Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting (Budget)

Date and Time

Tuesday June 22, 2021 at 5:00 PM


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As per Executive Order N-29-20 from Governor Newsom, the Palisades Charter High School Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 22, 2021, at 5:00p.m. will move to a virtual/teleconferencing environment. Calling into the meeting may incur a charge and PCHS is not responsible for any charges.

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at

Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

Trustees Present

Adam Glazer, Andrew Paris, Brooke King, Emily Hirsch, James (Jim) Wells, Jewlz Fahn, Leslie Woolley, Paula Anderson, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent

Brenda Clarke, John Rauschuber

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

James (Jim) Wells, Paula Anderson

Guests Present

Amy Nguyen, Amy Okafor, Arleta Ilyas, Christopher Clausen, Don Parcell, Jeff Ropel, Michael Rawson, Pam Magee, Russel Howard

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Brooke King called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Jun 22, 2021 at 5:00 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

We are the parents of two rising seniors and would like to bring your attention to the following important matter.  Our sons enrolled in AP Macro Economics for the next school year. Among the AP offerings at Pali, AP Econ is one of the most relevant to the major they are set on taking in college.  On June 2nd, merely three weeks ago, Mr. Burr sent an email announcing that AP  Econ would no longer be offered. Not only was this news shocking, but it certainly came very late, well after rising seniors had finalized their 12th grade schedule after putting a lot of thought into it.
We understand that the history department lost the teacher who was set to teach the class, but we urge the administration to either hire another teacher or to have a community college come on campus to teach the class, as it has been done in the past with other courses. Let’s bring back AP Economics for the sake of many students who were counting on it. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

We are reaching out to please ask that this decision be reconsidered, for the sake of the seniors that were counting on this class. We are confident a solution can be found. If there is anything that parents (or students) can do, please let us know. We are active PTSA board members and are willing to work hard to make this happen.

It is important for many of our kids applying to college in the Fall that a college level Econ is on their transcript in the Fall. If a teacher cannot be secured, we ask that Pali works with SMC or another community college to have Econ offered first semester at Pali High.

Thanks for your attention to this important matter.

Keri Kraft and Silvana Horn

Keri Kraft - I think Pali should consider changing the bell schedule for next year to a late start of 8:30 since the following year it will need to be changed anyway. The kids are used to starting school late during covid and will have a hard time going back and forth. To that end I think you should also consider shortening the periods to make room for a period of intervention, study hall or activities for the kids. The Academic Accountability group has been discussing these charges for a while and this is the perfect time to implement them since most of the students have not been on the "regular" schedule anyway.


Approve Minutes

Andrew Paris made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting on 06-01-21.
Leslie Woolley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sara Margiotta
Adam Glazer
Paula Anderson
John Rauschuber
Brooke King
James (Jim) Wells
Brenda Clarke
Andrew Paris
Jewlz Fahn
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch

II. Operations Update


Summer Permitting Facilities Update

D Parcell said that sports teams out of season can be allowed to practice as a permit group.  Contact the permit from the school but it won't have cost associated with it.  Insurance will be required.  Fall sports start August 2, 2021 (with football starting the week earlier).  Once official practice starts the teams will no longer be required to have permits to practice.  

Jewlz asked whether permitted teams whether they would be required to follow school's COVID testing.  D Parcell clarified that school teams would be required to follow COVID testing requirements because there would be interaction with other faculty/students.  Other permit groups which do not have contact/interaction with PCHS faculty/staff do not need to follow COVID testing requirements but will need to complete symptoms checks.  Reverting to testing every 2 weeks is currently being considered by the COVID Taskforce/Administration.  Testing requirements are the same for vaccinated/unvaccinated students.  Verbal symptom checklists are now allowed but temperature checks remain in place.
Paula Anderson arrived at 5:15 PM.

