Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 15, 2022 at 5:00 PM


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The Palisades Charter High School Board of Trustees Meeting for Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at 5:00p.m. will move to a virtual/teleconferencing environment. 


Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.


Trustees Present

Brenda Clarke, Brooke King, Dara Williams, Jack Seltzer, Jewlz Fahn, Lisa Saxon, Maggie Nance, Monica Batts-King, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent

James (Jim) Wells

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

Jewlz Fahn

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Guests Present

Don Parcell, Jada Asgar, Jeff Roepel, Michael Rawson, Patti Jaffe, Tammie Wilson

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Dara Williams called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Mar 15, 2022 at 5:05 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

Shane Masterson - Comment was regarding mask mandate.  In his student opinion he sees this as a parent/school issue.  CDC guidance says that we do not need to be masked indoor and he supports lifting the mask mandate.


Denise Reardon-Please end the indoor mask mandate for vaccinated students, teachers, and staff. LA County Dept of Public Health has said it's ok to stop wearing masks. 


Ross Novie - I am greatly encouraged by Pali High's willingness tonight to reevaluate the mandatory indoor masking policy. We know that California and Los Angeles County have lifted the mandate requiring indoor masking at schools. We also know that, according to the CDC, LA county is considered "green - low community transmission" as of their 3/10 map. We also know that the vast majority of schools around the nation (and world) have dropped masking, many for several weeks now, and others for over a year, without evidence of increased transmission. Finally, we know that one-way masking, vaccines and boosters give everyone at school, students and teachers alike, the option of increased protection according to their risk level. 

My children haven't had a normal school day in two years, and yet the rest of society, from Super Bowls to restaurants to the DMV are all mask-optional. It is a common sense measure to allow schools to follow as well. And if it can't be done now, with all the tools that we have, and the low levels of transmission, then when? I'd like my daughter, a senior, to finally see her teachers' and fellow students' faces before she graduates. Thank you.


Deborah Sachs - In December we were made aware that the fence surrounding the perimeter of the school had been placed there without any approval or safety assessment. It was noted at that meeting that a survey would go to stakeholders in January to vote on the fence. Which never happened. I know Ms. King has been working to put together a safety committee and the fence issue will be addressed by that committee. But we have now gone four months, the fence is still up, and all I know is that when the active shooter situation occurred, kids were scaling that fence to get out. Shouldn't that fence come down immediately until we know if it is a safety violation? Why wait? Should we have another emergency situation where students need to leave the campus quickly, if the fence traps them in and something horrible happens, weren't we forewarned?

II. Approve Minutes


Approve Minutes

Dara Williams made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 02-08-22.
Brenda Clarke seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Lisa Saxon
Dara Williams
Brooke King
Brenda Clarke
James (Jim) Wells
Jack Seltzer
Monica Batts-King
Sara Margiotta
Jewlz Fahn
Maggie Nance

III. Organizational Reports


Student Report

J Asgar stood in for C Clauson and reported that in Feb. there were Valentine's Day events (bake sale, teddy bear walk and senior dating game) which were super fun with good participation.  ASB also held a Woman's Day event with a pink treat bake sale, are currently having a feminine products drive and are having a Women's panel of speakers upcoming and students who attend can get extra credit.  They are also interviewing ASB potential members. There is a St. Patrick event this week (cakewalk) and holding a culture event.  Next week and it's going to be a bunch of stuff including all the student Union clubs and getting representation from all the different cultures on campus.


Parent Report

M Batts-King reports that there are concerns about entering grades in a timely manner.  In addition, there are questions regarding return to school in the fall as it pertains to mask mandates.


Represented Classified Staff Report

No representative to provide report


Unrepresented Classified Staff Report

B King - nothing to report.


Faculty Report

L Saxon noted that the report stands as submitted.  B Clarke noted that the biggest concern was how Virtual Academy is being planned for the fall and was looking for an update from the Administration regarding fall enrollment.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

P Jaffee noted that report stands as submitted.


Director of Operations Report

D Parcell noted that report stands as submitted.


Director of Development Report

M Rawson noted that report stands as submitted.  He highlighted the banner donors which are a large contributor to the overall success of the campaign.  He also reported that PCHS has received $100,000 to update the student quad to include more useful space, charging stations for students, seating, etc.  Donor has also expressed an interest in making additional donations.  He also highlighted a Spring donor event which successfully raised over $50K during their fall event.  He also discussed the transportation campaign.  Upcoming campaigns include:  major donor reception hosted by Robert and Kathy Rene and a personal phone-a-thon to include 1800 families asking for nominal gifts to increase overall parent participation. He discussed re-introducing the campaign for Transportation and asked any Board members interested to join him. He is working on a potential donor for a challenge grant of $500,000 to start an Endowment for transportation assistance. It would be up to PCHS to raise the rest, but noted that there are some alumns that are interested in this because they were traveling students.  He noted that from a development standpoint is vested in this effort noting that he is open to any and all input. M Batts-King noted that she would like to help with this.


