Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday January 18, 2022 at 5:00 PM


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The Palisades Charter High School Board of Trustees Meeting for Tuesday, January 18, 2022, at 5:00p.m. will move to a virtual/teleconferencing environment. 


Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.


Trustees Present

Andrew Paris, Brenda Clarke, Brooke King, Dara Williams, Jack Seltzer, Jewlz Fahn, Lisa Saxon, Maggie Nance, Monica Batts-King, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent

James (Jim) Wells

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Guests Present

Amy Onyendu, Christopher Clausen, Don Parcell, Jeff Roepel, Monica Ianessa, Patti Jaffe, Richard Tauer, Taiyana Ballard, Tammie Wilson

I. Opening Items


Resolution to Hold Virtual Board Meetings

D Williams noted that the Governor passed a law in January 2022 allowing virtual meetings until March 31, 2022 so the vote on this resolution will be delayed until that time.  This will be extended to Board Committees as well.


Call the Meeting to Order

Dara Williams called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Jan 18, 2022 at 5:06 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

Lisa Woods - Thanked everyone who has worked tirelessly to keep our kids in school from janitorial, security, faculty, etc.  She knows others who also expresses these sentiments.


Anonymous - 1. PCHC Admin should have an option for families to keep their children at home with excused absences in the next few weeks until the positive COVID-19 cases dropped down.  Today we have the highest number with infected people and hospitalized as well since the beginning of the pandemic Marcy 2020.  2. PCHC should suspend all athletic activities as well.  It is not safe for anyone including teachers and their families.  We are not part of experiment. 
3. The way PCHC had listen the antivax parents, please listen vax parents doing everything to lower the spread of COVID-19 and protect the community.


Anonymous - Can PCHC admin provide the exact number as of today 01.11.2022 of positive Covid-19 cases for students and staff? Also please update the number on the web site. It has been showing the numbers before winter break. Thank you.

Anonymous - PCHS has to be transparent about number of the Covid-19 cases. My kids share that students with positive tests are attending classes. PCHS should conduct classes remotely till the surge gets down. All team sports should be canceled due to increasing the cases. School nurse is not responding the parent emails and calls. Her voicemail is full and can't receive messages. It looks like the situation is out of control.


Mary Hruska - Please provide documentation (including study data) to support the outdoor masking requirement at Pali. You may provide it to my email directly or post it to the school website.

II. Approve Minutes


Approve Minutes

Dara Williams made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 12-14-21.
Lisa Saxon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andrew Paris
Dara Williams
Brooke King
Sara Margiotta
Jack Seltzer
Maggie Nance
Brenda Clarke
Jewlz Fahn
James (Jim) Wells
Lisa Saxon
Monica Batts-King

III. Organizational Reports


Student Report

C Clauson reported that there is a soph bake sale in the quad this week as well as student concern meeting.  They are also hosting club interest meetings and Sr. Caucus to discuss Prom, Grad night, etc.  In general students are glad to be back on campus.  It has been a little hectic with the new regulations, but second semester is off to a great start overall.


Parent Report

J Fahn noted that she is getting emails from parents who are concerned and afraid that the school is going to shut down and go online because of COVID outbreak.  She asked that the school could perhaps offer reassurances that staying in person is the school's current plan.  She also reported that as a parent she was getting several emails for other students regarding their test results so there was obviously a glitch in the system.


D Williams stated that it was brought to her attention that when an email from the school goes home saying that there is a positive test.  However, it doesn't tell you which student tested positive, so this is unknown until the actual test result is sent to the students.



Represented Classified Staff Report

A Paris noted that it was good to be back on campus noting that they were a little short handed but was able to make everything work.


Unrepresented Classified Staff Report

B King nothing to report.


Faculty Report

M Nance noted that overall, the opening week went very well.  The vast majority of her kids are in class and those who test positive have been returning quickly having experienced minimal symptoms overall.  She is really glad school is open and in person.  She noted a concern about COVID positives and who is in and who is out is getting communicated.  There is apparent misreporting in the computer system.  She also noted that there have been reported false positives (being confirmed by outside laboratories same day).  It was noted that PCHS needs to adhere to best practices re: COVID testing.


L Saxon noted that there was a full PD slate coming back.  Teachers appreciated the safety expert who met with them, but many felt overwhelmed.  Students are moving into Virtual Academy, and it is getting up and running.  Students need more masks reminders from staff.


B Clarke - Outpouring of gratitude from families re: being back on campus in person.  Parents are expressing gratitude to everyone and the safety measures that the school is taking is very much appreciated.  She noted it was an honor to be in the "front lines" with the rest of the faculty.  There were scheduling issues this semester and is hopeful that this is getting ironed out.