III. Academic Achievement


WASC/CDE Mid-Cycle Progress Report

Public Comments - get from google doc.
Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve the WASC Mid-Cycle Progress Report.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
WASC Mid-Cycle Progress Report reviewed and stands as submitted.  P Magee presented information outlining what WASC is.  She clarified that PCHS is frequently audited and this is one of those auditing groups which provides accreditation to the school.  Annual report was done in 2018 and was approved with the highest 6 year approval.  Dr. Magee noted that she likes the WASC review process as it allows for deep evaluation of the school and the school's processes:  where we are and where we want to go.  P Magee then provided an overview of the actual WASC Mid-Year report.  She noted that she is appreciative of the public comments regarding diversity and will take those into consideration as we look at recruitment.  She noted that there has been a slight increase in our LatinX population in COVID.  Interested in hearing stakeholder input on how to maintain/expand the school's diverse population.  

She also highlighted some changes/adjustments made during COVID:  grading/safety/on-campus programs/mental health, etc.

She also highlighted the increased stakeholder participation in COVID because of the virtual meetings which provided easier access.

She noted that accurately gathering data will be key moving forward to evaluate current student outcomes.

She also encouraged everyone to get involved and provide feedback.  She then thanked school committees and administrators for their efforts in completing the review.  Please reference presentation slide deck.

P Anderson asked whether professional development was included in the plan.  P Magee replied absolutely and these will be coming in August 2021.

C Clauson noted that the students were in support of approving WASC Mid Cycle Report
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Brenda Clarke
Andrew Paris
Jewlz Fahn
Leslie Woolley
James (Jim) Wells
Sara Margiotta
Adam Glazer
John Rauschuber
Paula Anderson
Emily Hirsch


2021-22 School Plan Update

P Magee clarified that the PCHS plan  is a full return in fall of 2021.  5 day a week bell schedule with normal school hours.  School continues to monitor COVID guidelines and will continue to communicate with parents over the summer.  COVID Taskforce also continues to meet to monitor any revised guidelines.  PCHS is also working on any possible waiver which might be needed to ensure a full return in fall of 2021 as allowed by LACDPH.  Virtual Academy is an available option for any student who chooses to remain in virtual learning in the fall.

P Anderson asked that any families who have students who may have a 504 or IEP to discuss with Academic Counsellor prior to enrolling in Virtual Academy.

Orientation is earlier this year.  These dates are outlined on the website under the summer programs.  A more extended orientation has been built in for 9th & 10th Graders to support those current 10th graders who didn't get that experience in the fall of 2020.  If you are unable to attend orientation plans are being made for "make-up" days in which students can come to campus to pick up books and any other items which they may need but students should make every effort to attend their respective orientations if at all possible in order to get used to being back on campus in anticipation of a full return of fall in-person learning.

IV. Budget & Finance Committee


"Motion to approve two new community seats on the Budget & Finance Committee." 

Emily Hirsch made a motion to approve S Margiotta and D Gronich as Community Members of the Budget and Finance Committee.
Jewlz Fahn seconded the motion.
There was much discussion regarding extending 2 community seats through the following year and S Margiotta clarified that the intent was to allow the B&F Committee to continue its work over the summer when the school receives the 2 additional grants which PCHS expects to receive.  There will be a concerted effort at the beginning of the fall to recruit new, current parents to join the committee.  It was further noted that PCHS is still waiting on a response from the state as to whether teachers/faculty are allowed to be members of the B&F Committee.  S Margiotta noted that the B&F Committee has intentionally left 3 seats open pending the state response so that if teachers are allowed to be B&F Committee members there would be seats on that committee available to them.  It was further clarified that the B&F Committee will pick their membership again in the fall and submit it to the Board for approval.

After much discussion, C Clauson reported the student perspective was to approve the two new Community seats on the Budget and Finance Committee.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Adam Glazer
Emily Hirsch
Brenda Clarke
Sara Margiotta
Paula Anderson
Brooke King
James (Jim) Wells
Leslie Woolley
Andrew Paris
Jewlz Fahn
John Rauschuber

V. Finance


2021-2024 LCAP

Reviewed and stands as submitted.
Leslie Woolley made a motion to Approved the 2021-2024 LCAP.
Jewlz Fahn seconded the motion.
B King asked about the 4 main goals.  J Herrera clarified that this came out of LTSP.  They reviewed the current goals and with stakeholder input to consolidate them into the 4 new LCAP goals being presented to the Board.  

C Clauson thanked everyone who worked on the document and recommended that the 2021-2024 LCAP be approved.

