Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 16, 2021 at 5:00 PM


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As per Executive Order N-29-20 from Governor Newsom, the Palisades Charter High School Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at 5:00p.m. will move to a virtual/teleconferencing environment. Calling into the meeting may incur a charge and PCHS is not responsible for any charges.

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at

Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

Trustees Present

Adam Glazer, Andrew Paris, Brenda Clarke, Brooke King, Emily Hirsch, James (Jim) Wells, Jewlz Fahn, John Rauschuber, Leslie Woolley, Paula Anderson, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent


Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

Andrew Paris

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Guests Present

Amy Nguyen, Amy Okafar, Arleta Ilyas, Chris Lee, Don Parcell, Isabel Gill, Jeff Ropel, Michael Rawson, Monica Ianessa, Russ Howard, Steve Klima

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Brooke King called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Mar 16, 2021 at 5:00 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

Kenneth Erlick - Wanted to encourage Board to allow limited crowds (parents/friends) to Pali football games.  They are happy to socially distance, sign waivers, etc.  New openings in LA County was cited as reason for allowing limited socially distanced groups.  It is very important to the players and players parents.  Also encouraged expanded hours to the public pool.  Thanked the Board for their service.


Michael Brent IV - Speaking on behalf of the Senior Class and student body.  Seniors are in dire need of events and activities on campus.  Looking for clarification about on campus activities for Seniors.  Looking for more transparency about what the plans are for Senior events.  He also discussed busing.  He stressed that it was important for this to be confronted and stated that it was an equity issue.  Urges the Board to stand up for busing.


Peter Garff - Co-headed student survey on a return to campus.  In reviewing the survey resutls, the top 5 concerns are:


1.  Students not taking precautions/hanging out with others outside their cohorts.
2.  Getting COVID/spreading the virus and sanitation
3.  Transitioning to in person from eLearning
4.  Who will be in student cohorts?
5.  Access to transportation and safety of transportation.


Board must address these issues and transparency is key.  What is the plan to address these and students need to understand thie process to make this as seamless as possible to reuduce stress.


Yale Berukin - Commented about Administration transparency and lack of if over the last few weeks. with things opening up.  The only updates they have had are from teachers who are communicating different things.  What is happening, what is being discussed re: reopening.  Sr. Class is also hoping for activities and events for Sr. Class.  Prom or Senior Graduation if possible.


MK Mitchell - Discussed busing and an MOU as it pertains to events.  She has been bused since Kindergarten and stressed that busing is important.  Busing brings diversity to the school.  She mentioned several years ago when routes were cut and prices increased and stated that the school lost students as a result of this.  Stressed that students should have the opportunity to get to campus when and if allowed and transportation should be available to ensure all students who might wish to return to campus this year have access.  Also looking for more clarification about the plan for getting kids back on campus.


Rachel Jeck - Looking at LA County reports, etc. with the county opening thinks that the cohort model is not effective and it is important to get kids back on campus not only for clubs/sports bot for in person learning.  Expressed concern about the stress that online learning has been for students.  urged Administration to be creative in using our school's vast outdoor space to get kids back on campus for inperson learning and teacher interaction.  Students are truly isolated and stressed the negative impact that online learning has had on students.  Once teachers are vaccinated there is no reason why we are not working actively to get kids back in school for in person learning and interaction with their teachers.


Erin Degenaro - Echo comments heard and has added to the google doc.  Doesn't feel like there has been any transparency in a plan to return.  Stressed the importance to get kids back on campus for in person learning.  The COVID numbers are dropping and if other things are going back then they should be able to get kids into more normal school plan.  Discussed the openness of the campus as a reason to be able to return to school.  Stated that the cohort model with students zooming from their classrooms is unacceptable.  Expressed frustrating that there has been so much time and there is no plan for a return to campus. Also thanked everyone for working really hard during this time.


Kate MacIntosh - Echo the last 2 speakers.  It is inconcievable that the solution which is being presented.  Being in LA was the worst place her daughter could have been with regards to access to in person education.  She asked why there is at least a 1 day delay once all the teachers have been vaccinated.  Referenced other locations and stated we are the only area where kids haven't been in school for an entire year.  She is very upset and stated that students mental health and well being has not been prioritized in creating in person learning.  She feels like she has let her daughter down.


