Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 19, 2022 at 5:00 PM


Mercer Hall, Palisades Charter High School
15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272




Conference number: 1-669-900-9128

PIN: 88449299939

One touch dial from cell phone:

+16699009128,, 88449299939#

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.


Trustees Present

Brenda Clarke (remote), Brooke King, Jack Seltzer, James (Jim) Wells, Jewlz Fahn, Lisa Saxon (remote), Maggie Nance, Monica Batts-King, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent

Andrew Paris, Dara Williams

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Guests Present

Christopher Clausen, Don Parcell, Jeff Roepel, Michael Rawson

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Maggie Nance called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Apr 19, 2022 at 5:20 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

Brigitte Brady-Harris - As a former alum (class of ‘90), I returned to campus last week to attend the Arts showcase with a great level of excitement. I have not been back to Pali for a visit since 2018.  I was dismayed to find all of the chain-link fencing that has been installed across the entrance to the school. It has absolutely ruined what was once an iconic entry to the quad. It looks so cheap and haphazard. And, if it is truly meant to secure the campus by funneling all entry through a staffed check point at the employee parking lot, it was not effective. The makeshift-looking entrance was unattended on the four occasions I entered or exited the campus last week.  What was once a film-worthy campus has become the Winchester Mystery House of fences. I wonder if the school could have put the same amount of investment on that fencing toward more targeted safety solutions. I wonder how much income from filming the school has lost since installation. I wonder if the campus safety record has markedly improved since installation.  As a former student and Pali Booster Club donor, I’d support the move toward addressing securing the campus in a more professional, effective, and dignified manner.  Thank you for your consideration.


Lisa Woods - Hello - I would like to publicly take a moment to thanks Dr. Magee, the other admin involved, and the BOD (specifically Jules and Dara) for helping to make it possible for Illia, the Ukrainian refugee, to enroll at PCHS. For those that don't know, Illia is a 9th grader that escaped, with only a backpack in the back of a truck, from Kyiv to Romania. He eventually made his way to LA to live with his aunt and uncle. This has been a life changing experience for Illia and I am so proud of all that Pali has done for him. It has been incredible to be a part of. I encourage everyone to read the story in the Pali Post this week that interviews Illia. Also, I would like to thank the entire Pali community of teachers, students and parents that have supported Illia in this difficult transition. 

II. Approve Minutes


Approve Minutes

Brooke King made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 03-15-22.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andrew Paris
Dara Williams
Lisa Saxon
Monica Batts-King
Sara Margiotta
Brenda Clarke
Jack Seltzer
Maggie Nance
Brooke King
Jewlz Fahn
James (Jim) Wells

III. Organizational Reports


Student Report

C Clauson reported the pep rally before Spring Break went really well.  Past month they have been having their class meetings.  Elections have wrapped up and reps. are starting to put on Spirit events.  Drill went well today with ASB helping with attendance.  He thanked the Safety Committee for all their hard work.


Parent Report

J Fahn reported that parents want to know about fencing and what will be happening with it.


J Wells had nothing to report.


M Batts-King noted parents are still concerned with Transportation issues and want to know what the resolution is.  There is concern for the increased cost and cost of late buses.


Represented Classified Staff Report



Unrepresented Classified Staff Report

B King noted there was nothing to report.


Faculty Report

M Nance noted that report stands as submitted.  She highlighted a concern regarding loss of instructional time due to additional activities (drills etc.).  Another concern was the administration of the CAS testing.  She also highlighted the deterioration of the U Buildings.  


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

P Jaffe noted that report stands as submitted.


Director of Operations Report

D Parcell noted that report stands as submitted.


Director of Development Report

M Rawson noted that report stands as submitted.  He thanked everyone who participated in the "Thank-a-Thon" with large donors.  He continues to call parents who have not yet donated to try to encourage everyone to participate with small donations.


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

JP Herrera noted that report stands as submitted.


Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report

P Magee noted that report stands as submitted.  She noted that there have been an uptick in COVID cases since Spring Break and mask mandates will resume for indoor settings.  There will be an update on April 29, 2022.  She also wanted to address some of the faculty concerns.  She has spoken with Administrators regarding the CAS testing and there is some frustration that not everyone attended the test training.  The school continues to finish testing with the remainder of the students and will continue to work on communication to help facilitate the last of the testing.


Admin. Safety and Security Team

B King noted that they have met 3 times since the last Board meeting.  She reported that approximately 1/2 of the committee members are actively participating now.  Working on trying to get additional participation.  They discussed the Threat Assessment as committee begins to analyze the front entrance.  They are working to create common language and understanding.  They also worked on the Great Shakeout and she has organized the fire department to provide disaster preparedness which will take place at the pool every Monday for the remainder of the school year.  They are hoping to have a presentation for the Board at an upcoming meeting.  M Batts-King expressed her opinion that the fencing should just be removed.  B King clarified that what the committee is looking at the hazards that may arise and analyze whether the fencing is doing what it is intended.  She clarified that the egress of the front gate is one of the issues being analyzed.  The aesthetics of the campus were discussed.  She noted that committee is working to ensure that they are aligned with State and National standards.  She said that they have been working with LAPD, Fire Dept. among others.  She noted that the committee is working to proceed in a data driven manner vs. an emotional one.  J Seltzer commended the committee for taking their time to do the work that needs to be done thoroughly.  J Wells noted that safety needs to be top priority and it is a different world that it was when other Board members attended PCHS.  M Nance noted that students feel imprisoned by the fencing stating that there is a mental cost associated with it.  P Magee noted that she isn't sure of any other LAUSD school that does not have fencing of some sort.  B Clarke also expressed concern re: the check-out process in the event of an emergency and P Magee noted that this is being addressed. 

IV. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Academic Accountability Committee Update

R Tenan-Snow noted that the reports stands as submitted.  Next meeting will be hybrid so if a member wants to join the meeting remotely they need to be in compliance with the Brown Act rules.  They did discuss the schedule survey and understand that there is a desire for additional academic support but faculty didn't want a longer day.  Students also expressed concern regarding transportation highlighting the later start would result in a later day.  AP enrollment cap was discussed noting that Mr. Burr was working on a "w" for withdrawing a class if a student felt like they couldn't handle the work.  She also noted that PCHS is still in year 2 of a 3 year contract so PCHS will remain with a 3 week winter for an additional year even though LAUSD is moving to a 2 week break.  She noted that they will be having each department present to AA beginning in Sept. rotating through all departments.


Budget & Finance Committee Update

S Margiotta reported committee met on Monday.  Committee continues to discuss menstrual products and should be able to finalize this at an upcoming meeting.  Many of the issues approved at B&F are on the Board agenda for review/vote and she will weigh in on behalf of B&F at each appropriate item on the agenda.  Committee also started to review IMA and Textbook budgets but didn't feel that the committee had enough information to make final decisions and recommendations this month.


Election Committee Update

B King noted that there is a meeting this Friday to certify the election results.  Next Board meeting committee will be presenting results for Board approval at the next meeting.


Post Retirement/Lifetime Healthcare Benefits Committee Update

S Margiotta reported that the committee had not met.  They are waiting for updated bids from AJ Gallager.  Once these are received the committee will be reconvened.  

V. Board Committees (Board Members Only)


Board Members Only- Committee Updates

B Clarke noted that the Audit Committee results were positive and they agreed to renew contract with Auditor for an additional 3 years.


J Seltzer noted that there are 12 grade appeals and they are 1/2 way through the process for the semester.  


B Clarke reported that the Survey Committee has met twice with Dr. Magee.  They have formulated questions to survey parents, community, faculty and students.  Details to be finalized next week and with the goal of getting these surveys out prior to the next Board meeting.  She noted that the surveys are very thorough and looking forward to results.

VI. Changes/Updates in Response to COVID-19


COVID-19 Related Updates and Impact on School

No additional updates per P Magee.  She noted that it is a monitoring process and working to ensure that all updates are communicated as quickly as possible.  She noted that mask mandates can be lifted when the school meets a threshold agreed to with UTLA.  D Parcell clarified that the threshold is .05% or 15 cases in a week.