It was noted that this is submitted to LAUSD and then it is submitted to CDE on our behalf.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sara Margiotta
James (Jim) Wells
Andrew Paris
Adam Glazer
Leslie Woolley
John Rauschuber
Jewlz Fahn
Paula Anderson
Brenda Clarke
Emily Hirsch
Brooke King
James (Jim) Wells arrived at 6:10 PM.


2021-22 Budget

2021-2022 Budget Overview was reviewed by Juan Pablo Herrera and Arleta Ilyas and stands as submitted.  

Highlights of proposed 2021/2022 budget include:
Federal revenue for special ED that went up significantly
PCHS has received a lot of them one time, money that's tied to Cobra believe and we have our in-person instruction grant and then we have our expanded learning opportunities grant, which also has expenses tied to it.
PCHS received more funding in our state allocation for Special ED so that that is why our our revenue for the year went up.
New expenses include:  ED tech coordinator, new counselor and tech team lead.
PCHS has seen some very significant increases is in our state unemployment unemployment &  insurance payments so last year just to just to give a gauge of how how significant it is so last year.  For example last year PCHS was paying about $25,000 a year for state unemployment insurance and this year we're paying $260,400 and that's because the state increase the rate for schools.  Additional funding increases are workers COMP and our lifetime benefits for funding.  The amount at the actuarial recommended is being allocation so in all total, the school's employee benefits went up  more than a million dollars over last year.
Additional increases include:  increased IMA for students, an increased our non Captain which are are tied to our expend expanded learning opportunities grant, professional development and licenses and subscriptions also increased.  There is a significant increase in in our general liability insurance and then there's an increase in our consulting services and again that's due to.expenses tied to the expanded learning opportunities grant.  Some money is being set aside for capital repairs and some security cameras. so overall like throughout this this five episode process of the budget, we went from a deficit to a positive imbalance in the Navi the rest of the my new details can be found in the packet.

Christopher Clausen noted that we have a few new hires and with the retiree benefit increases we're spending about an $840,000 increase from 20 to 21.  Are we able to recuperate those with the ELO and the Federal grants?

Juan Pablo Herrera clarified that there are there are salaries that are tied to the ELO grant in the form of professional development to to provide new training for teachers and staff.  Another part of the grant was summer school offerings and Saturday school that means teachers and staff have to work so that out of the air the grant funding, we would.  The guidance from the CDE was that grant money was to be used to enhance current learning opportunities so that's why the money was allocated in the way that it was.  He also noted that we will need continued stakeholder input as PCHS works with the allocations of the remaining 2 expected grants.

P Anderson asked how much PCHS was expected with the expected additional ELO grants (ELO 2 and ELO 3).| Board Member: My questions are for hello, and thank you, Christopher because those one of those was my questions so eliminate that one for me and the answers one or two how much do you anticipate those will be?  J Herrera clarified that ELO2 should be $980,300 which is tied to the December 2020 stimulus bill and ELO 3 is tied to the march 2021 stimulus bill and PCHS is expecting to receive approximately $2.2 million.  In total it is just over $3 million of federal relief funding but noted that the grants have some restricted use.  At least 20% of the funds will need to be used to mitigate learning loss, but the remaining can be used within the parameters that the that the the government program will lay out for PCHS.

P Anderson then asked about the potential for Special Ed parents to demand the hours of learning loss which occurred during eLearning.  J Herrera noted that PCHS feels confident that the school is prepared for these contingencies. He further noted that he and the admin team are closely watching the developments of some of the other assembly bills that could that could that could potentially impact.  The increased funding to Special Ed was also discussed and it was noted that on a on a year over year basis, the general fund contributes approximately $2 million dollars to offset the cost of Special Ed so with this current funding, the general fund will have to contribute slightly less in the upcoming year's contribution.  It was also noted that there appears to be good news from the the governor's proposal because they're finally recognizing and acknowledging the cost of Special Ed instruction and and where the funding should be.

The 3 new positions were also clarified.  2 new certificated positions in the Ed Tech Coordinator and regular school Counselor and 1 l classified position in the Tech Team Lead to assist Jeff.  These positions were proposed and approved by the current Board at a previous Board meeting.
01:34:32.070 --> 01:34:35.970
Paula Anderson | Board Member: And last question, what are the three new positions that were adding.

