Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 16, 2021 at 5:00 PM


Mercer Hall, Palisades Charter High School
15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272


or by phone 
Conference number (listen only): 1-669-900-9128
PIN: 86404487169
One touch dial from cell phone:
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.


Trustees Present

Andrew Paris, Brenda Clarke, Brooke King, Dara Williams, Jack Seltzer, James (Jim) Wells, Jewlz Fahn, Lisa Saxon, Maggie Nance, Monica Batts-King, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent


Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

Brooke King

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee

Guests Present

Christopher Clausen, Mary Bush, Michael Rawson, Monica Ianessa

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Dara Williams called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Nov 16, 2021 at 5:09 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

Kyle Finch - Father of 11th Grader at PCHS.  Vote to mandate vaccine is upending parents.  His decision to vaccinate/not vaccinate son is his own.  He states that we are imposing danger by mandating vaccines.  With such a low rate of COVID, why would Board make a decision to tear apart the school.  Noted that several countries have stopped giving vaccines to teenagers.


KamGi Chak - Her son is a hardworking student who loves his pali community.  Upset that he may not be able to continue his in-person education at PCHS. She states that Board has not done due diligence in keeping up with current science, highlighting the suspension of vaccination in teenagers.  Asked who was going to be responsible and wants a personal exception attached to mandate.


Sabine Cutrono - Shared a personal story about asking her kids what they want for xmas.  Today, she asked her son that question and his response was my life back.  He loves PCHS, teachers, peers, teammates.  She is distressed and asked Board to reconsider.


G Tehrani - Stated that everyone is under a lot of stress.  She is not an anti-vaxer and cited that the vaccine is experimental.  Urged Board to look up the facts and not enforce vacine mandates.  She believes in medical freedom and choice and askedt ah this be respected.


Christoper Heisen - PCHS Parent and member of clean energy taskforce.  Expressed his support of the LOI between PermaCity and PCHS.  Noted that we have a once in a generation opportuity to transform to clean energy as well as to provide clean energy to the community.  Construction is proposed to happen this summer so delays may projong the timeing of construction.


Laura Diamond - 11th Grade Parent - speaks in favor of clean energy proposal. She is excited about the opportunity to move forward noting that it is a non-binding LOI.  Asked us to be leaders in the important change to clean energy.  She also notes that the science teachers could use this as learning opportunities.


Lisa Woods - Spoke about her concerns about returning to school.  Citing learning loss in COVID.  She notes that returning to school has been difficult and her students are struggling.  Many students are feeling deflated because their efforts are not being reflected in their grades.  She is not alone in her sentiments.  Mental health is being supported but the reason behind the mental health, school work and grades.


Gloria Setrach - Parent of 2 students.  Spoke about vaccine mandate noting that several school boards locally have not mandated the vaccine.  Asks Board to reconsider mandate.  Believes that the risk of COVID is small in comparison of the vaccination side effects.  She stated that vaccines are mandated by the CA Dept. of Public Health and it is not Board's place to mandate this.  It has been a huge source of stress and thinks that we should be ashamed.


Jess Lakin - Feels she comes from a neutral position but feels that there is time in waiting to mandate vaccine.  Wants people to have freedom to vaccinate or not.  She sees other districts taking a pause on mandating vaccinations and she encourages PCHS to consider their views and pause mandate.


Michael A - Supports vaccine mandate.  He has a friend who was not able to be completely vaccinated because of his parents.  Would like Board to consider individual considerations.  Also discussed bathroom lines, longer passing periods and more bathroom passes.


Sharada L - Watching in horror in what is happening with the country and at the school.  She cited the pause on vaccine mandate by the courts.  Cited countries who are ending vaccine mandates on teenagers.  Noted that it is illegal to mandate and urges the school to reconsider.  Citing psychology harm for students who are forced to go to virtual learning.


Steve Engelmann - AP Enviro teacher.  Noted that this can sometimes be difficult and cited the climate change summit.  Noting it didn't go well and that the scope and time is inadequate.  States we have an opportunity with PermaCity to make good things possible and encourages Board to authorlze Dr. Magee to sign LOI.



