Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 14, 2021 at 5:00 PM


Gilbert Hall, Palisades Charter High School
15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272


or by phone
Conference number: 1-669-900-9128
PIN: 85745889695
One touch dial from cell phone:
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.


Trustees Present

Andrew Paris, Brenda Clarke, Brooke King, Dara Williams, Jack Seltzer, James (Jim) Wells, Jewlz Fahn, Lisa Saxon, Maggie Nance, Monica Batts-King, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Guests Present

Amy Nguyen, Christopher Clausen, Karen Cox

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Dara Williams called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Dec 14, 2021 at 5:08 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

James (Jim) Wells made a motion to limit public comment to 1 minute.
Lisa Saxon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jewlz Fahn
Maggie Nance
Brooke King
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
Jack Seltzer
Monica Batts-King
Sara Margiotta
James (Jim) Wells
Lisa Saxon
Brenda Clarke
Heidi Suarez - Unlawful vaccine policy has created a toxic environment.  Feels like Board has stonewalled a faction of the community.  PCHS doesn't have the legal authority to have a vaccine mandate and only CA Dept of Public Health can require these.


Ramon Suarez - Doesn't understand why Board is so adamant about mandates.  Discussed COVID cases and cited his family's natural immunity.  COVID vaccine mandates have been overturned by high courts.


Gloria Setarh - CDC has adverse events reported since vaccines where introduced in the 80's.  Cites adverse events as noted in handouts distributed to the Board.


James Malley - We are on a slippery slope.  He has been a Board member.  Wants Board to rethink vaccine mandate.  References Dr. Falcan and potentially Dr Fauci to be deposed.


Melissa Bowden - 34,000 students will be pushed back into online learning and possible 500 at PCHS.  Cites mental health issues associated with online learning.  Discussed increases in suicide rate.


Glaieul Tehrani - Pressure and anguish forced on children is not acceptable.  How does Board have the authority to separate vaccinate vs unvaccinated students.  How do we have the right to push students back into virtual learning which is segregating them from others.  States that virtual learning is sub-par.


Kyle Finch - Wants to make sure that you can still transmit the virus once vaccinated so how are we following the science.  Dr. Magee and Monica Batts - King discussed bringing community back together but we are discriminating and segregating students who are unvaccinated.


Sabine Cutrono - Here to discuss safety and freedom.  Per her son, he believes in America and freedom but doesn't believe in unconstitutional health mandates.  Discusses problems associated with not being able to have in person learning.


Tommy Cutrono - What will happen to me for fighting for my rights.  Conformity and compliance do not prepare students for adulthood.  We are executing his son's soul and school can never take away his integrity.


Grace Shain - Her son was vaccine injured.  He loved school and swim team. She is a parent who trusted science and she vaccinated her students.  Her son has a vaccine injury and is no longer able to attend school and needs ongoing support and care.


Hannah Shain - Brother was really excited to start school and has now suffered brain inflammation as a results of a vaccine injury.  Family has autoimmune diseases and therefore they are not advised to receive the vaccines.  She doesn't want to leave Pali but is doing so.


Marjan Rajabi - IT and cyper security specialist.  School requiring uploading vaccination cards are violating the health information of our students which will put us into a HIPPA violation.


Natalya Seva - She says they are the parents and Board is working because the parents brought students to the school, therefore the Board has been hired by parents.  Asked why school is forcing parents to vaccinate their children,


Mandana Hedayat - Wants us to consider why LAUSD is reconsidering the delay in vaccine mandates.  Stated that LAUSD is doing so because they cannot support virtual learning for all of their students.  Please don't delay mandate.


Eva Kardsen - Discussed events on Monday and felt that things were not communicated properly.  She feels that if communication happened clearly and in real time it would have been better.  Asked about school drills and were they being done?


Jensen Daggett - LAPD opened gates and students were told to run.  Communication has been an ongoing discussion and she didn't feel like it has been addressed.  Student reported that when Dr. Magee spoke over the loudspeaker students didn't know who she was because she isn't around.


