Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 9, 2021 at 5:00 PM


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As per Executive Order N-29-20 from Governor Newsom, the Palisades Charter High School Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 9, 2021, at 5:00p.m. will move to a virtual/teleconferencing environment. Calling into the meeting may incur a charge and PCHS is not responsible for any charges.

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at

Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

Trustees Present

Adam Glazer, Andrew Paris, Brenda Clarke, Brooke King, Emily Hirsch, James (Jim) Wells, Jewlz Fahn, John Rauschuber, Leslie Woolley, Paula Anderson, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Juan Pablo Herrera

Guests Present

Amy Nguyen, Arleta Ilyas, Chris Lee, Dave Suarez, Don Parcell, Isabel Gill, Mary Bush, Mike Rawson, Monica Ianessa, Russ Howard, Steve Klima

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Brooke King called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Feb 9, 2021 at 5:07 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

Steve Klima - He wanted to point out UTLA PCHS is separate entity and they do their own bargaining on site.  PCHS/PCHS UTLA need to come to their own agreements and can be made at any time and can be done before LAUSD/UTLA reaches an agreement.  They are willing to work with administration to get back to school safely for our teachers and students.


Michael Brent IV - Discussed students who are credit deficient.  There are 76 seniors who are credit deficient.  They surveyed the students in the last couple of weeks and 75% requested less homework, others also requested a different grading scale.  Stress was homework and college applications.  Mental health was also of massive importance to students.  He called upon the Board to act to help with these issues.


Rachel Davis -  She asked about sharing the PCHS comprehensive hybrid reopening plan that the school has been working hard to create.  She asked for visibility and knows that this needs to be approved by the Board and UTLA.  She wants to make sure this is done so that the school is ready when LAUSD allows the school to return.  She noted that it takes some time to get stakeholder buy in, approvals, etc. and worries that the school would be behind if they were not working to get those approvals now.  She urged the administration to finalize the plan so that the students can return to campus when allowed.  She also urged the administration to be as transparent as possible with the plan so that parents and students understand it and get behind it with their support.  She also echoed Michael's comment that the stress level is very high.  She also noted that the homework level on Friday's is especially impactful because of religious aspects, specifically Shabbot.


Jack Seltzer - Running for non-stakeholder seat comunity member.  He is an alumni and still passionate about joining the Board.


Lauren Walker - Has an incoming Freshman and Jr.  Would love a comprehensive plan so that they have an understading to communicate with their children.  Paul Revere is doing a good job communicating and would like that from Pali.  Teacher communication has been poor.  Her daughter is struggling with trying to understand what is going on and not really being able to be at school and talk to her counselors and get that interaction.  She noted how important these years are and feels just having a plan that parents can support having our children go safely back to school would be very important.


Lisa Woods - Parent to 2 students at Pali.  Appreciates and respsects the time the Board  spends to support PCHS.  Has been observing the Board meetings over the past year but is coming forward to ask the school to create a substantive hybrid plan.  She expects that there will be a process and she is concerned that the school will not be ready when LAUSD gives us the green light.  Wants to make sure that this isn't delayed.  This has been very detrimental and kids need to get back to class. 


Kerry Kraft - Is Pali considering to change caleendar to aligh with LAUSD.  Can someone update school course catelogue.  What is plan for Pali to reopen and can someone share the actual plan.  


Ainslee Sugerman - We cannot continue to learn outside of the classsroom.  Her children aren't learning and cannot continue.  They are giving up.  It is urgent.  Children are depressed and falling behind in their learning and they have me at home supporting them which is not easy and adds stress to our family life.  This must end especially for the children who do not have the support at home.  It must end.  Vaccinate the teachers, mandate masks properly worn by the children.  Get them back in the classroom now.  This must be your number one priority immediately.  We cannot wait, our children cannot wait.


Malika Mars Kovac - As a parent, I believe there is an urgent need to address reopening the pool for Pali swimmers.  Other public pools are open.  It can be done safely.  Participation in training should be voluntary of course.


Anonymous - Pali students and parents would like to to know what the administration's plan is for reopening of the school.


Elise Bartel - A general comment on what is the plan/plans for returning to campus.  It is urgent for the health and well being of our children that they be brought back into the classroom.  In person instruction for even 1 day a week would make an enormous difference in their lives.  Please prioritize the students and their future.  