01:34:36.840 --> 01:34:37.980
Juan Pablo Herrera | Ex Officio: The first is a.

01:34:39.090 --> 01:34:44.490
Juan Pablo Herrera | Ex Officio: certificate position into a tech coordinator, the second is a new counselor position.

01:34:46.350 --> 01:34:59.040
Juan Pablo Herrera | Ex Officio: And then the third would be a classified position, which would be it tech or it team lead, which would help with tech support on the back end and and work closely with Jeff to execute the school's technology plan.

B King thanked the Budget and Finance Committee for meeting five times in order to bring the finalized budget proposal to the Board and thanked our CEO and the finance department and the administration for working so hard to get this budget to this place.
Emily Hirsch made a motion to Approve the 2021-2022 Budget as presented.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
Student perspective is approved the 2021-2022 Budget
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Adam Glazer
Paula Anderson
Jewlz Fahn
Brenda Clarke
James (Jim) Wells
Sara Margiotta
Andrew Paris
Brooke King
Leslie Woolley
John Rauschuber
Emily Hirsch


2021-22 MOU for LAUSD Mental Health Services

Jewlz Fahn made a motion to approve 2021-2022 MOU for LAUSD Mental Health Services.
Emily Hirsch seconded the motion.
It was noted that this is only for the 2021/2022 school year as some grant monies is being applied to cover these costs.  Slide deck reviewed by M Bush.  P Anderson also noted that these team members help Special Education with student assessments.

C Clauson recommended that the MOU for Mental Health Services be approved.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sara Margiotta
Andrew Paris
James (Jim) Wells
Paula Anderson
John Rauschuber
Adam Glazer
Jewlz Fahn
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch
Brooke King
Brenda Clarke


2021-22 CharterSAFE Insurance Proposal

CharterSAFE Insurance Proposal was reviewed.  It was noted that after "shopping" insurance proposals, it was noted that CharterSAFE was still the best insurance company to continue to work with.  Increase costs are associated with insurance companies seeing increased claims regarding risk of cyper security and sexual harassment claims.  PCHS is also in an area which is considered a potential fire risk.
Leslie Woolley made a motion to Approve 2021-2022 CharterSAFE Insurance Proposal.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
C Clauson noted that it was the student proposal to approve the 2021-2022 CharterSAFE Insurance Proposal.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Adam Glazer
Sara Margiotta
Brenda Clarke
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch
Paula Anderson
James (Jim) Wells
Brooke King
Andrew Paris
Jewlz Fahn
John Rauschuber


2021-22 MOU for LAUSD School Police Services

J Herrera discussed the extension of the LAUSD School Police Service.  He noted that this was a priority from LTSP and LCAP.  This cost is already reflected in the 2021-2022 school budget.
Jewlz Fahn made a motion to approve 2021-2022 MOU for LAUSD School Police Services.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
Jim asked whether there was enough being done at the school from a security perspective.  R Howard and D Parcell noted that it is their recommendation to have the LAUSD officer on campus.

P Anderson noted that having a community officer on campus who is familiar with the student population is invaluable.  He also helps train the school's additional security on an ongoing basis.

C Clauson noted that it is the student perspective to approve the 2021-2022 MOU for LAUSD School Police Services
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch
Sara Margiotta
John Rauschuber
Paula Anderson
Andrew Paris
Jewlz Fahn
Brenda Clarke
Brooke King
Adam Glazer
James (Jim) Wells


2021-22 Janitorial Contract

D Parcell reviewed the Janitorial Contract with UniSERVE.  He noted that the rates have not really increased.
Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve 2021-2022 Janitorial Contract.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
C Clauson noted that it is the perspective of the students to approve this contract.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
John Rauschuber
Brenda Clarke
Brooke King
Jewlz Fahn
Paula Anderson
Andrew Paris
James (Jim) Wells
Leslie Woolley
Sara Margiotta
Adam Glazer
Emily Hirsch


Volunteer/Donor Recognition

M Rawson noted that there is a theme with the WASC report and the 2021-2022 school plan that it takes a village to move PCHS forward.  He acknowledged Leslie Woolley, Rene Rodman and Reeve Chudd for their service and support of PCHS.


