Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 18, 2021 at 5:00 PM


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As per Executive Order N-29-20 from Governor Newsom, the Palisades Charter High School Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 18, 2021, at 5:00p.m. will move to a virtual/teleconferencing environment. Calling into the meeting may incur a charge and PCHS is not responsible for any charges.

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

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Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

Trustees Present

Andrew Paris, Brenda Clarke, Brooke King, Emily Hirsch, James (Jim) Wells, Jewlz Fahn, John Rauschuber, Paula Anderson, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent

Adam Glazer, Leslie Woolley

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Guests Present

Amy Nguyen, Amy Okafor, Arleta Ilyas, Chris Clausen, Chris Lee, Don Parcell, Jeff Ropel, Mary Bush, Michael Rawson, Monica Ianessa, Russ Howard, Steve Klima, Steve Klima

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Brooke King called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday May 18, 2021 at 5:03 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

Lisa Woods - Wanted clarification for points noted in the packet.  Faculty report questions plans for return to the fall and mention of adjusted bell schedules and asynchronous days.  This is in contrast with what is noted in the ED report and is asking for clarity in the process.  Why are meetings just beginning and are stakeholders going to remain in limbo as negotiations take place.  Noted that Nick Melvoin stated today that LAUSD reported that fall will return to full un person learning.  Looking for explanations and looking for specifics about the plan for the fall.

S Klima - Speaking as a parent.  Heard through the "grapevine" that there would not be a survey of parents similar to the Columbia Survey which has been done in the past.  Urged that this survey be completed so that parent voices are heard.  Also noted need for survey for teachers and UTLA.

Kim Avila - Tremendous thank you to faculty and staff and Mr. Rauschuber for the Senior Picnic.  Recommends renting large screens to enhance graduation experience.  Also encourages people to attend Kay N Dave's fundraiser.

Stacey Hensel - I see that the faculty report is entertaining the idea of having one or two asynchronous days next year as well as having a later start and earlier finish (8:30-12:30). I am strongly opposed to having any asynchronous days as they have been proven to be detrimental to learning and achievement and shortening the day is also something to which I strongly object. Starting at 8:30 makes sense since the school will be required todo that the following year. I am in favor of beginning the 8:30 start time in the fall.

Anonymous - Thank you for giving students the opportunity to be back in class with their teacher. It would have been even better if we had more time to prepare for this instead of giving parents basically a weeks notice and very little detail. It was quite a reversal from what you’ve been telling us for months.

I hope Pali is making back-up plans for the fall and not just assuming that everything will go back to normal. Are you going to try and enroll kids into cohorts for fall--ie, put the same 30-40 kids in the same math, english and perhaps science/language classes, so that if disaster strikes again, there’s a chance that half of them can be in the classroom while the other half is online, or perhaps in a portion of the gym, or a tent, etc. It will take a lot more work and not all kids will fit into the same schedule, but it needs to be at least attempted, as opposed to saying it can’t be done. We’ve expected our teachers to plan, replan and plan again for the last 15 months. They’ve had to change their curriculum, teaching method, evaluation and grading all while still teaching. We've expected our students to change and adapt to new ways of learning. I expect our administrative team to put in some extra effort too.

The new security fencing in front of Pali is hideous and hardly welcoming. I don’t know whether the spiky fence topping at the El Medio/Sunset corner entrance/exit is new, but it is also hideous.

Hope you send parents and students a survey/evaluation for the Executive Director evaluation instead of the email just asking us to email our comments to members of the Board.

Lynn Healey - I am so grateful to the administrators and staff who worked nights and weekends to get the on campus instruction program up and running on May 10. My child is so happy to be back that he did not want to stay home last Friday. Our family wholeheartedly supports the planned restoration of the five-day, full-time pre-pandemic schedule for this fall.


Approve Minutes

Paula Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 04-20-21.
Emily Hirsch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Emily Hirsch
Sara Margiotta
Leslie Woolley
Paula Anderson
John Rauschuber
Brooke King
Andrew Paris
Adam Glazer
James (Jim) Wells
Jewlz Fahn
Brenda Clarke

II. Academic Excellence


Changes/Updates in Response to COVID-19

COVID Taskforce has been meeting on Wednesdays.  Student distancing has been revised to reflect the current CDC guidance of 3 ft.  Mask wearing will continue to follow CA Dept. of Public Health regardless of vaccination status.  Graduation also being discussed.  As of now, it was noted that guidance regarding these restrictions have not been relaxed to reflect the 3 feet distancing now recommended for students.  Therefore, the stadium will have limited capacity which means 2 guests/graduate.  It was also noted that there are LACDPH guidelines on who is allowed to attend.  All out of state guests must prove vaccination status.  