Anonymous - This is from a parent.  In light of the current scientific studies published both in the US and Internationally and with the most recent CDC guidelines and recommendations regarding the minimal risk of COVID related exposure and community spread in school settings.  Even without vaccinating the entire teacher and administrative staff please consider returning our students to their physical classrooms.  The decision should be based on the most current scientific data and not based on political negotiations between UTLA and LAUSD and it must include the parents and students and scientific community, including the American Pediatric Association voices.


Anonymous - It is imperative for the mental health of our children that they are allowed back in the classrooms for in person learning and engagement.It is crucial for our student community that a comprehensive hybrid reopening plan be prioritized by the Board of Trustees immediately.  It is no longer acceptable that PCHS remains shuttered with zero action being taken by the school or the Board of Trustees to ready itself for the eventual full re-opening in the future.




Anonymous - I have been a dedicated and proud Pali parent for 8 years but this year I am beyond aggravated at the complete lack of communication from the school as it related to plans for reopening hybrid or not.  Plans to return to athletic conditioning updates on what Pali has been doing these past months to get the school prepared for an eventual return.  What facilities repairs, what PP purchases, what teacher trainings...  LAUSD makes weekly updates but PCHS parents don't know which of these updates apply to Pali and which do not.  We are left in the dark.  Where there is innovation, the courage, the creativity and the can do attitude from our administration.  It seems as though you are afraid of LAUSD, afraid of lawsuits, afraid of the teachers' union instead of being the leaders, the ground breakers, the risk takers that we need to get our kids back in the classroom now.
Anonymous - I don't think students should go back until it is safe for the teachers, the staff and the students with everyone vaccinated.


Tanya Schanbert - Remote learning is not working for my 11th grader from a learning perspective.  I'm also concerned about his declining mental health due to this social isolation.  As a healthcare worker myself, I can't understand why Pali is not open yet for hybrid learning.  Data has shown that there are low levels of COVID transmission in school aged children per the CDC.  Countries such as Germany, have kept students in school learning through the pandemic.  What about the increase in suicides, accidenta drug overdoses that are occuring due to isolation?  Teens need to be back in the classroom as soon as possible.  My son is struggling with online school and missing the personal social interactions with his teachers, classmates and football teammates.  Other European countries and other states have made in person learning a priority during the pandemic.  In addition to the CDC, pediatric groups have been saying that schools should be in person.  For the sake of the mental health of our children, open up for in person hybrid learning as soon as possible.  Let them have their football season.


Anonymous - I am beynd frustrated with the lack of information and updates coming from Pali.  I'm upset that it appears as though our Charter school is afraid of their landlord and lacking any innovation to manage the school.  Now the scientific facts have come out by the CDC director about it being safe to return to school.  We parents deserve answers to these questions.  1.  Are you committeed to getting students back on campus as soon as the official announcement of a return to school is made?  2.  Is there a commitment by Pali teacher union to have teachers return to school with students as soon as the offical announcemnt of return to school is made?  Or are vaccines going to be a stipulation?  3.  If the union makes vaccines a stipulation for teachers, will you support them.  We represent the students and teachers who are ready to go back for certain sports which are allowed in the purple tier but LAUSD is not allowing them.  Will Pali inform the district that you intend to follow state guidelines for us to return to sports?


Anonymous - In terms of reopening the school to on campus or hybrid learning, is PCHS beholden to adhere to the same schedule as LAUSD's reopning schedule even though PCHS is an independent charter and it's teachers are not part of UTLA?  If we don't have to adhere to LAUSD schedule what parameters will determine when we can reopen or do we have to observe the same schedule as LAUSD and if so why?


Anonymous - I'm a mom of a Pali senior and a sophmore and urge the PCHS Board to do all that is possible to get the students back to in person school.  Even on a staggared basis, with priority given to the seniors so that they have some closure for their years at Pali even some days during the week would be better than nothing.  Also, having the sports teams meet for social distanced no contact practice once or twice a week would be a much needed boost for the mental health.  Thanks for all that you do to support the kids.