“Motion to Approve Leslie Woolley to continue on Investment Committee through July 31, 2021”

Paula Anderson made a motion to Approve Leslie Woolley to continue on Investment Committee through July 31, 2021.
Jewlz Fahn seconded the motion.
P Anderson thanked Leslie for volunteering to do this.

C Clauson noted that it was the student perspective to approve Leslie Woolley to continue on Investment Committee through July 31, 2021
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
James (Jim) Wells
Leslie Woolley
Paula Anderson
John Rauschuber
Emily Hirsch
Sara Margiotta
Andrew Paris
Brooke King
Adam Glazer
Brenda Clarke
Jewlz Fahn

VI. Governance


Consideration of Seventh Amendment to Contract for Employment of Executive Director/Principal

L Woolley reported that the PCHS Charter establishes an Evaluation Committee, made up solely of non-interested trustees, and delegates the Board of Trustees’ authority and obligation to evaluate the Executive Director and Principal (EDP) to the Committee.  The Evaluation Committee, by a unanimous vote of the members present, took action to complete the 2020-21 evaluation of the Executive Director/Principal, Dr. Magee.  Based on the results of Dr. Magee’s evaluation, the Committee action included a recommendation to extend Dr. Magee’s employment contract for one year, to June 30, 2024, in accordance with the employment contract. This recommendation is reflected in a proposed Seventh Amendment to the contract on the open session agenda of tonight’s meeting.  The Board’s adopted Recusal Policy states that a Board members who are also employees shall abstain from voting on, or influencing or attempting to influence another Board member regarding a number of topics including the “appointment, employment, compensation, performance evaluation, discipline, dismissal of, or hearing of complaints, claims or charges brought against a PCHS employee or employees, especially including any employee or employees who are responsible for supervising and/or evaluating the employee Board member.” Therefore, discussion and action on this item is limited to the non-interested Board members.

She asked if there was any public comments on this action item before the non-interested Board members consider final action to on the Seventh Amendment?  There were no public comments.
James (Jim) Wells made a motion to Approve the Seventh Amendment to Contract for Employment of Executive Director/Principal.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andrew Paris
Emily Hirsch
Adam Glazer
Paula Anderson
Brenda Clarke
Brooke King
Sara Margiotta
Jewlz Fahn
John Rauschuber
Leslie Woolley
James (Jim) Wells


Acknowledgement of Outgoing Trustees and Their Service

B King acknowledged the outgoing trustees noting that Board service plays a crucial role in the governance of our school.  It's a time consuming time volunteer role involving commitment and dedication to the success of PCHS.  She noted the following trustees distinguished themselves with virtue by serving during a historic time in Pali's history and she wished to express her sincere appreciation of your efforts.  She also extend this appreciation to our students, teachers, staff and administration parents and community, for your sacrifices this year.  It is her belief that we are emerging stronger.  She then announced the outgoing Trustees and allowed them the opportunity to speak..

L Woolley stated that It has been a complete joy for her and she really has gotten so much out of the students, the teachers, the staff administrators being on this board and from the various committees on which she has served.  Pali is such a phenomenal school and it's amazing place.  She noted that the Board/school does go through hard times sometimes but noted how amazing it was that this group all works together.  She also thanked the Board for their dedication and hard work noting that people have no idea how hard the Trustees work.  She said that she has been honored to be able to be a Trustee

Emily Hirsch spoke and said that after a career in education being on the Board has been a huge learning experience for her.  She expressed how much she has enjoyed it and although this last year was tough she believes we did emerge stronger and wiser.  She thanked our Community and our teachers, administrators, classified and  students for allowing her this opportunity and hoped she was able to make a positive difference in the lives of our community and our students at our wonderful school.