Rustin Karazi - Freshman representative.  Worked on survey.  Believes his Freshman class doesn't have the same connections as a class.  The class needs something to provide bonding and they need to have Pali pride which hasn't happened because of the online platform.  Feels like they deserve the opportunity to create that bond.  He feels that his class deserves that connection.


Nina Kiraman - Has son who is part of the football program.  Is interested in having spectators allowed for football games to help spread Pali Pride.  Also echoed the need to have in person learning.  She has been frustrated/anxious and is upset that there isn't communication and a return to campus plan.  In person learning is crucial and has concern about lack of plan for learning in the spring as well as for the summer and the fall.  Everyone needs to understand the schools plans.


Shira Birka - Freshman at Pali.  Stated that she doesn't feel connected to Pali and her Freshman class.  There hasn't been a large event to make this happen.  Looking for more clarification about the plan for the rest of the school year and the fall.


Kim Avila - Board of Trustees - Congratulations on the work of this Board and the Administration and staff to get Pali athletes back on campus! The LAUSD UTLA agreement gives us parents and our students hope for some classroom time with teachers in a plan that maximizes classroom face time for those students desperate to return. One day a week in one classroom without changing seats and with online learning is not acceptable. We urgently request that at a minimum you consider immediate implementation of a hybrid model that brings students together with their classmates and teachers with odd and even schedules rotating each week. This way the students can see their subject classmates and teachers in these last two months of the school year. Bringing one class on campus per day is 25% occupancy. Monday, LA County theaters and indoor dining reopened at 25% occupancy. We parents are willing to volunteer to assist with between class sanitization, hall monitoring, and any other way that you need us. We can mobilize volunteers immediately upon identifying a return to class in March(?!?) or early April. We are here Pali Administrators, teachers and staff. Use us parents to get these kids back on campus at the earliest possible date.


Anonymous - I am a student at Pali. I need school to reopen. Anybody who chooses not to vote for school to reopen does not mind that students are struggling with mental health.


Anonymous - I think that students finally got used to all of the online format, and although it’s understandable that some students want or have the need to get back to campus as soon as they can, we should still leave the option available for students that have adapted to the online format and believe that they will have trouble adapting back to the in person format. Especially since it’s past half way through the semester.


Anonymous - Why are some teacher(s) marking are work habits grade down if we come to class 1 or more minutes late, for example, if I come to class later than 8;30, such as at 8: 31 or 8;32 my teacher said she will mark our work habits grade down to a S or a U . I completely agree that if you come like 50 minutes late its ok to do that, but like coming 1- 5 minutes late is a completely ridiculous idea. I think that is a completely absurd idea because some students have wifi issues and if they come to class late because of that, they will get their work habits grade mark down.


Anonymous - (PCHS Reopening Plan) As the mother of two seniors I'm expecting Pali High to organize some same event that can take place in very small groups. So far nothing has been done for our seniors. This is very disappointing. Safety measures are important that's why Pali should look at what other districts in other cities are doing. They should look how private schools have successfully re-opend. UTLA does not have our students interest in mind. I know it very well because I'm one of the teachers they represent.


Anonymous - I want to commend the administration on their creativity and attention to returning to school with a focus on enrichment, social emotional learning, re-visiting social skills, and finding the joy in school.


Anonymous - (PCHS Re-Opening plan) I want to make sure that transportation for traveling students is an integral part of the reopening plan


Brynn Green - (Director of Operations) Dear Board of Trustees, I am a sophomore at Pali, and I live 11 miles away. It would not be possible for me to attend Pali without the bus. Pali is a mosaic of a hundred different zip codes, and to maintain that geographic diversity, it is vital that Pali continues the bussing program. So many students, including myself, would not be able to complete the commute to Pali for so many reasons- time, parental flexibility, accessibility, just to name a few. Pali's provided bussing allows for parents to know that their children are safe, and it is convenient for so many students. Additionally, many relationships are fostered by the daily bus rides. So many people that I don't share classes with or traditionally would not cross paths with are on my bus, and we've created lasting and meaningful friendships that I would not have attained without the Pali bus. That said, it is important to discuss the overcrowding of the busses. Busses are packed to the brim, with occasional students having to ride either 3 to a seat or on the floor. Three adult high school students in one tiny seat after a long day is not ideal. This problem would only get worse with the cutting of the bus system, and it is your job as the board to not let that happen. The bussing system is necessary for so many people to maintain scholarship at Palisades Charter High, and it would be detrimental to cut off even one route.
Anonymous - When are the kids returning to school - it's best for their mental health