VII. PCHS Clean Energy Taskforce


Solar LOI Extension Letter

P Magee reported that there are delays with moving forward with PermaCity so this is a request to extend this LOI.

Maggie Nance made a motion to approve the extension.
Brooke King seconded the motion.

C Clauson expressed the students support of this.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Brenda Clarke
Sara Margiotta
Monica Batts-King
Lisa Saxon
Andrew Paris
Jack Seltzer
Dara Williams
Jewlz Fahn
James (Jim) Wells
Maggie Nance

VIII. Finance


2021-22 Budget vs Actuals

JP Herrera noted that report stands as submitted.  He highlighted the increase in substitute salaries but noted that we will begin to see this offset by certificated and classified salaries.  He also thanked M Rawson for the higher than anticipated PCHS Fund fundraising.  He again clarified that this budget doesn't reflect the ELO grant that was accounted for in the 2020-2021 budget.  M Nance asked the administration to look at the reasons for staff absences aside from COVID.


A-G Completion Grant

JP Herrera reviewed noting that this is one time funding from the state.  The proposed allocations were provided in Board materials noting that this needs to supplement the A-G completion rate to support students.  He highlighted the approved use of funds as outlined in He noted that the B&F Committee looked at the funding for unduplicated AP fees noting that this may be too much $ allocated and there were discussions regarding the possibility of reallocating these funds.  He noted that the B&F Committee did approve this A-G grant with the condition that this is reassessed with the potential to reallocate some of this funding if not needed in certain areas.

Maggie Nance made a motion to approve A-G Completion Grant.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.

C Clauson voiced student support.  B Clarke asked whether the additional counseling support was needed and JP Herrera noted that this is $120,000 over a 4 year period to provide additional support to unduplicated students.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sara Margiotta
Jack Seltzer
Jewlz Fahn
Brenda Clarke
Andrew Paris
Monica Batts-King
Maggie Nance
Brooke King
Dara Williams
Lisa Saxon


Consolidation Application (CARS Application)

JP Herrera reviewed the CARS Application explaining the sub-categories noting that this is submitted to certify that the appropriate funding is being applied in the correct way to fulfill the needs for those whom it is intended.

Jack Seltzer made a motion to To approve the 2021-2022 Consolidated Application.
James (Jim) Wells seconded the motion.

C Clauson voiced student support of this motion

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andrew Paris
Jack Seltzer
Monica Batts-King
Dara Williams
Brooke King
Lisa Saxon
Maggie Nance
Sara Margiotta
Jewlz Fahn
Brenda Clarke
James (Jim) Wells


2022-23 PCHS Transportation Budget & Scholarships

JP Herrera reviewed the Transportation Presentation and it stands as submitted.  It was noted that costs continue to rise:  inflation, gas, etc.  Labor market-schools are split in focus on transportation, some reallocating resources to different areas.  There was a 9% price increase in Oct after we set our budget, because the CPI rose significantly – ATS split cost increase they took 9% and we took 9% for an additional $200,000.  We believe cost will increase 6/7% in transportation, driver shortage.  Administrative Transportation Committee evaluated the sustainability and alternatives=implement with a cautionary approach.  Scholarship funding=$192,000 in 2021-22, based on need (tax returns).  Next year proposal=$150,000 and a portion will go to late buses.  Historically, late buses have been paid for by the school, $83,000.  The proposal is cost sharing approach with students pay per ride $5-8 per trip, 40% of paying ridership.  Competition buses, 60%/40%-ask Booster to contribute with ASB (increase park of parking from $175-$200 a semester to $225-250, a portion would fund ASB/a portion would go to busing).  Competition teams would now be asked to pay 10% of busing but Competition Buses would now include all competition groups on campus vs. just athletic competitions.  TAP Cards $9k were also discussed and funding source will be discussed at B&F.  This year we are paying $740,000-next year projected $394,000


There were suggestions on alternative transportation solutions:  Jim asked about Transportation contracts and increases, Brenda brought up buying more vans, Maggie said she would just avoid buses or carpool, Jewlz said this is sending the wrong message to increase competition bus costs, Lisa said it’s wrong to ask coaches to raise more money, Monica is concerned about how that will affect people and students, maintaining diversity, anticipating/hoping for better bids-prioritization, Brooke said thanks committee for consensus and compromise, Lisa would like to make point she would like to see coaches not fundraise-they do enough, Sara said the committee came up with this Transportation plan as a means to preserving the transportation culture we have at Pali, there are multiple issues with groups, and the goal was also to make the access more equitable.