Mary Hruska - Dear Pali Board of Trustees:

Please note that this is not a form letter.  I would first like to refer you to the Board of Trustees Governance Policy #6.9 which states: “…Trustees….shall be respectful….when communicating with other Trustees, PCHS Stakeholders and the public”.  Some board members, on record at both the October 12 and October 26 meetings, have called certain parents in attendance “anti-vax”. This was clearly levelled as a pejorative term and, coming from a body who, per Governing Policy#1 is charged with “governing lawfully, observing the principles of good governance, with an emphasis on” [among other things] “(b) encouragement of a diversity of viewpoints”, does not indicate that the Board is adhearing to this requirement. Every parent who spoke against the vaccine mandate being implemented deserved to be treated with the respect due to a parent who is using their authority to make medical decisions with regard to their children. The medical treatment being imposed by the mandate, is NOT, at this time, included in the list of State mandated immunizations. Moreover, the intent of this and of all the mandates is, in fact, to inflict some measure on pain on those who do not comply. This is undeniable, and the question becomes: is the Board, Per the “Board Roles, Responsibilities and Purpose” document, ensuring that they “represent the stakeholders as a whole.” ? Does it, as stated in its Resolution Authorizing Actions to Make Palisades Charter High School a Safe School Zone For All : “affirm[ing] its support for every individual embracing education”? It seems they are providing one kind of educational support for some students, and quite another for others. As was established in the 1960’s in the US, this paradigm is far from equal, and the civil rights issues it presents I leave to the Board to consider.
The process by which the mandate was implemented is also worthy of concern. One would assume that such a serious and fundamental change in policy would be preceded by an elaborate discussion process with all stakeholders over many months. And yet it was completed over the course of 3 Board Meetings in Sept and October. No open discussion of data, facts and legal viability took place. The Board exercised their minimal requirements for public comment and made their decision to implement this major change in mid school year. A mandate so draconian that it prohibits personal/religious objections. The constitutional issues here again, I leave to the Board.
I now reference the Pali Charter. Under Palisades Charter High School Governance Council, section titled Scope of Authority. Nowhere in the defined authority of the governance council does it give the Board authority to impose medical treatments. It permits them authority over campus safety, which includes immunizations, however this authority only extends to verifying REQUIRED vaccinations for enrollment. This, in turn, is the purview of the California Dept of Public Health, which does not, at this time include the Covid-19 vaccine.
Moreover, even if it were to be added, such a vaccine would be required to allow for religious/personal exemptions per SB 277.  Also from the Charter Section relating to Scope of Authority: “in the implementation of school-wide policies, PCHS guarantees protection of all individual rights under state and federal law, including due process and the right of appeal”.  As was pointed out earlier, the current mandate violates the constitutional rights students by not allowing for religious exemptions and also their Civil Rights by providing separate but (not) equal Education.
And, by not allowing for personal/religious exemptions, certainly denies them Due Process.
As to the vaccines themselves. There is not, at this time, widely available, any FDA approved vaccine for Covid-19 in the US. The FDA approved vaccine is Comirnaty. The only vaccines available at this time to Pali students are Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson.
All of these are currently under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Although the FDA has stated, through some administrative legerdemain, that the Comirnaty and Pfizer BioNTech are interchangeable as far as their safety for administration, the 2 remain legally distinct entities.
For Pali, this means that any student receiving one of the 3 as a result of the Pali Vaccine mandate must be offered Informed Consent Documents. And, though the manufacturers are indemnified from legal action as a result of damages incurred due to the administration of their products, those mandating the vaccines (Palisades Charter High School) are not.  In light of all of the above, I request answers to the following questions: 1) On the basis of what evidence has the Board chosen to implement this non-CDPH mandated vaccine? (please include actual studies and data sets and state how they apply to Pali’s student and community populations). 2) By what portion of the schools documented policies does the Pali Board consider itself to have authority to mandate a non-CDPH mandated vaccine? (please include references to pertinent documents). 3) Please provide a legal explanation of how the Pali vaccine mandate does not violate students’ constitution and civil rights and their right to Due Process. 4) What will the exact consequence be for students who, on Jan 10, have neither provided proof of vaccination nor signed up for Virtual Academy?
Until I receive answers to the above, I do not feel I have been given the proper information on which to base a decision. As the deadlines imposed by your Oct 26th decision are approaching, please respond by Nov 16, 2021.Respectfully,Mary Hruska(Pali Parent)


Tezanos Family - Dear Dr Magee and Board of Directors:  I am sad, outraged and in disbelief that you have collectively decided to impose this mandate on our kids. On kids that have already suffered enough thru these Draconian measures put upon them and already weakened mentally. How can you possibly believe this is a good idea, after seeing all the evidence, all the damage being done, lives being lost, seizures, myocarditis and many other life-long side effects of this jab. After 6 COUNTRIES (including Taiwan now) have agreed that under 20 should not get more than one dose of this experimental therapy that has a 99.9997% survival rate for everyone under 18. Kids have a higher chance of being killed by lightening striking them than by this virus. How can you put this emotional strain, turning kids against kids and kids against families and not allowing any kind of religious exemption? Forcing kids to get 2 or 3 jabs and doing it MID YEAR – to kids already struggling emotionally and with now during college crunch for Seniors – to DEMAND this before winter break.
You didn’t have to follow LAUSD, you had a choice, and you made the wrong one – one that will cost lives and many tears. Your collective decision is not only illegal and unconstitutional (Bill of Rights – remember?), it is morally wrong and unconscionable.  I know you are good people, I know you want to do the right thing. Look deep into your hearts, understand the pain you are creating for so many, and make this right! You have the power and I know you have it in you. I still have hope in the people we have trusted our kids too. Please prove me right. Respectfully yours, Tezanos Family


Anonymous - The Biden Administration and OSHA Vaccine Mandate states "the vaccine mandate will require fully vaccinated OR produce a negative test result on at least a weekly basis. Why is LAUSD eliminating the weekly testing option?


