Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 8, 2020 at 5:00 PM


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As per Executive Order N-29-20 from Governor Newsom, the Palisades Charter High School Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 8, 2020, at 5:00p.m. will move to a virtual/teleconferencing environment. Calling into the meeting may incur a charge and PCHS is not responsible for any charges.

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at

Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

Trustees Present

Andrew Paris, Brenda Clarke, Brooke King, Emily Hirsch, James (Jim) Wells, Jewlz Fahn, John Rauschuber, Leslie Woolley, Paula Anderson, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent

Adam Glazer

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Isabel Gill, Juan Pablo Herrera

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Isabel Gill, Juan Pablo Herrera

Guests Present

Amy Nguyen, Dave Suarez, Don Parcell, Jeff Roepel, Kevin Lorick, Mary Bush, Mike Rawson, Mike Rawson, Steve Burr, Steve Klima, Tami Christopher

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Leslie Woolley called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Dec 8, 2020 at 5:03 PM.


Introduce Representative from Young, Minney, and Corr

Leslie Woolley introduced Jerry Simmons and Lisa Corr.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

3 Public Comments Read


Election of Chairperson of the Board, Based on Resignation from the Officer Position by Current Chairperson (PCHS Bylaws, Art. VII sections 3, 6, 7).

Emily Hirsch made a motion to Nominate Brooke King as BOT Chair.
Andrew Paris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andrew Paris
Adam Glazer
Brenda Clarke
John Rauschuber
Jewlz Fahn
Brooke King
Paula Anderson
Leslie Woolley
Sara Margiotta
James (Jim) Wells
Emily Hirsch


Approve Minutes

Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 11-17-20.
Paula Anderson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Emily Hirsch
Brenda Clarke
Andrew Paris
Paula Anderson
Jewlz Fahn
John Rauschuber
Leslie Woolley
Sara Margiotta
Adam Glazer
James (Jim) Wells
Brooke King
Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 11-17-20.
Paula Anderson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Paula Anderson
Andrew Paris
Jewlz Fahn
John Rauschuber
Leslie Woolley
Sara Margiotta
James (Jim) Wells
Brooke King
Emily Hirsch
Brenda Clarke
Adam Glazer

II. Organizational Reports


Student Report

Leadership has put on a sexual violence prevention workshop. Last week courtesy of Sarah's recommendation we hosted a Giving Spirit CARD MAKING activity and so students came in and made cards and then drop them off at YMCA to be put in backpacks for homeless kids.  This week we have spiritual going on. Today was holiday holiday pajama day.  Yesterday was under 30 degree day people wore beanies and scarves, we had cookie decorating. Many competitions and so there's gift cards and next week we'll have is like a poll and everyone can vote on like the winner and then the winners, get a gift card. So that's really fun. There's a McConnell's ice cream fundraiser for sophomores. So if anyone loves in the Palisades and wants to support the sophomores. You don't have to be a sophomore. We have a student concern meeting tomorrow, A lot of people have questions, and we've learned a lot through meetings in the past week about what finals are really looking like this year.  And then we also have a student senate meeting tomorrow at 3pm. That's one student representatives from all the different English classes. come to zoom and we go over recent events. We have time for against you and concerns student conversation and good way to just connect with different groups of people. Freshmen we have new freshman class president Ryan Levy, who was elected last week, so he'll start his term in the spring and we'll have our new freshmen representatives and then next week and then we also have a Friday activity cahoot from 830 to nine. It's going to be with teachers new teachers old teachers and it's going to be good who using all of their like young photos and such be fun. 


Parent Report

It was agreed that Parent Board Member contact information would be shared with the PCHS community via newsletter distribution and via a directed email to the community parents.