Mary Hruska- I will not restate the voluminous scientific and legal reasons that I have already communicated to you on why your choice to impose a covid 19 vaccine mandate at Pali is a tragic, criminal mistake.  I will instead, simply address myself to those on the board who voted in favor of it:
You are on the wrong side of the law, you are on the wrong side of history, you are relying on a corrupt political narrative instead of science and you are embarking on a path that is morally bankrupt. You have the opportunity to correct your decision this evening. I suggest you take it.


Sharada LaSpisa - With increases in myocarditis cases, Japan is now labelling all Covid Vaccines with a Myocarditis warning. It is also emphasizing the importance of informed consent and bodily autonomy . If Japan can help protect their citizens right to choose so can the Pali High Board. It is time to re-think and remove the Covid Vaccine Mandate at our school.


Anonymous - My child has an IEP and is Exempt from Vaccines. Will you honor this Exemption from this EUA Covid shot and allow my child to continue In-Person learning in the Spring 2022.


Heidi Suarez - 34,000 kids are about to be pushed out of their high schools and back into virtual learning.  500 or so at Pali.  Pushed into isolation and deprived of in-person learning after a year and a half of school shut downs.  This is unconscionable.  I’m here to ask you to change your votes regarding the vaccine mandate.  YOU MUST BE AWARE OF what isolating kids from their friends, teachers and teams does to their mental health. BUT ARE YOU AWARE THAT last week the Surgeon General declared  adolescent mental health a national emergency? ARE YOU AWARE of the 31% increase in mental health–related Emergency Department visits among 12–17 years olds in 2020?
ARE YOU AWARE of the 51% increase in suicide attempts by adolescent girls during pandemic?
In the summer of 2020 the C.D.C. director, warned that adolescent suicides would be one of the “substantial negative consequences” of school closings. Sadly, he was right.  In January 2021, the NY Times wrote about a surge of school suicides that pushed Las Vegas schools to reopen. After 18 student suicides and 3,100 suicidal alerts in 9 months, Dr Jara, the school superintendent reversed the school shut downs in his county. “I feel responsible,” he said. “They’re all my kids.” In the spring of 2020, a Senior who had relied on in-person care from his teachers, counselors and cafeteria to thrive before the pandemic, shot himself two weeks before graduation. “Part of me will always wonder if he’d had access to his teachers, his peers and me, if it would’ve changed the outcome,” his counselor said, through tears. Please change your votes.  Please don’t push kids out. They need to be here.
You votes to segregate and isolate them could have perilous consequences. Can you live with that?



Rhona Rosenblatt - Consistency and communication are key when dealing with potential threats of violence at school. Last week's rumors of an incident made it clear that students, parents and teachers do not do not have a consistent response nor a pre-described communication plan. It is essential that going forward, parents and students know what to expect in such incidents and to set expectations with parents regarding timeframes for when we will hear from the school and via what channel.. We would like to know what the plan is so that all teachers can maintain their classes in the same way and communicate consistent information to students. The school should do periodic tests of the emergency communication tool so that parents and students can practice using these tools in the absence of an incident. While it is tempting to point fingers at student reliance on social media, in the absence of other information, it is all they have. From my perspective as a psychotherapist, the "not knowing" of students and parents is what can contribute to stress and anxiety that can otherwise be managed well. We have heard about a range of responses, from students barricading themselves in classrooms, to students running off campus, to students staying at school to try to learn for the remainder of the day. Instead of telling students that they did something wrong, let's tell them what they did that is right, as they have been taught "If you see something, say something." Pali High must establish a better system for timely and clear communications, even if only to say "We are investigating a threat and your children are safe." Regarding the graffiti incident the next morning, it was disappointing to learn of this through students and to receive the very first Pali communication about this at 8 pm. A quick morning email to say "There has been a graffiti incident at our school, and the situation is under investigation" means that students aren't left to assess for themselves whether it is safe to be at school. We are deeply disappointed in our school's response, and know that Pali's administration can do better. We look forward to hearing what that will be.