Anonymous - I am one of the Pali parents that initially signed the petition to re-open Pali.  Like may other parents that signed the petition, I would love to see my son be able to again see his friends and participate in sports and classes.  However, I now see that this lacks perspective and did not take into account the realitities other families experience.  My family has excellent insurance, through my wife's job, and God forbid if any of us got sick we do have adequate economic and health care resources.  However, a lot of Pali families are not so fortunate.  My son's classmate contracted COVID.  Like most teens, he was asymptomatic and did not know he was sick.  Most teens do not get sick but they can spread the disease.  The Pali student's mom and grandmother (whom he lived with) were in 1 bedroom and did get sick.  The family recovered physically but they did not financially.  The mother was unable to work for 2 weeks and was let go from her job.  The family was forced to move in with a relative and are now currently homeless residing in the living room of someone else.  Some of you say that's not my problem and unfortunately you are correct.  However, this is a concern and the responsibility of the Pali administration and the Pali Board.  Please (x3) continue to ensure the safety of the Pali students and their families as well as the teachers and their families.  I know we will eventually get over this together.


Anonymous - It has been over 10 months that our kids have not been in school and I want to know what Pali's plas is when we can reopen.  What is the hybrid plan.  Having nothing in place ready to go after all of this time is unacceptable.  What about sanitation of the school rooms, sorry teachers can wear sheilds, everyone, including studetns can wear a mask but the kids need to be back in school.  Without a plan that is ready to go immediately as numbers go down is irresponsible.  We should be aware that the mental health of all of these teens is being affected tremendously.  Other school districts applied for waivers yet Pali is in a standstill.  The excuses that you are under LAUSD restrictions are worn out.  You should be getting prepared instead of waiting to get back.  To get the go ahead and then make a plan is not being efficient.  Acceptable planning on the part of Pali administrators.  No more excuses.  Be prepared to start tomorrow.


Anonymous - What's the purpose of being a Charter if your constantly at the mercy of LAUSD?  The school needs to have their lawyers look at this jail hold regarding what happens on a campus that doesn't really belong to them.  It is just their property.  Being a charter is supposed to mean more autonomy, but in this case closed mouths don't get fed.  The priority is kids and by not trying to persue having hybrid, especially for those with special nneed and those drowning students demonstrates that Pali doesn't have the best interest of the kids.



Unread Comments:


Anonymous - What is the issue? Pali teachers have contracts with Pali. Please advise the parents/stakeholders what the real issue is? You saved on buses already and that’s extra money. You cut staff and that’s extra money. Yes, you hired an extra counselor. Whatever needs to be done – even if Pali has to make an attempt to hold class down the street at a park – show the parents that you do care and that you are trying because right now – it doesn’t seem like it.


Monica - what plans are being made for seniors? Has Pali considered possibly using the football field for a socially distanced prom?


Anonymous - Santa Monica schools have started to slowly resume - what is Pali going to do?


Anonymous - WHEN sports are allowed back - Pali needs to be ready to move immediate - not wait for another board meeting to make decisions.


Anonymous - WE need a hybrid model to be approved. We can't keep delaying - it's hurting all the kids. The students need this ASAP. No delays. We viewed a hybrid plan months ago and to delay or have to wait for more months and then end of year will be here. How does this benefit the kids? Why keep talking about things. It's been almost a year. The kids are struggling. Admin needs to step up and be prepared to go ASAP


Jennifer and Robert Solomon - Please please please work together to get our kids back to school. Even some in-person school is better than none. The kids' education is suffering and the social emotional piece will be with them for many years to come. Please petition to get our teachers, administrators and staff immunized asap. For children without stable home lives, without stable internet at home or worse, without a home at all, are suffering immeasurable damage our society will suffer for many many years. Thank you.


Jill Berman - My boys Zachary and Max Berman are seniors at Pali High.  I am writing in hopes of helping to get them back in school as soon as feasibly possibly for the remainder of their senior year.  They are desperately missing the interaction of being with friends and feel exasperated by Zoom home schooling for almost a year.  Even if it means they could get back on campus a few days a week for the last few months of school it would make a huge difference psychologically and and physically.  So many kids are experiencing depression, loneliness, frustration and loss of hope.  It is not normal for teenage kids to be learning remotely.  My son has ranted about not learning, not connecting to his teachers and feeling unmotivated.  It is a travesty tht our kids are not attending school in person.  If the schools can handle this appropriatley, vaccinate teachers and administration there is no good reason for them not to return in person.  If this message can be sent on to the LAUSD and help in any way I would appreciate it!