Anonymous - We want a in person graduation


Anonymous - We want cheer to be at the few games that we will play - seniors deserved to have their time


Kalea Martin - Hello everyone! The Mindfulness Messengers know that these times, including Board meetings, can be very stressful. To ease some of the stress, we would like to take a mindful minute together. So, everyone sit with your back straight, relaxed in your chair with both feet firmly planted on the floor. Place your hands on your knees. Feel free to close your eyes, or gaze down at a fixed point if you choose to keep your eyes open – whatever feels comfortable to you. To aid your focus, bring your awareness to how your feet feel on the ground. In order to activate the relaxation response we are going to take three deep breaths all together, so… everyone take a deep inhale through your nose one, two, three, and slowly and gently let all the air out three, two, one. Again, everyone take another full deep inhale one, two, three and release all stress and anxiety completely out with the exhale three, two, one ... one more time, everyone inhale one, two, three and allow any tension to slowly ease out with a long gentle exhale three, two, one ... when you are ready, open your eyes, look up and remember to smile.


Anonymous - Parents want their seniors to experience senior activities to enjoy


Anonymous - Parents would like to be able to see their kids play sports - especially those with seniors and other schools are allowing 4 people per athletes


Anonymous - (Transportation) It seems that Pali is constantly trying to downsize the busing and raising cost - it is an equity issue and it appears that Pali may be trying to reduce the minority population, as they are the main students using the buses to get to Pali and when you make it out of reach or hard for parents - you force parents to seek out other schools.


Anonymous - It's been a year and Pali should not still be pondering what the plan is - they should already have the plan and just be awaiting the go ahead to let students return. If Pali wants to live up to being a charter - step up. Other school districts that we mimic such as Santa Monica - have had things in place - returned their schools and it's frustrating to continuously still be saying that Pali is trying to figure it out. We are now in the red tier - lets get as much back as possible and not drag it out.


Lee Ann Daly - Implement an outdoor school plan together immediately. The current approach is unacceptable. You time is up.


Stefania Picconi - 
Please answer at the comments !!! What have you been planning? Please open the schools. No more excuses.


Approve Minutes

Paula Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 02-09-21.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sara Margiotta
James (Jim) Wells
Emily Hirsch
Paula Anderson
Brenda Clarke
Jewlz Fahn
Adam Glazer
John Rauschuber
Leslie Woolley
Brooke King

II. Organizational Reports


Student Report

Izzy presented and appreciated parent and student input and comments.  She hopes that this Board meeting will provide some clarifications and is hopeful we will get answers tonight.  How can ASB hosts events in person, what is the protocol for this?  What is the protocol for in person events and provide the guidelines for these events?  


ASB hosted teacher panel discussing sentiments about returning to school, hosted an International Women's Day event with powerful speakers and fundraising stickers.  Successful See's Candy Fundraiser.  There have been grade level events to engage students.  Hosted an event re: taking AP exams and having a feminine hygiene products fundraiser currently.


Parent Report

Jewlz commented on 15 minutes is how long her son had chemistry class this morning and then the class was discmissed.  Her son appreciated the shortened class but she did not.  It has been 12 months of distance learning.  It is frustrating, struggling, aggravation, anger, isolation, etc.  Distance learning is not working.  Kids roll out of bed, attempt to do online school.  Students are expected to teach themselves the lessons for their courses.  Parents want their kids back in school in person now and full time in the fall.  She created a google doc to keep track of the issues/concerns of parents.


Sports:  Parents want younger students to participate.  Parents also want to be allowed to watch the games.  What about indoor sports that can be played outside.  Pali should allow this as businesses open up.


In person learning is essential and kids need peer interaction and teacher interactions.  