Peter Garff - Hi Board of Trustees Members, my name is Peter Garff and I am the co - president of the Human Rights Watch Student Task Force at Pali High. Unfortunately because of finals I was not able to be at the meeting in person, however, would like to urge your approval for the Letter of Intent as it is the right thing for our school. However, our school is not the only organization that will be affected. By signing this LOI you set a path for other schools to follow thereby having a greater effect on the environment and on the futures of Pali's students. Thank you.

II. Approve Minutes


Approve Minutes

Lisa Saxon made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 11-16-21.
Dara Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Maggie Nance
Lisa Saxon
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
Jack Seltzer
Monica Batts-King
Jewlz Fahn
James (Jim) Wells
Brenda Clarke
Sara Margiotta
Brooke King

III. Organizational Reports


Student Report

Chris Clauson reported that students are in finals so not much is going on.  Holiday spirit happened after Thanksgiving.  New Freshman class president, blood drive collecting 34 units and Kay n Daves fundraiser for Jr. Class.  They are working with Administration to address events from last week.


Parent Report

J Fahn reported that the school has failed them through communication regarding events of Dec. 6.  Parents wanted updates as soon as the school was made aware.  They felt shamed by the later email about allowing their students to leave campus.  She cited that other schools communicated with their parents before Pali.  Parents want assurances.


J Wells - Parents were expressing support of vaccination mandates due to new variant.


M Batts - King - heard some of the same things that Jewlz heard.  She also felt the same way as other parents.  What she heard from minority parents was that the threat was aimed toward the minority students and the lack of communication seemed to undermine them.  She also heard the check out process must be addressed.  Suggested and alphabetical check out process. Her daughter couldn't check out so she told her to just leave which was allowed by the LAPD.  The hysteria also filtered into the village once kids left school.  Discussed vaccine mandate and parents are expressing wish to maintain current timing of mandate.  Also looking for clarification for some parents about who is exempt and we need to make sure administration is made aware of anyone who might have a medical exemption vs. acceptable delays.


Represented Classified Staff Report

A Paris shouted out to classified employees who really stepped up on Dec. 6th who helped everyone with the challenges.


Unrepresented Classified Staff Report

B King reported that Management/Administration met to collaborate on a corrective action plan.  She also extended her apologies to parents for the anxiety on Dec. 6.  In discussions, school has seen kids leaving school during fire drills.  There was also an exodus during a rappers performance on Sunset Blvd.  We also need to look at how PCHS addresses social media.  Noted need to communicate fluidly.  Reconvening the Safety Committee will also occur.


Faculty Report

Faculty Report stands as submitted.  L Saxon expressed concern regarding the antisemitic and faculty threats associated with the graffiti.  She also suggested moving student check outs at reunificaition gate and called for better communication.


She also cited concerns re: NC.  Students are verbally citing lack of engagement in work in order to receive NC.  Being encouraged to do so by college counsellors.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

A Nguyen - Stands as submitted.  New Hire is covering for someone who is out.


Director of Operations Report

D Parcell - Stands as submitted.  He was asked to bring options to purchase student copiers vs. leasing contracts due to funding from ELO Grants vs. transferring costs long term to the general fund.


Bathroom issues were also discussed and lines seem to be improving.


Director of Development Report

Report reviewed and stands as submitted.  Giving Tuesday raised enough money to address Tech items 8, 9 and 10. (Docking stations, etc.)


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

CBO stands as submitted.


Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report

P Magee reviewed and report stands as submitted.  She noted that the Administration in real time realized the need for timely communication.  She also noted that resources are an issue and any absence can impact on how things worked.  She thanked everyone who made comments in the Google doc and these will be incorporated into an Action Plan.  She also apologized and noted that there is a corrective action plan in place.  She also noted that school is not back to normal, citing the mental health component of students.  She also reported that some of the drills were not done in order to be sensitive to the mental health of the students.  This will be addressed 1st week of 2nd semester.  She also acknowledged ASB and March for Our Lives organization for reaching out to help and to be part of the action plan.  Administration will be working with them to give them what they need as well as to address social media.  She also expressed gratitude to parents/community who reached out and want to help.  Encouraged others to participate.

