Palisades Charter High School


Special Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 28, 2022 at 4:30 PM


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The Palisades Charter High School Board of Trustees Meeting for Tuesday, Thursday April 28, 2022, at 4:30p.m. will move to a virtual/teleconferencing environment. 


Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.


Trustees Present

Brenda Clarke, Brooke King, Dara Williams, Jack Seltzer, Jewlz Fahn, Lisa Saxon, Maggie Nance, Monica Batts-King, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent


Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

Jack Seltzer, Lisa Saxon

Trustees who left before the meeting adjourned

Jewlz Fahn

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Guests Present

Brenda Clarke, Daphne Gronich, Don Parcell, Jeff Roepel, Matthew Rodman, Patti Jaffe, Russel Howard, Taiyana Ballard

I. Opening Items


Resolution to Hold Virtual Board Meetings

D Williams welcomed everyone noting that quorum was achieved.  Resolution No. 1 (2021-2022) Continuing Board of Trustees Authority to Hold Virtual Meetings Pursuant to AB 361 was reviewed and stands as submitted.  She noted that COVID cases at the school are up and school is back to indoor masking.  This order will be upheld for the next 30 days if approved.  


Floor was opened for public comment but no public comment made.

Brooke King made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 1 (2021-2022) Continuing Board of Trustees Authority to Hold Virtual Meetings Pursuant to AB 361.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Maggie Nance
Dara Williams
Sara Margiotta
Jack Seltzer
Brooke King
Monica Batts-King
Brenda Clarke
Lisa Saxon
Jewlz Fahn


Call the Meeting to Order

Dara Williams called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Thursday Apr 28, 2022 at 4:37 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

Patricia Jones - I'm writing to express my opposition to eliminating the free transportation for students who live a distance from the school. One of Pali High's greatest strengths is its unique and diverse student body, which is partly achieved by making the school accessible to students from outside its boundaries. Many of these students don't have the resources to travel to the school without the transportation assistance that PCHS provides. Tampering with that assistance would not only mean jeopardizing the education of all the students who rely on it, it would also turn Pali High into essentially a locals-only Westside school. This deprives every student of being part of a high school community that truly reflects the rich cultural diversity of LA.


Julie Malloy - The attendance process is cumbersome and very inefficient. It takes multiple follow up to clear absence, if you are luck, even when the process instructions are followed. I've been working for the better part of two month to clear an absence from February. The phone is seldom answered, emails seldom acknowledge, and no known escalation process in place. My son has also delivered notes as follow ups to phone calls and emails to the attendance office and still, the absences are not cleared or acknowledged.

II. Human Resources


Consideration and Adoption of Resolution No. 2 (2021-2022)

P Jaffe noted that there were 4 individuals who were hired with special funding (ELO funding) which will expire at the end of this school year.  They will work until the end of the year and if they leave, they will be brought back to fill vacant positions as available.  M Batts-King asked why we don't need these positions and asked if they were the most recently hired.  P Jaffe noted that these were the most recently hired employees and are still probationary.  She also noted that there are 5 Sr. graduating so their positions are no longer necessary.  If additional students come in in 9th grade next year this will be reassessed.  B Clarke asked whether this could be delayed and P Jaffe noted that the need to do this was part of the Ed Code.  She also noted that in her history in HR she has always been able to re-hire employees.  JP Herrera also noted that 10% of the ELO grant we were required to spend on Para-Professionals.



Lisa Saxon arrived at 4:57 PM.
Dara Williams made a motion to Consideration and adopt Resolution No. 2 (2021-2022) Regarding the Elimination Of Specially Funded Classified Positions and Corresponding Layoff of Classified Employees.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jewlz Fahn
Brooke King
Monica Batts-King
Jack Seltzer
Lisa Saxon
Sara Margiotta
Maggie Nance
Brenda Clarke
Dara Williams

III. Finance


Transportation Funding for 2022-23

D Williams addressed the Board vote on Transportation noting that the Board did not provide any direction to the B&F Committee or to the Administration on funding.  She noted that the Board needs to approve a funding amount for transportation.  B Clarke mentioned the 1.2 million dollar transportation gross cost, asked what options are available and asked if we are set with that budget number.  She also suggested that some Board members may not have voted to approve the plan because they thought it was too expensive.  D Wilson noted that at the last meeting, the Board didn't approve the transportation plan they needed further guidance.  JP Herrera also clarified that we are in a 3 year contract so a contract was not approved but the plan as presented at the last meeting reduced the cost to the school significantly.  D Williams noted that PCHS needs to make sure we have the funding from other sources because if we don't, the school ends up taking on those additional costs.  The proposed budget amount of $450,000 from the general fund for the 2022/2023 school year.

