Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 20, 2021 at 5:00 PM


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As per Executive Order N-29-20 from Governor Newsom, the Palisades Charter High School Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 20, 2021, at 5:00p.m. will move to a virtual/teleconferencing environment. Calling into the meeting may incur a charge and PCHS is not responsible for any charges.

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at

Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

Trustees Present

Adam Glazer, Andrew Paris, Brenda Clarke, Brooke King, Emily Hirsch, James (Jim) Wells, Jewlz Fahn, John Rauschuber, Paula Anderson, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent

Leslie Woolley

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Guests Present

Amy Nguyen, Dave Suarez, Gio Stewart, Isabel Gill, Mary Bush, Mystic Thompson, Randy Tenan-Snow

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Brooke King called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Apr 20, 2021 at 5:04 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Closed Session Item (Moved from item VIII. A on the agenda)

Moved into closed session at 5:07
Reporting back from Closed Session and no action was taken.


Public Comment

Kalia - Mindful messenger set tone by having Board take a mindful minute together.


Erin Banks - With Group Pali High Parents Care.  Expressed concern that we are in the Orange Tier and school was ill-prepared to open school on time.  Discussed previous comment that child is suffering and can't even communicate anymore.  She stated that this was heartbreaking..  Pali High has let these kids down and it is imperative to get these kids back in school with teachers teaching in front of school.  Hopes that there are plans made for the fall as soon as possible.  But in addition, we should have been back in class already and we should work together to do the best for our children.


Anhilika - 93 alumni and Sr. Faculty member in the art dept.  Wanted to celebrate the school's opportunity to do right by Pali via renewable energy..  Discussed Pali's mission statement and the impact of teachers empowered her as a student.  She spoke to advocate for the Board to approve things that align with our mission statement.


Steve Engleman - AP Envio teacher.  Spoke to advocate for the renewable energy being proposed by the Human Rights Watch Student Task Force.  Reiterated that climate change is real and with us and we need to take every opportunity we have to stop it.  Discussed Pali's current energy use and urged the Board to approve the Task Force's proposal.


Amanda - Sophomore Human Rights Watch Student Task Force - Group of students working to make Pali 100% renewable energy.  She discussed climate change and urged the Board to consider the Human Rights Watch Student Task Force resolution.


Kiera Garcia - Part of the student task force.  Reiterated comments made by Amanda.  Hoping resolution will help the school save money and wanted to share her support of the resolution being presented to the Board.


Jennifer Solomon - Please include zoom link for the BOT meetings in reminder of zoom meetings


D Suarez - UTLA at Pali is not UTLA at LAUSD so their plans don't need to fit what LAUSD UTLA need to do.  S Klima and D Suarez have been working with parents and there isn't anything that has been proposed from the administration that they have rejected.  They also have proposals/suggestions to getting back onto campus.  These discussions need to happen now as June is looming.  Plan to return to normal needs to be happening now and continue to communicate moving forward with urgency.


Approve Minutes

Paula Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 03-16-21.
Andrew Paris seconded the motion.
Operation Report typo corrected.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brenda Clarke
Jewlz Fahn
Sara Margiotta
Paula Anderson
Adam Glazer
James (Jim) Wells
Andrew Paris
John Rauschuber
Leslie Woolley
Brooke King
Emily Hirsch

II. Academic Excellence


Changes/Updates in Response to COVID-19

Lynn Healy - I hope all Pali High teachers will now resume teaching from Pali now that vaccine availability is high and COVID cases are low.  This will allow students who are still fearful of COVID while showing a good faith commitment to bringing students back to campus for in person learning.


Dr. Magee presented with D Parcell - Dr. Magee thanked everyone for being with us and understands how important this issue is to community and Administration is 100% on board with comments made tonight.  Administration is committed to think about what is in the best interest of our school community, what best serves the needs of Pali students.  Acknowledged the various issues that Pali students and families are dealing with.  Asked to remember that we are a public school and bring in students from over 100 zip codes and need to ensure that the school is equitably addressing the needs of all Pali students.  Goal is 100% in person learning in the fall with contingencies and are currently working on plans to ensure that we are able to do so.  Presentation reviewed, discussed and stands as submitted.