B Clarke asked about the time of graduation.  Could it be done a little earlier and can we pre-register guests in advance in order to facilitate stadium entrance?  Also asked if there is a possibility to reconsider attendance to 4 people.  D Parcell clarified that the survey among graduating parents that there was a preference for a 5 pm event.  Pre-registering is going to start next week and there will be assigned seating.

Need to communicate # guests/timing etc. as soon as possible so people can plan.  It was also confirmed that Pali Production will be simulcasting the ceremony so that anyone interested in viewing virtually will be able to do so.


2021-22 and 2022-23 School Year Important Dates/Calendars

Calendars reviewed and stands as submitted.  Dr. Magee reiterated that the school fulling intents to reopen 5 days/week with full class days in the fall.  There is a full expectation at the state level that the school will be returning 5 days a week with a normal bell schedule and PCHS intends to follow. 

It was noted that fire days have not been built into the calendars being presented.

School also intends to provide additional professional development.  A full 5 days before school starts and these are not reflected on the calendars being presented.  The bell schedule is still being negotiated and is not reflective here.
Brenda Clarke made a motion to approve 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 school calendars as prseented.
Paula Anderson seconded the motion.
Chris Clausen noted student intention is to approve this calendar
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Leslie Woolley
James (Jim) Wells
Brooke King
Adam Glazer
Andrew Paris
Brenda Clarke
Emily Hirsch
Paula Anderson
Jewlz Fahn
Sara Margiotta
John Rauschuber

III. Organizational Reports


Student Report

Chris Clausen: Yes, introduced himself as the incoming Asp President.  He is filling in for izzy Gil tonight.  He expressed support for our B2C and I fly programs that are happening right now.  He is currently a part of them and he has spoken to a lot of students and he has heard a lot of overwhelming support,  He thinks the current schedule we've got is a great way for students to get reintegrated with the campus and he just thinks it's really great that even though.we dealt with a very difficult year that students get to meet with their teachers and have that face to face personal interaction.  He thinks we're all very optimistic for the future.  And then on to some of our past updates in B2C, we've been doing a lot of events for the students who are on campus we've been having dodgeball, we had denim day, cookie fundraisers, popsicle sales so.just bringing back some of that Pali spirit that we missed for so long.  ASB also had a fundraiser at Toppings for the sophomore class. Popsicle sale and cookie were for our freshmen.  ASB also hosted a sexual violence prevention week at the end of April, culminating in a video compilation and then we had voter registration drive for students 16 and older to pre register to vote.  School's blood drive was today at the American legion Red Cross.

It's a busy time for our seniors we had our senior picnic last Friday, which was very successful there's pictures on school G for anyone who hasn't heard of it and wants to check it out.  It was a great success, and then we have a senior fundraiser at Kay n Dave's through the 31st.

Anyone is welcome to go there just mentioned that you're supporting the pally seniors and 20% of the proceeds will go to the senior class and we're also getting ready for prom.  It is starting to wind down the year for the seniors and we are very sad to see them go but it's great that we have some events for them, and then we have a talent show coming up soon.  They they are accepting submissions through the 22nd of this month and the rules and how to enter our own schoology.  We're also in the process of making a survey about mental health starting the school for next year and ninth grade support systems that will be.going out soon, and then, finally, we have an API event on May 20, which is a workshop from the founder of re appropriate about activism, and the Asian American Community.

B King asked what is the video compilation we were talking about.and Chris clarified that it is on Schoology and it was a video compilation we had students submitted pictures of them wearing denim to show support for denim Day, which was.two weeks ago.


Parent Report

J Fahn noted that parents are asking for contingency plan in case tiers come back in the fall.  On behalf of parents said thank you to administration and teachers for getting kids back on campus.  She noted that teachers have been doing their best with online learning but it wasn't enough.  She thanked everyone for listening to the issues affecting the kids this year and thanked everyone for their efforts.  The kids are so happy to be back and students have expressed how much they are enjoying going to class.  Thank you to administration for getting kids back on campus, teachers for coming back to campus and thank you to teachers for advocating for students.