Keeping kids out of school is causing irreperable harm.  Parents also wants to know what will happen for the fall so that they can make alternative plans if the fall will not be in person.  There were concerns regarding the current cohort model and it was suggested to use :Pali's space for outdoor teaching.  LAUSD cohort plan is horrible.  


Has the administration spoken to other schools to look at the models that they are using.  


It was also expressed that a parent does not want school to run into the summer.  They also wanted to make sure that Pali opens as soon as the school is allowed.  
John Rauschuber made a motion to vote for continued dialogue regarding Jewlz parent report.
Brenda Clarke seconded the motion.
The parent report ran over the 5 minutes alloted and therefore John made a motion to extend time.  Brenda clarified that we are at a turning point and it would be helpful to hear additional information.  It was also discussed that the comments are reiterating the same themes and therefore we should move on.  Board discussed the above and Izzy stated that she was in support of hearing the rest of the parent comments Jewlz had compiled.  Everyone expressed their understanding of the difficult situation parents and students are in.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Paula Anderson
Brooke King
Emily Hirsch
Adam Glazer
Leslie Woolley
Andrew Paris
John Rauschuber
Brenda Clarke
Jewlz Fahn
Sara Margiotta
James (Jim) Wells
We need to balance harms and risks.  Harms are the mental health, children's education and future.  If these were a central concern, a way would have been found to send our children back to school.  Children are suffering and a parent doesn't feel like the administration at the forfront of the discussions regarding reopening school.


There were disussions re: support of the Senior class and graduation.  And Freshman parents are looking for more communication.  All parents are looking for better communication on the plans to re-open the school and move forward.


Parents are looking for adult tutors as parents don't feel that their children might not reach out to peer tutors for fear of embarrassment.


Jim is glad sports is coming back and there is a concern that only Varsity baseball coming back.  Parents are interested in knowing the reason for this.  There is also an issue with a math teacher who is not responding to emails and not grading work and exams.


Sara commented that she has been hearing similar comments and what to know what the plans are moving forward.  Parents are concerned about the Senior class and their experience, and how to plan for the fall if they want in person instruction and need to make alternative arrangements.  Parents are frustrated.


Classified Staff Report

None at this time


Faculty Report

Report stands as submitted.  Reviewed by J Rauschuber.  


B Clarke - Concern about comprehensive academic support because of learning loss.  There are substantial number of students with  D's and no credits due to eLearning and students getting lost in the digital divide.  How  are we going to help students in the future to retreive credits.  How will graduation requirments change moving forward for younger grades due to gaps in learning.  Discrepancy re: transportation and ensuring equity.  Concerns about underfunded lifetime health benefits and looking for answers on how to handle this.  Academic accountability discussion about reduced class sizes due to COVID and to improve learning, graduation requirements (reduced), bell schedules, new start time at 8:30, alternative activities and supports for students and other adjustments to support students.  Looking for feedback from all stakeholders to help guide the Academic Accountability Committee.


P Anderson - Stressed how wonderful it has been to have students back on campus.  It has lightened their hearts and it has been a joy.  She understandst hat it is challenging but it has been so worth it just to see kids back on campus.


S Klima - Members are currently voting on ratification of in person MOU.  There was a technical glitch so he is working on resolving this.  Due to the technical issue, the vote will be due Friday at midnight.  There was a meeting on Monday with quite a few questions but it looks like ratification is something that the members will approve.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

Reviewed and stands as submitted.  She noted that many of their staff members have chosen to and have received vaccines.  This will continue throughout the week.  Testing is open and will be available Mon-Thurs 10 am to 5 pm to receive COVID testing.  There was a question re: student athletes.   Can students take advantage of this testing site?  Yes, the turn around is 24-48 hours and appointments are not currently necessary.  It was further clarified that this is a cheek swab vs the nasal swab.  It is located in the stadium parking lot.  The availability of testing will be shared with student athletes.  S Klima asked about costs of the COVID testing.  It was clarified that it is covered by insurance.  Is it possible to make testing free for everyone who needs it.  A Nguyen clarified that the physician on site does need to be reimbursed.  For any uninsured person, reimbursement can be submitted under the CARES Act.  So regardless of insurance all students and staff should be able to get tested through the on campus testing site.   The COVID testing option will be shared with PCHS students.