J Fahn asked about possibilities for the end of the year and P Magee stated that they will be working with labor partners to see what can be done.
S Margiotta noted that the phased in hybrid plans reference % occupancy rates in the various colored tiers and noted that this is not part of the LA County Department of Public Health Guidelines for the K-12 School Reopening Guidelines.  D Parcell acknowledged that this was correct.  He was asked to update the "Roadmap" to reflect current guidance in anticipation of the next task force meeting and he agreed to do so acknowledging that it would only pertain to the latter part of the "Roadmap" since the school had progressed through the initial phases already.


D Suarez noted that this is the first time the labor partners were seeing this presentation.  Stressed need to get a bargaining date set up asap to review this and present it to their members.  P Magee asked whether if the Governor clears everything for schools to open that their constituents would not be ready to go with that.  D Suarez stated that he would think that they are but that they don't make those decisions.


B Clarke commented that she appreciated the clear communication and stressed the challenges of teaching in a zoom in a room.  Also noted that if we go back to a regular schedule teaching in person it would be difficult to teach students remotely.


Erin Banks commented that the issue that there isn't a date set for negotiations was concerning.  Was hoping that this would be eminent.  Asked for clarity as to what will happen when Newsom removes the Tiers in June.  Looking for communication and plans for what will be happening for the rest of the year and in the fall.


PCHS Reopening Plan - COVID 19 Task Force

Lisa Wood - Parent to 2 current students.  Wanted to reiterate what Erin stated and is a former educator and union member.  Thrilled to see current presentation.  But also alarmed by the lack of communication between Administration and bargaining units.  She feels that the lack of communication is gross negligence.  It is extremely disappointing and begs the school to get these conversations started so that school opens in the fall.


Sylvia Karlan - She agrees with Lisa and was very happy to hear from Dr. Magee that the plan is to fully re-open in the fall.  Is the plan to re-open still contingent on the teachers?  If that is the case has anything changed.  She understands the stress on the teachers but also points to the stress this puts on the students.


Dr. Magee discussed Beyond the Blueprint for a Safer Economy which is set to be implemented on June 15, 2021.  Taskforce is discussing issues if we are not allowed to re-open due to new guidance and those do need to be negotiated.  The resolution is the intent to fully reopen in the fall with kids caught up and back on track with assistance of summer school intervention.  Resolution presented and discussed.  
Adam Glazer made a motion to approve the full reopening plan for 2021/2022 as presented by Dr. Magee.
Jewlz Fahn seconded the motion.
Paula clarified that this is the intent unless outside conditions prevent this from occurring.  Dr. Magee confirmed this.


J Rauschuber asked if school is fully opened up per the Governor how is this contingent with negotiations.  Dr. Magee confirmed that the teacher contract is separate from the school reopening normally as per the state of California.  D Suarez confirmed that if it is safe to reopen that is the direction everyone wants to go to.  Reiterated that there need to have contingencies in place in the event there are change in circumstances.


There were additional discussions around contractual issues.


J Wells asked if contingencies might apply to the end of this year as well.  Currently working with the taskforce to see if things can go beyond the return to campus online learning.  Discussions regarding the complexities of returning to another version of in person learning occurred and included references to struggles for not only teachers and students academically but also social/emotional well being. 


It was noted that Beyond the Blueprint for a Safer Economy does reference Cal/OSHA emergency temporary standards. It is possible that we will still be required to follow a 3 ft social distancing mandate.  Dr. Magee that these will be considered by the COVID taskforce and bargaining units to ensure that these have been addressed and plans are in place for a full return in the fall.


Izzy Gill noted her support for the resolution as submitted.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch
Adam Glazer
Jewlz Fahn
Paula Anderson
John Rauschuber
Andrew Paris
Sara Margiotta
James (Jim) Wells
Brenda Clarke


Summer Program Update

R Tenan Snow and C Lee reviewed summer school program presentation.  Traditionally for the last 9 years summer school has been online via Acellas with students coming on campus as desired and testing occurs on site.  It was clarified that additional teachers have been hired to support expanded summer school options and still looking to hire some additional teachers.  It was also clarified that students who have not completed their required courses to graduate traditionally do not participate in the Graduation Ceremony and the same will hold true this year.. Presentation was reviewed, discussed and stands as submitted.  It was clarified that if students want to take summer school for reasons other than credit recovery they should reach out to their individual counsellors to find options not offered at PCHS.  
Dolphin Leadership Academy was not presented.  G Stewart discussed Link Crew.  Presentation reviewed and discussed.