IV. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Academic Accountability Committee Update

B Clarke reported that committee met and voted on Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Board Liaison.
Brenda Clarke made a motion to approve Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary of Academic Accountability Committee as submitted.
Jewlz Fahn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Jack Seltzer
Jewlz Fahn
Monica Batts-King
Lisa Saxon
Maggie Nance
Sara Margiotta
Brenda Clarke
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
James (Jim) Wells


Budget & Finance Committee Update

S Margiotta report that B&F met on Dec. 13, 2021 and reviewed 2021/2022 1st Interim Financial report, the Educator Effectiveness Grant (Professional Development Plan), and PermaCity Letter of Intent.  She reported that the Committee voted to approve and recommend the Educator Effectiveness Grant to the Board for approval noting that the use of these funds can be fluid and reallocated as needed if necessary to address future needs/updates.  For example, teacher PD conferences have not been completed decided upon and therefore potential changes may arise.  All potential revisions to the grant will be brought to the B&F Committee for review and approval.  The Committee also reviewed the transfer of the retiree benefit fund (Fund 20) to the investment account managed by our chosen wealth manager.


Election Committee Update

B King reported committee did meet and historically committee carries over members from the previous year.  Election calendar was created for 2022.  Election Committee is comprised specifically as outlined in the charter (as outlined in the Charter).  Election committee current members are interesetd in continuing but is looking for a new UTLA representive.  Noted that over the past year, committee created a new voting system using Infinite Campus to engage all stakeholders in the election process.  Encouraged parents to ensure they are registered with Infinite Campus.  Currently looking for the following Board seats:  1 Community Seat (all PCHS stakeholders), 2 parent seats (elected by parents), 1 teacher seat elected by faculty, 1 teacher seat (elected by students - 1 year term) and 1 management seat  (elected by Management and administration).


Post Retirement/Lifetime Healthcare Benefits Committee Update

 S Margiotta that the committee met and is reviewing committee make up.  Correspondence will be sent to members who have not typically been attending to gauge future interest.  An update will be provided at the next BOT meeting.


JP discussed the Ed Fund Brokerage Account.  County Treasury is requesting a formal authorization as presented at B&F Committee 12/13/21.  There was subsequent discussions on how additional funding will be added to that account, ie. loan payments, etc.
Dara Williams made a motion to approve transfer 100% of the retiree benefit fund (Fund 20) to the investment account managed by Merrill Lynch Wealth Management.”.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.
S Margiotta noted that the B&F Committee approved a slightly different motion after discussion.  The motion approved by B&F Committee was to "Approve the transfer of 100% of the retiree benefit fund (Fund 20) to the investment account managed by Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, with future Fund 20 deposits/balances to be transferred on a monthly basis."


The motion did not carry.
Dara Williams made a motion to approve the transfer of 100% of the retiree benefit fund (Fund 20) to the investment account managed by Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, with future Fund 20 deposits/balances to be transferred on a monthly basis.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Lisa Saxon
Jewlz Fahn
Andrew Paris
Brooke King
Maggie Nance
Dara Williams
Jack Seltzer
Monica Batts-King
James (Jim) Wells
Brenda Clarke
Sara Margiotta

V. Board Committees (Board Members Only)


Board Members Only- Committee Updates

A Paris noted Grade Appeal Committee met 5 times and changed the grades for 2 appeals.

VI. PCHS Safety Protocols and Procedures


Corrective Action Plan

D Williams noted that there was a lack of communication which creates a vacuum and vacuum got filled with rumors and panic.  Having fences exacerbated the issue because students couldn't get out.  Thinks there should be protocols in place so everyone understand that parents can still pick up students.  She also reported that the liability regarding spreading rumors on social media was defensive.  If we see a social media threat parents sometimes spread this information with the best interests of everyone in mind.  She feels like parents were just trying to put out a fair warning.  What she heard is that very timely communication is key even if all information is not known.  


J Fahn echos what D Williams reported.  Any information is welcome.  She noted that all everyone wants to know is that everything is ok.  She questioned need for attendance rules in the event of an emergency.