Angelica Pereyra - Hello Pali Board. I submit to you this public comment as my continued support of Pali's commitment and efforts towards 100% Renewable Energy. Education is a community endeavor and as the largest consumer of energy in the area, Pali must take the biggest, most creative, and most courageous steps towards a solution and minimize the impact on an this beautiful environment that has been overly patient with us. What happens at Pali reverberates. Let us do Right and let that be our legacy.


Kami Turrou - I thank the board for the vaccine mandate. My best friends husband, unvaccinated, has been in the hospital for over a month, he might die, he might not, but by having people in the community vaccinated, means survival for many. I have immunocompromised family members who are protected by others being vaccinated, and I appreciate the and thank those who are vaccinated and protecting our and my family



II. Approve Minutes


Approve Minutes

Jack Seltzer made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting on 10-26-21.
James (Jim) Wells seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Lisa Saxon
Dara Williams
Brenda Clarke
Andrew Paris
James (Jim) Wells
Jack Seltzer
Sara Margiotta
Jewlz Fahn
Monica Batts-King
Maggie Nance

III. Organizational Reports


Student Report

Christopher Clauson - Holding Freshman Class President elections.  Also hosting canned food drive.  After Thanksgiving is Holiday Spirit Week and Jr. Fundraiser at Kay n Dave's.  Blood drive Dec 2 and only a few slots left.  He noted that several students have come up to him who want to get vaccinated but parents are hesitant.  Hopes these individuals are taken into consideration.  Bathrooms are a concern citing privacy, and thanked for the administration for working with ASB to address these issues.  Tardy sweeps were also noted and stated that there are students who would rather miss the first period rather than get a detention for being late to class.


Parent Report

Jewlz Fahn - Cited bathroom issues due to widespread vaping resulting in very long lines.  Students waiting for 15+ minutes to use the restrooms.  Parents complaining about learning loss and current academic outcomes.  It is stressful and hopes that teachers take this into account.  Bathrooms were also an issue and noted that security guards peeking over the stalls is disturbing.


Jim Wells noted that parents would prefer the 8:30 am start time.  He would like to discuss this at the next Board meeting.  It is being discussed at AA meeting and Jim should work with Brenda Clarke for updates.



Represented Classified Staff Report

Nothing to report


Unrepresented Classified Staff Report


Faculty Report

Faculty Report stands as submitted.  L Saxon also echoed the bathroom concerns.  She also reported that PLCs and faculty have been working on cutting back workload and grading options and will continue to do so.  B Clarke noted that she also believes that faculty and staff are working really hard to help support students who are academically suffering because of the learning loss caused by virtual learning.


L Saxon stated there are local report of PCHS students at CVS (shoplifting and refusing to wear masks) but feels this report is inaccurate.  She believes that this is Revere and private school students.  


PCHS water polo winning 1st state game, girls golf/tennis won CIF.  Football is 11-0 and headed to states.
Brooke King arrived at 5:53 PM.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

A Nguyen noted that the report stands as submitted.  She confirmed that the English tutor and math para-professionals are temporary and funded by ESSER II/III funding vs the General Fund. Her report will be reviewed and revised to reflect the accurate funding sources.  All other positions are replacement positions.




Director of Operations Report

Reviewed and stands as submitted.  D Parcell clarified that the additional boiler purchase will be made from current Operations budget and will be budget neutral.  He also noted that the "Various" other expenses noted in his report are being funded with ESSER funding and these were included in the overall Operations Budget submitted to B&F.  Will not go over $413K as allocated.  D Parcell was asked to bring the overall ESSER Operations spending plan to the next B&F committee meeting and he agrees to do so.


Director of Development Report

Report stands as submitted.  He highlighted the donor event hosted by the Renes' and its success.  He noted that they have agreed to host several additional events.


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

Report reviewed and stands as submitted.  D Williams discussed Lifetime Health Benefits and noted that it is the Board who should make recommendation.  JP Herrera noted that we were not able to explore any further noting that this is a negotiation issue and committee could not pursue further.  D Williams noted that the contractual agreement is LAUSD or greater.  B Clarke believes that the contract includes exploring benefits for all??  A discussion about extending benefits to all was explored and the financial feasibility of this was evaluated and it is financially not feasible per the actuary.  Multiple scenarios were included in the actuarial report and were reported in the actuarial report which was shared with the Board.  JP noted that we are exploring new bids for next year to look at lower costs.  D Williams noted that LAUSD does not cover dependents for retirees and PCHS does.  Contractually, we are required to provide what LAUSD provides.


Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report

Report stands as submitted.  P Magee reported to Board, parents, students that the Administration hears concerns about academics, bathroom lines, behavior and that we are just not there.  Administration is looking at behaviors and the students are following the rules but students are out of the normal routine of school.  She notes that we are all trying to work together to figure things out.  She noted that we may be adjusting our behaviors for a while and there may just be a new normal.  She celebrated teachers, faculty, students, etc.  They are having great conversations about grades and wants to help maintain the academic reputation of the school.  She noted that the school is concerned and looking for the right solutions.  She also highlighted staffing shortages and noted that they are working with students, teachers and staff.  She will provide further updates at next Board meeting.

IV. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Academic Accountability Committee Update

AA Committee met and is comprised of 7 teachers, 2 students, 1 parent and 1 administrator.  Committee was voted on in public but officers were not.  Vote for officers will be retaken in public.
Committee Members:  Teachers
B Clarke, S Klima, MH Ngo, R Tenan Snow, P Mittelbach, M Freedman, D Pickard
T Davood, A Sim


J Fahn, MB King, M Mirkasymova


A Onyendu


NC was discussed.  Faculty disapproval/approval are as follows:  40/60 faculty, 20/80 parents, 10/90 students.  B Clarke noted that she would like this to be put on agenda for next meeting for approval.


8:30 start time has also been discussed including advisory periods.  Sample schedules are being worked on to give students more access to support throughout the day.


 J Wells cited research supporting later starts for school advocating for 8:30 start.  Noted that if kids are having problems (emotional and academic) they could get additional support before school starts.  It was noted that this is a negotiable issue which is why it hasn't been implemented.  M Nance also noted that the early start is continually supported by students and staff because of traffic and sports practices.  It has come up multiple times.  Another issue cited were working parents with inflexible work schedules.  He advocated for this start time to be implemented next semester.
Dara Williams made a motion to approve that the 13 prospective members of the Academic Accountability Committee to vote to approve their elect leaders.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
James (Jim) Wells
Jack Seltzer
Lisa Saxon
Jewlz Fahn
Andrew Paris
Sara Margiotta
Maggie Nance
Monica Batts-King
Dara Williams
Brenda Clarke


Budget & Finance Committee Update

Committee stands as submitted.  A later start time was discussed and it was noted that the feedback from faculty in attendance preferred the 3:30 pm start time so that they were able to be in attendance.  B King noted that there are parents who might be interested in participating in the committee but could not attend until after work.  There are ways to be Brown Act compliant with remote participation/access and if this is possible B&F Committee is certainly amenable to re-discuss the start times.  B King reiterated the need for additional B&F Committee participation.
Dara Williams made a motion to approve additional committee members as submitted.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.
B King reiterated the need for additional B&F Committee participation.  Christopher Heisen agreed to be on the committee along with Laura Diamond and Wendy Garff.
The motion did not carry.
Dara Williams made a motion to approve the new B&F Committee members with the addition of Christopher Heisen, Laura Diamond and Wendy Garff.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Maggie Nance
Lisa Saxon
Sara Margiotta
Jewlz Fahn
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
Brooke King
Jack Seltzer
James (Jim) Wells
Brenda Clarke
Monica Batts-King
Clementine Causse - Active member of Clean Energy Task Force.  Asked Board to consider LOI and urged us to take action to fight climate change.  Citing that PCHS has a large carbon footprint and this is a crisis that cannot be igored.


P Garff - Co-President os Clean Energy Task Force.  He highlights weather incidents related to climate change.  Urged PCHS to take action and proposes that Pali transitions to renewable energy.  Students are in support but it is up to Board to take action.  Thinks of Pali of a leader and they have the support 3000 petitioners.  


M Neuburg - SCF club.  Discusses climate change and asks PCHS to be a leader in fighting this.  In support of installing solar panels and asked Board to support this to support future generations.


R Carpenter - needs to protect our planet to fight climate change.  Wants PCHS to take a stand to fight climate change.


Micki Porcaro, 12th grade - I would like to amplify the importance of transitioning to 100% renewable energy, due to the fact that the future of my generation depends on this change. Any and all acts to lessen and hopefully reverse the damaging effects of climate change will save the people shaping tomorrow and the place they inhabit. There are numerous things we as individuals can do to treat the planet better, but the true difference comes from the acts of large facilities and companies. Since schools like Pali use a massive amount of energy, this transition would be very significant. Not only that, but it would inspire other schools and large facilities to do the same.


