Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 18, 2022 at 5:00 PM


Gilbert Hall, Palisades Charter High School 

15777 Bowdoin Street Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

Trustees Present

Andrew Paris, Avi Massaband, David Pickard IV, Karen Ellis, Maggie Nance, Melissa Schilling (remote), Monica Batts-King, Peter Garff, Robert Rene, Saken Sherkhanov, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent

Lisa Saxon

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Guests Present

Jeff Roepel, Martha Monahan

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Sara Margiotta called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Oct 18, 2022 at 5:02 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

John Rauschuber: (Read during School Emergency Operations Plan section) Does PCHS have a clear and adaptable plan for which enforcement agency is responsible for decision making if multiple agencies show to an emergency in progress at PCHS--as all agencies may have some claim to jurisdiction? This is an important lesson to be learned from Uvalde. Thanks.


Approve Minutes

Robert Rene made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 09-20-22.
Maggie Nance seconded the motion.

Sara Margiotta: Just a quick update regarding PermaCity and the solar paneling discussion. The board will approve the project only if it is financially feasible.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
David Pickard IV
Avi Massaband
Melissa Schilling
Robert Rene
Saken Sherkhanov
Lisa Saxon
Peter Garff
Monica Batts-King
Maggie Nance
Karen Ellis
Sara Margiotta
Andrew Paris

II. Organizational Reports


Student Report

Peter Garff: The Pep Rally is on Friday and the Homecoming Dance is sold out for Saturday 10/22. Spirit week is this week and well underway. A lot of excitement on campus as we continue to build school spirit and the student body is very excited for upcoming events.


Parent Report

Saken Sherkhanov: Concerns from parents about documents on website about tours for prospective parents. Parents and students are also overwhelmed with college applications and the ratio of college counselors to students. These seniors did not have a lot of the normal activities throughout COVID-19 and the College Center is not meeting the needs of the students that are currently applying to college. Seems like there needs to be more support for students about college applications and advising.


Karen Ellis: Students did not complete a lot of what was requested to be completed over the summer. We have met with every senior that has come in and they can sign up for workshops to assist in the process. We are there, but students are not communicating about what they need.


Robert Rene: This is an important issue and the math does not add up. There are staff in the college center, but more students that need assistance than are receiving help. We should talk about how to expand the resources and expectations for students.


Sara Margiotta: We need to be data driven and specific about the issues to address the problem.


Karen Ellis: I work with a lot of parents and we had a PTSA meeting recently where parents learned about Naviance and many parents that are having issues can look at this recording. 763 seniors that need assistance. We are providing much support to these seniors. Webinars are happening, so there are resources out there to suffice for us being a large public school. Parents must access that information to seek the help they need. Students also need to be accountable and responsible.


Sara Margiotta: Mike Rawson is working on a grant to support students who have fewer resources to work through the college process.


Saken Sherkhanov: Would hiring more college counselors help the situation?


Karen Ellis: It would help, but I feel we are being efficient with what we have right now.


Robert Rene: It is a stressful process and there is an expectation for the school to provide a private college counseling service and we can connect families to the resources they need.


Sara Margiotta: We can work with the survey committee to gather information and explore next steps to address this issue. 


Monica Batts-King: How do handicapped parents attending the games receive accommodations? Maybe a section that is reserved for handicapped individuals.


Brian Banducci: It is a valid point and we are working towards helping the issue. There will be no loitering or concessions allowed in that area and we will ensure decreased traffic in the handicapped area.


Monica Batts-King: Are the visitors allowed to go to the food trucks?


Brian Banducci: No, visitors will not be allowed to the Home side of the stadium.


Monica Batts-King: Are there wrist-bands to identify who should be on what side of the stadium?


Brian Banducci: There is only 1 entrance and they are checked on entry. All other gates are locked and the security team will be assigned to appropriate locations to ensure safety.


Peter Garff: Visitors would not be able to enter through the parking lot, they are only allowed on their side of the stadium.


Classified Staff Report

Nothing to report.


Faculty Report

Maggie Nance: Substitute pool is low and teachers are still being asked to cover class periods. Planning time is crucial. We might think about raising the pay for substitutes teachers. 