Director of Operations Report

Stands as submitted.  Clarified that the contract for discussion begins with the 2021/2022 school year.  D Parcell clarified that the # of buses in this contract can be adjusted up or down based on ridership.  He also clarified that next year's costs increase from this year to next year has no real cost increase.  Clarified that multiple vendors were vetted 



Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve the proposed 2021/2022 to 2023/2024 ATS Busing Contract.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
J Rauschuber commented on the Senior who spoke about busing and was concerned about the scholarships.  Wanted clarification on that subject before voting on the busing contract.  D Parcell clarified that the scholarships are vetted by B&F Committee and recommended to the Board.  He clarified that the  discussions at B&F had begun but the committee felt that the contract could still be put in place while the scholarships continued to be vetted.  The scholarship application is already in process.


It was also clarified that the contract allows us to suspend service due to catastrophe/act of god without penalty to the school.  It also allows to upscale and downscale as needed based upon ridership, funding, etc.  D Parcell clariifed that we are allowed to scale down to 1 bus if needed and can be used as a Special Ed bus if needed.


S Margiotta clarified that the B&F Committee started an indepth conversation re: scholarships.  It is a little difficult to make these decisions independent of the overall budget information for the next school year but the committee does try to do this early so busing organization can occur earlier than the rest of the school year budget is vetted and recommended to the Board.  Committee decided to table the scholarship discussions until their April meeting so that we can ensure that we are aligning with LCAP and LTSP.  Monica and Dr. Magee will refocus those issues for us and will bring this to the April meeting so we can finish making these decisions.  We wanted to make sure the committee was being consistent with the goals and values of the school.


I Gil commented that cutting back the stops making it more difficult for the students.  We want people to have an easy way to get to school.  She noted that the # of buses has been cut back and was that the correct decision.  D Parcell clarified that no decisions have been made yet.  This is determined by the ridership, where students lives, etc. before determining the routes and what will be best for the greatest population of riders.  She also expressed the need to work with Big Blue Bus to ensure that the public transportation buses faciliate getting kids back to school.  D Parcell did clarify that the Big Blue Bus had added a second bus running and are big advocates of PCHS in helping students get to and from school.


Izzy is in favor to approve contract.


The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Leslie Woolley
James (Jim) Wells
Sara Margiotta
Andrew Paris
Emily Hirsch
Brooke King
John Rauschuber
Adam Glazer
Brenda Clarke
Paula Anderson
Jewlz Fahn
J Rauschuber questioned what oversight LAUSD has over the school facilities.  When Charter was started it was intended for the school to have oversight over what is allowed to be done on the school campus.  Noted that there has been a shift in culture and questioned whether LAUSD really has the ability to dictate every activity which is undertaken on the school campus if it doesn't involve the actual hardscape of the campus.


Director of Development Report

Report reviewed and stands as submitted.  He clarified that monies donated to PCHS fund can be designated by families for transportation, teachers, tutors, IMA, Albert IO, etc.  Banner program has been very successful.  After Spring Break he will begin working on Pali's 60th Anniversary celebration.  He has also organized a Career Panel for students in conjunction with the Rotary Club.


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

Report discussed and stands as submitted.  He also highligted the presentation given to B&F Committee on February 22, 2021 and encouraged everyone to watch the presentation if you were not able to attend the meeting.


Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report

Report discussed and stands as submitted.  P Magee assured everyone that administration hears public comments.  Clarified that they are learning how to work together.  Noted that the "fix" for PCHS won't be the same for SAMO and other high schools due to the diverse nature of the students that we serve.  The school is talking to and interacting with other schools and PCHS is looking at every possible option and solution to coming back to school.  She clarified that she understands the frustration but stressed the intention of presenting your comments in a positive mindset which is the way they encourage students to do.  Looking at consensus building and Pali is working very hard to do this and with consensus comes compromise.  Everyone is going to have to give some things up, students, parents, teachers and administration.  We are going to have to find ways that will work the best for the majority.  The Administration is listening to all stakeholders.  She clarified that the agreement re: what the rest of the school year is in process and coming soon.  The MOU referenced earlier in the meeting is an agreement with teachers about a safe return to campus.  Once this is done the school can have greater transparency as plans continue to get worked out.  She also stressed the need to continue to be vigilant with safety protocols so the school can provide opportunities to the Senior Class, students, teachers and administration.  Students want to have the opportunity to have interaction with others and this a priority in everything that the administration is doing.  She also suggested to parents that they come and join PCHS meetings to feel involved and get information LTSP is a great committee where they are looking for parent participation and a good place where your voices can be heard.  She also encouraged people and students to reach out with the administrators with any of your questions or concerns.  They are very accessible and want to hear from you. 