Jack Seltzer arrived at 4:20 PM.
Jewlz Fahn left at 5:30 PM.
Dara Williams made a motion to Motion to direct the Budget & Finance committee to fund busing in the amount of $450,000 in the 2022-2023 budget.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.

J Fahn asked when the contract has to be signed by and how much was allocated for this current school year.  It was clarified that the school allocated $510,000 and with additional costs $756,000 due to special education, additional buses and price increase from vendor.  Relief funds were used to cover the additional cost of transportation for this current school year.  Asking whether the students were making up the price difference from this year to next.  She asked whether the cost savings came from competition buses and late buses.  D Williams clarified that this is the direction the Board needs to give B&F and the Administration.  J Fahn also stated that the reduced funding to the transportation program seemed to indicate that the school is gearing the busing program to the local Palisades kids who don't need the busing.  JP clarified that 363 students ride the bus (15%) so D Williams clarified that this was not being limited to the Palisades students.  B Clarke expressed concern about signing a contract the school is committing to a large amount of money especially if the cost sharing doesn't come to fruition.  She also discussed the moral at the school is also important citing the 9% "raise" to busing company vs. raises given to faculty/staff.  Noting that diversity is important but so is the moral of the school.  She stated that she didn't see any cost reduction at the last Board meeting when this was presented.  M Nance is concerned because the Board has a fiduciary responsibility to the school as Board members noting that we have a finite amount of money and that the rising cost of transportation is unsustainable.  She did not that she would have voted to approve the transportation presented if she thought she could.  She didn't agree with cost sharing for competition buses but agreed that costs needed to be shared.  She also noted that world language served thousands of students in the Language Arts Dept. and they were given $2500 to meet all of the needs of those students.  L Saxon said she voted no because Board has a fiduciary responsibility for the school.  She also stated that current busing program which is supposed to provide diversity but doesn't feel that this is doing what is intended.  She noted that the cost of busing is not supporting students whose parents cannot afford it so it is not supporting our students with lower socio-economic status.  She is in favor of purchasing TAP cards for all students.  M Batts-King thinks that the Administration should look for other funding sources for Special Ed.  She also asked whether the school had been able to get new busing bids.  She noted that the reason some students are taking public transportation because it isn't convenient.  She stressed that students from far away need transportation and this always needs to be at the top of the list.  She stated that for diversity we need to be able to get these students to school and this should be our top priority.  She said that she voted no because all aspects of Transportation were lumped together and voted no because she was against charging students for the late buses.  She said that if you need minority kids from far away who are trying to go to a better school they need to be able to get here.  D Williams clarified that budgeting a dollar amount was race neutral also noting that there were white students also rode the buses.  She also noted that she believed everyone on the Board was in support of diversity, equity and inclusion and that this discussion was simply a monetary one.  S Margiotta stated that the what is being proposed now is approximately $57,000 of additional funding than what was proposed at the last meeting.  This is a funding issue and breaking down each item is to be discussed under the next item.  She also noted that there was textbook ask for next year of approximately $300,000 because we have currently been funding this at $50,000.  Some textbooks are over 20 years old, they are falling apart and the content is outdated.  She noted that we have a fiduciary responsibility to the education of students when they get to school.  She noted transportation in its current form is not sustainable and that the goal of the Administrative Transportation Committee was to find a way to preserve our busing transportation.  She also clarified that there is not separate funding for Special Ed transportation and it has to be funded from the General Fund.  She also addressed B Clarke's concern that costs were increasing and clarified that we were actually able to reduce costs significantly.  B Clarke also noted that there are additional requests for faculty positions, VAPA needs clarifying that we just need to make some decisions.  She also asked what happens if students back out, etc. and JP Herrera noted that we are going to be monitoring vacancy rates very closely to ensure the school doesn't absorb additional costs, noting our costs is related to the number of buses PCHS runs.  Inflationary costs being passed along to other companies but not being passed along to our faculty.  D Williams noted that we need to provide diversity, equity and inclusion with the education of our students once they are at the school.  She further said that we cannot continue to fund this in its current state or we will bankrupt the school.  Dr. Magee invited M Rodman and D Gronich to the meeting as a panelist and asked them to limit any comments that were advocate on behalf of the proposal that they limit their comments to 2 minutes.  M Rodman introduced himself noting that as part of the Administrative Transportation Committee that the group worked really hard to save transportation at PCHS while providing equity to the school.  He described the process the committee went through, noting that if there were changes to any piece of this transportation it proposal won't work.  He stressed importance of various transportation components noting that 2/3 of ridership pays full fare.  He highlighted scholarship dollars for to/from buses as well as late buses.  He also noted that this will be monitored and evaluated as the changes in the program begin.  D Gronich also noted that the goal was to save transportation noting that other schools do not provide student transportation.  D Williams clarified that the $450,000 is for the private busing.  B King noted that we are in year 2 of a 3 year contract and it was clarified that we are able to reduce the number of buses.  She asked committee to be mindful that if more money was funded for transportation it will come out of the classroom.  She noted that technology and money for the classroom have been underfunded noting that we have a fiduciary responsibility.  L Saxon thanked the Transportation Committee for all of their hard work.  