J Wells noted that his son missed 1st period and he got to school as things were "hitting the fan".   Officer did try to tell parents that this wasn't a credible threat, but parents were in a panic and didn't want to listen to the information provided by the officer.


C Clauson noted that the hysteria was surrounding students learning of the threat once on campus vs. learning about it before hand.  He agrees that real time communication was key to reducing stress.


B Clarke reported that we are in very stressful situation and it is an extremely difficult year.  Everyone is working hard to do the best that they can. Noted that the students are our legal liability during school hours and it is important to make sure they are safe.  Would like to see the ability to check out kids more quickly if a future situation similar to events of 12/6/21 occurs.


M Batts-King agrees with C Clauson but noted that many people knew the night before.  People from other schools were aware of the social media post and it was reported by LAUSD as well.  She also noted that since so many students also attend Revere Administration might want to work with Revere Administration to ensure consistent communication between the 2 schools.  She noted that teachers were also fearful.  Was full lock down mode a better way to go until searches can be done?  Kids were also in classrooms making get away plans.  Parent communication to pick up kids put everyone into a panic.  Students should not be penalized for leaving school on December 6, 2021.  D Williams clarified that there are not attendance consequences as a result of leaving on that day.  M Nance said that it felt like a lot of drama and panic.  Kids also left just because they didn't want to go to class. School has to walk a fine line between causing panic with early communication.  L Saxon noted she did go to front gate and spoke with officer and as soon as an administration opened the gate to let parents in 400 kids swarmed out.  She noted that kids don't respect authority on campus and she feels like that is coming from home.  If parents don't teach students to respect authority she cannot do her job.  Feels like there is a need to add a media literacy component to our curriculum.  She also wants to know that parents are backing the teachers vs. threatening the teacher with bullying words and putting their individual students first.  C Clauson also noted that preparedness was an issue.


J Wells discussed the graffiti incident and clarified that there were 2 students.  Teachers expressed concern that some of this was directed at teachers which was not communicated to them until later.  Would like earlier communication with as much information as possible.  M Nance was at work long before she knew what the specific graffiti said but feels like faculty should have known what the specific threats were.  Wanted to know how much teachers are supposed to take.  L Saxon echoed M Nance's comments and shared that the graffiti was concerning and feels teachers are unappreciated.  She wants to work with parents and community to support students but feels under attack.


Reviewed by P Magee and D Parcell noted that Administration will work to err on the side of caution regarding communication (over communication).  D Parcell noted that the scan for students doesn't ensure that students are being released to the appropriate individuals.  Enhanced security was discussed and always trying to find a balance between just enough support to balance costs.  He felt that the front gates helped control the parent reunification process but this will be reexamined.  He noted that LAPD officer was the individual who asked to have the gate open.  In retrospect, he noted that the officer asked to have the gate open because parents were trying to get in.  He also noted that after situation stabilized, students came back to campus.  D Magee also noted that security cameras are helping understand the events of December 6 and how they unfolded.  It was also noted that camera technology has improved and this would be helpful.


It was suggested that school run a drill as it pertains to a social media school threat with just the response team and not all students.


Fencing/Cameras Around Campus

D Parcell discussed perimeter fencing.  Gates on sides of building and in the front have been helpful.  He noted that security team has assignments to specific gates in emergency situations.  They are assigned to open gates in the event of an emergency.  If there is an active, credible threat the gates would have been opened.


J Fahn stated that she hates the gates and feels like the school is a jail.  Had there been a serious threat on Monday, the kids couldn't get out.  Feels like they are a fire hazard and there needs to be a way to keep kids safe without jail like gate.  She has not spoken to 1 parent who likes the gates.