Amelia Wendt (student) - Transitioning to 100% renewable energy goes beyond just individually trying to reverse the effects of fossil fuels but sets an important example for the action larger institutions need to take. Palisades Charter High School has the opportunity to acknowledge to the younger generations that the climate crisis cannot be ignored. We are continuously fighting for the reversal of potentially disastrous effects on the planet, and our community. Please support us in this fight.


Ava Welch - Hello, I’m Ava Welch. Transitioning Pali to renewable energy is a crucial step to demonstrate our commitment to our planet. It would benefit our school, our climate, and our individual health. Solar panels at Pali may not seem like a huge factor in the battle of the climate crisis, but doing so will influence other schools and large businesses in our community to do the same, which does create a much larger impact.


Rodrigo Hernandez - Hi, my name is Rodrigo Hernandez. As a member of Human Rights Watch Student Task force and currently in my last year as a senior, it would be great to see Pali transition to 100% renewable energy. As students we are constantly reminded to keep our community clean and are taught to take actions such as recycling, bringing water bottles, using disposable utensils. But having Pali transition to solar energy will set an example not only throughout our own community, but to those surrounding it and will allow future generations to learn about climate change and ways in which they can take action similarly.


Cleo Waxman-Lee - Hi, my name is Cleo Waxman-Lee and I’m the Vice-president of HRW Student Task Force club on campus. Transitioning Pali High to 100% renewable energy is a crucial step our school must take to protect our lives and the lives of future generations that are at stake because of the extreme, growing effects of the climate crisis. We students need the support of the board of trustees to bring about this significant change within the Pali community and establish Pali High as a beacon of hope for other schools to transition to renewable energy. We are counting on you to protect our future. Thank you.


Amanda Shane - Hi, my name is Amanda Shane and I am the co-secretary of HRWSTF. With the Board’s support, Pali has been able to pass a resolution to fight climate change with the relentless work from HRWSTF. Your continued commitment is vital to empowering the diverse student population of Pali to make positive global contributions. We are setting a precedent for other schools and institutions to do the same. We need your support. Thank you.


Angelica Pereyra - Hello Pali Board. I submit to you this public comment as my continued support of Pali's commitment and efforts towards 100% Renewable Energy. Education is a community endeavor and as the largest consumer of energy in the area, Pali must take the biggest, most creative, and most courageous steps towards a solution and minimize the impact on an this beautiful environment that has been overly patient with us. What happens at Pali reverberates. Let us do Right and let that be our legacy.


Laura Diamond - Pali has the enviable opportunity to be a crucial change-maker in the global effort to combat climate change, at no cost to Pali. What is being considered tonight is to allow this possibility to be examined more closely, or to stop it in its tracks. It is the definition of a no-brainer. Let Pali go forward with this non-binding feasibility study. What possible reason is there to not approve this? I see none. As I see it, Pali is being given a gift, the chance to be included in this project that will save it money, improve the local and global environment, and enhance our students' science curriculum. There is only one reasonable way to move forward tonight. Approve the non-binding Letter of Intent. Thank you for all your hard work for our school and community.


Fran Diamond - As a longtime Board member of the California League of Conservation Voters and a co-founder of NO OIL, I urge the Board to approve item IV.B. Clean Energy Proposal to move forward with the feasibility study.
S Margiotta noted that the Budget and Finance Committee had reviewed the PermaCity LOI and there were a couple of issues with the LOI which they felt were binding if the committee moved forward.  She also noted that there are a lot of questions because of our relationship with LAUSD and if we committed to the LOI and moved forward we would be committing to a 25 year, 1.4 million dollar loan (for new roofs) with payments to PermaCity.  There was also a question about the Confidentiality Clause since these materials were posted for Brown Act Compliance.  The Administration is working with PermaCity to address the LOI wording with hopes that appropriate revisions can be made.


B Clarke asked why this could not be approved as a Board now that contractual revisions were made.  However, it was not included in the materials and therefore cannot be voted on at this Board meeting.  D Williams noted that the new LOI needs to be reviewed by B&F at their next regular meeting for recommendation and then will come back to the Board.  J Wells was concerned that PCHS may be paying for new roofs.  He also noted potential for roof failure.


Election Committee Update

Looking to meet in December and date pending.  There is a specific make up of this committee and B King will be looking for committee members.


Post Retirement/Lifetime Healthcare Benefits Committee Update

JP Herrera provide update about culmination of survey reporting that UTLA didn't want to do survey with this committee because it it was a negotiation issue.



V. Board Committees (Board Members Only)


Board Members Only- Committee Updates

Grade Appeal Committee has overturned 1 grade and committee is in process of meeting.