Bell schedule has been a concern. Pali Period was brought in on Wednesdays to help with intervention and students are still not able to choose where they want to go, which was not the original intent of this time. Attendance policy is a concern because of the habitually late kids that are coming in late and are not being marked late in the system. The schedule changes in the middle of the semester should be happening sooner.


Teachers are worried that absences from COVID-19 will come out of their personal sick time and the CA COVID-19 policies have not changed. Teachers are concerned about having to use their sick leave against their will and the faculty believes that people will not report their positive COVID-19 tests and show up to work anyway.


Points of Pride: Fuerza Unida had a wonderful and successful retreat. Social Science department has been working on the new Ethnic Studies course for next year. A lot of the kids are concerned about how their GPA is calculated. Something informational to explain GPAs to students would help them to understand where the GPA comes from.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

Martha Monahan: There have been challenges with substitute teachers and having teachers covering classes. Our substitute teacher pay is right in the middle of what others schools/districts are paying their subs. Our location is also a challenge and many prefer to take substitute jobs at closer locations. We are brainstorming ideas to get people to PCHS.


This year we have hired 16 teachers, 7 classified staff, 2 administrators, transferred 2 positions, and 6 long-term subs. 8 teachers are currently on leave, 1 administrator, and 3 classified staff members. There have been 45 vacancies total this year and 39 have been filled. We are currently working on filling the remaining 6 vacancies. Thank you to the teachers that have stepped up to help.


Permits Setup Department Manager and Campus Security Lead changes in title and salary scale FYI. To be voted on at November meeting.


Report stands as submitted.


Director of Operations Report

Don Parcell: Report stands as submitted.


Admin. Safety and Security Team

Brooke King: The Great Shakeout coming up this week and we are working on the updated Safety and Security plan for PCHS.


Director of Development Report

Report stands as submitted.


Mike Rawson: We have great numbers so far this year and are working on getting more support from families, as well as promoting the Pali Booster Club.


Driveway Days event is coming this week.


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

Juan Pablo Herrera: We have completed our inner audit and will present that to the Board in December. We are in compliance and we are trying to currently fill the Finance Director position. We only received one response for the trust for retirement fund. Seeking more going forward.


Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report

Dr. Pam Magee: Report stands as submitted.


Please come to the dance on Saturday, 10/22, and it is going to be a very fun evening with students and faculty.


We are getting more feedback and data for the attendance policy and students are getting better at making their attendance a priority.


Parents are eager for tours and we are working to make sure they happen. We will be advertising in our newsletter and more tours are planned for October/November. Paul Revere will be notified so they can advertise to their families as well.


We are working to make sure everyone is safe and that our events are free from conflict. Refer to EDP report for specific plans.


Dr. Roger Crystal is coming to speak on the Fentanyl issue and that is happening October 20th at 6:30 in Mercer Hall.

III. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Academic Accountability Committee Update

David Pickard IV: Sarah Rosenthal presented on SLCs/PLCs, including strengths, challenges, and Board requests. The committee voted in 7 faculty members, 2 students, 1 administrator, and 3 parents.


ASB Co-commissioners: Tyler Hoffman and Iliy Garcia

Student Representative: Amelia Sim

Faculty Members: Minh Ha Ngo, Nicole Newble, Paul Mittelbach, Michael Friedman, Paul Mittelbach, David Pickard IV, Randy Tenansnow, Stephen Klima

Parent Members: Melissa Harris, Rebecca Houriani, Ghazal Y.

Officers: Minh Ha Ngo - Chair, David Pickard IV - Vice-Chair and Board Representative, Randy Tenansnow - Recorder/Reporter


Steve Klima presented a draft of the calendar proposal for the next three years.


Budget & Finance Committee Update

Sara Margiotta: Updates on cafeteria projects and PermaCity from Dr. Magee. The Golf Team has raised money to purchase a golf simulator. Approved some salary schedule changes.


Election Committee Update

Sara Margiotta: Committee is in place and has not met yet.

IV. Board Committees (Board Members Only)


Board Members Only- Committee Updates

Grade Appeal Committee: Only had one grade appeal and teacher's grade was upheld.

V. School Emergency Operations Plan


Approval of School Emergency Operations Plan

Brian Banducci: There are no material revisions to this document, just updates to various sections in this version. This is a living document and more changes are to come.