Diana Daniele - It is unacceptable that we are looking down the barrel of our kids being out of school for an entire year.  Depression, anxiety, domestic abuse and suicidial ideations run rampant with our youth.  OUr kids in LAUSD schools struggle to learn online iwht Zoom.  My daughter, Dayna, 13, cries because she wants to go back to campus and to learn at Paul Revere Charter Middle School.  Next year she will attend Pali High.  It needs to be OPEN.  Statistics show that upwards of 32.5 million studetns across the US have had their school closed and are suffering because of it.  There is a new epidemic and it is the demise of the mental health and well-being of our nation's teens and children.  Let's write up a plan tonight of how to open Pali High and MAKE IT HAPPEN.  



Approve Minutes

Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 01-12-21.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Paula Anderson
James (Jim) Wells
Andrew Paris
Adam Glazer
John Rauschuber
Jewlz Fahn
Brenda Clarke
Leslie Woolley
Brooke King
Emily Hirsch
Sara Margiotta

II. Organizational Reports


Student Report

Izzy Gill - ASB Presndent - thanked everyone for their passionate comments.  Canned food drive last week with amazing suppot.  About 1600 donations taken.  Club day this week and Holocast day last week.  Upcoming: Valentines Day, Senior dating game, schoolwide See's Candy fundraiser and speed dating for all grades.  Monthly staff super star has started to nominate teachers and students on a monthly basis.  Students are also looking for a plan on reopening when it time comes.


Parent Report

Jewlz stated that as parents we would do anything for our children  and we watch them struggle with eLearning.  Kids are lonely and depressed.  Pali students are leaving to go to private school because they are being promised in person learning. Parents are angry and upset about the lack of communication. Do teachers and union even want to go back to school.


Freshman who did not come from Paul Revere have had no chance to make freinds.  Freshman should be allowed to join sports teams classes.  Breakout rooms are not monitored.  Not enough live instructions.  Inconsistency of assignments that are due.  Hard to work on group projects and not a set schedule in the afternoons.  Commented on lack of transparency  We need to know  what the plans are so that parents can make decisions.


Moorepark HS has gone back with 600 students on campus every day.  Students quarentined.  Students have been on campus since Sept.


Classified Staff Report

Andy - Nothing to report


Faculty Report

Brenda read report as submitted.  Paula clarified that while she, Brenda, and John represent the faculty, the report represents all of the faculty and verify that these concerns are expressed by multiple faculty members.  Teachers waht to come back as badly as the students do.  Zoom fatigue is real and they would much rather be back in the school.  Want to see safety precautions.  Vaccinations, PPP, etc.


James Wells heard that the state is prioritizing teachers.  Have we heard anything about how that would that happen?  He also asked about sports as many local fields are open for permits now.


Dave Suarez added that he and Steve reporesent the teachers but haven't been given a proposal to see if they support or don''t support the plan.  They need a proposal to present to the faculty to determine if they are in agreement with it.  


Adam Glazer - wanted to know as a school, doesn't PCHS have to follow LAUSD's rules regarding reopening;  Dr. Magee stated that that is correct iwth the sole occupency agreement but they are seeking a legal opinion to confirm this.  There is a meeting next week to begin discussions but asked everyone to understand that this is a constantly shifting enviornmennt.


Steve Klima - Riverside and Ventura county have vacinnated teachers but hasn't heard anything about it in LA county.  UTLA PCHS can negotiate separately.  If our teachers feels like vaccination is not a priority they don't have to abide by that 


John Rauschuber asked whether we have a specific letter from LAUSD stating that the students can't come back on campus to train.  


D Parcell clarified that yes we did receive a letter regarding that in January. 


Public Comment - R Tenen Snow stated that there are total of 12 AP lang classes and they just got the information from the college boards last week.  Of polled students, there is fear of taking this exam in pen vs. electronically since that is how they have been trained  to take exams this year.


B Clarke also clarified that ideally there will be versions/options and plans that will work once we are given the options to move forward.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

Public Comment - None
Sara Margiotta made a motion to Approve Director of Attendance and Admissions.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
A Nugyn clarified that interviews were held and the suggestion.  All stakeholders were represented during the interview process:  parents, students, Board members, faculty and classified staff.  Amy Okafor was the candidate selected and we are recommending that the Board approve her contract.