Human Resources Director (HR) Report

Patti Jaffe - been working with PCHS for many years.  Gives accolades to everyone because they are doing an excellent job.  She was impressed by the students and their behavior.  She noted that there will always be glitches but noted that everyone is working really hard to work through this.  They are also working very hard to find an excellent Human Resources Director.


Richard Tauer - works with Patti.  Has been asked to come in and work with HR due to the resignation of Amy Nguyen.  He used to be a superintendent and is now retired.  Worked with PCHS several years ago for the first time.  He has watched the development of Pali over the past few years, and they have done a great job adapting and working with new ideas and solutions.  He noted that this has been the most difficult and challenging period that he has ever experienced and is pleased with how Pali has worked through this challenging time.


Director of Operations Report

D Parcell - Report stands as submitted.


Director of Development Report

M Rawson - reports stands as submitted.  Highlighted end of year campaign which brought in over $56,000.  Total PCHS fund is $340K which is the most that has been raised to date in his years at PCHS.  Participation numbers are lower, but families are donating in larger amounts.


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

JP Herrera - reports stands as submitted.  One update is that the SBA has provided full forgiveness for the PCHS PPP loan.  This is incredible news.  In coming weeks/months, CBO will be working with stakeholders to identify spending priorities to make use of these funds.  It was clarified that these funds are unrestricted. 


Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report

P Magee - report stands as submitted.  She thanked everyone for the smooth reopening for the year and thanked everyone for their comments and support.  She highlighted staffing challenges due to COVID which is causing delays in timely responses.  She clarified that letters coming from school regarding COVID testing results is being addressed.  She also noted that internally the school understands how the email notifications to parents regarding other students and the issue has been resolved.  She noted that communication is critical, and they are working and focused on keeping the school open.  She also noted that the Governor has prioritized in-person learning as well and school isn't able to close school with very short notice.  Some areas in the country are also seeing caseloads decrease and this is a good indicator of where LA County will be headed.  She is looking for something more optimistic in the not-so-distant future.  She also noted that the school does have a Safety Committee and is looking for stakeholder participation (students, parents, and community).  Please reach out to her if you are interested in participating on the committee.

IV. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Academic Accountability Committee Update

B Clarke - Nothing to report


Budget & Finance Committee Update

S Margiotta reported that we reviewed the information to be presented by CBO.  There are revised contracts for transportation, security and janitorial which need to be reviewed.  However, these were not completed and presented in time for B&F to review.  These will be reviewed in anticipation of the Board's February meeting for input and approval.


Election Committee Update

B King - Committee will be meeting and invited anyone to attend.


Post Retirement/Lifetime Healthcare Benefits Committee Update

S Margiotta noted that several members have noted that they can no longer participate.  An updated committee list will be presented to Board at Feb. 2022 meeting.
B Clarke - noted she has been told by faculty that there is an intention to cut lifetime health benefits.  S Margiotta noted that this committee has not had discussions to cut Post Retirement/Lifetime Healthcare Benefits for employees and suggested that these individuals should speak to faculty who were at the last meeting.  JP Herrera confirmed this intent but noted that what the Finance office is doing is going to market to look for comparable coverage with a better provider for PCHS.  B Clarke asked if it is a committee decision on which plan is decided.  It was noted that the coverage options would be discussed at the committee level and then taken to Board for approval.  We are obligated to provide benefits consistent with what is being provided by LAUSD.  (Not LAUSD or better based upon interpretation of the contracts.)

V. Board Committees (Board Members Only)


Board Members Only - Committee Updates

D Williams and B Clarke agreed to be on the audit committee.
B Clarke noted she is happy to be on the survey committee along with D Williams
Grade Appeal pending review of currently received appeals.

VI. Changes/Updates in Response to COVID-19


COVID-19 Related Updates and Impact on School

Tammie Wilson reviewed report as presented.  This week the process has been simplified to ensure safety of students and keep schools open.  If you test + for COVID, then you isolate for 5 days.  If you have no symptoms, take a rapid test.  If this is negative, student can provide your test result and receive a 90 letter to access campus without testing.  If student's rapid is positive at Day 5, student should continue to isolate for an additional 5 days and then can return to campus without further testing and will receive their 90-day letter to return to campus without testing for 90 days.  The 90-day letter can be obtained on campus at the Health Office.  It was noted that the process of clearing students who have tested positive and then subsequently negative needs to be clarified for students/staff to obtain the 90-day letter to clear students.  For home kits, there is a registration code which should be entered along with your test results.  If it is registered and result is entered student will receive communication to document the negative test result.


It was asked if the security guards could have a list for cross-reference because students can "alter" the 90-day letter.  There is a staffing issue to cross check the students upon entry each morning.  It was noted that emails can also be manipulated.