Saken Sherkhanov: Do we have the emergency supplies? Are they checked for expiration dates?


Brian Banducci: Yes and we do check the supplies.


Saken Sherkhanov: We should look at the active shooter process and response.


Brian Banducci: It is something we are looking at and updating as we learn more.


Brooke King: It is thorough and parents can access the safety course that was presented to students.


Monica Batts-King: Parents are concerned with safety and security, especially at football games/events.


Brian Banducci: It will be addressed and I appreciate you bringing that up.


Peter Garff: There will be 11 new security guards at the next game and more lights in the parking lots.


Sara Margiotta: Do we have to approve this today? It doesn't incorporate the communication piece from the EDP report Dr. Magee presented in December of 2021.


Brooke King: The school-wide safety plan does not include every single response protocol. It is a very important document, but the plans are more general. It will include the pandemic section as well, again, generally, not just COVID-19.


Brian Banducci: The document will show that we have the positions in place, but the specific individuals that will fill these roles are not identified.


Sara Margiotta: The visitor policy is not updated.


Brooke King: We are still receiving information and will update the school-wide safety plan as we get it.


Sara Margiotta: Can we continue to update the plan as changes are made?


Brooke King: This is a framework and the way that it is structured has to be evaluated continuously. There are a lot of important conversations regarding this document.


Maggie Nance: Are there best practices on this plan that exist elsewhere?


Brooke King: Yes and we have looked at those while working at improving cohesion amongst departments.


Brian Banducci: It is improved based on the plan was last year.


Maggie Nance: Can we fix any issues by November?


Brooke King: We need to look at the document as a whole and cannot change bits as we go. It become patchwork and not actually fixing the issues.


Robert Rene: The patches need to be filled as we work towards a better plan. Can you give us an update in the next couple months?


Sara Margiotta: The parent communication is an important issue that we should focus on.


Brian Banducci: We are having those discussion and exploring new platforms that may better serve our needs.


Monica Batts-King: I have concerns with us moving forward without having some closer dates for fixing some of the issues in the plan.


Brooke King: We are working with the committee to ensure we are making these changes on all levels with all stakeholders. We will take it back to the committee and have an update in December.

Robert Rene made a motion to approve the School Emergency Operations Plan with updates at the December Board meeting.
Monica Batts-King seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Monica Batts-King
Karen Ellis
Peter Garff
Melissa Schilling
Sara Margiotta
Lisa Saxon
Avi Massaband
Maggie Nance
Saken Sherkhanov
Andrew Paris
Robert Rene
David Pickard IV

VI. Front Perimeter Fence Design Presentation


Design Presentation

Sara Margiotta: The Board approved the removal of removing the fencing by November 18th, 2022. Brooke has been working with a designer to have a more permanent solution.


Robert Rene: Does this mean we are removing the fence?


Sara Margiotta: The goal was to put pressure for the removal of the fence in front of the school.


Maggie Nance: Last year's Board agreed to take down the gate at this date.


Robert Rene: We cannot forget that we have a duty to protect the school.


Maggie Nance: Not everyone feels safer with the gate in front of the school.


Sara Margiotta: We are going to hear the presentation and decide to extend the temporary fencing until this project is put into place.


Brian Banducci: This presentation is in response to a task from the Board to explore replacement safety measures to maintain safety, while maintaining the aesthetics of PCHS. The gate committee, made up of different stakeholders, has been working with the architectural team and what will be presented in the final consensus option.


Refer to Front Perimeter Fence Design Presentation


Robert Rene: What will be the final cost?


Brian Banducci: Roughly $100,000. There are grants we can apply for and there is a process we can begin exploring if this is the direction we are going.


Sara Margiotta: Can we bring a more specific cost analysis to the Budget and Finance Committee's November meeting?


Brian Banducci: Yes, we will begin working on that.


Maggie Nance: We are living in a fear-based time and it is said a fence is the only way to protect students. There is not much evidence to prove that fences keep people safer. I do not believe this fence will make anyone safer, it does not give a good feeling to students and faculty every day, and I don't like to spend money that is not on the kids and our classes. This used to be an open school and it was welcoming that felt like a home and it does not feel that way anymore. It is a shame that this is hurts our culture. This is a new movement, but we are giving something up by doing this.