III. Organizational Reports


Student Report

I Gill reported that ASB had a successful Jr. Fundraiser.  Fun for kids to come back for B2C program and then go to the village.  Elections for the past month for ASB.  To be finalized soon.  SPIRIT week online was super fun.  Cohort doing scavenger hunt on campus.  Upcoming:  denim day.  Trying to bring all cohorts together socially distanced.  Reviewed upcoming Senior events.  Sr. Picnic, Prom, Yearbook signing and graduation.  Reviewed Student Survey.  Working with Mental Health Team to integrate mental health services to try to provide better access to students who may be suffering.


Parent Report

Worked to consolidate written parent report.  Reviewed and stands as submitted.


Classified Staff Report

There are 2 additions to the Classified Employees.  K Fudderman & A Stewart.  They were welcomed.  Shout out to J Ramirez and G Stewart, K Cox.  Return to campus is going well.  Food service is going well and security are helpful.  Facility looks great and office staff working hard to prepare for coming semester.


Faculty Report

Reviewed and stands as submitted.  Teachers are excited to be back (approximately 40) plus 10 teachers/aids in special ed day program.  Thanked everyone for working with certificated staff as we work through these challenging times.


J Rauschuber thinks we have gotten through the worst of it and moving into a better year next year.  Concerned that 1/2 the Board is leaving and there are things that we have started need to get finished before new Board starts:  Negotiations, Lifetime Health Benefits, and a VAPA Theater.  He would love to see Board adopt a resolution to support that Theater as well as to support the student lead renewable energy initiative.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

Reviewed and stands as submitted.  Pleased that employees have told HR about plans for fall so they can plan accordingly.  SISC rates will be increased 1-4% for next year.  Kaiser, vision and dental remains the same.


Director of Operations Report

Reviewed and stands as submitted.


Director of Development Report

Reviewed and stands as submitted. PCHS Fund has decided to suspend additional fundraising for this school year due to the tenor of PCHS parents.  However, planning for a re-invigorated annual giving campaign next year.  60 Anniversary committee met and there is a new logo.  Oct. 2021 will be anniversary month.  Events will be planned around the homecoming:  dates TBD.  60th Anniversary video is in progress.  Community wide BBQ planned for all alumni and students to be coordinated with a PCHS football game.


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

Reviewed and stands as submitted.  Highlighted the LTSP Committee and LCAP plan.


Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report

Reports reviewed and stands as submitted.  School will be ordering caps and gowns for all graduating Seniors.  Students need to make sure they get in their sizes.


Appreciative of many Board members comments of positivity and she is encouraged.  The Board is all pulling in the same direction.  Encourage Board to finish the work that it started so that the new Board can take things to the next level.


As an educator, the school still has work to do with equity and all stakeholders work to raise our students to lead the country in the right direction.  We have had a lot of robust conversations which have lead us in positive directions.

IV. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Budget & Finance Committee

Meeting minutes as submitted.  S Margiotta highlighted the Transportation Scholarship approval in the amount of $182,000.  In addition, the committee reviewed and approved Chartwell's Food Service contract with the goal of CBO negotiating a percent increase lower than 4.4%.


Post Retirement/Lifetime Healthcare Benefits Committee

Final Actuarial report was reviewed at the meeting on March 19, 2021.  Provided path to expand benefits to all employees, continue with current plan or dissolving program.  Regardless of option chosen it will require a larger financial commitment than has been done in the last few years.  Moving forward he will work with bargaining units to determine what they feel is the best path moving forward.  He will then bring this to LTSP to discuss and then to Budget and Finance Committee to vet and make proposals.  There is no current timeline on meeting with bargaining units.  Investment Committee pending as Administration focused on re-opening of the school.


Election Committee

E Hirsch thanked the new Board members who will be serving. 


