Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 12, 2021 at 5:00 PM


Gilbert Hall, Palisades Charter High School
15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.


Trustees Present

Andrew Paris, Brenda Clarke, Brooke King, Dara Williams, Jack Seltzer, James (Jim) Wells, Jewlz Fahn, Lisa Saxon, Maggie Nance, Monica Batts-King, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Guests Present

Amy Nguyen, Christopher Clausen, Jeff Roepel

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Dara Williams called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Oct 12, 2021 at 5:12 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

Scott S - For the first time a vaccines ineffectiveness is being blamed for the unvaccinated. Even if every student is vaccinated, you are not making the school safer.  He is not anti-vax but is anti-mandate.  Asked what happens if a mandate is imposed on you in the future that you don't agree with it.  Asked to stop demonizing each other and asked everyone to stand together.  Give everyone their choice.  Noted that getting the vaccination doesn't make everything go back to normal.


Derick Ruiz - He is here to ask us questions. Has PCHS received any funding for masking mandates and for vaccinations?  Has PCHS Board members received any threats or bribes to require vaccinations?  Noted that LAFD/LAPD have filed law suits regarding vaccination mandates.  LA County Sheriff is not requiring his dept to receive the vaccinations.  But noted that the Board wanted to force it on the students.  He cited the Southwest layoffs due to lack of vaccinated employees.  Also discussed the potential vaccination side effects. 


Gita Lalezari - She noted that school has been open for almost 2 months and cited the 1 current active case of COVID.  She asked why the school is considering vaccination mandates for 1 current active case.  She also noted that it typically takes 10 years to develop a vaccination and this took less than a 1 year noting that we don't know what side effects will really happen.  She noted that her husband started coughing every since he got this vaccine, and can not make it go away.  Her friend has had a rash all over his body for the past nine months right after the vaccine injection. Her friend who is also an ER doctor now has massive Asthma after the 1st shot and refuses to get the 2nd.  She is a doctor.  Her friend's son died of a heart attack at a age of 14 after receiving the first shot.


Gloria Setareh - Noted that vaccine manufacturers don't have any liability and noted that the school will be liable if anything happens to the students.  Read notice of liability.  She noted that lawsuits have been filed and that her group is willing to file a lawsuit against the PCHS Board and individually.  She cited the Nuremberg Code citing required consent for investigational trials.  Cited # of deaths related to COVID Vaccines.


Gi Terhani - Noted that masks are not the law.  Noted that the vaccine is still under Emergency Use Authorization saying that it is unlawful for the Board of Trustees to mandate student vaccinations.  Cited state law 24172.  Also discussed Nuremberg trials and noted that a vaccine mandate violates all 10 items listed under the code.  She noted that students are at almost zero risk of transmitting the virus.


Marjan Rajabi - She noted that she has 2 daughters who attended/attend Pali.  She said that her aunt and uncle received the vaccination and now both are dead.  She expressed real concerns about the safety of the vaccination and feels that it is everyone's right to make the decision to vaccinate or not.  She is against vaccination mandates and she noted that there is a coalition of parents ready to take legal action against any vaccination mandate.  She cited religious and medical exemptions.


Sharada - She noted that they were all scared in March 2020 including for her son's health because of his asthma.  Her husband got COVID, and then she and her son contracted the disease.  She reported that her son was asymptomatic and she was amazed.  She cited that low level of symptomology among children. She noted that her children have the right to a public education and they are ready to fight if that right is withheld.


Natuilya Senas - She noted that she came to America for freedom. Discussed growing up in poverty and coming to America.  She loves America but wants to have a freedom of choice for herself and her children.  She noted that everyone has a right to choose vaccinations but doesn't want to be forced.  Asked where the freedom in America was now.


Jeffrey Levine - He noted that this is not to be contentious.  He discussed his daughter's severe allergies and asked everyone to just listen and not mandate anything that can potentially hurt children.  He noted that he is vaccinated but is standing up for those who have concerns about the vaccination.  Wants everyone to look at the data and stay informed.  He wants everyone to respect one and other.


Sabine Cutrono - She noted that we all have opinions and perspectives.  She respects everyone's personal choice and noted that she is asking for the ability to make her choice regarding vaccinations.  She noted that she is against the mandate.  She wants her kids to get a great education and to learn how to think critically and come to their own conclusions.  Asked the Board to give them the opportunity to make the vaccination decision for themselves.


Kyle Finch - His son is a Jr at PCHS doing well in school and is loving his experience at PCHS.  He would hate to see this come crashing down based on a vaccine mandate.  His son has had COVID and feels that he is protected with his natural immunity.  He also cited the risk of myocarditis and asked the school to follow the science and is against vaccine mandates.  He noted that the science has evolved over the past year and implored the Board to continue to look at current information.


Joel Pelsue- Has students at PCHS (past and present).  He appreciates that PCHS is in a difficult situation and asked us to model for our students by thinking for ourselves and not to be influenced  by LAUSD.  Noted that the vaccination has a worst outcome with younger children vs. contracting COVID.  Wouldn't want to see the school to have to deal with legal actions because of a vaccine mandate.


Fati Adeli - She has 2 students at PCHS.  She noted that there have been more than 1 case of COVID on campus.  As a parent she noted that we don't know who is immunocompromised.  Noted that she has breast cancer and worries every time her students come home.  She respects your body your choice but you should also respect the health of others.  She noted that Gov. Newsom has enacted a mandate and people should not blame the Board.


Andrea Giannone - He is a teacher at PCHS.  He noted that if he had children he would send them to Pali.  He noted that he has a very rare disease and which will require a craniotomy.  His doctor told him that he should not get the COVID-19 vaccination.  He is eligible for the vaccine medical exemption.  He read the disability exemption and asked the Board to consider that medical exception.


Danielle Samulon - She thanked the Board for its time and commitment.  She is a parent of a 9th grader.  She noted that the Board should vote for a vaccine mandate.  She reported that many of us have parents/relatives who are at risk and have been vaccinated.  She cited our individual responsibility to be responsible for those around us.  She also noted that there are many parents who are not here tonight who are in support of the vaccine mandates.