A Glazier noted that he loved the idea of coming on here and making a difference in helping students, teachers, etc, and the reason was because his high school teachers were the ones who made him who he is today.  The teachers have a very special place in my heart.  But he decided not to run for reelection because he couldn't believe the dysfunction that exists between the school teachers, the Board and the Administration.  It just seemed like, no matter what he would have loved to accomplish there was no way to accomplish it.  He stated that he truly believe the teachers Union leadership is something that creates more problems than they need to.  He clarified that he doesn't think that it's the teachers, he thinks it's the teacher Union leadership.  He recognized current and past teacher Board of Trustees who he believes are amazing assets to Pali but noted that the current Teacher Union leadership do their best to try to make enemies which he feels is unfortunate.  He felt like he was watching a political battle and he feels that this is unfortunate.  He hopes that something can change because until that can heal he doesn't see a way that the Board can continue to move forward in a positive way.  He noted that it's really important that teachers are there for the students citing a prime example: when the teachers contract was being negotiated and the teachers stopped writing recommendations for their students.  Don't tell me as teachers that you're here for the students, he stated, when you will potentially damage their chances of getting into college.  He said the day when he saw that he was blown away, and it was such an unfortunate thing that he really hopes will never happen again because it's such an embarrassment to the school.  He asked the Board to work with the teachers and the teachers need to work with the Administration.  Dr. Magee and the Board are not bad guys he stated, nor are the teachers while imploring to work together. This school is something special and needs to realize it instead of tearing each other apart.  You know the incoming folks can work within the existing folks and  he hopes that the Teachers Union leadership,  stressing the leadership, because he truly didn't believe that it's the teachers, I really don't.  He concluded by saying he hopes that everyone can work together so that Pali can truly prosper.  He thanked everyone who gave him the opportunity to serve on the Board noting that it was a true honor for which he was appreciative.

Paula Anderson thanked her fellow Board members noting that she has great gratitude for all that they do with Board work and committees noting the hours of time which is involved.  She also thanked her colleagues who had enough faith in her in her first year at Pali to elect her to the board for her two year term.  She also thanked the administration and all of the classifieds people that work to keep the school running.  She also noted that she thinks one of the ways communication can be better achieved is through the board role, noting that the board's role as being one governance clarifying that's what the Board is here to do is governance and the administration's job is management and sometimes those lines get blurred.  She said that she thinks a lot of that blurring is where the communication sometimes breaks down.  She also highlighted transparency which she feels needs to happen noting that if we're transparent and open and open to communication and listening to each other, because communication isn't just talking.  Half of communication is listening.  If we do that and we keep to our own lane which she thinks Brooke has started by the way she Chairs the Board meetings.  She also noted that we do have to play by the rules:  the rules in school and the rules as a board, noting that we are governed by the Brown Act.  She also believes more needs to be done at the State level to allow teachers to have more input, noting that they could be non voting members of the board and still give your input to Members.  She thinks this can be done as well at the committee level citing the importance of getting the perspective of those in the classroom which is needed for decision making.  Her prayer for the Board is that communication opens up that we're transparent and all the things that we do.  She re-expressed her gratitude to her fellow Board members saying that she knows she is leaving her seat in good hands with Lisa Saxon.  She thanked everyone so much for allowing me to serve for my two years.

S Margiotta noted that she clearly feels very strongly about the school and the excellent work and education that it's being provided and noting that is why she ran to come back and serve another term.  She thinks the school is in a place where they are moving in the direction of making some some good choices and some good decisions financially and she wanted to make sure that she was there to help see that through.  She noted that there have been some issues that are long standing and she is committed to helping move the school forward in the right direction.  She thanked everyone for all of their hard work and is so grateful to all of the Board members for all of the time they put in to make Pali the best place it can be.

B King then acknowledged John Rauschuber, who is also outgoing and Izzy Gill, who we said goodbye to at our last meeting.

L Woolley then thanked Brooke King for her job as the Chair of this Board noting that she has been outstanding.  L Woolley noted that it has not been easy and it's a really big job, acknowledging the amount of time that B King puts in outside of our Board meetings, which is tremendous.  She thanked her for her hard work and for all that she has given to the Board.

VII. New Business



Governance Training will be moved to July 24, 2021 at 10 am-12 pm due to Board availability.  Training will be held in person.

Next Board meeting is August 24, 2021 at 5 pm.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Margiotta
Documents used during the meeting