Election Committee is recommending the following:  Dara Williams - Community Seat 1 year remaining on term.  Sara Margiotta- Community Seat all stakeholders.  Jack Seltzer -Community Seat PCHS employees.  Maggie Nance - ASB Student Elected Representative.  Lisa Saxon - Faculty Representative.  Monica Batts-King - Parent Representative
Jewlz Fahn made a motion to approve Election Committee's recommendation to the Board as presented.
Paula Anderson seconded the motion.
Izzy Gill voiced her support of the recommendation.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Emily Hirsch
Paula Anderson
James (Jim) Wells
Leslie Woolley
Adam Glazer
Jewlz Fahn
Brenda Clarke
Andrew Paris
Brooke King
John Rauschuber
Sara Margiotta


Academic Accountability

Committee met and discussed the following issues:  bell schedule and should it incorporate the new late start at 8:30 am vs. maintaining old bell schedule and then having to change when law changes, adding advisory periods which include instructional minutes for life skills/executive functioning discussed, tutoring/mentoring to address learning gaps, teacher incentives to increase moral so that teachers return enthusiastic after the challenges of the last year.  It was noted by S Klima that many of these issues are negotiation issues and therefore next meeting has been postponed pending direction on how Board would like committee to help steer negotiations or advise with recommendations.  Looking for more direction from Board for May 20, 2021 meeting.

V. Finance


2021-22 PCHS School Bus Scholarship

D Parcell planning for next year with Transportation.  Scholarship application running now and new deadline is Monday, May 3 to align with application deadline.   311 signed up for buses so far on track to be consistent with historical ridership.  Applications for scholarships is down which he thinks is related to an application delay issue as well as communication.  Anticipates scholarships to also be consistent with historical rates.  Discussed vetting process of Budget and Finance Committee of scholarship process.  Noted that last year's scholarship approved amount was $192,000 vs. $182,000 but school has applied for a grant in the amount to $10,000 to Boosters to offset the difference.
Sara Margiotta made a motion to approve the proposed PCHS transportation scholarship about of $182,000 for the 2021/2022 school year.
Emily Hirsch seconded the motion.
Busing is assumed to return to normal regulations.  Paula also asked whether public transportation options have been reviewed.  D Parcell clarified that this has been done and Big Blue bus intends to have the "Pali Express" when school returns to in-person learning.  


B Clarke noted that she has been part of these budget conversations for 4 years and feels that this is a fair and equitable recommendation to maintain school's mission.


Izzy Gill agreed with the recommendation and noted that it was important to have the partnership with our public transportation as well.  D Parcell noted that school is reaching out to public transportation to get the "Pali Express" started for May 3, 2021 when in-person, on-line learning begins.


S Margiotta noted that when B&F Committee discussed 2021/2022 bus scholarships it was noted that there will be a realized cost savings from 2020/2021 to 2021/2022 of approximately $12,000.  This was due to graduating Seniors whose scholarship tiers had been grandfathered in at a higher rate and that was the reason for the recommended dollar amount vs. cutting funding for bus transportation scholarships.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Leslie Woolley
Brooke King
Brenda Clarke
Paula Anderson
Jewlz Fahn
Emily Hirsch
Sara Margiotta
John Rauschuber
Adam Glazer
James (Jim) Wells
Andrew Paris


2020-2021 Budget vs. Actuals

Reviewed and stands as submitted.


2021-2022 Cafeteria Contract Extension

Cafeteria update for 2020/2021 school year was reviewed and stands as submitted.  It was noted that their revenue was impacted from eLearning and not expected to "break even" this year.  Prior year's cafeteria budget/actuals 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 were reviewed.  There is a projected 4.2% increase in cost of meals (cost per meal $4.15 vs $3.98) for the 2021/2022 school year.
Jewlz Fahn made a motion to extend the 2021/2022 Chartwell Cafeteria Contract Extension.
Emily Hirsch seconded the motion.
Contract reviewed and discussed.  It was noted that the school is very happy with vendor.  Historically the vendor has increased cost by 3.1-3.2%.  This year was steeper and negotiations were attempted to reduce current price increase of approximately 4.27%.  Price increase is based upon CPI year over year and vendor has been able to provide discounts on the CPI increases historically but this year they have been significantly impacted by the pandemic and were not able to extend a discounted rate to PCHS.