Classified Staff Report

Andy Paris reported that going back to school has been going very, very well and he wanted to give a real shout out to the tech crew.  They've been making the transition back to campus very easy they're always us, with a quick response to anything from a cry for help from any of us.  They're very fast they've been great and keeping the school going.  It's been great also the attendance office in the counseling office.  They've been working so hard helping the kids enroll for next semester, they don't get enough thanks and really all the campus classified employees that are really making a difference for the kids.  I see them helping kids who are lost on campus who haven't been here before, and are disoriented.  They just made it real comfortable for students to get back to pally it's been going great I've been on campus every day myself, I had a great moment, one of the first days I was on the second floor looking down at the quad and I saw two students in opposite ends coming together and they fist bumped and they walk to class together.  I couldn't hear what they were saying, but after about a minute, they just burst into laughter and they.gave each other, a hug and it was just a little microcosm of everything coming back together, it was beautiful.


Faculty Report

Reviewed and stands as submitted.  J Rauschuber noted that the Board process dismayed him because there was no public discussion re: opening the school on May 10th.  Trying to build an environment of trust and doesn't feel like that happened.  Implementation is another issue.  He knew of some colleagues that returning this year was voluntary but that wasn't the case.  He also noted the 1 1/2 week notice the teachers received before being required to return to campus.  There were teachers who had young children who needed to quickly find child care, etc.  Results of May 10 was also upsetting.  He noted that there are approximately 5% of students back on campus.  He also noted that there is an equity issue as the buses after school are empty and is that fiscally responsible.  Also frustrated because he wanted to have an agenda item added for 100% in person instruction and doesn't feel like the Board isn't committing to that.  He also discussed concern about the ED evaluation.  He feels that it needs to be a meaningful process and doesn't feel like that is happening.  He doesn't know what that process is but feels like it needs to be addressed.

Paula - concerns expressed in item #1 re: the hybrid model are not that they are recommendations but concerns based on things they are hearing.  The simulcast teaching is not working and they are hearing there is a plan for this to continue.  If families are looking for virtual experience they should consider Virtual Academy.  PCHS teachers want to back in the classrooms fulltime.  Asynchronous days were helpful where helpful when switched to virtual learning but not as necessary in full in person learning.  The bell schedule is also just for clarification.  She also noted that teachers are grateful to the students who have returned to campus and encouraged additional students to come back to campus.

S Klima reiterated J Rauschuber's concern regarding the ED evaluation.  Teachers want to remain anonymous because they are afraid.  Feels like there isn't the trust that this will remain.  He noted that parents and students should be surveyed as well to collect all stakeholder feedback.  

Jewlz noted that when she read the asynchronous days and 8:30-12 pm bell schedule she was shocked.  She was under the impression that the school was going back to 5 days/week with full days.  The thought of asynchronous days as being part of our normal school is upsetting and she has received input from many parents that are very upset by this prospect.  Jim echoed Jewlz sentiments and asked where this discussion was coming from.  B Clarke noted that this was just being floated for clarification.  Asked who decides about surveys & evaluations.  She also asked if the busing could be re-evaluated if they are empty.

Chris noted that we should shoot to get as many kids on campus as possible but noted that we are in AP exam season and this will impact student attendance.

P Magee noted that many of these discussions are mandates from the state.  It is a debate that can be ended because the state of CA is saying that schools are expected to be open and that is what PCHS is intending to do.  Instructional minutes and instructional days are mandated by the state and non-negotiable.  What may be negotiable is the bell schedule and the start time.  Pali has thought about that perhaps it's better for students to be able to have a later start that has been proposed.  PCHS has concerns as a later start time relates to our traveling Community, whether that's teachers or students and what what that does for them in terms of in terms of traffic, and of course there's their concerns in terms of athletics as well.  She stated we all need to be thinking about these teams and how that works out that what ultimately happens in terms of instructional minutes, the instructional day most of that is 100% determined by by the state, so that's how we are funded and that's what will be expected return to school.  She also reassure everybody that the school is echoing the message from the State:  kids need to be back in classes, the expectation is that they are there as much as possible, now and in preparation for next year.  What we should be planning for every one of us is that we're going to be back 100% in class on campus with teacher not simulcasting but normal.
Paula noted that none of these ideas were really about negotiable things, they were talking about communication.  What is being communicated and what teachers are hearing, and these are the concerns that come to Brenda, to John and to myself about next year is that there needs to be clear communication needs to be stated, and I think Dr Magee just stated, the clear communication right now.  Teachers are all expecting to be back in the fall, nobody's dragging their feet and none of these are negotiable.

