2024.pdf
  • 2024-25 Proposed Calendar.pdf
  • 2023-24 Second Interin Report - Workook & SACS.pdf
  • FSMC 2024-25 Contract - Board Materials.pdf
  • 2023-24 CARS App - Spring Release.pdf
  • 2023 ASC 715-60 Report - Palisades Charter High School (draft).pdf
  • School Organized Trips.pdf