Wendy Garff - We can all agree that we should continue with testing and all disappointed that the vaccination isn't as effective.  Should continue with testing but not mandate vaccination.  She believes that the vaccine is too new to know long term side effects.  Everyone should have a choice.  Asked us not to use our students as shields against older individuals who are at higher risk.



Allen Zorkian - If we vote to approve a vaccine it is a crime against humanity and is a violation of the Nuremberg Code.  There is science that the vaccine is toxic and it is our responsibility to look at that.  The Board should not vote to force anyone to do anything they don't want to do.  It is violation of their freedom and he will do everything he can to oppose this and thinks it is abhorrent that it is being considered.


Molly Cohen - Jr at PCHS she provided a student perspective.  She thinks that it is hypocritical to tell others not to get vaccinated.  Those parents are not speaking for the 700,000 people not here because they have died from COVID.  But as a student she is relying on educators to help her shape here decisions and cited COVID statistics from the CDC.  She also cited the vaccine mandate from 1809.  She also noted the 1000 cases of myocarditis in the millions of doses given and stated that the Nazi comment was completely disrespectful.


Lara - She discussed the US Constitution and stated that no law or mandate that is in violation of the US constitution is unlawful.  Marbury vs. Madison case law was cited for her justification for stating that these mandates are unlawful.


Roxanne Tanmore - Thanked the Board for taking comments.  On behalf of her family, they are in support of the vaccine mandate in consideration of the large numbers who can be potentially effected.  


Ava Sigma - Jr. at Pali.  She noted that the mandate isn't a personal choice it effects all of those at the school..  She has seen friends who have really suffered from COVID and she would like to see her elderly family at risk.  She discussed people with higher risk are also at higher risk of bad outcomes from COVID.


Nonso Kojo-Onwaeze - He spoke in favor of the vaccine and says that the vaccine has allowed students to come together again normally for returning to normal social interactions.
Public Comment from Google Doc:


Keri Kraft - The best way to protect our children is to follow the LAUSD vaccine mandate. I hope the board does what is best for our community


Nika Fouquet - My son is thriving with in-person schooling and I do not think it's fair that a vocal but small minority gets to decide the best course of action that goes against science and facts. Once again, personal freedom stops when it impacts other's safety. I fully support a mandated vaccine requirement. This is not a new concept. My son did not have his TDAP vaccine and he had to leave school until it was completed. I didn't see any parents outside protesting about that. A required Covid vaccine mandate is no different and we shouldn't have to kowtow this.


Danielle Fern - I am a parent of a 9th grader.  Please follow science and move to require Covid vaccination for all students, along with faculty and staff. This is a matter of sound administration--please don’t risk having our school community experience another wrecked year—all of our kids have suffered enough.  Our kids deserve an environment where they can learn, without fear of their classmates. This ought to be non-controversial.


Kim Bonham - In England, the government’s vaccine advisors refused to recommend Covid vaccines for healthy children aged between 12 and 15. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) is not recommending mass vaccination of children aged between 12 and 15. The JCVI has advised that the health benefits from vaccination are marginally greater than the potential known harms. In the US, the Pfizer vaccine is not fully approved for children under 16 years old.  During the presentation to the FDA about vaccine safety, Dr. Jessica Rose, a viral immunologist, displayed a chart showing the incredibly large number of adverse reactions (side effects) from covid vaccines reported to the VAERS system. She said "the onus is on the public health officials, the FDA, the CDC, and policy makers to answer to these anomalies and acknowledge the clear risk signals emerging from VAERS data and to confront the issue of covid injectable products used risk that, in my opinion, outweigh any potential benefit associated with these products, especially for children."  I want to see the long term data on these vaccines and I am not alone. I am not an anti-vaxxer but this vaccine is different from other childhood vaccines, both in the technology used, the limited protection offered and the amount of adverse reactions occurring. The vaccine doesn't stop you from getting or spreading covid. The CDC stated that there is no difference in viral load for infected vaccinated or unvaccinated individuals. If the benefits from vaccination are only marginally better, as the JCVI stated, there is no need to vaccinate healthy children as Dr. Rose advised to the FDA.  If the vaccines were safe there wouldn't be huge anomalies being reported. If the vaccines were effective boosters wouldn't be needed because of waning immunity. Asking our children to take an ineffective, potentially dangerous vaccine with no long term data for a disease that largely presents no risk to a healthy child in order to attend in-person classes is unconscionable.


Anonymous - NO VACCINE MANDATE! There is virtually ZERO risk of serious injury or death to kids from Covid. Please, pay attention to the statistics. If a family is concerned, vaccines are available. Let parents make the best choice for their own children. The data is becoming more clear on the efficacy and side effects of the vaccines and there is no good reason to force them on children.


Anonymous - I am concerned that the current push for mass vaccinations is more political than scientific. Sound bites are comforting but evidence and real world data from highly vaccinated countries and universities shows vaccinations won't get us out of the pandemic or stop outbreaks. At UMass-Amherst 96.6% of students are fully-vaxxed, but their cases increased 251% after just 2 weeks of classes. This isn't an isolated event. Cornell has a 95% vaccination rate and cases were 5 times higher year over year. Brown University is 97.9% vaccinated and had to suspend in-person dining and student gatherings because of the uptick in cases. Harvard Business School had to put some classes on-line again despite 95%+ vaxxed rates.  On August 5th, Dr. Wolensky, the CDC Director, said of the vaccines: "But what they can't do is anymore is prevent transmission." Therefore, vaccinating Pali children will not prevent the spread of Covid either at school or in the community. School disruptions can and will occur. Weekly testing, regardless of vaccination status, is the best tool we have to control the spread.  We are living in real-time science. To prove this point - last week Sweden and Norway banned the Moderna jab for anyone under 30 because of heart problems from the vaccine. Iceland has stopped Moderna for everyone regardless of age. There is no rush to vaccinate children. Thankfully they are not at risk from severe disease. The infection fatality rate is 0.001%-0.003% per CDC data for under 18 years old. 78% of deaths were in sick children (with things like leukemia), meaning the death rate for a healthy child is essentially zero. For reference, again from CDC data, in 2019 293 kids died from the flu. In 2020 198 died of COVID and in 2021 it's been 241.  I implore you, leave the choice to vaccinate children up to the individual families. Do not mandate vaccines for kids to continue in person school. Please follow governor Newsom and only require it the semester after Pfizer receives full approval for kids 12-15.