John stated that he wanted to get synchronous teaching added to the agenda but he couldn't email Jewlz/Jim because he'd be in violation of the Brown Act.  He tried to get three board members to go ahead and put this on the agenda, so that it will be clear what the expectation is for everyone, and it was not put on the agenda.  He further shared that that he wants students back in school, next year, and my colleagues do not want this hybrid model.

B King stated that she didn't think anybody wanted a hybrid model and that's that's not the issue with the item that John submitted.

J Rauschuber then stated "Can you tell me that's what the issue that I submitted, that was the issue that I submitted."

B King noted that J Rauschuber was out of order and asked S Klima if he wanted to add to the Faculty report.

S Klima noted the 8:30 start time which teachers are questioning probably came from the survey that UTLA did because the state is mandating it for the 2022 23 school year.  He noted that they asked teachers if they wanted to start early next later next year instead of waiting.  He also noted that the 8:30 start time does not mean a shorter day.  It actually means a longer day for students.  For example, right now, if a student has seven period in a traditional bell schedule, they get out at 3:08.  With the 40 minutes later start time, they get out at approximately 3:45 so that's one thing he is thinking about because the belt schedule is negotiable.  Hopefully the Academic Accountability and LTSP can discuss it, but it's not something where teachers are saying Oh, we want to start later and and earlier it's basically start later and and the school day later as well..

J Fahn made reference to the section in the Faculty report where it mentioned the possible one to two asynchronous days, along with an 8:30 to 12 bell schedule

J Wells voiced his support over a later start citing studies that indicate teenagers have better learning retention with later school start times.  He also asked to get clarity on how to add J Rauschuber's resolution on the agenda and J Rauschuber asked for clarification as well for the Board's edification.

B King noted that she had discussed this with J Rauschuber and noted that the resolution required two board members and two trustees to sponsor the item.  She also noted that she had informed him that he was welcome to bring it to the next meeting and noted that he did say that he would so, she also reiterated that her belief was that that he said that he wanted to see that by the June meeting.

J Rauschuber noted that he and Brenda were on the emails. to which B King clarified that she looked at his resolution in it just listed his name.  She noted that she/J Rauschuber discussed the issue and discussed J Rauschuber speaking with your administrator and then speaking with Dr. Magee prior is an employee of the school and she thought the issue had been addressed to your satisfaction.  She again reiterated that he was aware that he had the opportunity to bring that item to the next meeting in June, and he had indicated he would do so in an email the day prior to tonight's meeting. said that you would in an email yesterday.

B Clarke said she just wanted to confirm from her own perspective, her understanding was that this was none of this was really her decision and that it is up to the negotiation team/the government and LA County.  She noted she isn't trying to take a stand/position re: reopening.  She further clarified that Dr. Magee and Dave/Steve and the state is left to figure all of that out and wanted it noted that she isn't pushing for anything and wants to do what is right for the students.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

Public Comment:  Cheryl Onoye - I have worked with Inna Acosta supporting the Algebra 1 students since the start of the semester. Last week I was informed by Ms. Acosta, NOT human resources or the administration, that she was being released because she could not return to campus. She was hired knowing that she would not be in the area and would be providing support remotely.

A Nguyen thanked C Onoye for her comment and noted that when we returned to in campus that required all faculty to return.  Thanked everyone for returning in person.  Students are very happy.  We are hiring to replace positions for retirees, etc.  Clarified that start dates will be in fall. She noted that in addition to our math professionals, we had an extra tutoring online this semester:  2 adult English tutors and then our part time Study Center Coordinator position and they are going to try to continue that next year and will be taking that proposal we're Budget and Finance Committee to see that's possibility for next year, because there's a learning opportunity grants and they wanted to see if HR can use that to just continue the support for students.