Robert Rene: We may disagree on this, but Maggie you are one of the best assets to the school. The reality is that we have had a trend of issues where a fence of some kind allows us to manage the property moving into the future. In the last five years, we have had significant vandalism and we live in a different world. There are going to be issues behind the fence, but the project is beautiful and remarkable efficient. 


Monica Batts-King: I feel similar to Maggie and I understand the issues, but if this is a concern then we should address it differently. We don't check bags and we don't know what is being brought onto campus every day. We do not need to be that locked in and sometimes students' IDs are not even being checked. Who are we protecting ourselves from? Who are we locking ourselves in with? I do not understand the premise.


Robert Rene: Instead of personal opinions, can we hear from the administration on the issue?


Dr. Pam Magee: I appreciate discussion on these issues. I do believe we need some form of fencing for a variety of reasons. We have invested heavily in mental health support and ways to educate kids and teachers to help ensure safety and well-being. As far as facilities, we work hard to protect the campus and we have to consider who can come in and who can come out. It is difficult to look at how it used to be, but the world has changed and people take advantage of the campus in different ways. We are stewards of it and we need to be sure people are not taking advantage of the campus. It is the reality and it is part of our world. I believe the project makes us feel more complete. Brooked and the safety team have done a wonderful job on this project and I am proud of the work that is being done to enhance our school in a way that makes us more complete and who is on campus.


Peter Garff: In general, students are not in favor of a fence. This presentation is the best we received. Section B is a problem and the outdoor patio is not worth the front presentation of the school.


Sara Margiotta: Please have a financial report for the Budget and Finance Committee's November meeting so we can make a recommendation about whether or not to extend the front of school fencing. Multiple bids by then would be great.


Brooke King: We need approval from LAUSD.


Sara Margiotta: Someone can give you a bid without LAUSD's approval.

VII. Academic Excellence


Annual Resolution of the Board of Directors for Independent Study

Dr. Chris Lee: We are seeking approval of independent study classes and we must ensure students are meeting the required instructional minutes. If students want to take independent study classes they must meet the guidelines to enroll. 


Robert Rene: What are the reasons students take these independent study classes?


Dr. Chris Lee: There are various reasons for each of the classes.


Maggie Nance: Is the senior seminar included in this?


Dr. Chris Lee: Yes.

Sara Margiotta made a motion to approval the Annual Resolution of the Board of Directors for Independent Study.
Avi Massaband seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Lisa Saxon
Peter Garff
Melissa Schilling
Maggie Nance
Monica Batts-King
Andrew Paris
Sara Margiotta
Avi Massaband
Robert Rene
Karen Ellis
Saken Sherkhanov
David Pickard IV


Board Policy for Course-Based Independent Study

Saken Sherkhanov made a motion to approve the Board Policy for Course-Based Independent Study.
Karen Ellis seconded the motion.

Maggie Nance: How do we ensure that students are meeting the requirements?


Dr. Chris Lee: It is the same as Virtual Academy. There must meet a certain amount of instructional minutes. We ensure teachers are well trained and providing quality education.


Dr. Pam Magee: This has existed and is being updated to reflect changes. We have auditors that come in and look at these things. Consequences for not meeting requirements range from financial penalties to suggestions to improve educational services.


Monica Batts-King: Are these classes P/F or a grade?


Dr. Chris Lee: They are graded and students must meet the same standards as any other course.


Karen Ellis: This should be something that colleges know about and should be reports.


Dr. Chris Lee: When we meet with these teachers, we have them submit student reports to have the student performance reflected on the transcript.


Peter Garff: The sign in and attendance for senior study seminar is an issue.


Dr. Chris Lee: This issue has been fixed and teachers verify this differently now.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Robert Rene
Sara Margiotta
Saken Sherkhanov
Peter Garff
Maggie Nance
David Pickard IV
Avi Massaband
Melissa Schilling
Karen Ellis
Monica Batts-King
Andrew Paris
Lisa Saxon
Robert Rene made a motion to approve the PCHS Course-Based Learning Agreement 10.12.22.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Karen Ellis
David Pickard IV
Saken Sherkhanov
Robert Rene
Melissa Schilling
Monica Batts-King
Peter Garff
Maggie Nance
Lisa Saxon
Avi Massaband
Andrew Paris
Sara Margiotta

VIII. Finance


2022-23 Budget vs Actuals

Juan Pablo Herrera: 10 minute presentation on current budget vs. actuals. Refer to CBO Report. 