VI. Academic Excellence


Equity in Athletics Presentation

R Howard - reviewed and stands as submitted. (add packet materials to minutes.  MB King asked about communication and how coaches are communicating to parents.  R Howard clarified that most coaches have the emails of all parents and communicate in eblast.  If there is a specific issue parents should reach out to R Howard.  J Fahn noted that she feels the students need to be responsible to communicating.  Raising stipends were discussed to be consistent with LAUSD.  L Saxon thanked R Howard for taking care of independent study for PE credits.  Also thanked B King for managing the pool facility.  Noted that she is in support increasing stipends for coaches.  It was noted that credentialed teachers are not getting paid for weekend time, etc. they just get a stipend.  It was noted that some staff gets paid to teach 7th period and some receive stipends.  M Nance also discussed stipends and she noted that UTLA would never say no at additional stipend amounts rather it is presented as a negotiation because if additional stipend money is wanted then the negotiation revolves around other terms of negotiations.


PCHS Schoolwide Goals

Reviewed as outlined below and stands as submitted. Administration will provide updates on goals throughout the year.  The goal is to provide update with a cadence of 1 per meeting.
2021-2022 PCHS Schoolwide Goals 
Board of Trustees Goal Setting Meeting September 18, 2021
Mission: PCHS will empower our diverse student population to make positive contributions to the global community by dedicating our resources to ensure educational excellence, civic responsibility, and personal growth.​​
Academic Achievement 
Long Term Aspirational Goal
PCHS will focus on its educational program by reevaluating and updating existing courses and instructional practices to include innovative and relevant content. PCHS’s curricular units will contain technology skills, life skills/realia, and connections to college and career. Additionally, PCHS will explore the expansion of courses to further align with college and career readiness. PCHS will refine its data system to track student progress towards college and career readiness.
Action Items:
Professional Development
  • Professional Development: Continuously diversify and personalize - PCHS staff
  • Professional Development utilizing a multi-tiered schoolwide PD model: Personal PD, PLC PD, and School-wide PD. (See PD plan.)
  • Aligned Curriculum to A-G and CTE
  • College access (Black Scholars Matter, FACTOR, West LA, Santa Monica
  • Continue the commitment to increasing access to A-G, Honors, and AP courses to Black and Latinx students: Continue to utilize the already long-standing programs, such as The Village Nation, Fuerza Unida, and FACTOR to work collaboratively to increase success among Black/African American students and Latinx students.
  • Diversify Curriculum: Continue active learning with curriculum-based PD and by offering summer mini-grants focused on new curriculum development and assessment. Also, continue evaluating curriculum review to develop an inclusive and responsive curriculum. Instructional Materials, teacher materials, and other necessary items are required to diversity curriculum offerings.
  • PCHS will integrate socio-emotional learning, executive functioning skill development, wellness, literacy, and critical understanding of self within the Pod curriculum through lessons, assemblies, and seminars. 
    • Spring Assemblies in 9th and 10th grade, Executive Functioning
    • Literacy Program in 9th grade
    • English and Sociology units, Understanding of Self and others
Note: Financial literacy will be differentiated in Math (all years) and Econ (Sr. year) courses.
Equity and Grading
  • Action Research - Grade Equity: Implement "Grading for Equity" studies and strategy implementation in two Grading for Equity PLCs. The outcomes from the strategies the PLCs use will be shared with the faculty.
  • The formation of a task force to integrate Grading for Equity principles within PCHS grading policies and practices.
  • Collect CASSPP and CAST Baseline data
  • Diagnostics (Literacy 9th grade, MDTP departmental math tests)
  • AA team members and NBC teachers will collaborate with systems administrators to create an infrastructure for storing assessment data and protocol training for data analysis to increase responsiveness to school data. Team meetings will be scheduled to build folders in Infinite Campus and an assessment dashboard in PowerBI. (Fall meetings and data analysis in spring.)
Long Term Aspirational Goal
PCHS will utilize, refine, and explore current and new communication systems and platforms to inform the PCHS community on PCHS’s relevant updates, strengths, needs, data, and opportunities for participation in school-wide events and programs.
In order to make school-wide updates more accessible and convenient, PCHS will group weekly updates in specific categories across the multiple PCHS platforms.
Action Items:
  • Weekly Wednesday Newsletter: Admin will have the announcements/information by the Monday Admin Meeting. Information will be disseminated through PCHS’s campus website and Infinite Campus. The tentative start date is scheduled for November 2021.
-Arts & Activities
-Week at a Glance
  • Student Leadership will develop their own categories and manner of dissemination.
Long Term Aspirational Goal
PCHS will commit to equitable policies and practices to connect PCHS’s diverse student population with necessary personalized resources and support, accommodations, and academic opportunities.
Action Items:
  • Form a Diversity Task Force to examine the campus’ actions and policies to identify where equitable practices fall short/non-existent into the school’s daily practices, expectations, predictions, decision-making, and regulations.
    • Dealing with complaints sent to the HR Office
      •  HR is developing an infographic depicting the process for resolving a complaint. - In progress 
      • HR is developing a process for staff to report concerns (digital complaint form) modeled after the 3 C's for students. - In progress 
      • Employee Suggestion Form Open Box written complaint modeled after BUZZFEED for faculty/staff members. - In progress
  • Education and training for staff, faculty, and administration 
  • Professional Development
    • Intentional groupings made by Excel to ensure a mix of seniority, race, ethnicity, and departments
    • Compliance Training
    • Expand Implicit Bias Training 
    • Staff, faculty, and administrator Monthly Reading 
      •  Identify and schedule a speaker/program to educate staff on topics such as racial sensitivity and gender equity. Workshops will be mandatory for staff. - In progress:
      • Allyship & Intro to Ethnic Studies Curriculum --Ziza Noguera - In progress
      • Ethnic Studies curriculum previews for teachers - In progress
      • Look at online learning components before in-person training takes place - In progress
  • Campus Climate & Culture
    • Main Hallway to reflect Pali diversity and underserved population identities.
    • Spring Calendar that has both staff and student diversity and inclusion events and activities.
    • Consistently offer diverse courses and commit to sustaining these courses.
    • In progress: Dress Code Task Force has developed a revised policy. Next step:  Staff training on identifying and responding to a dress code violation.
  • PCHS Hiring Practices: HR Department attends additional Diversity Career Fairs to increase the diversity of the faculty
Long Term Aspirational Goal
PCHS will identify and adopt cost-effective priorities to achieve 21st-century student-focused education. PCHS will do this with complete transparency and accountability while maintaining a balanced budget and cash reserve levels of 5%+ and providing monthly and annual reporting measurements.
Action Items:
  • Align on clear budget priorities for 2021-24 and seek board adoption by March 2022.
  • Maintain a minimum 5% unrestricted cash reserve and monitor on a monthly basis.
  • Execute adopted budget with efficiency and strict adherence to fiscal policies and procedures - monitor on a monthly basis.
  • Address Lifetime Health Benefit (OPEB liability) by investing current assets (immediately), pre-funding the benefit at the recommended level (monthly), and/or identifying a solution to address the long-term liability by Jan 2022.
  • By June 2022, develop a funding plan to support technology equity and access (Ed Tech Plan).
  • Achieve all goals set forth in the Strategic Development Plan (PCHS Fund, planned giving, alumni network, endowment, grants, and capital campaigns).
  • Identify ways to increase the effectiveness of budget/financial communications.
Student Socioemotional Well-Being
Long Term Aspirational Goal
PCHS will continue to cultivate and explore opportunities for social-emotional wellness, development of life skills, and stress management both inside and outside the classroom.
Action Items:
  • Incorporating weekly announcements.
  • Providing learning opportunities through the curriculum to support SEL within PODS, seminars, and mentor programs.
  • PCHS leadership and clubs will communicate opportunities for SEL across social media platforms and classroom announcements.
  • Offer classes focusing on life skills, healthy relationships, and positive mental health strategies that count toward graduation credit.
  • Review the Wellness Policy semiannually and promote strategies to foster healthy lifestyles.