Current planning is for Spring and is waiting for additional updates so that they can prepare for the fall.  The school doesn't feel like they have adequate information to finalize that decision.  She also encouraged parents to complete the surveys as this is another way to share your voice.  She also encouraged people to attend the B&F Committee meetings as we continue to discuss big budget items and we need your input and feedback to help the school make decisions.  
Andrew Paris arrived.

III. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Budget & Finance Committee

S Margiotta encouraged everyone to look at the presentation presented by Juan Pablo Herrera and Arleta Ilyas..  She also encouraged everyone to come to the B&F Committee meetings as we are looking for stakeholder input as we work to make decisions regarding OPEB, transportation, technology, etc.  She noted that the committee vetted the items which will be presented by CBO.  In addition, the committee thoroughly vetted the busing contract to ensure that it had flexibility with busing numbers in both directions, scaling up and/or scaling down.  We also ensured that the contract did not have a penalty for "acts of god" where we would need to continue to pay for these costs if we were not utilizing the busing services.  Busing scholarships were vetted but as mentioned was tabled for the April meeting where this can be examined in conjunction with the school's LCAP and LTSP.  Committee also started looking into the school's refund policy fee to ensure that it is fair/consistent across all reimbursable items.


Post Retirement/Lifetime Healthcare Benefits Committee

Committee has made a lot of progress and actuarial report is final.  This is the expanded report with additional scenarios which included extending benefits to everyone, costs of dissolving the fund, the benefits offered by LAUSD, etc.  This will be presented at the Post Retirement/Lifetime Healthcare Benefits Committee.  He will also begin surveying faculty for input regarding the various scenarios.  If the school chooses to make this a priority then we will need to commit to additional monies annually to make this a viable option for retirees.


Election Committee

Meeting on Friday 3/19/21 to verify candidate packets.


Grade Appeals Committee

B King reported 2 grade appeals have held and 1 grade appeal was overturned.

IV. Academic Excellence


Changes/Updates in Response to COVID-19

LA County is showing great improvement in COVID cases.  All teachers and staff members who are interested in vaccinations have had their first injections.  Administration and staff continue to share information about availability of vaccinations.  Dr. Magee thanked teachers and administrators working on MOU and this academic plan which is not yet complete.  School is working on bringing back as many students as they can as quickly as they can but there are limited numbers.  The plan looks like students will be able to be back on campus very soon after spring break.  LA County developments appear to be very encouraging. 


PCHS Reopening Plan

Dr. Magee stated that if conditions continue as they are now, we will be able to safely have some form of in person activities and graduation.  She appreciates the loss of the senior class and wants to really help celebrate the senior class.  Working with Mr. Rauschuber and students to see what they would like to see.  Also understands Freshman concerns and will be working possibilities to bring Freshman back on campus in the afternoons to begin to do this.  She expressed difficulty of high schools because of the schedules with students traveling from room to room.  Hearing from students and teachers that they would like to stay in eLearning for the rest of the semester but would like to have more enrichment on campus, in person activities.  The school is also working on academic activities on campus but per the student and parent responses even enrichment activities where desirable.  The school is working on a plan to send out a questionnaire to parents to determine their interest in participating in these activities so that the school can plan accordingly.