Dr. Bren Boston, MD - I am voicing my agreement with LAUSD's vaccine mandate for kids age 12 and up. As a physician and parent to a freshman, I feel that what is best for our children's mental and physical health is to be in-person in school full-time. In order to be in-person in school, we need to make sure they do not contract nor spread the Covid-19 virus. The best way to do that is to vaccinate all eligible children, teachers, and staff against the virus so that our immune system recognizes and fights the virus before it causes serious illness. The mRNA vaccines have been proven to be safe, and in fact much safer than contracting the Covid-19 virus itself.  I also agree with continued weekly Covid testing on campus since an asymptomatic child could spread the virus to others unwittingly.

Mary Hruska - With regard to the LAUSD vaccine mandate for students, I will not reiterate the documentation I have previously sent you which demonstrates the risk/benefit ratio of vaccines for young people is not one which favors them getting the vaccine. It will do real harm. I will only add the following comments.  LAUSD will be sued over this. As a staring point, they lack the authority to issue such a directive. They are not a public health agency.  More importantly, the mandate is not only unconstitutional, (by virtue of its preclusion of religious exemptions) it also presents a civil rights violation.  There is an extraordinary amount of language in LAUSD and Pali's mission statements and policy documents devoted to Equity.  Most recently one may reference the recent message regarding the new Pali Dress Code:  "Our objective is to support equitable educational access"  I put it to you: Is FORCING students into Zoom school supporting equitable educational access?  As the past year and half has made clear, Zoom School is not a substitute for in-person education.  So, what is being mandated is the same Separate But Equal educational policy which many brave souls fought to overturn 60 years ago.  The right thing to do for Pali students is to push back on this. You are talented, intelligent folks. it can be done.  If you choose to.  Additionally, be aware that you are not indemnified from lawsuits. You are each individually liable in civil suits.

Mina Neuberg - I am in support of vaccine mandates for students. It is imperative that we keep our schools open and in-person learning. Vaccine mandates are key to long term student success in school


JoAnna Rodriguez - Our family strongly supports a Covid-19 vaccine mandate. Uniform, compulsory vaccination efforts are the surest way to create a safer environment for children, teachers, staff and families. Some may argue that a mandate infringes on their autonomy, but everyone suffers when there are continued outbreaks and variants. To truly put the threat of Covid behind us, all must be vaccinated. Covid has stolen enough from our lives and our children's education. We know vaccines work -- now is the time to use them.


Anonymous - The school should require students and staff to be fully vaccinated in line with LAUSD and state directives along with most employers in Los Angeles.


Lana Benedek - I am in full and complete support of the vaccine mandate for Palisades Charter High School


Anonymous - Do not force parents to vaccinate children. Online school is a poor replacement for in-person learning as evidenced by last year's significant learning loss.  New York Times published an article this morning entitled "Covid and Age" and it summarizes that Covid is so mild in healthy children that vaccinations shouldn't be required for them. Here are a few quotes and a link to the article:  "Covid-19 tended to be so mild in children that vaccinated parents could feel comfortable going out in the world with their unvaccinated children"  "As you can see, the risks for unvaccinated children look similar to the risks for vaccinated people in their 50s."  "“Covid is a threat to children. But it’s not an extraordinary threat,” Dr. Alasdair Munro, a pediatric infectious-disease specialist at the University of Southampton, has written. “It’s very ordinary. In general, the risks from being infected are similar to the other respiratory viruses you probably don’t think much about.”"  "For children without a serious medical condition, the danger of severe Covid is so low as to be difficult to quantify. For children with such a condition, the danger is higher but still lower than many people believe. The risk of long Covid among children — a source of fear among many parents — also appears to be very low."


Roxanne Tanemori Lewicky - Dear PCHS Board of Trustees:  Our family supports a COVID-19 vaccination requirement for all staff and students participating in or accessing in-person instruction and activities at Pali High.  We understand that some limited exemptions will be necessary and those should be accommodated. However, for the overall well-being, health, and safety of as many individuals in our school community as possible, a uniform vaccination requirement is welcome and necessary.  Thank you for seeking input from school families on this important issue.

Mimi Neandross - It is imperative that Pali institute a vaccination mandate. Pali has an obligation to protect students and staff from COVID and the best way to do this is to require everyone to be vaccinated. Anyone who is opposed to a vaccine mandate has the CHOICE to go elsewhere for school/work.


Kyle Finch - Vaccine mandates are anti-science, dangerous and immoral. The infection rate for those who are vaccinated is now confirmed to be equal to or greater than those who are unvaccinated. Those with natural immunity are much more protected than those who have received the vaccine. Please follow the science. The risk of heart inflammation (Myocarditis) is greater for teenage boys than the risks associated with contracting the Covid-19 virus. The vaccine mandates are grossly anti-science and extremely dangerous. We will not submit to these dangerous and authoritarian mandates.


Jennifer Sternberg - I am strongly in support of mandating a COVID 19 vaccine for all students. Schools require other vaccines that parents have to comply with. If someone does not want their child vaccinated they have the option to do virtual school. Why does Pali feel like they can pick and choose what LAUSD mandates. Sometimes we are told “we have to follow what LAUSD mandates” when it suits the school. But now Pali is not adhering to the LAUSD mandate and I do not think this is just. We want to eliminate this oandemic and having all students a d staff vaccinated is a major step.