Jack Seltzer made a motion to approve the Budget & Finance Committee proposed 2022-23 Transportation Budget as presented at Board of Trustees meeting on April 19, 2022.
James (Jim) Wells seconded the motion.

C Clauson/ASB-We are in a state of crisis, so I am in support to the work this committee has done.

The motion did not carry.
Roll Call
Monica Batts-King
Lisa Saxon
Brenda Clarke
Dara Williams
Brooke King
Jewlz Fahn
Jack Seltzer
James (Jim) Wells
Sara Margiotta
Andrew Paris
Maggie Nance


2022-2025 Ed Tech Plan

P Magee noted that the Ed Tech Plan will be tabled for a future meeting.

P Magee reviewed the PCHS Annual Performance-Based Oversight Visit Report.  P Magee noted that this is the report from 2021.  JP Herrera noted that the updated HR/Finance office's updated processes will address purchases of goods and services.  Add some additional notes re: purchase of service to address additional POs.  PCHS strives for excellence in all areas.  Sara to add notes

IX. Governance


2020-2021 PCHS Annual Performance-Based Oversight Visit Report

P Magee reviewed the PCHS Annual Performance-Based Oversight Visit Report.  P Magee noted that this is the report from 2021.  S Margiotta noted that under a finding in the Fiscal Operations requesting that POIs be used for the purchase of all goods and services where as our response to the finding only highlighted POIs for services.  JP Herrera confirmed that the new program purchased by the Finance office will ensure the proper flow of POIs/approvals/payments to ensure this issue does not occur in the future for either the purchase of goods or services.


FPPC Advice Letter Request

P Magee noted that we have a draft letter for the FPPC regarding the Uniserve Contract to see if it is appropriate for all Board members to vote on this contract.  It will be sent to FPPC for input.

X. Consent Agenda: Finance Items


Approval of Field Trips

No fieldtrips to be voted on.

XI. New Business / Announcements


Announcements / New Business

Next Board meeting Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 5 pm.


Announce items for closed session, if any.

Board went into closed session at 7:37 pm

XII. Open Session


Return to Open Session

Returned to open session at 8:42 pm.


Report Out on Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any.

In the matter of Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release, on a motion by J Fahn, and a Second by Jack Seltzer, the Board voted to terminate the employment of classified employee #100320 from the position of Special Education Assistant, effective immediately.  The vote of the Board was as follows:  Ayes - 6, Noes - 0, Absent - 1.  Vote was unanimous with Member D Williams absent.

XIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Margiotta
Documents used during the meeting
  • Faculty Board Report 04_19_2022.pdf
  • HR Board Report 04_19_2022.pdf
  • Operations Board Report 04_19_2022.pdf
  • Director of Development Board Report 04_19_2022.pdf
  • CBO Report 04_19_2022.pdf
  • EDP Board Report 04_19_2022.pdf
  • Draft Minutes of AAC Meeting 03_31_22.pdf
  • Bell Schedule Survey Results Faculty AAC 03_31_2022.pdf
  • Pali Academy 2022 Presentation.pdf
  • Pali High LOI Extension 2022_03_15.pdf
  • Budget to Actuals 03_31_2022.pdf
  • A-G completion grant materials.pdf
  • CARS Application materials.pdf
  • PCHS Board Report for Operations for 2022-04-19 Board Meeting - Transportation Cover-Motion.pdf
  • Administrative Transportation Committee Proposal to BFC for Vote on 2202-04-18.pdf
  • PALIHS 8798 Annual Performance-Based Oversight Visit Report 2020-2021.pdf