John Rauschuber asked how we are looking at our priorities and wanted to have the budget discussion before moving forward.  


Brooke reminded Board that employee Board members are not to be involved in discussion...


B Clarke asked for background on this position.  A Nguyen clarified that this is not a new position but will be replacing T. Christopher who resigned.   clarified that she comes from Texas.  Very excited to have her come.  She does have experience as AP prior to coming to Pali.  She has worked at several school and we are looking forward to welcoming her to our school.


I Gill reported that they met iwth her in leadership and they were super supportive of her.  She was very eager to work with the students and I Gill thinks all students will be supportive of her as well.


Paula says that she met her as well and was alreayd hitting the ground running.  Was very open and committed to listening to what the had to say in their English PLC.


The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Paula Anderson
Jewlz Fahn
James (Jim) Wells
John Rauschuber
Leslie Woolley
Adam Glazer
Brenda Clarke
Andrew Paris
Brooke King
Sara Margiotta
Emily Hirsch
Report stands as submitted.  School doesn't have specific vaccination information.  But the school's personal health providers do have limited access to the vaccines so they should contact their providers to see if they have them available.


Director of Operations Report

Report stands as submitted.  D Parcell clarified that from an operations side re: openness from small groups of special needs up to hybrid frirst we need OK from all levels.  Was on LACDPH re: re-opening of schools and the current ruling is that schools have to be below an adjusted case rate of 7/100,000 for 5 consecutive days.  We are currently at 31.7% positivity rate which is down from last week's at 38.7 and it has come down drastically over the past couple of weeks.  From a state and county perspective, the school needs to be following their guidelines but we are also on LAUSD property and therefore must abide by their restrictions as well.  We know we need a plan once we are allowed to open the school per the governing entities.  We are also working with our unions (UTLA and PESPU) and as S Klima and D Suarez indicated, we can come to an independent agreement outside of LAUSD and UTLA but we still have to follow LAUSD restrictions.  Until the superintendent of LAUSD allows us to have students back on campus and it really comes down to the county getting the # cases/100,000 metric down for the 5 consecutive days.  Once that happens the restrictions will be lifted by these entities and the school can move forward.  He stated that the school realizes that parents/students/faculty want to be back on campus and understands the stress and mental health issues associated with the current learning environment but the school simply is unable to do this until the county meets the state required metric.  Once students are allowed on campus the school is ready with all of the necessary plans and supplies operationally to ensure the safety of the students and faculty (all items were listed in great detail).  The school is also in conversations about plans for extracurricular activities and athletic comditioning and scheduling and security/monitoring, etc. are in place once these are allowed to commence.  He is also working with our transportation provider so those plans are in place when we are allowed to resume transportation to school.  Currently, health screening is happening for those who are on campus and the school nurse is already doing contracting if/when it is ever needed.  Technology Dept. continues to help students and families in remote learning and is prepared to continue to do so if/when students are allowed back on campus.  The ventilation system campus wide has been upgraded and now using Merv 13 filters which is the equivilent to an N95 mask.  He also clarified that union discussions will begin on Tuesday.


Questions were asked about sports in different tiers and what was/wasn't allowed.  It was clarified that there were things allowed in the purple tier but we cannot resume those sports because of our landuse agreement with LAUSD so until they give permission to resume conditioning we are not allowed to bring students back on campus to do so.  It was further clarified that some groups of athletes were getting together of school campuses with rented fields and private coaches but that these could not be school sanctioned.  D Parcell agreed to look into all sports allowed in the purple tier so that these can begin once we are given permission by LAUSD.


Director of Development Report

Report stands as submitted.  Highlighted the total funds received are 327,000.  This is 66% of our overall goal.  Tracking favorably with last year which was at an all time high.  Parents are funding at higher levels to support the school iwth distance learning.  There will be a donor video to share with familites highlights of the very positive things being done by ASB, senior class students and teachers.  Thank you program is also underway where students are writing personal thank you notes to donors.  2021 is the 60th anniversary of PCHS.  Putting together a comittee to help the school celebrate.  Donations are still coming in despite the challenging year.