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

JP Herrera noted that report stands as submitted.  He also highlighted the A-G grant which the school has finally received.  This will be further discussed at LTSP and brought to Board in April for approval.  It was noted that Language Arts are not included in the A-G requirements.


Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report

P Magee noted that report stands as submitted.  She also highlighted the directed $100,000 donation.  She also noted that there is a Virtual Academy Parent meeting being planned and more information is pending.  She also clarified that the vaccine mandate has not changed as it is a directive from LAUSD, which included Charter Schools.


Admin. Safety and Security Team

Committee has been meeting regularly.  There is a drill planned for Wed. 3/16/22.  Part of the drill tomorrow will include the bell schedule.  There is a risk assessment scheduled for March 26, 2022 and the committee is looking at options for egress.  Surveys will be included as part of the risk assessment.  D Williams also thanked B King for all of her efforts.

IV. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Academic Accountability Committee Update

R Tenan-Snow noted that report stands as submitted.  She noted that the AA is following the 2015 Board directive which asks depts to report out to AA which then can be brought to the Board.  She noted that Virtual Academy continues to grow primarily due to health concerns.  She reported that the Dept. is working hard to come up with a solid plan for the fall.  There is new legislature which effects virtual learning and they are continuing to evaluate the requirements.  She also asked the Board to review the 2015 directive to see if there is additional information which the Board would like to know about.  They are also continuing to look at the Bell schedule and noted that the revised 8:30 am bell schedule needs to be well advertised to families.  Bell schedules during the day continue to be discussed (included in these discussions:  additional electives, etc.).  She also noted that a cap on AP classes is also being discussed and students expressed big concerns regarding this potential cap.  The discussions with College Center didn't discuss capping AP classes noting that the AP cap concerns are coming from parents.  Board members provided individual insights.  D Williams noted that the goal of capping AP classes would be to improve the mental health of students.  Stakeholder surveys were discussed to get honest feedback about the CAP suggestion.


Budget & Finance Committee Update

S Margiotta noted that Budget and Finance met yesterday and reviewed materials that will be presented by JP Herrera.  Committee is also continuing to discuss AB 367 which requires schools to have free menstrual products available in student bathrooms, specifically discussing costs and which products to purchase, noting that some additional sub-groups of students are going to be surveyed with the hopes of finding something that female students are comfortable with but is fiscally responsible.  She noted committee has started having conversations about transportation and those will be continuing.


Charter Committee Update

D Williams reported that there is no update.


Election Committee Update

B King noted that there is an Election Committee meeting on Friday.  Voting process will follow with instructions on how to vote for various stakeholder candidates. 


Post Retirement/Lifetime Healthcare Benefits Committee Update

S Margiotta reported that with the updated committee members that the board approved, we were able to get a very solid meeting attendance and are caught up.  She noted that the committee reviewed the actuarial report, Juan Pablo provided investment update noting that the lifetime health benefits monies is getting invested incrementally on a monthly basis as per our investment advisor.  Committee is also asking the administration to look at various other health bids that are going to mimic either LAUSD coverage and/or health savings, and possibly moving away from a composite insurance (SISC) but updated information is still pending.  JP Herrera confirmed that as soon as we hear back any news from the insurance broker it will be shared.

V. Board Committees (Board Members Only)


Board Members Only - Committee Updates

Audit Committee met with the auditor and review the audit report.  There is a proposal from the audit firm to continue our contractual relationship for an additional 3 years.


Grade Appeals - there are 12 grade appeals pending and committee will begin process of reviewing these next week.


Survey Committee to meeting next week to begin creating surveys.  Dr. Magee will send an invitation to confirm date/time.

VI. Changes/Updates in Response to COVID-19


COVID-19 Related Updates and Impact on School

T Wilson reported that we are at a post-surge and we have been provided a post-surge plan with LACDPH.  As of March 12, 2022 the indoor mask mandate has been lifted in K-12 schools although it is still strongly recommended, along with COVID testing, social distancing.  PCHS met with labor partners to discuss concerns as well as meeting with PCHS nurse for medical insight.  School is currently discussing potential options.  She also noted the new "surge" in China.  She also reported that there are ongoing discussions regarding capacity for events going from 50% to 75% capacity.  P Magee also noted that LAUSD hasn't made a decision regarding indoor mask mandates noting that they have a different agreement with their UTLA union partners.