D Williams asked whether the Fire Dept. has come to assess the gates to ensure they are up to fire code.  Is school in compliance with city review and putting things up on campus.  Per D Parcell says that Fire Dept. said that it doesn't do those assessments.  Ingress/egress is the issue.  This needs to be explored at a higher level to ensure fire compliance.  M Batts-King feels that gates are unsafe and she feels that security isn't well trained.  She noted that the students shouldn't feel like they are locked up like animals.  Looking for alternatives.  M Nance also hates the fences and it is a source of lack of moral among faculty and students.  If we treat students like they are criminals she believes that they will behave this way.  Treating students and faculty like they are prisoners is not the way to go.  She feels that there is nothing that is in place that will prevent a school shooting.  How do we want the school to feel when there isn't an active shooter?  J Seltzer echoed what fellow Board members are saying.  Main discussion at his siblings PCHS reunion were the gates.  D Williams also hates the fences.   She is familiar with Juvenile Justice system which is working to make it feel more like a home life situation.  Would also rather have graffiti which needed to be painted over.  Taking down the fences is soemthing that needs to be put on the agenda.  If fences are removed perhaps put other safety measures in place.  The mental cost of having the fences is not worth the benefits which they may pose.  J Wells asked D Parcell clarified that fencing was put into place to control COVID.  Is there a need to have fencing to control the flow of students once COVID checks need to be done.  D Parcell noted that security/safety made a decision to add the gates but Administration has a safety budget and has discretion to use as they see fit.  D Williams asked for a safety report and stakeholder survey.  He noted that there were 3 security assessments and all reported the front of the school as an area of concern.  M Nance discussed the need to writing neutral surveys.

VII. Changes/Updates in Response to COVID-19


Second Semester COVID Vaccine Plan

LA Times posted an update at approximately 6:45 pm with LAUSD Board update.  P Magee noted that LAUSD voted 7-0 to expand staff and student mandates to Charter schools but extended the mandate to 2022.  She discussed the financial impact of the our current mandate deadline.  Roughly 70% of students are currently fully vaccinated.  She noted that there is concern about their ability to provide Virtual Academy to all unvaccinated students.  There is also a financial concern (approximately) with a decrease in ADA if students opt to attend another LAUSD school.  Culver City also extended its mandate.  Because LAUSD extended their mandate our vaccination requirement will now extend to 12+.  It was noted that J Wells voted against original vaccination mandate because he was in favor of 12+.  Current rulings are ruling in support of school vaccination mandates.  It was noted that myocarditis reported in children who get COVID is worse than any potential side effect.  It was also noted that Board is not addressing this issue because of the aggressive behavior but because of the new ruling from LAUSD.  Testing is still a discussion but there is funding that is covering testing and it appears that this is not a significant expense.  Recommendation is that we should continue testing.  There was a question about whether we need to continue to test individuals who are vaccinated.  Testing at LAUSD is still under discussion.  Governor Newsom direction was discussed and his direction was to the California Dept. of Public Health to make recommendations.  CA state legislature can also add COVID vaccine to the list of mandated vaccinations.  J Fahn feels very disappointed and feels like we are going backward.  Feels like this is getting compromised for $.  J Wells noted that LAUSD didn't have infrastructure to support virtual education and PCHS does have the infrastructure.  Currently we have 110 new students for total of 220 in virtual academy.  Some students do want to stay in virtual academy and some would prefer to be back in the classroom.    There are costs associated with adding students to virtual academy as well.  In addition to virtual academy, there are an additional 500 students of whom we don't know their vaccination status.  L Saxon noted that LAUSD is our Charter authorizer and therefore we are mandated to go backwards with COVID vaccinations.  If LASUD included Charter schools in their mandate we are required to follow their directive.  D Williams noted that the vaccination status should be included with the registration documents in the fall.  Can we say that students are not able to be registered at PCHS is they have not been vaccinated.  M Batts-King agreed with J Fahn.  If LAUSD hadn't changed their mandate what had PCHS planned to do.  She also discussed parents who didn't want to get their students vaccinated but did because of the mandate.  Is that fair?  She stated that we can't be wishy washy about this decision.  D Williams noted that there is a state limit on Virtual Academy (20% of enrollment) and P Magee noted that the current enviroment is not the time to request an expansion.  She also noted that the big change would be realigining the master schedule.  Student schedules will need to change.  Costs associated with additional auxillaries with virtual academy.  It was noted that this becomes an enormous, logistically very difficult undertaking.  J Seltzer noted that we are a fiducary of the school and speaks to the financal impact.
Dara Williams made a motion to align the implementation of the PCHS vaccine mandate to the date LAUSD's vaccine mandate takes effect for 16+ year-old students.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.
Discussion continued and it was noted that how will we replace the 500 students in the fall.  A percentage of these will be graduating and when we accept new students in the fall we can require proof of vaccination.  All current students can be put into Virtual Academy in the fall if they don't have proof of vaccination.