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

Report stands as submitted.  


Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report

Report stands as submitted.  Thanks the parents for their feedback and that the Board and administration understand the stress and mental health inpact.  They are also 100% committed to the health and safety and following all of the proper state and LA County, and LAUSD requirements. She expressed concern about making sure that we are doing things in an appropriate and proper way and clarified that the school is reaching out for a legal opinion on whether or not we are bound in terms of the sole occupancy agreement by some of these various requirements and stated that that is something she should have in hand soon.  She clarified that there has been extensive work on preparing for a return to campus.  School is going to start messaging out responses to questions that parents have so that they understand where the school.  Also started sending postcards to parents to make sure information is being given to all parents in different platforms.  We are challenged because of the multiple areas where are student body comes from and  it poses a challenge that SAMO.  Pali school gudience checklist was completed and posted by Feb. 1, 2021.  There was a discussion about ensuring that input from all stakeholders is heard re: returning to campus and the best way in which to do so.  The final suggestion was that this should be addressed at LTSP where all stakeholders are involved and can share their insights.  Surveys will also be sent out.

III. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Budget & Finance Committee

It was clarified that the Budget presentation from Juan Pablo Herrera will be given at a Special B&F Committee meeting on February 22, 2021 at 3:30 pm and all Board members are encouraged to attend.  Post presentation there will be a time for questions/answers/conversation.  It was clarified that in looking at Charter language and committee descriptions, and even working with our legal partners to make sure we are following our Charter language, it was determinted that it wasn't really appropriate for the presentation to be a whole Board topic.  However all Board members are encouraged to attend and it will be promoted and advertised.  However, it was determined this was a better venue for conversations which will likely follow Juan Pablo Herrera's presentation.


The committee also approved a request to increase the teacher allocation of LLM monies that was originally approved at $300 per teacher to $400 per teacher.  Don Parcell is going to work with the faculty to get a list of what everyone needs and procedurally orders will be taken in a similar fashion as to the original allocation.


The committee also approved $100 stipend per teacher to help cover costs of some of the things that might have been purchased individually at home.  It was clarifid that we cannot reimburse for these with Learning Loss Mitigation monies but parents have generously donated to the PCHS fund to specifically support teachers in eLearning and it is these monies that will be used to cover the stipend.


There was a question about why teachers shouldn't just receive a $200 stipend and it was clarified that it was because there were 2 different funding sources with different restrictions.  In addition, the stipend is subject to STRS/PRS + tax and therefore the $32,459 is not enough to cover a $200 stipend/teacher.  It also leaves some additional allocation for teachers who might have more expensive programs and might have more out of pocket expenses.




Post Retirement/Lifetime Healthcare Benefits

Juan Pablo Herrera noted that report stands as submitted.  Actuarial report is looking at various scenarios and will be presenting at the next LTHB meeting.  Actuarial did clarify that adding benefits for all employees will involve cost sharing.

IV. Academic Excellence


Grade Appeal Policy

John Raschuber reported that we are working on the grade appeal policy.  We are meeting in earnest and hopefully we will have something for the Board by the next meeting. He also clarifed that he thinks everyone is committed to getting this done.


Graduation Credit Task Force

Brenda Clarke made a motion to made a motion to To adjust the PCHS High School Graduation Requirements for the 12th grade class of 2021 to 210 credits.
Paula Anderson seconded the motion.
Izzy asked how many students this will affect.  Dr. Lee shared his presentation which will answer some questions members may have concern regarding.


J Raschuber - will kids take advantage?  Struggling with this decision


Izzy said that this would be helpful to address the struggling students.


Kim Theard coordinator of Pali Academy shared her perspective.  Most Pali Academy students are doing well with distance learning but they have students difficient 


Izzy expressed support of the motion to adjust the PCHS High School Graduation Requirements for the 12th Grade Class of 2021 to 210 credits.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Leslie Woolley
James (Jim) Wells
Paula Anderson
Andrew Paris
Sara Margiotta
Adam Glazer
John Rauschuber
Emily Hirsch
Brenda Clarke
Jewlz Fahn


Extension of PCHS Attendance Policy Suspension

Public Comment:  Hi everyone.  I'm here to support the continued suspension of this policy.  Virtual learning poses challenges and technical difficulties to even the most diligent responsible students.  Because a lof of teachers don't take attendance by hand it's incredibly easy for a student to fall through the cracks and be able to sign into Infinite Campus even if they're attending class.  I don't believe it is an appropriate time to penalize kids given the check in on Infinite Campus doesn't give an accurate headcount of those who are in class.