Michelle Ashley, MD - I believe vaccine mandates are the most effective tool to keep our students, staff and community safe.  Physicians all over the country have seen a deluge of unvaccinated Covid patients overwhelming hospitals and leading to shortages of available ICU beds,  staff and oxygen.  It is our responsibility to protect ourselves and our community.  No hospital beds means no care for anyone who needs hospital care.    Vaccination will also help to keep our schools open.  We are required to vaccinate for many communicable diseases.  Covid vaccines should not be exempted from this requirement.  It is not a political issue but a public health issue.  PCHS policy should follow LAUSD’s lead.


Anonymous - Dear Board, At this point everyone is annoyed and irritated and to some extent an expert on Covid. Both sides of the Covid vaccine debate have medical data, experts and legal arguments to support their side. But I sincerely appreciate you listening to everyone, and I do not envy the position in which you are in.  Regarding the issue of vaccine mandates, I am against the mandate, not necessarily the vaccines. “Unvaccinated” used to mean not having received any vaccinations, now it is used as an insult. The new mRNA technology proved useful for an unprecedented pandemic, but as it is a new technology, it is understandable that people have concerns. More research may alleviate those concerns.  However, now there is a hysterical mania to achieve a 100% vaccination rate. Something that is not possible considering that there are allowable exceptions including medical exemptions and LAUSD’s exemption for military families, IEPs and the homeless youth. Even Gov. Newsom opened the door to personal belief exemptions because he passed the mandate through regulation and not legislation. The lawsuits against the mandates will continue, mainly because officials are overreaching and continuing to pass mandates without concrete rules for implementation. It is not our job to fill in their blanks. We should let the legislature legislate new vaccine requirements and not hastily impose mandates mid semester, without letting people know what their alternatives to the mandates are.  We know more today about the virus than we did last year. We know how it spreads, who is most at risk and how to keep safe. So, let’s keep the masks, the PCR testing and the social distancing. Those safety measures help to keep everyone safe and the number of cases low. But it is not reasonable to ask every single school, district or county to come up with their own enforcement rules. Everyone at PALI involved in enforcing these proven measures should be commended, not further burdened or left to be sued.  And lastly, let me add, that the language being used by some needs to change. I would be appalled and sickened if my child ever said “I don’t want to sit next to an unvaxxed person”, or “the unvaxxed are so stupid”. Would any of you be comfortable with this language, if the word unvaxxed were substituted with another descriptive terminology? Bullying is an issue, the mental and physical well-being of all our kids are at stake, but turning a blind eye, or even worse, defending an insensitive position, at the expense of someone else, in this day and age, is inexcusable.  Thank you for your time.


Anonymous - Board members, please do not uproot our innocent kids by approving the mandate!
First, I doubt the board is aware of the large number of parents agonizing over this! In the last 2 weeks our group of Pali parents against the mandate has multiplied to HUNDREDS! Many don’t feel comfortable voicing their concerns or opinions publicly because of their jobs, community ostracization, or simply their child’s wishes to stay anonymous. So I really doubt the board is fully aware of the shear size of those opposed!  And if it’s any consolation, these are not "pro-Trump" supporters or “anti-vaxxers” as they have been categorized. This is a stand-alone issue about a very new vaccine that some parents quite frankly are not sure about yet!  Board-members, I can assure you, this mandate will NOT: safeguard those already vaccinated (they are already protected!), safeguard those at risk (they are already protected, and boostered), protect THEMSELVES, as kids are not at risk (CDC reports clearly show children have a .03% mortality rate with Covid infection), prevent the spread of Covid as it has been proven those vaccinated have equally as good of a chance of spreading it as those not, (if not more!)  The mandate also will NOT coerce parents who haven’t yet vaccinated their kids to do so. It will only force kids to leave and feel that their community has discriminated against them! And to top it off, your Covid numbers will NOT improve.  Do you want hundreds of kids to leave your school? What is your goal?


Anonymous - Why are we still doing temperature checks? This is not a scientific way to detect covid 19. This is unnecessary and takes up time for check in. Having our students arrive on campus at 715 is not good for their health. That is why the state mandate for a later start time is being issued. Research proves that our adolescents need more sleep. A later start time could have been implemented this school year and could have helped alleviate the timely check in procedures.



Anonymous - In regards to mandating the Covid vaccine for students, I urge the Board of Trustees to either table the vote indefinitely or vote NO. People are very passionate on both sides of this conversation especially when it comes to our children. I urge the Board to NOT be pro-mandates but rather PRO-PARENT! We are the parents of our children, and each of us know what is best for our children. Vaccines are a very personal decision as one is inserting something into one's human body. Once it is done, there is no way it can be undone. By no means are parents at Pali High anti-vax but rather anti-Covid vaccine and more importantly anti-mandates in taking a vaccine that does not have long term data especially on children. The narrative that the Covid vaccines are like the other "childhood vaccines" required by school is incorrect. Those childhood vaccines followed the typical path of providing long term data prior to receiving full authorization by the FDA and eventually became required by schools. It is also evident that the Covid vaccines seem to be working more like the flu vaccine with breakthrough cases versus the Smallpox, Measles or Chickenpox vaccines. The current format of weekly testing has been working well for the past couple of months. Do not create a divide in our school. I urge the Board to vote NO on the Covid vaccine mandate (or table the vote indefinitely). The manufacturers have immunity from any lawsuits under the Emergency Use Authorization clause. However, those who mandate a vaccine are not protected. IF the Board decides to vote yes, the Board members are inviting themselves into plausible personal liability for any adverse effects that a student may endure due to taking the vaccine mandated by you. Do not put yourselves in that position by either voting No on the mandate or table this issue indefinitely.