J Wells asked to amended approval until January to see how many additional students return vaccinated.  There is no second to his motion.


M Nance discussed the challenges of revamping students, in the middle of finals, and her frustration of adding additional work adding 500 students to virtual academy and how it will impact teachers.  She is pro-vaccinated and is insulted and that the school just needs to extend the vaccination deadline.


D Williams noted again that we are not caving to parents who were against COVID mandate.  L Saxon also noted the time required to rewrite curriculum for classes.  She takes 800 hours to do this and is frustrated that trustees are asking teachers to do this over the winter break untrained on how to teach in Virtual Academy.  She noted that we have a fiduciary responsibility to the school.  It was also noted that we are not reducing the # of students on campus by huge numbers because anyone under 16 is still not required to be vaccinated.  D Williams also emphasized the need to listen to teachers/administration who are reporting to the Board that this transition is not possible.  There are changed circumstances and we need to take the LAUSD changed circumstances into consideration.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brenda Clarke
Lisa Saxon
Maggie Nance
Sara Margiotta
Jewlz Fahn
Andrew Paris
Brooke King
Dara Williams
Monica Batts-King
Jack Seltzer
James (Jim) Wells


Virtual Academy Update

Presentation was given by R Tenan-Snow and C Lee.


COVID Testing Financial Obligation/Impact

Insurance is covering cost of COVID test so there haven't been costs to the school.  Gov. is now requiring insurance to cover the cost of rapid tests at approximately $50/test.  It is believed that this will be retroactive but there is COVID testing relief monies.  COVID relief money is also covering cost of contact tracing.

VIII. Academic Excellence


PCHS No Credit (NC) Policy

Academic accountability report was reviewed.  B Clarke reported that the committee recommends that we keep NC policy through second semester so that data could be evaluated as to the effectiveness of the policy.  At that point Board could evaluate extending this NC policy moving forward.
Brenda Clarke made a motion to NC policy will remain in place for spring 2022 semester. Once Administration has collected data on effectiveness of policy, data will be presented in April to the Board to evaluate the extending the NC policy.
Dara Williams seconded the motion.
D Williams requested input from UC system regarding how the NC policy will impact college admissions.  It was noted that students need to understand how the UC and Cal State schools will interpret the NC. Survey results show that 90% of students stated that NC on transcript, 85% of community, and 40 % teachers are in favor 60% against.  It was noted that there are unintended consequences of the NC policy.  There are students opting for a NC in an in-person class because credit recovery is a much easier and quicker option for them.  L Saxon noted that she feels that we are doing our students a dis-service with this.  The goal of the NC is to alleviate stress for students who are getting "F".  L Saxon also noted that groups of teachers are piloting Grading For Equity and she feels that this is the more appropriate approach.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
James (Jim) Wells
Andrew Paris
Jack Seltzer
Brenda Clarke
Lisa Saxon
Monica Batts-King
Jewlz Fahn
Dara Williams
Sara Margiotta
Maggie Nance


Educator Effectiveness Funds / Professional Development (PD) Plan

Reviewed by JP Herrera
Lisa Saxon made a motion to approve the Educator Effective Funds/Professional Development (PD) Plan.
Dara Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andrew Paris
Jack Seltzer
Lisa Saxon
James (Jim) Wells
Dara Williams
Brooke King
Sara Margiotta
Brenda Clarke
Monica Batts-King
Jewlz Fahn
Maggie Nance

IX. California National Standard Student Data Privacy Agreement


California National Standard Student Data Privacy Agreement (CA-NDPAv1)