PCHS Mask Mandate

P Magee is asking the Board to grant the PCHS Administrators who are responsible for COVID mitigation in collaboration with UTLA-PCHS chapter chairs and PESPU representation, approval to determine the PCHS mask protocols in compliance with any applicable federal, state, and local laws.”  J Fahn noted that if we don't have to follow LAUSD, she noted that we are the last school implementing indoor mask mandates.  P Magee noted that we are not the last but stated that it is clearly being looked at and making plans closer to Spring Break.  M Nance asked whether the Board couldn't lift the mask mandate tonight.  P Magee noted that the Board could approve lifting mask mandates however she would like to have the opportunity to discuss this with labor partners out of consideration and determining how teachers feel about lifting the mandate.  B Clarke asked whether we could expedite lifting the mandate if UTLA/PESPU were in agreement.  J Fahn asked what would happen if UTLA says "no".  D Williams noted that if the Administration is unable to get consensus from all parties, then it can be brought back to the Board.  D Williams noted that if this is not part of the contract the Board can review the issue again.  M Batts-King asked why there was no union representation at this meeting and D Williams noted that they are always welcome to attend.  P Magee also noted that the case rates at PCHS have drastically reduced.  It was clarified that there is not current plans to stop testing.  

Dara Williams made a motion to To grant the PCHS Administrators who are responsible for COVID mitigation in collaboration with UTLA-PCHS chapter chairs and PESPU representation, approval to determine the PCHS mask protocols in compliance with any applicable federal, state, and local laws.”.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dara Williams
Lisa Saxon
Jewlz Fahn
Jack Seltzer
James (Jim) Wells
Sara Margiotta
Brenda Clarke
Maggie Nance
Brooke King
Monica Batts-King

VII. Academic Excellence


PCHS Virtual Academy Presentation

R Tenan-Snow noted another goal is to work on data from Virtual Academy re: state testing, etc. so that there is aggregate data.  She also noted that students who do come onto campus they will be required to take state CASP testing this year.  Next year, all Virtual Academy students will be required to take this exam.  She also noted that all AP students are expected to take the AP exams.

VIII. Transportation


Transportation Update

D Parcell noted that this is the time of year that transportation plans for the upcoming year begin.  There are discussions about the long-term sustainability of this program noting that transportation is paid for via the general funds.  He noted that the cost of busing/busing industry continues to increases, running above other general consumer price indexes.  He outlined the busing components:  to/from busing, athletic buses, late buses.  He highlighted costs of vacancy rates, student scholarships and late buses which are for students who participate in after-school activities.  He noted that the late bus is not part of the "to/from" bus program.  He did note that they try not to allow students to ride the late bus if they are not part of after school activities.  He also noted that currently team buses have historically been athletics but there are discussions about including additional "teams" which compete.  Next year a similar program will cost over $800,000.  What can be done to reduce these costs.  Cost share for late buses?  How do we mitigate rise in costs of all competition buses are provided transportation in future years.  Special Ed transportation will remain unchanged.  Cost reduction for scholarships or raising the threshold on who is eligible for scholarships are also options.  S Margiotta noted that we are in process of creating a Transportation Sub-Committee which will hopefully begin meeting next week.  Decreased ridership is a concern as we pass along increased costs and Don noted that the school can continue to downsize but at what point does public transportation become a faster option.  D Williams expressed concerns about cost of living increases noted in contracts but not able to pass this along in salary increases.  B Clarke noted that approximately 10% of our students are participating in the busing program and these were distributed equally amongst our diverse student population.  She also noted that B&F committee consensus was that no additional monies can be allocated for transportation for the upcoming year so that these costs need to be passed along to families.  S Margiotta noted that the goal of the special committee would be to address these questions as well as to obtain some specific data so that the committee could have a data driven conversation and make some recommendations to the Board.  JP Herrera noted that broken down transportation costs were shared with B&F on 3/14/22 and these materials are posted on the website.  He reviewed these updates and why costs increased this year and cost projections for next year.  M Batts-King noted that parents might what kids on the school buses because it is safer vs. public transportation and is concerned about this.  She also noted that if we are working on diversity would changes to transportation effect this?  She also reiterated her request for additional bids to evaluate transportation costs.  D Williams noted that she, as a Board member, has never heard anyone indicate that diversity was not important and that we want to work to increase diversity.  M Nance questioned the cost of Special Education transportation and it was noted that the high cost can be attributed to the need for a wheelchair accessible bus.  She also suggested that the school can look into purchasing some passenger vans and getting teachers/coaches to get Class B licenses to transport athletes/competition buses.  B Clarke is also in support of purchasing passenger vans.  L Saxon noted that it is the Board's fiduciary responsibility to examine this program.  She also noted that the group that is under represented group on the PCHS buses are the Hispanic population.  B King noted that Metro has free bus riding for all students and thinks we should partner with them and include them as part of this active conversation.  She thinks that we need to advocate for this system to continue to be free to provide transportation for students to get to/from school.  D Williams also noted that the salary of the Transportation Coordinator should be included in the cost of transportation.  M Batts-King reiterated the need to get kids to school safely.  J Seltzer discussed his time at PCHS noting that there was a busing crisis when he was a Freshman at PCHS.  However, he noted that we have a fiduciary obligation to the school.  He asked if we are passing these costs along to families is it in their best interest for them to pay for the busing and are lowered seriocomically challenged families moving to public transportation because of the cost of ridership.  