It was noted that this is the last year of the contract and Finance/Cafeteria team are looking to enter into possible joint contracts with other entities for a realized "group discount" moving forward.


B King also reconfirmed (as noted above) that this contract has been vetted by Budget and Finance Committee and that they are recommending this to the Board for approval.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Andrew Paris
Sara Margiotta
Paula Anderson
Adam Glazer
James (Jim) Wells
Brenda Clarke
John Rauschuber
Jewlz Fahn
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch


Consolidated Application (CARS Application)

CARS Application reviewed and stands as submitted.  It was noted that this was reviewed by the Budget & Finance Committee but not voted on.  There was Committee consensus to present this application to the Board for approval.
Sara Margiotta made a motion to approve the 2021/2022 Consolidated Application.
Jewlz Fahn seconded the motion.
J Raschuber asked if there was a connection to this application and his contract. J Pablo did note that this is tied to Title II money so there may be some connection to professional development which is decided upon by the administration.  Izzy Gill noted her support for the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Sara Margiotta
Leslie Woolley
Paula Anderson
John Rauschuber
James (Jim) Wells
Brenda Clarke
Adam Glazer
Jewlz Fahn
Andrew Paris
Emily Hirsch


Update on Federal/State Relief Funds

Reviewed and stands as submitted.  New devices have been received and will be ready to roll out with the new school year.  We have enough devices to deploy devices and collect old devices that need to be retired under the school's current technology program with students bringing their own devices.


2019-2020 Audit: Corrective Action

2019/2020 Audit finding reviewed.  It was noted that when students transition to Virtual Academy they need to sign/date a master agreement with signatures/dates from the student, parents and school's certificated employee.  This year there were over 50 students enrolled in the program which triggered an automatic review by the auditor.  A sample size of 10% was selected and master files and agreements were reviewed.  It was noted that some of these were missing signatures and were dated after the start of the agreement.  Therefore any days where the student was in school prior to the date of the last signature to not qualify for ADA.  Finance Department met with the Virtual Academy Administration and put an action plan into place as outlined in the posted noted Corrective Action plan.  In addition, all master agreements for 2020/2021 and we are in 100% compliance.  


It was noted that this master agreement was non in-person instruction.

VI. Governance


Grade Appeal Policy and Procedures

C Lee noted that administration has weighed in on the Grade Appeal Policy and Procedures and it is been a very good collaborative process.  Grade appeals this semester there will only be 4 which is good.  2 have been going on and there may be 1-2 more.  The speaks to the teachers who have been involved in the grade appeal process, the administration and the parents who have been willing to be involved in the grade appeal process.  He also gave John credit for tackling this and working with C Lee to come to compromise and consensus.  J Rauschuber concurred with C Lee's comments.  J Rauschuber presented the new Grade Appeal Policy and Procedure.  
Paula Anderson made a motion to accept the Grade Appeal Policy and Procedures as presented to the Board.
James (Jim) Wells seconded the motion.
Izzy supports this motion and Paula thanked Board
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
James (Jim) Wells
Adam Glazer
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch
Brenda Clarke
Paula Anderson
Jewlz Fahn
Andrew Paris
Sara Margiotta
John Rauschuber
Brooke King


Sunshine of UTLA Initial Proposal to PCHS 2020- 21

Reviewed and stands as submitted

VII. New Business


Converting PCHS to energy efficiency, 100% clean renewable energy sources with focus on environmental justice and equity by 2025

Izzy Gill and student taskforce presented 100% clean renewable energy sources with focus on environmental justice and equity by 2025.  Izzy Gill, Peter Garff, Madison Leiberman, Natalia Wyss, and Angel Macario-Flores presented.  They are all part of the Human Rights Watch Task Force.  Posted resolution was reviewed and discussed.  Recommendations were made for Resolution language to be consistent with the goal of looking into the feasibility of PCHS implementing a renewable energy initiative, evaluating PCHS energy use with hopes to look at ways to reduce this and to add renewable energy to the curriculum of the school. .  Will be discussed further with the taskforce and submitted to the Board for a vote at next month's meeting.



Next meeting May 18, 2021 at 5 pm.


Announce Items for Closed Session, If Any.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Meeting adjourned at 9:48 pm
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Margiotta