KamGi Chak - Dear PCHS Board of Trustees, I appreciate the COVID protocol that Palisades High School has put in place and administered thus far to keep students and staff safe. The combination of masking and testing seems to be working in preventing the spread. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated students have tested positive, but I don’t believe the numbers are overwhelming.
CA has the lowest Coronavirus case rate in the nation. This good news begs the question as to why the school would feel the need to mandate vaccines at a time when the Covid cases are going down in our state.  The CDC has made it clear in recent weeks that vaccinated persons can transmit the delta variant and might even possess higher viral loads than those who have already naturally recovered from COVID-19. At the very least, there should be an exemption for those that have already had COVID-19. Numerous scientific studies confirm natural immunity after Covid infection.
To my knowledge there is no published study that has demonstrated patients who have had a prior COVID-19 infection benefit from the vaccination. So it is not logical that students (especially those who have recovered from COVID-19) be placed at risk of experiencing a negative side effect from the vaccine.  It has to be acknowledged that a concerning number of young people (teenage boys in particular) are suffering from myocarditis (heart inflammation), blood clots, low platelets following the COVID 19 vaccination.  Since none of the vaccine products were ever tested for or intended to prevent infection or transmission, and are not preventing either, choosing to get a COVID-19 vaccine must remain an individual and personal health choice, with individualized risk-benefit assessments. A mandate is a very extreme measure, and at this moment in time feels very unreasonable and potentially puts young people at risk when there is no need to.  Thank you.


Anonymous - I'm a very concerned parent just like hundreds of other parents regarding this tyrannical mandate that LAUSD and the tyrannical government wants us to comply with. It's Marxist! First of all this is all a political power grab. Studies show that kids are less then 1 percent compromised. There are millions of kids and adults with natural immunity which they don't want to talk about and are forcing everyone to get the jab. Studies show that natural immunity is 27 times stronger then the vaccine. The vaccine is not 100 percent effective and people are still getting covid. If you force kids to get the jab there will be liabilities if something were to happen to a child from side effects, Myocarditis, blood clots etc. Due the research and don't listen to the fake news like CNN MSNBC and all the leftist news! Covid is like the flu and if you're are young and healthy you will survive it. Stop lying to us! Our freedoms are being taken away because of tyranny you know it and I know it. Our new administration is taking us to Marxism and there's no science but political power grab. Also stop the mask theater! It doesn't work and our kids are being abused by making them wear masks! Stop this before things get out of hand and our country will be divided and probably have a revolution or civil war. Thank you!


Mary Hruska - Never in my life could I have predicted that I would be demanding that a school board not impose an experimental medical treatment on my child.  You may dismiss this as the rantings of a kook, but you will not be able to dismiss the coming lawsuits.  This mandate violates the authority you are granted, it is unconstitutional, violates civil rights laws and, because there is not, at this time, available in the US, an approved Covid vaccine, it violates the regulations on Emergency Use Authorized medical products.  Please return to the responsibilities granted you to do, which is to educate our children in basic skills.  I'd like to add that I am a Medical Technologist, with a Master's in Medicinal Chemistry. I have worked in hospital labs for over 40 years. I am also the Safety Officer at my current lab, where we do hundreds of covid tests per week.  No one has contracted covid on the job on my watch. Some of us are vaccinated and some are not. All is well. There is no panic or fear. we focus on getting our job done.  Please try to step back from the political media-driven, rhetoric and evaluate the big picture.


Jacinda Beck - I am writing in this agenda today October 12, 2021 to address the mandatory Covid vaccination for students at Palisades Charter High School. Last year my son was attending Paul Revere. We have lived in the area for over six years and he attends school with friends that he has made since then at Kenter and Paul revere. Last year during the Covid pandemic when school was closed and my son was on zoom calls he experienced severe depression and had to be placed into therapy to help cope with suicidal thoughts. School was additionally very hard for my straight A and honors student. His grades continually slipped and as he was kept away from seeing friends in school or social experiences he had severe anxiety. So when we were told school would be in person starting his freshman year at Palisades we were elated. We are willing to do what was required including the masks and the weekly testing. We have not had any issues following those rules regardless of our beliefs behind them. If it meant my son could attend school and he was excited to attend school it was worth it. Things are now changing with the mandatory vaccine. My son has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis as well as other autoimmune diseases which according to the CDC website there is not enough research to determine if the vaccine which is only to be used for emergency order is safe or not for those with autoimmune diseases. This emergency order that was put into place during the pandemic for this vaccine has gone on for quite some time. Governor Newsom recently said that our state according to the CDC website has a lower amount of Covid positive results than any other state in the nation. Yet somehow we are still in emergency order and giving a vaccine to children on an emergency order approval basis. So now I have a really difficult choice. The choice is to either get my son a vaccine where there is no guarantee on how his body will react to it especially with his condition or keep him out of school and possibly have him experience suicidal thoughts again. Either way would be extremely detrimental to my sons development and life. I am appalled that this board of trustees is so eager to inject students with this emergency vaccine. We are not in a state of emergency. The state of emergency is our children having more suicidal problems and depression than ever before and the risk of further damage to not only their physical development but also to their psychological development.I am putting this board on notice. If you force this vaccine mandate to go through I will sue each and everyone of you on the board of trustees. If you continue to push this vaccine and my son receives it and he has any medical issues I will be suing each and everyone of you. None of you are medical professionals nor my son’s doctor and you do not have the right to force a medical vaccine on anybody. It is a family choice and should not be mandatory as each individual person has control over their own body and should continue to have that control. I hope that this board does not go through with a mandatory vaccines and realizes the legal ramifications as well as the damage to children that they are causing. I urge you to think very carefully before you decide on a mandatory vaccine for our children As I’m sure I’m not the only parent with concerns and legal means if necessary. You get paid close to $17,000 a year for each student that attends Palisades Charter and you are paid through my tax payer money and I have a voice as a parent and my child has a voice and we will not be silenced.


Dr. Nicholas - Where’s is or why is there no link for this meeting or no dial-in option?