PCHS No Credit (NC) Policy Update

Reviewed in AA Committee Report


Virtual Academy/Independent Study Update

R Tenan-Snow provided update on Virtual Academy.  This is an independent study program which started with 8 students.  Currently there are 111 students which is a huge leap from 10 years ago.  This number was a large increase from previous years due to the pandemic.  Virtual Academy adheres to state laws.  They serve students who are traveling athletes, in entertainment, in medical treatment, etc.  Now there are also students who decided that they prefer to learn independently and they are working to make sure they are meeting all of their students needs.  Teachers who teach in independent study program must offer weekly in person programming for students.  Supplemental videos are also additional materials.  It was suggested that these videos be posted to share with all students.  C Lee noted that the content doesn't necessarily align with with the instruction being provided to in person learning.  It was noted that this is already available for the math department.


An information session was held last week with over 100 participants.  A lot of interest due to mental health concerns.


L Saxon asked whether they envision a need to change the master schedule.  C Lee noted that they are discussing this and will be discussing with Dept. Chairs.  They are waiting to see how many students decide to opt into the program.  If there are students who are not allowed on campus to vaccine status.  C Lee noted that students are not required to come on campus and this will be addressed via zoom.  The administration is working on a plan to have everything in place to meet all student needs.  They are contractually held to 35 students/teacher so this will be an issue to be brought to B&F for review at Dec. B&F Committee meeting.