Lee Ann Ross - in addition to the inequity in the policy many students are suffering from anxiety because of various life circumstances.  Reinstituting school's current policy will ...


Kathy DeLaney - agreed with LeAnn.  She is on COST group and many, many kids are suffering.  Policy always been stressful for kids, especially the ones with 504 plans, it is inequitible ...
Adam Glazer made a motion to continue suspension of PCHS Attendance Policy.
Brenda Clarke seconded the motion.
Paula in favor of suspending policy but there are students who are not attending at all.  Some rosters need to be updated and we need to get back to robo calls when kids are not showing up.  Paula looks at her attendance every day and she corrects it everyday via zoom recordings.  She also marks kids absent if they are not.


Izzy is in favor of the motion
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brenda Clarke
Jewlz Fahn
Andrew Paris
Sara Margiotta
Paula Anderson
John Rauschuber
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch
Adam Glazer
Brooke King
James (Jim) Wells

V. Finance


2020-21 Budget vs. Actuals

Budget vs. Actuals - Report reviewed by Arleta Ilyas and stands as submitted


2020-21 Cash Flow

2020-2021 Cash Flow - Report reviewed by Juan Pablo Herrera Arleta Ilyas.  Report stands as submitted


2nd Interim Considerations

2nd Interim Considerations - Report reviewed and stands as submitted


2021-22 Budget Calendar/Packet

Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve the 2021/2022 Budget Calendar Packet.
Andrew Paris seconded the motion.
John asked how B&F Committee is going to explore priorities.  Juan Pablo clarified that this will be addressed at the Feb. 22, 2021 Special B&F meeting.  Once presented, then the committee and stakeholders can create priorities.  Processes will continue to be fluid.


Paula made a motion to approve the packet as amended.  Emily seconded.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
John Rauschuber
Jewlz Fahn
James (Jim) Wells
Brooke King
Andrew Paris
Adam Glazer
Sara Margiotta
Brenda Clarke
Emily Hirsch
Leslie Woolley
Paula Anderson


Board Resolution: Notification to CharterSAFE of Potential Withdrawal from JPA

Amy clarified reason behind withdrawing was to allow the school to explore other options before recommitting to renewal with current vendor.
Leslie Woolley made a motion to Notify CharterSAFE of Potential Withdrawal from JPA.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Leslie Woolley
John Rauschuber
Andrew Paris
Sara Margiotta
Emily Hirsch
Brooke King
James (Jim) Wells
Jewlz Fahn
Adam Glazer
Paula Anderson
Brenda Clarke


Investment of Public Funds

Emily Hirsch made a motion to Create Ad Hoc Committee to ....
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
Discussion ensued.  Record B Clarke ++ comments
Jim volunteered to sit on committee as did Sara and Leslie Wooley
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Jewlz Fahn
Brenda Clarke
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch
James (Jim) Wells
Adam Glazer
Andrew Paris
Sara Margiotta
Paula Anderson
John Rauschuber

VI. Governance


Ad Hoc Committee-Governance Policy #9 (Board Committee Membership and Responsibilities) - Update

Committee has met and is moving forward.  They created questions to ask each committee.  Questions were diseminated.  Charter Committee is the final committee to submit their answers.  Committee will then meet again to review all responses and make suggestions to committees and report back to the Board.  Making progress and moving in the right direction.

VII. New Business / Announcements


Announcements / New Business

Brooke wanted to bring attention to Black History Month and the schoology profies that the teachers created were inspiring by the 


Special Budget and Fiance Committee Feb. 22, 2021 at 3:30 pm and hopes that everyone from the Board is able to attend.


Next Board meeting is Tues at  5 pm


Announce Items for Closed Session, If Any.

VIII. Closed Session


Conference with Legal Counsel

No action taken


Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release

IX. Open Session


Return to Open Session

No action taken.


Report Out on Action Taken in Closed Session, If Any

No action taken

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:57 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brooke King