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Jewlz Fahn
Sara Margiotta
Monica Batts-King
Lisa Saxon
Brenda Clarke
Jack Seltzer
Dara Williams
Maggie Nance


Board Recommendation for Transportation Funding Allocations

JP Herrera reviewed the summary of costs associated with the Administrative Technology Plan as presnted to the BOT at their regular April 2022 meeting.  Listen to recording

Brenda Clarke made a motion to pass along the additional $57,000 of allocated transportation funding to the families riding the regular day school bus.

A discussion about the Board's place to make recommendations to the Administration occurred.  M Rodman noted that it might not be appropriate to reallocate this monies immediately because we don't have confirmation from Boosters re: their donation, we don't know what the actual CPI will be and suggested that it is allocated once we know that $57,000 is in fact additional money.  D Williams noted that the point of the meeting was for the Board to provide direction to the Administration as to how they want transportation monies to be allocated.  B King noted that she recommends that it goes back to the Transportation Committee.  D Williams argues that the Board had the information at the last Board meeting and it was voted down.  She noted that the Board can't go back and approve something that was not previously approved.  S Margiotta noted that there were parts of the Transportation Plan that need to be approved so that D Parcell can begin scholarship offers, etc.  She also noted that the Transportation Committee put together the plan that the Board didn't vote to approve the plan with no clear direction as to why so the Transportation Committee and B&F is looking for direction as to why the Transportation Plan was not approved.  There were discussions that Administration stick with the original plan as presented at the last meeting and setting aside the additional monies until all of the unknowns are in place.  M Batts-King feels like this discussion should be tabled as members have dropped off and others need to leave.  D Parcell suggested that the approved $450,000 be taken back to the Transportation Committee for further discussion regarding how to allocate the additional monies.  JP Herrera also agreed with D Parcell's suggestion.  He also noted that since the actual CPI is unknown he would recommend not to allocate any additional monies until this value is known.  S Margiotta expressed frustration because the Administrative Transportation Committee and B&F needs direction since the Board did not approve the plan as presented and was looking for Board consensus on Transportation vs. trying to understand why various members voted one way or another.  B King feels like that feedback has been given by various Board members.  The need to approve scholarship amounts today was discussed.  It was noted that the group no longer had quorum and therefore it was decided that the Board should not continue the discussion and the approved $450,000 will be taken back to the Administrative Transportation Committee.  D Parcell noted that the committee could set the scholarship amount because the dollar amount has been approved by the Board.  L Saxon did voice that she voted no at the last meeting because of the additional costs associated with Competition Buses noting that running the transportation in the manner currently being done is not sustainable.  She is also in favor of tap cards.  D Williams noted that in her opinion it is not necessary for the Board to approve the allocations of Transportation costs she just wanted to go on record as noting that she didn't want this discussion look like it was working around the "no" vote at the last meeting.  She also noted that she believes that this approved amount can now go back to the Administration Transportation Committee for further discussion/allocations.

The motion did not carry.

IV. Technology


Approval of Konica Minolta Copier Contract

Reviewed and stands as submitted.

Dara Williams made a motion to approve the Konica Minolta contract for new devices, maintenance, and support.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.

J Roepel reviewed Konica contract.  S Margiotta noted that B&F has reviewed this and voted to approve the contract.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dara Williams
Brenda Clarke
Jack Seltzer
Maggie Nance
Brooke King
Lisa Saxon
Sara Margiotta
Jewlz Fahn
Monica Batts-King


Approval of Zoom Video Communications

V. Consent Agenda: Finance Items


Approval of Field Trip(s)

Dara Williams made a motion to all items noted on the consent agenda.
Brenda Clarke seconded the motion.

It was noted that this has no financial impact on the school

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jewlz Fahn
Lisa Saxon
Monica Batts-King
Sara Margiotta
Maggie Nance
Jack Seltzer
Dara Williams
Brooke King
Brenda Clarke

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Margiotta