VII. Academic Excellence


Admin. Recommendation to Extend the Suspension of the PCHS Attendance Policy for the Spring 2022 Semester

Amy Onyendu came to the Board to recommend the extension of the suspension of the PCHS attendance policy for Spring 2022 due to COVID cases and required isolations
Brenda Clarke made a motion to Extend the Suspension of the PCHS Attendance Policy for the Spring 2022 Semester.
Maggie Nance seconded the motion.
C Clauson noted his approval on behalf of the student body
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
James (Jim) Wells
Jack Seltzer
Monica Batts-King
Andrew Paris
Brooke King
Dara Williams
Brenda Clarke
Lisa Saxon
Maggie Nance
Jewlz Fahn
Sara Margiotta


Academic Progress Presentation

M Ianessa presented the Academic Progress. Kudos were given to faculty, Board, mental health, students and parents for all of the support through virtual learning.  This is reflected by PCHS's graduation rate which is a reflection of the support and dedication of everyone.


D WIlliam asked whether there was a breakdown of the "A", "B", and "C" or was it cumulative.  M Ianessa noted that there was an expansion in the "A" distribution.  It was noted that these comparisons included fall of 2021.  M Nance also noted that going online created an outlier because they had to constantly adjust their assessment strategies.  She noted that teachers were giving grades more leniently than they had in historical in-person learning.  C Lee noted that the effects of COVID and distance learning will continue to effect approaches/teaching/grading and this year will be a benchmark year moving forward.  PD regarding Grading for Equity was also discussed and noted that this may affect the ability to analyze the current data.  B Clarke voiced concern re: the number of students who continue to fail math and is it in line with other LAUSD schools while being authentic in our grading?


It was also noted that Math Paraprofessionals have been expanded to higher level math courses with good success.


College Center Presentation

K Ellis discussed the challenges associated with college application in COVID.  Tours were virtual, testing options were challenging, etc. but noted that overall students did well.  Colleges were confused on what the incoming class would look like in the environment of C/NC, etc.


Report was reviewed as submitted.  She did note that there was a slight increase in unreported outcomes and College Center was not pushing students to report their individual outcomes.  She also noted that at the end of last year there were just 2 individuals working in the College Center.  These FTE's have increased to 3.5.  K Ellis noted that she believes that the trend of optional ACT/SAT will continue.  She also noted that the AP Credits are a better indicator of the school's rigor vs. the graduation credit requirements.  


C Clauson thanked the College Center for all of their support and hard work.

VIII. Finance


2021-2022 Budget Update

JP Herrera shared budget updates and report stands as submitted.  The increased transportation actuals were highlighted.  It was noted that the Finance Dept. was looking into the cost increases thinking it is a duplicate invoice or carry over from past school year.  The results of this investigation will be brought back to B&F Committee for review.


Relief Funding Update

JP Herrera discussed the Educator Effectiveness Grant which is to provide PD.  Our PD had currently been funded from another Grant.  Other increase costs:  mask requirements, rapid antigen tests, and Security Expert who provided PD to staff.  Gov. is now providing free rapid antigen tests, but PCHS is still waiting to hear how that effects our overall costs.  There is a discussion of reallocating funds (PD) to cover current budget deficit.  Sat. School is another possible re-allocation.  There is also funding for years 2&3 of a Paraprofessional which can be reallocated.  There also $40K for Acelles licensing which can be reallocated.  We have also been asked to re-submitting the ESSR III allocation to clarify how community and stakeholder input were collected and included in the allocation decision making process.  It was noted that most of the budget deficit was associated with a decreased ADA resulting from fewer enrolled students.  It was noted that the school is seeing high demand for the upcoming school year.


The state discussion about changing the funding level (Enrollment vs. ADA) will be discussed at the Funding Workshop which will happen later this month.  JP Herrera noted that school districts still have their ADA frozen, but this was not extended to Independent Charters for this current year.


Contract Revisions

JP Herrera noted that at the Jan. 2022 B&F Committee it was determined that this will be reviewed at the Feb. 2022 meeting instead since the committee didn't have the appropriate time to review.  In Feb. 2022 B&F will review the Regis Contract, ATS Contract Revision, and TPE Contract and will come with recommendations to the Board at their February 8, 2022 meeting.


Cafeteria/Food Service RFP

Table for Feb. 2022 BOT meeting

IX. New Business / Announcements


Announcements / New Business

Next Board meeting will be Feb. 8, 2022 at 5 pm.  The Board should plan on holding this meeting via zoom.  Future in person meetings will be discussed at that time.


P Magee California Charter School Conference will be held on March 14-17, 2022 in Long Beach.  Any Board members interested please reach out to Karen Cox.


Announce items for closed session, if any.

Board went into closed session at 8:05 pm

X. Open Session


Return to Open Session

Return to Open Session at 10:37. 


Report Out on Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any.

The Board did hear a security discussion in Closed Session presented by a security firm about possible updates to PCHS security response.  However, no action was taken on any of the items in closed session.

XI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:39 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Margiotta