Paula noted that they have 2 members retiring but it looks like only 1 is being interviewed for.  Amy clarified that they are hiring 2 faculty for this position.


Director of Operations Report

Report stands as submitted.


Director of Development Report

Report reviewed and stands as submitted.  Waiting on the fall sports schedule to begin planning the PCHS 60th Anniversary event.


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

Report reviewed and stands as submitted.  Highlighted seamless summer which will be extended to the fall semester.  Also highlighted the revised, more broad LTSP goals.


Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report

Report reviewed and stands as submitted.  P Magee highlighted the work being done by LTSP and is a committee where everyone is welcome.  Also noted that the decisions made at the meetings help drive funding allocations and school priorities.  Highlighted the fall return of students/teachers in 100% in person, 5 days/week on a normal schedule.  PCHS already has a Virtual Academy for any families that might be interested in distance learning in the fall.  There will be a survey to ask parents to commit to Virtual Learning to see if we need to expand that program.  She also discussed the COVID Taskforce working on re-opening in the fall with any contingency plan that may be necessary.  Reiterated the excitement of students and may teachers excited to be back on campus.  School has been flexible enough to continue to allow students back on campus and continues to welcome additional students.  Noted it is a great way to transition the end of the school year in preparation for the fall.

She gave a big shout out to the Math Department and the strong leadership of the past few years and their work with the Curtis Center.  They have been hard working and dedicated to looking at curriculum and making hard decisions.

School is also working to provide additional Professional Development and teacher support utilizing some of the one time funding.

IV. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Budget & Finance Committee

S Margiotta noted that the meeting minutes were included in Board materials and stand as submitted.  She noted that there is a Special Budget & Finance Committee meeting on May 24 to discuss the grant that Dr. Magee refer to, so that the committee can discuss those funding allocations.  She also noted that the committee had a lengthy discussion about providing the transportation, for not just the B2C but the iFLY Program.  In surveys, there were some students that thought they might prefer public transportation and some students that wanted to take the bus.  We discussed the pros/cons of organizing bus seats for students who originally indicated they would be taking public transportation in the event that the bus was a preferred mode of transportation.  We also consulted with a couple students who reported that they felt like some students were opting for public transportation because of the cost of. busing and may not have understood.  So the committee decided to be as inclusive as possible and made a decision to try to provide transportation for anybody that was wanting public or bus transportation in order to make the campus as accessible as possible to all of the students.  We also insisted that the Transportation Department communicate very clearly, in all communications that go out that all free transportation for this year is unfortunately not going to be able to be extended next year and we're going to revert back to our normal busing programs.  This information should be very clearly communicated to anybody who's this years' programs or participating in the busing program next year.

B King spoke to to the comments made about the amount of money that's being expanded on buses currently and asked to confirm that it was approved and vetted by Budget & Finance to which S Margiotta reported that is was a very, very thorough vetting process and discussion, noting that the committee actually consulted a very vocal advocate of the busing Program that is a member of ASB.  She further confirmed the committee received input from multiple stakeholders.

P Anderson asked how many students are actually taking advantage of that now.  She clarified that it would be nice for the Board to have this information since we were spending so much on busing for the rest of this school year.

D Parcell: noted that he saw the iFLY buses that come in the morning and there are 71 people who registered.  He did noted that because the school is allowing flexibility with the programs there is variation with ridership only approximately 50-60% of registered riders have been taking the bus on any given day..

B Clarke the asked a follow up question, because she was in the budget meeting.  She noted that there was a discussion about 860 kids coming back to Pali which she thought sounded high, and then there was discussion about couple hundred riding the buses and wanted to know if those numbers were accurate.

D Parcell reported the iFLY program has 71 bus registrants.which is which which were running three buses to comply with the 50% occupancy rate.

J Rauschuber noted anecdotally last week, the buses that he saw leaving there was 1 bus with no students on it and then another bus or two with maybe one or two students.  He wasn't sure what program they were participating in.  D Parcell commented that the B2C program started out with good ridership but as the program dwindled after iFLY started so did some of that ridership.  As a result, the Transportation Dept. is looking to consolidate buses for the B2C program as early as Monday.