Leslie Colgin - Good evening, We have two children attending Pali—one in 10th grade and one in 12th grade. If you proceed with the mandate we are prepared to pull them out of this district.  This mandate is anti-parent, anti-science and anti-American.  Despite the labels given to people who oppose the mandate, I can assure you that we are educated, informed and ready push back long-term.  I respectfully remind you the following:  #1 The District Does Not Have Legal Authority to Mandate These Shots.  The COVID shot is not listed on the list of immunizations required to attend public school.  #2 The District Cannot Mandate an EUA Product.  The Moderna and J&J shots are only “authorized” only and not FDA approved. Federal EUA law prohibits mandating such shots. EUA products are by definition experimental and thus require the right to refuse.  #3 None of the COVID-19 shots admittedly prevent transmission of the virus.  Therefore, these are medicines and not vaccines. Under California Penal Code Section 2052 it states that prescribing or promoting medicine without a valid medical license is a crime and any schools and their respective administrators enforcing this unlawful mandate will face civil and criminal liability, including up to six (6) years in jail and fines of up to $10,000.  If you proceed with the mandates you are setting yourself up for long-term push back, long term legal action and a total loss of credibility.  I urge you to step back, look carefully at the law, and oppose any policy mandating these shots.  Thank you.
Board went into Closed Session at 6:15 pm


Announce items for closed session, if any.

II. Open Session


Return to Open Session

Returned to Open session at 7:15 pm


Report Out on Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any.

Nothing to report out

III. Approve Minutes from Previous Board Meetings


Approve Minutes

Dara Williams made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 09-21-21.
Lisa Saxon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sara Margiotta
Dara Williams
James (Jim) Wells
Monica Batts-King
Brenda Clarke
Jack Seltzer
Brooke King
Jewlz Fahn
Maggie Nance
Lisa Saxon
Andrew Paris


Approve Minutes

Dara Williams made a motion to approve the minutes from Annual Goal Setting Board Retreat on 09-18-21.
James (Jim) Wells seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dara Williams
Lisa Saxon
Andrew Paris
Brenda Clarke
James (Jim) Wells
Jack Seltzer
Maggie Nance
Brooke King
Jewlz Fahn
Sara Margiotta
Monica Batts-King


Approve Minutes

Brooke King made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 08-24-21.
James (Jim) Wells seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Jewlz Fahn
Monica Batts-King
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
James (Jim) Wells
Jack Seltzer
Maggie Nance
Sara Margiotta
Brenda Clarke
Lisa Saxon

IV. Organizational Reports


Student Report

C Clauson reported Sr. Ty Die was great and had a good turn out.  All class Presidents had their class meetings.  There was a panel with Admin and the mental health team so it was great to meeting them in person.  Homecoming Spirit Week is next week and pep-rally is next Friday as well as Homecoming Games.  Homecoming event is on Sat. and will be held on campus.  Tickets are on sale.  Sr. Fall Festival is on Oct. 29, 2021.  Yearbook will be at all events capturing the moments.  He is looking for some clarification about FPCC meeting and his ability to vote on the Board and what the next steps are in getting this clarified.


Parent Report

J Fahn reported that she is receiving comments re: COVID mandates.  Parents and students are also upset regarding the Dress Code.  J Wells reported that the Board members are taking the vaccine mandates very seriously and are taking the students seriously.  He noted that we have a parent who is an Immunologist and she has written an essay about the facts related to COVID vaccinations.  M Batts-King also heard something about the Dress Code.  She has also heard comments about the website with photos from the past year and one parents found the photos offensive noting that it was not reflective of the diversity of the school campus.


Represented Classified Staff Report

A Paris noted that classified and faculty is doing a great job.


Unrepresented Classified Staff Report

B King noted that she has nothing to report.


Faculty Report

Grading Policy and Decision-making processes: - Faculty would like a more robust discussion on this topic - We are being told the proposed change but have been given no time for discussion, feedback, or deliberation. - Faculty meetings could be used more effectively. - We’d like the board to task administration with creating a formalized process regarding how major decisions (e.g. grading policies, bell schedules) are made to avoid this in the future. What is the role of Academic Accountability Committee vs. other avenues of discussion/decision-making.
Displaced teachers: - Teachers who are sharing classrooms need space to work during the periods that they are displaced. Teachers are working in their cars, at picnic tables, and finding random spots. Class size: - Many problems could be solved by reducing class size. 40/1 ratios do not allow teachers to attend to the social-emotional needs of their students. If we reduced class sizes, we could change how we assess, and we could create a more nurturing environment for kids.
Goals: - Teachers would like to see the PCHS goals generated from the Board Retreat. Faculty
Input on Administrative Evaluations: - Teachers would like to see a change in how feedback is gathered and considered in terms of administrators’ evaluations. The feeling is that the staff and faculty who work here have valuable insight that is not being considered by the parents and community members who do the evaluations
M Nance said there is a general feeling among faculty (veteran) of poor moral and that they are replaceable.  She says that there is verbal acknowledgement but that they don't feel like they are actually being supported.  There is an outrage that Mr. Giannone was let go on unpaid leave and fired because of his medical exception for the vaccine mandate was not approved.
L Saxon noted that moral was also low.  There were 5 people who sort out to tell them that they are unsupported by Administration.  She noted that she was disheartened by HR dept. saying that the teachers only work 6 hours and they continue to be asked to do more.  Counselors are overworked, HR is not helpful or supported and is also outraged by Mr. Giannone.  Doesn't feel like Administration is setting students up for success.  She also addressed the dress code and that the behavior of the 9th grade students and attire is completely inappropriate.  Students are being disrespectful and student Board member is afraid of being sued by the parents arguing against vaccine mandate.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

Stands as submitted.  She also noted that she is very appreciative of teachers and understands how hard they work.