Educator Effectiveness Funds (EEF) Update

Juan Pablo Herrera: 5 minute presentation on Educator Effectiveness Funds (EEF). Refer to CBO Report.

IX. Governance


Procedures for Public Comment

Sara Margiotta: People may remain anonymous during public comment. Robert Rene raised a concern about the Google Doc public comment because the same person can post the same comment multiple times. Access to the Google Doc allows individuals to have their voices heard when they cannot come to campus for Board meetings.


Monica Batts-King: Robert also said we should address the comments made and that people bring issues to us and we do not respond.


Sara Margiotta: When agenda setting happens I have the notes from the previous public comments.


Monica Batts-King: People that raise concerns may not come to the following Board meeting and some of the issues may be time sensitive. I wanted to be in a position to have my voice heard and speak on issues that are important to families.


Sara Margiotta: Absolutely, we can recommend staff or administrators that people can reach out to for time sensitive topics.


Saken Sherkhanov: The Board can make a public comment, rather than having a conversation back and forth.


Karen Ellis: If you are making a public comment, you should be present. I am not in favor of the anonymous comment Google Doc procedure.


Maggie Nance: The anonymous comments have been nasty and the anonymous option allows people to hide behind their computers.


Monica Batts-King: The Google Doc anonymous comments can be positive and negative. Several parents are concerned about retaliation for their child and serves as a great opportunity to have their voices heard in a safe way.


Sara Margiotta: That is the point of public comment. People should be able to criticize and speak their mind about what is happening at the school. I agree that the point is for people to say what it is they want.


Saken Sherkhanov: One way to circumvent the issue is to provide a teleconference option for individuals that cannot make it to campus.


Dr. Pam Magee: We take public comments very seriously and just need to be sure the same person is not submitting multiple comments saying the same thing.

X. Consent Agenda: Finance Items


Approval of School Organized Trips

Sara Margiotta made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as submitted.
Avi Massaband seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Lisa Saxon
Monica Batts-King
Melissa Schilling
Maggie Nance
Saken Sherkhanov
David Pickard IV
Karen Ellis
Sara Margiotta
Peter Garff
Robert Rene
Avi Massaband
Andrew Paris


Approval of Out-of-State PD Conferences

Sara Margiotta made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as submitted.
Avi Massaband seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Saken Sherkhanov
Peter Garff
David Pickard IV
Avi Massaband
Maggie Nance
Andrew Paris
Monica Batts-King
Sara Margiotta
Melissa Schilling
Karen Ellis
Robert Rene
Lisa Saxon

XI. Closed Session


Conference with Legal Counsel

Entered closed session at 8:03 p.m.


Employee complaint/Assignment/Discipline/Dismissal/Release

Nothing to report out from Closed Session


Potential Litigation

XII. Open Session


Return to Open Session

Returned to open session at 8:24 p.m.


Report Out on Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any.

XIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:24 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
David Pickard IV
Documents used during the meeting
  • HR Board Report 10_18_2022.pdf
  • Permits Set Up Department Manager.pdf
  • Campus Security Lead.pdf
  • Operations Board Report 10_18_2022.pdf
  • Director of Development Board Report 10_18_2022.pdf
  • EDP Board Report 10_18_2022.pdf
  • Budget Com Meeting Minutes 10_10_2022.pdf
  • Emergency Management Resolution_10_18_2022.pdf
  • School Emergency Operations Plan for 2022-23.pdf
  • Design Presentation 10_10_2022.pdf
  • Annual Resolution of the Board of Directors 2022_2023.pdf
  • PCHS Course Based IS Policy 10_12_2022.pdf
  • PCHS Course Based Learning Agreement 10_12_2022.pdf
  • 2022-23 Budget vs Actuals & Cafeteria Update 09_30_2022.pdf
  • 2021-22 Educator Effectivess Funds Expenditure Report.pdf
  • School Organized Trips.pdf
  • Out of State PD Conferences.pdf