B King noted that she I appreciated this discussion and wanted to remind your Members, we do have a code of conduct policy as board members; we need to exercise due diligence in asking these questions; prior to board meetings to not make assumptions about processes, without asking our administration questions first and to communicate respectfully and judiciously to each other.


Post Retirement/Lifetime Healthcare Benefits Committee

Juan Pablo Herrera reported that at the last month Life Time Health Benefits Meeting we provided a recap on where the committee is in the process.  At this time we're waiting on a survey to go out to all our current employees to gauge their feedback on on the most recent actuarial report.  Just to remind everybody the actuary did an expanded evaluation to determine what it would look like if we were to expand the retiree benefits to all employees or what it would look like if we kept the eligibility closed as is and invested the funds, or what it would look like if we dissolve the fund.  There's a few scenarios on the table, and then the next step is to get feedback from our current employees (that's both employees that are eligible and not eligible) and then the next step is for lifetime health benefits and budget and finance to to come up with a recommendation for the Board.  


Academic Accountability Committee

B Clarke reported that feedback they are getting is that students are going to need support going forward to address learning gaps from the last year and a half and a school, we should be looking at that.  She also noted that there was more discussion about the 8:30 start time which still needs to be finalized and then there's been ongoing discussion about some sort of advisory class homeroom, which would include life skills, executive functioning, and more practical applications of academics into the real world.  She also noted that none of that could be considered during the negotiations as part of the new bell schedule.  Next meeting tentatively scheduled for May 27th.


Grade Appeal Committee

B King reported that there were two great appeals conducted last month and one grade was upheld and one grade was overturned.

V. Finance


2020-2021 School Reopening Financial Update

Reviewed and stands as submitted.  It was noted that these do not need to be paid back but if they are not expensed correctly and penalties will be assigned.  PPP loan forgiveness is still pending but the application is in the process of being reviewed.  It was noted that these funds were spent to cover operating costs which allowed us to get through the state deferral period.  


ELO Grant

Reviewed and stands as submitted


2019-2020 Form 990

Reviewed and stands as submitted

VI. Governance


UTLA-PCHS MOU 2020-2021 April 2021

Amy Nguyen reviewed and stands as submitted


PESPU MOU 2020- 2021 April 2021

Amy Nguyen reviewed and stands as submitted.


Board Resolution “Me Too” for Unrepresented Staff

Emily Hirsch made a motion to approve the 1 time stipend in the amount of $1450 for unrepresented staff as noted for the 2020/2021 academic school year.
Jewlz Fahn seconded the motion.
Amy Nguyen reviewed and clarified that this stipend does not include the Administration.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Adam Glazer
Jewlz Fahn
Sara Margiotta
Paula Anderson
Brenda Clarke
Andrew Paris
James (Jim) Wells
Emily Hirsch
Brooke King
Leslie Woolley
John Rauschuber


2021-2022 Board Meeting Schedule

Reviewed and stands as submitted.

VII. New Business


Renewable Energy Resolution

The Committee introduced themselves stated that they were excited for the support and have met multiple times to address concerns noted by the Board including meetings with PermCity for a feasibility evaluation,  Board members, Director of Operations, Nick Melvoin and Allison Poll-Holdorff.  They got updated information re: LAUSD plans and Nick Melvoin voiced his support of the resolution being presented to the Board tonight.  They also had meetings with other clubs on campus on how to address racial disparities.  They also reported that there was a walkthrough last Thursday expressed their gratitude to B King for facilitating it. I Gill outlined the changes that were made to the resolution.Reviewed by I Gill and the Human Rights Taskforce and stands as submitted. 

Board complimented the Taskforce on all of their hard work
John Rauschuber made a motion to Approve Renewable Energy Resolution as submitted.
Paula Anderson seconded the motion.
I Gill voiced her support of the resolution
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
James (Jim) Wells
John Rauschuber
Andrew Paris
Adam Glazer
Leslie Woolley
Sara Margiotta
Brenda Clarke
Brooke King
Paula Anderson
Jewlz Fahn



Need to schedule Special Board Meeting to discuss/approve the ELO grant.  Meeting will be scheduled Tues., June 1, 2021 at 5 pm.

Next regular Board meeting is Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at 5 pm


Announce Items for Closed Session, If Any.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:34 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Margiotta