Director of Operations Report

Report stands as submitted.
Dara Williams made a motion to approve the proposed 2021/2022 school year School Emergency Plan.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.
C Clauson approved the motion
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Monica Batts-King
Brooke King
Jewlz Fahn
Lisa Saxon
Dara Williams
Jack Seltzer
Sara Margiotta
Maggie Nance
Brenda Clarke
Andrew Paris
James (Jim) Wells


Director of Development Report

Reviewed and stands as submitted.  M Rawson highlighted upcoming activities to help promote annual giving.  Since this is our 60th Anniversary, PCHS Fund is hosting a $60 for our 60th and will be promoted with Alumni who are interested the ongoing transportation costs.  This will also be promoted with the PCHS faculty staff.


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

Reviewed and stands as submitted


Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report

P Magee her report included a summary of the goals identified at the Board retreat.  She is working on aligning these with the LCAP and WASC.  She is excited that faculty want to discuss school goals.  Space seems to be an issue and she noted that it is just a campus issue.  The school has tried to utilize the space to the best of their ability.  She noted that faculty is valued and that they continue to try to make people valued.  Wants people to feel comfortable to coming to talk to her to have an open dialogue, build relationships.  She also noted that there was a discussion about how decisions were made and she referenced the Academic Accountability Team was the place where these discussions were supposed to be had.  She noted that they are committed to make this an effective group to help identify how decisions were made.  She also spoke to the dress code and she thanked students for bringing their concerns immediately to her attention.  She also celebrated the students who are working together to make changes.  She made a plea to move forward and work together to the benefit of PCHS.

V. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Academic Accountability Committee Update

B Clarke provided an update in the NC policy.  Administration was discussing best way to proceed and was working with UTLA. There will be conference periods to discuss with thoughts/concerns about the NC policy.  Then faculty, parents and stakeholders would be surveyed for their input.  Once that information is received then a policy can be put together to be brought to the Board on Nov.


The new bell schedule was discussed for next year and the committee is having discussions about adding advisory period.  The Academic Accountability has created a sub-committee to create a survey to collect feedback to be brought into the conversation.


The membership of the committee was also discussed.  Currently there are 13 members who are interested in participating in the committee and historically there have been 11 members per C Lee.  Currently there are 6 teachers on the committee, plus students and parents interested in participating.  D Williams clarified that there isn't a set size of the committee noting that is should only be made up by a majority of teachers.  It was also noted that faculty have the "right" to make up the majority of a SBC but it is not a requirement.  It was also noted that C Lee was very adamant that an 11 member committee was ideal.  It was also noted that everyone can come to the meeting.  L Saxon also reached out to other Dept. Chairs to see if others are interested in participating since currently 4 of the 6 teachers are from the English dept.  It was noted that the membership should be voted on by the Academic Accountability Committee and the membership of 11 is not a mandate.  Committee will remain as is now until the committee could vote to approve new membership.


Budget & Finance Committee Update

S Margiotta reported that the committee had reviewed the ESSR II/ESSR III and are recommending this to the Board for approval.  She also noted that part of this approval was the contingency that further detail be brought to the next B&F Committee meeting so that we could vet the allocations further.  She noted that JP Herrera was also asked to bring an overall allocation summary from all of the COVID grant monies received so that we can see overall how this money has been allocated to various things such as mental health, technology, tutoring, paraprofessionals, etc.  We will need to have a Special B&F Committee meeting to approve 2021-2024 LCAP.  She also reported that they did review the Unrepresented Staff Longevity Stipend.  Increased Transportation & Security costs were also reviewed and discussed.


Election Committee Update

They haven't met


Post Retirement/Lifetime Healthcare Benefits Committee Update

S Margiotta noted that the Committee is awaiting Lifetime Health Benefits survey results.  Next meeting is Thurs. October 14, 2021.

VI. Board Committees (Board Members Only)


Board Members Only- Committee Updates

A Paris reported that Grade Appeal Committee is getting "appeals" but has not offically met to review these.

VII. Board of Trustees Meeting Format and Public Comment Presentation


Meeting Format and Public Comment Presentation

J Ropel presented and reviewed as submitted.  Presentation was discussed.  D Williams said that she was not comfortable saying that it was a "state of emergency" if school was in session. it was argued that if meetings were open to everyone school would have challenges accommodating everyone who might attend.  It was noted that perhaps there is an equity issue for parents who worked and lived far away.  M Batts-King argued in favor zoom so that parents have the opportunity to attend meetings.  It was also noted that PCHS is only required to make reasonable accommodations.  Public comment was discussed and our current practice of the use of Google Docs.  It was argued that the Google Doc be made available to everyone on the BOT.  It was agreed that we should try to stream the meeting for those who cannot attend and J Ropel was asked to provide some options with associated costs.  However, as of now, it was agreed that we don't meet the criteria of eminent risk so all current SBC meetings should also be held in person.

VIII. Academic Excellence


PCHS Proposed Resolution Requiring COVID-19 Vaccinations for Eligible Students

This was not on agenda for vote, so it was suggested that this be tabled.  However, some individuals wanted to discuss this.  It was clarified that PCHS as an Independent Charter is allowed to make our own vaccination requirements and not follow LAUSD.  Currently, our 4 options are do what LAUSD has mandated, follow the Governor mandate, do nothing or create our own policy.  Options were discussed.
Jack Seltzer made a motion to table the PCHS Proposed Resolution Requiring COVID -19 Vaccinations for Eligible Students.
Brooke King seconded the motion.
This will be discussed and voted on at the Special Board Meeting.  Special Board meeting will be held on Oct. 26, 2021 at 5 pm.  C Clauson motioned in the affirmative.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andrew Paris
Jewlz Fahn
Brooke King
Sara Margiotta
Jack Seltzer
Monica Batts-King
Dara Williams
Brenda Clarke
Lisa Saxon
James (Jim) Wells
Maggie Nance


Equity in Athletics Presentation

Item was pushed to next meeting due to time constraints.