D Parcell confirmed that all safety protocols are in place.  COVID testing on site and is anticipating extending hours in the next week+.    Results guaranteed within 48 hours.  School is planning on adding security as kids come back on campus to ensure social distancing, mask wearing, etc.  Cleaning protocols were reviewed and additional restrooms are being brought in to reduce bathroom crowding.  Other safety protocols were reviewed as well as the supplies of PPE.  As classrooms begin to be used, teachers will receive kits with PPE, cleaning supplies etc.  There will be health and temperature checks for students on campus at access points.  Contact tracing, place and managed by the Health Office.  The ventilation systems have been addressed and updated with the appropriate COVID appropriate filters and ventilation systems are running constantly.  All ventilation system issues have been addressed.


There was a question as to whether there was any re-keying done.  D Parcell will confirm whether this had been done and will provide any necessary staff with new keys.


Team thanked for all of their hard work in preparation.  


D Parcell also responded to a Board question regarding only Varsity teams clarifying that there is a facilities challenges. 


Izzy stated that students should have the opportunity to have a say regarding the groupings in which they are placed.  Dr. Magee clarified that the Administration has been thinking about this and will work to prioritize this for the students.

V. Finance


2019-2020 Audit Report

Vanessa Pineda with Christy White shared and reviewed the audit results.  In summary, 1st opinion for Financial Statements was clean (best opinion), 2nd opinion for Federal Awards was (unmodified or clean, and 3rd opinion for State Awards was unmodified/clean although there was 1 deficiency noted which was detailed in the audit report and reviewed with the Board.
Adam Glazer made a motion to approve the 2019/2020 Audit Report.
Emily Hirsch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
James (Jim) Wells
Brooke King
Emily Hirsch
Andrew Paris
Adam Glazer
Leslie Woolley
Sara Margiotta
Brenda Clarke
Jewlz Fahn
Paula Anderson
John Rauschuber


2020-2021 2nd Interim Report

Juan Pablo Herrera & Arleta Ilyas reviewed the presentation and report stands as submitted.
Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve 2020-2021 2nd Interim Report.
Emily Hirsch seconded the motion.
There was a question regarding Fund 62 which required an exception and it was clarified that the exception was requested because our OPEB (Other Post Employee Benefits) Liability is part of the beginning balance.


There were also some questions regarding depreciation and cash flow.  A Ilyas stated that since we are a 501c3, the organization is required to report depreciation for reports filed with the state.


It was also clarified that the new state/federal funding was not included because at the time the report was completed the Finance Office didn't know the funding schedule nor did they know the funding amounts.


Juan Pablo Herrera also clarified that the school has not heard back regarding the forgiveness of the PPP loan and therefore it is the Finance Office's stance is that we need to continue to assume that it has to be paid back.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andrew Paris
John Rauschuber
Paula Anderson
Brenda Clarke
James (Jim) Wells
Jewlz Fahn
Sara Margiotta
Adam Glazer
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch
Brooke King
Izzy Gil weighed in and was in support of of item V.A. and V.B.


Board Resolution: Interfund Transfer Request

Juan Pablo Herrera discussed the cash volatility that the school is anticipating as a result of the state deferrals.  He is proposing an Interfund Transfer from the Fund 20, Lifetime Health Benefits Fund, to cover costs through June 30, 2021.  He further clarified that only the amount needed to cover expenses through that date would be transferred.  Once the school begins receiving its deferrals in July 2021, the school would replenish any amount that was transferred through June 30, 2021, including any lost interest.
Sara Margiotta made a motion to approve the Interfund Transfer Request.
Leslie Woolley seconded the motion.
S Margiotta clarified that this was reviewed at Budget and Finance.  Although it is not that committee's position to approve this, it was vetted and the committee didn't have issue with this request.


J Rauschuber thanked the Finance Office for their transparency with this item.


Izzy Gil states that student response is to support this request.