IX. Finance


2020-2021 Independent Audit

V Pineda presented from Cristy White.  Report reviewed and stands as submitted.  She highlighted the one deficiency which pertained to an English Learner student who was not reclassified.  Corrective action plan was discussed with new English Learner Coordinator, additional training, and new systems set into place to ensure there are no future occurrences.  JP Herrera also noted that the Board materials highlight the cause of the deficiency as well as corrective action plans.

Jewlz Fahn arrived at 6:01 PM.
Dara Williams made a motion to approve the 2020-2021 Financial Report and Corrective Action Plan.
Brenda Clarke seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Maggie Nance
Brooke King
Jack Seltzer
Sara Margiotta
Jewlz Fahn
James (Jim) Wells
Lisa Saxon
Brenda Clarke
Dara Williams
Monica Batts-King


2021-2022 Audit Engagement

Dara Williams made a motion to approve the 2021-2022 Audit Engagement.
Brenda Clarke seconded the motion.

It was clarified that this is a 3 year contract.  It was noted that the cost of their contractual services are consistent with other audit firms.  D Williams noted that the Audit Committee supported continuing to retain Christy White.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
James (Jim) Wells
Lisa Saxon
Jack Seltzer
Brooke King
Monica Batts-King
Maggie Nance
Sara Margiotta
Jewlz Fahn
Dara Williams
Brenda Clarke


2nd Interim Financial Report

JP Herrera reviewed report and it stands as submitted.  S Margiotta noted that B&F had reviewed this report reviewed and approved by B&F Committee.

Sara Margiotta made a motion to To approve the 2021-2022 Second Interim Financial Report.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sara Margiotta
Jack Seltzer
Brenda Clarke
Jewlz Fahn
Monica Batts-King
Maggie Nance
James (Jim) Wells
Brooke King
Dara Williams
Lisa Saxon


TPE Contract

JP Herrera reviewed contract noting that B&F had vetted contract and requested that "Third Party Vendor" be removed before Board approval.  TPE did remove the clause and contract is being submitted to Board for approval.  Security contract for 2022/2023 is currently being bided out.

Dara Williams made a motion to To approve the TPE security services contract for 2021-2022.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Lisa Saxon
Maggie Nance
Brooke King
James (Jim) Wells
Jewlz Fahn
Monica Batts-King
Jack Seltzer
Brenda Clarke
Dara Williams
Sara Margiotta


Cafeteria RFP

JP Herrera reviewed the Cafeteria RFP.  He noted that the majority of the language in the RFP is provided by the CDE.  He noted that there will be a change in the schedule of events because we are still waiting from a final response from CDE.  He noted PCHS is currently very happy with current vendor but we are required to vet out the contract.

Dara Williams made a motion to To approve the Food Service Management Company (FSMC) Request for Proposal: RFP #FY23-001.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jack Seltzer
Dara Williams
Lisa Saxon
Jewlz Fahn
Monica Batts-King
Sara Margiotta
James (Jim) Wells
Brenda Clarke
Brooke King
Maggie Nance


EdTech JPA Resolution

J Ropel reviewed the JPA Resolution noting that they lobby for better pricing contracts.  He noted that they get a 1% fee on products purchased and these are included in the costs presented to PCHS.  There is no obligation so if we can still get a lower price through EdTech JPA there is no additional cost to PCHS.