IX. PCHS Clean Energy Task Force


Letter of Intent Regarding Solar Power for Pali High

Clean Energy Taskforce was discussed.  Representative from PermaCity discussed proposal and it was noted that LAUSD recently approved 7 similar plans.  A Sheney introduced the clean energy resolution and the feasibility of this resolution.  They met with LAUSD to discuss this further and were referred to PermaCity who has come and done a walk through with PermaCity representatives to investigate what options are available to the school.  Herb Mendelson was introduced.  Report as included was reviewed.  Questions were discussed.  Tax credits do not apply because we are a non-profit.  It was noted that a new roof would last 40-50 years because of the solar panels will be protecting the the new roof.  At the end of the 25 year payment, the panels could be purchased at fair market value.  If PCHS didn't want to purchase them, PermaCity would come to remove the panels.  Proposition includes covered areas for teacher and student parking.  It was noted that most of the noisy work is done during Christmas and Spring Break so as not to disrupt instruction.  It was suggested that the ultimate proposal be submitted to the B&F Committee to be completely vetted prior to submission to the Board.  The potential air conditioning was also discussed and it was noted that the plan can be flexible around these plans.  The Letter of Intent was discussed and it was noted that this is non-binding.  It was agreed that LOI be brought to B&F Committee for vetting and to make a  recommendation to the Board.

X. Finance


2021-2022 Budget vs Actuals

Reviewed and stands as submitted.  ADA challenges were discussed.  Board discussed students who don't meet the 3 part check and what happens to those students.  Are these students being released if they don't meet the 3 part check.  BOT discussed concerns regarding turning kids away from campus and it was noted that it was dangerous to release students because they were not allowed on campus.  A specific example was given in the last 3 weeks where a 9th Grader was turned away and parent was not notified and student was just released.  It was noted that we have a legal responsibility once students step foot on campus.  Dr. Magee agreed with the concern and will work to get this resolved asap.


ESSER II & ESSER III Allocations

Reviewed and stands as submitted.  It was noted that these allocations were created based upon stakeholder feedback.  The survey responses are posted under B&F Committee on the website.
Jack Seltzer made a motion to approve the ESSER II & ESSER III Allocations as outlined with the provision that B&F Committee will be provided detailed information regarding expenditures to vet appropriately.
Brooke King seconded the motion.
D Williams noted that she would like additional information and detail on the ESSER spending.  B King reported that she is concerned because this was vetted by B&F and the need for additional review is needed.  C Clauson expressed his opinion in the affirmative
The motion did not carry.
Roll Call
James (Jim) Wells
Lisa Saxon
Dara Williams
Brenda Clarke
Maggie Nance
Monica Batts-King
Jack Seltzer
Brooke King
Sara Margiotta
Andrew Paris
Jewlz Fahn
Dara Williams made a motion to place this on the agenda for the Special Board Meeting to discuss and vote on the ESSR II/ESSR III allocations on October 26, 2021 subject to B&F review as noted above.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.
C Clauson expressed his support of this motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andrew Paris
Brenda Clarke
Monica Batts-King
Maggie Nance
James (Jim) Wells
Jack Seltzer
Dara Williams
Sara Margiotta
Lisa Saxon
Jewlz Fahn
Brooke King


Transportation/Security Update

D Parcell reported that the transportation vendor invoked the contract clause which allows for an increase in contractual rates due to unforseen new costs:  Driver shortage, driver retention, fuel rates, etc.  Reviewed as submitted which creates an overall cost increase of approximately $59K.  D Williams noted that if there is a contractual cost increase over $50K might need to be voted on.  She also noted that some schools are paying parents to drive in carpools.  It was discussed as to whether this might not involve cost savings if all parents decided to participate in this program.  D Parcell also noted that he did call other possible available vendors and no one is able to handle our bus program (old contract bids plus new additional vendors).  M Batts-King would like these additional costs to be placed in the ESSR funding.  L Saxon noted that he would like to give the CBO the flexibility on how to allocate funding due to various funding sources and time that monies come in.


Security costs were also discussed.  And there are additional plans in place to return to the normal security force by November.  S Margiotta noted that Granada Hills uses Parentlocker to check kids in in order to eliminate the need for additional security to check students in in the morning.

XI. Governance


PCHS Recusal Policy

D Williams reviewed Ed Code and 1090 and noted that our Recusal Policy mirrors these recusal policies.  She noted that she does not think our policy is more restrictive than the FPPC Policy is.  She recommended that PCHS create a Recusal Policy that is a real recusal policy.  P Magee also suggested that we use a different firm from the one who helped draft the current Recusal Policy.  M Nance requested that we don't use the firm who works with contract negotiations due to perceptions of the faculty and staff.  D Williams suggested the firm that the attorney who works with our negotiation attorney but with a different attorney because she feels that they are more detail oriented.  D Williams will work with the Recusal Policy and the attorney to help draft a revised policy.


Unrepresented Salary Scale Updates

Dara Williams made a motion to approve the Unrepresented Salary Scale Update for the current 2021/2022 school year and new titles associated with the updated salary scale.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.
It was noted that this currently applies to only 5 employees.  C Clauson motioned in favor of approving.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sara Margiotta
Maggie Nance
Andrew Paris
Brooke King
Jewlz Fahn
Jack Seltzer
Dara Williams
Lisa Saxon
Monica Batts-King
James (Jim) Wells
Brenda Clarke


LAUSD Notice of Concern - LCAP Matrix


Form 503-804 Certificate of Signatures

Dara Williams made a motion to approve the updated certificate of signatures form for 2021-2025.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.
C Clauson approved
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brenda Clarke
Jewlz Fahn
Brooke King
Jack Seltzer
Maggie Nance
Sara Margiotta
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
James (Jim) Wells
Lisa Saxon
Monica Batts-King
Dara Williams made a motion to table all other agenda items until the next Regular Board of Trustees Meeting.
Jack Seltzer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jewlz Fahn
Maggie Nance
Jack Seltzer
Monica Batts-King
Brooke King
Brenda Clarke
Dara Williams
Sara Margiotta
Andrew Paris
James (Jim) Wells
Lisa Saxon


Discussion Regarding FPPC Advice Letter Request

XII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Margiotta