J Rauschuber further clarified that since this item was directly tied to his Lifetime Health Benefits, he is going to abstain from voting on this Interfund Transfer Request although he would like to support Izzy Gil and the student body.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
James (Jim) Wells
Adam Glazer
Sara Margiotta
Leslie Woolley
Paula Anderson
Andrew Paris
Brooke King
Emily Hirsch
Jewlz Fahn
Brenda Clarke
John Rauschuber


2020-2021 Audit Engagement

Reviewed by Juan Pablo Herrera.  We have a 3 year option with Christy White and this would be our 3rd year.  The cost is consistent  with other auditors so the recommendation is to extend our option with Christy White for our 3rd year.
Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve the 2020/2021 Audit Engagement with Christy White to retain for a 3rd year.
Emily Hirsch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Emily Hirsch
Leslie Woolley
Brenda Clarke
Adam Glazer
Sara Margiotta
Andrew Paris
John Rauschuber
James (Jim) Wells
Paula Anderson
Jewlz Fahn

VI. Governance



Emily Hirsch made a motion to approve the UTLA-PCHS MOU for the 2020-21 as outlined.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
J Rauschuber shared that it would be crossing the line if he was to participate in this conversation.  But want the Board to consider that we need to have consensus building as it relates to financials and the B&F Committee.  Trying to create a template so that employees can know what their salaries will be based upon revenue annually.  B King reminded everyone that they are invited to come and participate in the B&F Committee meetings.


It was noted that UTLA was involved with this process so the faculty was being represented in these discussions.


Izzy Gil supports the MOU as outlined above.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Sara Margiotta
Emily Hirsch
Leslie Woolley
Paula Anderson
Adam Glazer
James (Jim) Wells
Andrew Paris
John Rauschuber
Brenda Clarke
Jewlz Fahn


Sunshine of PCHS Initial Proposal to UTLA 2021-22

Amy Nguyen reviewed and stands as submitted.
Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve the PCHS Initial Proposal to UTLA 2021/2022.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jewlz Fahn
Andrew Paris
James (Jim) Wells
John Rauschuber
Sara Margiotta
Emily Hirsch
Brenda Clarke
Leslie Woolley
Brooke King
Paula Anderson
Adam Glazer


Sunshine of UTLA Initial Proposal to PCHS 2020-21

This item will be tabled until the April 2021 Board of Trustees meeting


Form 700 Reporting

Form was reviewed which has been sent to all Board of Trustee members.  Juan Pablo Herrera noted that there was confusion because the address listed is the physical location of Palisades Charter Elementary School vs. PCHS.  He clarified that contacted the LA County Board of Supervisor re: Form 700 and their response was the address was not material and therefore Board of Trustee members should still complete this form as is.  The form is due by April 1st.


Paula Anderson also noted that she took exception with UTLA (subsequently clarified as the LA County Board of Supervisors by Juan Pablo Herrera) saying it was ok to use without PCHS's address.  She does not like that they made that statement in deference to her personally.

VII. New Business / Announcements


Announcements / New Business

Next Board meeting is on April 20, 2021 at 5 pm.


B King also requested to be advised as to the length of individual reports be shared in advance to assist with agenda setting.


Announce Items for Closed Session, If Any.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Margiotta
Documents used during the meeting
  • Faculty Board Report_03_16_2021.pdf
  • HR Board Report_03_16_2021.pdf
  • Operations Board Report_03_16_2021.pdf
  • Motion to Approve Bus Contract Coversheet_03_16_2021.pdf
  • Development Board Report_03_16_2021.pdf
  • II.H - Credit Card Feb 2021.pdf
  • CBO Board Report_03_16_2021.pdf
  • EDP Board Report_03_16_2021.pdf
  • Budget Com Meeting Minutes_03_08_2021.pdf
  • Special Budget Com Meeting Minutes_02_22_2021.pdf
  • Parent Survey Results_Return to Campus.pdf
  • UTLA-PCHS Survey Results_Return to Campus.pdf
  • V.A - Board Motion Coversheet_2019-20 Audit.pdf
  • Palisades Charter Audit Report Draft 19-20 - Updated as of 3_15_21.pdf
  • V. B - Presentation_b_a_2ndinterim.pdf
  • V.B - 2nd Interim Report -SACS report.pdf
  • V.B - budget vs. actuals_2nd interim report.pdf
  • V.B - Board Motion Coversheet_2nd Interim.pdf
  • V.C - Interfund Transfer Materials.pdf
  • V.D - 2020-21 Audit Engagement Materials.pdf
  • UTLA-PCHS Coversheet_03_16_2021.pdf
  • PCHS- UTLA MOU for In-Person Instruction_03_12_2021.pdf
  • Initial PCHS Proposal to UTLA_03_16_2021.pdf