Jack Seltzer made a motion to To approve the signing of the Associate Membership Agreement between Palisades Charter High School and the Education Technology Joint Powers Authority and approve the application submission to the Education Technology JPA.
Brooke King seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brenda Clarke
Lisa Saxon
Jack Seltzer
Sara Margiotta
Jewlz Fahn
Brooke King
James (Jim) Wells
Dara Williams
Monica Batts-King
Maggie Nance


InformedK12 Vendor

JP Herrera presented proposed vendor as outlined in Board materials.  S Margiotta noted that this was reviewed at B&F Committee and committee voted to approve and recommend to the Board.

Sara Margiotta made a motion to To approve InformedK12 as a new vendor.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Brenda Clarke
James (Jim) Wells
Sara Margiotta
Lisa Saxon
Monica Batts-King
Jewlz Fahn
Maggie Nance
Dara Williams
Jack Seltzer


HR Director Salary Schedule

JP Herrera reviewed proposed HR Director Salary Schedule.  He noted that the proposed amount is in line with HR Director experience which will bring a needed experienced individual for this position.  JP Herrera noted that they believe this will lead to a higher quality of candidate and that this salary increase is in line surrounding school's HR Directors pay scales.  Comments were also made about the need for this individual to be a Certificated Position, comfort level with this administrator, understanding of what is happening in the classroom, etc.  An Admin credential is also a requirement.  M Nance noted that she agrees that this position should be credentialed but points out that Certificated teachers are not getting this additional salary increase and/or monies to do what they need to do in the classroom and asks the Board to remember this during negotiations.  JP Herrera noted that the starting salaries are in line although PCHS is slightly lower noting that comparative organizations are larger.  S Margiotta noted that B&F did review this and recommended submitting this to Board for approval.

Dara Williams made a motion to To approve the change in the HR Director Salary schedule and align it with the Assistant Principal salary schedule and require the HR Director to be certificated as an Administrator and as a Teacher.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dara Williams
Jack Seltzer
Jewlz Fahn
Monica Batts-King
Brooke King
Sara Margiotta
Brenda Clarke
James (Jim) Wells
Lisa Saxon
Maggie Nance

X. Governance


Updated Abstention (Recusal) Policy

D Williams noted that the updated Abstention Policy was reviewed by our Attorney, and they have provided their approval.  The revision specifically no longer requires Board members with conflicts to abstain vs. recuse and does not require Board members to leave the room.  It was clarified that PCHS is still continuing with the practice of teachers not being committee members on B&F.  This will be added to the April 2022 BOT meeting for approval.


FPPC Advice Letter Request

D Williams noted that this was submitted to our attorneys as well.  The attorney would like to discuss this with D Williams and P Magee before submitting it to the FPPC.  

XI. Consent Agenda: Finance Items


Approval of Field Trips

Dara Williams made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jack Seltzer
Maggie Nance
Brooke King
James (Jim) Wells
Brenda Clarke
Sara Margiotta
Dara Williams
Lisa Saxon
Jewlz Fahn
Monica Batts-King

XII. New Business / Announcements


Announcements / New Business

Next Board Meeting April 19, 2022 at 5 pm.


Announce items for closed session, if any.

Board moved to closed session at 8:29 pm

XIII. Open Session


Return to Open Session

Returned to Open Session 9:24 pm.  


Report Out on Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any.

D Williams noted that there was nothing to report from Closed Session.

XIV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:24 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Margiotta
Documents used during the meeting
  • Faculty Board Report 03_15_2022.pdf
  • HR Board Report 03_15_2022.pdf
  • Operations Board Report 03_15_2022.pdf
  • Director of Development Report 03_15_2022.pdf
  • CBO Board Report 03_15_2022.pdf
  • EDP Board Report 03_15_2022.pdf
  • Board Motion COVID Masking Protocols 03_15_2022.pdf
  • IX_A - 2020-21 Independent Audit_Board Motion.pdf
  • IX_B - 2021-22 Audit Engagement_Board Motion.pdf
  • IX_C - Second Interim_Board Motion.pdf
  • IX_D - TPE_Board Motion.pdf
  • IX_E - Cafeteria RFP_Board Motion.pdf
  • Board Report Motion Technology-EdTech_JPA.pdf
  • Associate_Member_Agreement_1_8_21.pdf
  • Education Technology JPA Associate Membership Application.pdf
  • IX_G - InformedK12_Board Motion.pdf
  • IX_H - HR Director Salary Schedule_Board Motion.pdf
  • PCHS Abstention Policy 03_10_2022 .pdf
  • Field Trip Approval_03_15_2022.pdf