Dara Williams made a motion to adopt the CA National Standard Student Data Privacy Agreement as the approved Student Data Privacy agreement for use with any vendor in which any Palisades Charter High School student data may be exchanged.
Brooke King seconded the motion.
J Ropel reviewed as submitted.  This gives us a standard agreement to provide to all vendors to ensure we are complying with student privacy laws
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Maggie Nance
Lisa Saxon
Jewlz Fahn
James (Jim) Wells
Dara Williams
Brenda Clarke
Jack Seltzer
Andrew Paris
Sara Margiotta
Brooke King
Monica Batts-King

X. Finance


2021-2022 First Interim Financial Report

Dara Williams made a motion to approve the 2021-2022 First Interim Financial Report.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.
JP Herrera reviewed and noted that they are working with Attendance Office to increase enrollment and ADA.  S Margiotta noted that B&F will be asking Finance Office and Administration to go back and find costs savings for 2nd semester to end the school year with a zero balance budget.  PPP loan was also discussed and it was noted that this still has not been forgiven.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
James (Jim) Wells
Lisa Saxon
Brenda Clarke
Monica Batts-King
Sara Margiotta
Jewlz Fahn
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
Maggie Nance
Brooke King
Jack Seltzer

XI. Governance


PCHS Ed Fund Brokerage Account

Dara Williams made a motion to To approve the addition of Pamela Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera and Michael Rawson, as authorized users on the PCHS Ed Fund Brokerage Account at Charles Schwab, and the removal of Gregory Wood.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.
S Margiotta noted that B&F approved this PCHS Ed Fund Brokerage Account changes as noted and recommends it to the Board.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jewlz Fahn
Monica Batts-King
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
Sara Margiotta
Lisa Saxon
Brenda Clarke
Brooke King
James (Jim) Wells
Maggie Nance
Jack Seltzer

XII. PCHS Clean Energy Task Force


PermaCity Letter of Intent

Brooke King made a motion to approve PermaCity Letter of Intent.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.
S Margiotta discussed LOI and noted that language had been updated to remove the issues of concern to the B&F Committee.  B&F approved the LOI as presented to the Board this evening and is recommending that the BOT approve the LOI for Dr. Magee's signature.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
Maggie Nance
Brooke King
Sara Margiotta
Brenda Clarke
Jewlz Fahn
Lisa Saxon
Jack Seltzer
James (Jim) Wells
Monica Batts-King

XIII. Consent Agenda: Finance Items


Approval of Field Trips

Sara Margiotta made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
Dara Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andrew Paris
Jewlz Fahn
Lisa Saxon
Dara Williams
James (Jim) Wells
Jack Seltzer
Maggie Nance
Brooke King
Brenda Clarke
Sara Margiotta
Monica Batts-King

XIV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:58 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Dara Williams
Documents used during the meeting
  • Faculty Board Report 12_14_2021.pdf
  • HR Board Report 12_14_2021.pdf
  • Salary Scales HR 12_14_2021.pdf
  • Operations Board Report 12_14_2021.pdf
  • Director of Development Board Report 12_14_2021 .pdf
  • CBO Board Report 12_14_2021.pdf
  • EDP Board Report 12_14_2021.pdf
  • Board Report Motion_Academic Accountability Committee Update_.pdf
  • IV_D - Board Motion Template_Transfer of Fund 20 to Investment Account.pdf
  • Corrective Action Plan1.pdf
  • Board Report Motion Vaccination Policy Alignment .pdf
  • Board Report Motion to Extend NC Policy through 2nd Semester.pdf
  • Professional Development Plan 12_14_2021.pdf
  • Board Report Motion Ed Eff Grant PD.pdf
  • CA-NDPA_12_14_2021.pdf
  • Board Report Motion Technology-CA-NDPA.pdf
  • X_A - Board Motion Template_First Interim.pdf
  • 2021-2022 FIRST INTERIM 11_23_21.pdf
  • First Interim Overview 12_14_21.pdf
  • XI_A - Board Motion Template_PCHS Ed Fund Brokerage Account.pdf
  • PermaCity Letter of Intent (LOI) 12_14_2021.pdf