M Nance expressed concern with World Language class and ensuring the accuracy of students' work.  They are trying to revise Virtual Academy to require World Languages to be in person or virtually via zoom to ensure accuracy of students' work.  They are starting to work with UCScout.


Concern was raised about Special Ed in Virtual Academy so that they are compliant with all of the requirements.  It was noted that Virtual Academy already has students who have IEPs so they are familiar with meeting the needs of these students.  


Conditional vaccine mandates were not exemptions.  They were allowing those individuals additional time to get vaccinated vs. an exemption to the vaccine mandate.  IEPs also do not count as a medical exemption.  All medical exemptions must be provided from a physician.  The conditional vaccine mandates pertained to allowing students onto campus and then ensuring that they then follow the vaccine mandate.

VII. Governance


21-22 Compliance Monitoring and Certification of Board Compliance Review

Reviewed and stands as submitted.


Approval to Renew the We Can Work Contract/Grant with Dept. of Rehabilitation

Dara Williams made a motion to to approve the We Can Work Contract Grant with the Department of Rehabilitation.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Monica Batts-King
Lisa Saxon
Andrew Paris
Brenda Clarke
James (Jim) Wells
Jack Seltzer
Maggie Nance
Jewlz Fahn
Dara Williams
Sara Margiotta


Approve Contract for New Hire of Director of Student Support Services

Dara Williams made a motion to to approve the contract for the New Hire, Director of Student Support Services with a modification to the contract that she be provided with 8 sick days and that the the date be corrected to reflect that it starts in 2021 vs. 2012.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.
A Nguyen reported and stands as submitted.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
James (Jim) Wells
Maggie Nance
Andrew Paris
Brenda Clarke
Jewlz Fahn
Monica Batts-King
Sara Margiotta
Jack Seltzer
Dara Williams
Brooke King
Lisa Saxon


Sunshine of PCHS Initial Proposal to UTLA for Negotiations of New Contract

Presented by A Nguyen and stands as submitted.
Dara Williams made a motion to adopt PCHS initial proposal to UTLA with a start date of July 20,2022 as set forth in the board materials.
James (Jim) Wells seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andrew Paris
Brooke King
Lisa Saxon
Jack Seltzer
Brenda Clarke
Maggie Nance
Sara Margiotta
Monica Batts-King
Jewlz Fahn
Dara Williams
James (Jim) Wells


Sunshine of UTLA Initial Proposal to PCHS

Presented by A Nguyen.  These were not included in packet materials and will be voted at the next Board meeting.


Unrepresented Salary Scale Updates

This was tabled but Board would like presentation on what Steps happen to faculty, staff (including classified), management, administration to assess equity.


PCHS Recusal Policy

D Williams is working on policy and presentation is pending.  


Discussion Regarding FPPC Advice Letter Request

The FPPC advice letter was discussed and she suggested that it pertain to a contract, citing Transportation Contract as an option.  Other large contracts include janitorial services which cost approximately $400,000.  D Williams will draft a letter to the FPPC to provide specific language and examples for clarification of conflict of interest.  It was also noted that individuals can personally reach out to the FPCC for opinions on personal questions.

VIII. New Business / Announcements


Announcements / New Business

Next Board of Trustees meeting will be held on Dec. 14, 2021 at 5 pm.


Announce items for closed session, if any.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:57 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Margiotta
Documents used during the meeting
  • Faculty Board Report 11_16_2021.pdf
  • HR Board Report 11_16_2021.pdf
  • PCHS Board Report for Operations 11_16_2021.pdf
  • Director of Development Board Report 11_16_21.pdf
  • CBO Board Report_11_16_2021.pdf
  • EDP Board Report 11_16_2021.pdf
  • B&F Committee Attendance Roster 11_21.pdf
  • Clean Energy_Letter of Intent .pdf
  • Clean Energy Presentation.pdf
  • PCHS No Credit Policy Overview.pdf
  • 21-22 Compliance Monitoring Administrator Certification.pdf
  • 1. DR324 Board Resolution.pdf
  • 2. DR325 Signature Authorization.pdf
  • 4. CCCs 4.2017.pdf
  • 5. Insurance Requirements and Example.pdf
  • Exhibits 31862.pdf
  • Signature Letter.pdf
  • STD213 31862.pdf
  • Tammie Wilson Director Student Support Services contract 2021_2023.pdf
  • Sunshine Proposal to UTLA 11_16_2021.pdf
  • Sunshine Proposal to UTLA 11_16_2021.pdf
  • Resolution_of_the__Board_Re_Unrepresented_Staff 11_16_2021.pdf
  • PCHS_Recusal_Policy.pdf
  • Ed_Code_47604.1_Recusal.pdf
  • Charter_LAUSD_COI_Requirement.pdf
  • LAUSD_Policies_and_Procedures_for_Charter_Schools.pdf