Classified Staff Report

No report at this time


Faculty Report

Discussion regarding posted report and Stands as submitted.  Concerns regarding Learning Loss Mitigation monies will be referred back to Budget and Finance at their meeting on January 11, 2021.  Teachers continue to try to be inventive with the eLearning environment and have varied approaches.  B&F will take back up the LLM monies to see how the school can provide additional support to the teachers during remote learning.  Teachers were thanked by Dr. Magee for all that they are doing to support the students during this challenging time.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

Report reviewed and A Nguyen confirmed that the New Hires submitted are replacing empty current PCHS employee positions.  A Nguyen also thanked all of the faculty participating on Saturday school for helping it to be such a success.  Report stands as submitted.


Director of Operations Report

Report reviewed.  D Parcell further clarified that due to the recent COVID Safer at Home orders the school is trying to reduce the "footprint" of those who are on campus as much as possible that the school isn't "locked down".  Faculty who needs to come onto campus to pick something us have the ability to do so.  Remaining report stands as submitted.

P Magee reminded everyone that we are on LAUSD property and need to comply with their guidelines.  Legal counsel did clarify that PCHS could perhaps apply for waivers for some things at the request of the Board.  

D Parcell also clarified that devices which are at the end of their lease cycle do not need to be returned for approximately 2 months so there is time to figure out a collection plan in light of the COVID orders.  He also clarified that filming continues to be considered an essential business so this will continue on campus.


Director of Development Report

Reviewed and stands as submitted


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

Reviewed and stands as submitted.  It was clarified that the Seamless Summer Option Program also known as SSL will be on hold until the Safer at Home restrictions are lifted.  Students and their families can continue to receive meals with LAUSD Grab and Go programs throughout the county.


Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report

Report stands as submitted.  Dr. Magee stated that she is going to look very closely at information that's come from a state level from county and LUSD from all of the entities that are so involved in trying to make decisions that are going to be a keeping kids safe, but also with a real focus on how might we come back onto campus second semester so many unknowns.  We're trying all the steps in place to try to slow the spread, but also there's great encouragement for schools, not to make decisions yet about the full second semester looking toward possibilities of a vaccine and what that might mean for for mid semester.  A possible, whether it's hybrid return there that you know what that might look like.  We will certainly be working with our collective bargaining partners to develop what is that hybrid model, it's something that we have talked about and we will be working out a plan. But for now, we're also looking at things like the Friday schedule. We've got preliminary information from surveys. We've got some great ideas. We're looking at to pare that down and now that we have some very specific suggestions re survey our stakeholder groups to try to make some decisions and determinations. That would help us be better prepared for second semester. So that's information that will be forthcoming in the in a pretty near future. Again, we're just really wanting to make sure that we keep our campus safe, but also planning for what second semester might look like. Some great conversations about grading for equity and you're going to hear a little bit more about that with a presentation in a little bit, but it's very important conversations have gotten started not that this is the first time they've been discussed it Pali. One thing I want to remind people of I included in my report, a number of the various compliance reports that come up on an annual basis. We are fortunate we did a great job with our Accreditation six years. It wasn't a six year clear three years ago was when we actually submitted that but will actually be doing the midterm report the spring. We will be viewed filing a progress report on how things have been going for the past three years. And what we're trying to accomplish over the coming three years. Also re included our annual performance space oversight visit report. We're working with the charter school division from LAUSD on Friday to plan out our annual audit. Dr. Magee encouraged everyone to review these documents. They reveal so much about our school and how things work and how it works with our authorized her and as as the governing board. She emphasized the importance of reading the Charter and know those sections, but to look at this compliance review because one thing I will say about our authorizers is they are very thorough.  She is just encouraging folks to please look at the things that we have in place and then let's make some decisions about what we can do better. And we can really do a good job of celebrating what we do well because we do a lot of things really well at our school. 

III. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Academic Accountability Committee

That was well received and collaborative regarding discussions around the Friday schedule, which I think has already been discussed here multiple times. Further discussion now is being led between  UCLA and Dr. Magee and Chris Lee and others. regarding what can be worked out to potentially do a side letter to our mo you that would make adjustments to help students.  In terms of the timing, which we're trying to get done this semester. Ideally, but hopefully before school starts next next semester. And then the second issue. that was highlighted at the academic accountability committee was the review of our task in terms of what Dr. Magee was saying about how the school is getting reviewed. We need to make sure that our mission and our goals are in line with our budget and we're checking all the boxes in terms of putting resources towards crucial concerns and issues and priorities. So that was just an initial discussion and that will be followed up the January 14 the meeting and probably the next few months after that to make sure all stakeholders will have the ability to have input on our priorities.


Budget & Finance Committee

Primary updates provided in CBO report.  Actuals are on target with approved budget.  Committee continues to look at long term spending projections for big "bucket" items.


Post Retirement/Lifetime Healthcare Benefits

Revised actuarial report was reviewed by committee at their Dec. 2020 meeting.  We had an updated actuarial report required to get those done every other year. So we had one at December of 2018 and an updated report was reviewed at the lifetime health benefits meeting.  In summary, our 2018 liability of 19 million has gone up to 21 million because we have been unable to fund this the past several years due to budget deficits.  We should be budgeting $691,000 annually to ensure that this is funded for eligible recipients.


Election Committee

Working on elections and committee positions for the spring 2021.

IV. Academic Excellence


Special Education Plan

Discussed and stands as submitted


Student Academic Progress and Impact of the Zero

Presentation was given by T Christopher and S Burr.  Stands as submitted and they were thanked for their thoughtful approach in the presentation provided.


Approval of the PCHS No Show Policy

James (Jim) Wells made a motion to Approve the No Show Policy as submitted by T Christopher.
Emily Hirsch seconded the motion.
Items 1 & 2 were approved as submitted.  Item #3 was revised to read 10 or more consecutive unexcused absences...
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Leslie Woolley
Jewlz Fahn
James (Jim) Wells
Emily Hirsch
Paula Anderson
John Rauschuber
Adam Glazer
Brenda Clarke
Brooke King
Andrew Paris
Sara Margiotta

V. Finance


2020-2021 First Interim Financial Report

Reviewed and stands as submitted.


Approval of the LCFF Budget Overview for Parents for 2020-21 as required by CDE

Sara Margiotta made a motion to approved the LCFF Budget Overview for Parents as submitted.
Emily Hirsch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Emily Hirsch
Brooke King
John Rauschuber
Sara Margiotta
Andrew Paris
James (Jim) Wells
Adam Glazer
Leslie Woolley
Paula Anderson
Brenda Clarke
Jewlz Fahn

VI. Facilities/Operations


Transportation Update



Operations Updates


VII. Governance


Approval of Request for Opinion from FPPC Regarding Conflict of Interest Questions

Brenda Clarke made a motion to Approve Request of Opinion from FPPC Regarding Conflict of Interest Questions as submitted.
Paula Anderson seconded the motion.
It was requested that the Board look into allowing students to serve as voting member on Board of Trustees.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sara Margiotta
Brenda Clarke
Jewlz Fahn
Adam Glazer
Paula Anderson
James (Jim) Wells
Leslie Woolley
Brooke King
Andrew Paris
John Rauschuber
Emily Hirsch


Review and Discussion of Current Committee Structure

Item was discussed with legal counsel.  Committee structure of various committees was discussed.  PCHS policies and governance were reviewed. It was suggested that once the FPPC recommendations were received the Board can discuss and revise committee structure policies as needed per PCHS best practices.  Teachers and Dept. Chairs are continued to be encouraged to come and represent their needs at B&F as well as to provide individual needs/dept. needs in anticipation of every budget cycle.

VIII. New Business / Announcements


Announcements / New Business

Next Board Meeting January 12, 2021


Announce items for closed session, if any.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:37 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Margiotta
Documents used during the meeting
  • Faculty Board Report_12_08_2020.pdf
  • HR Board Report_12_08_2020.pdf
  • Operations Board Report_12_08_2020.pdf
  • Development Board Report_12_08_2020.pdf
  • II.H - Credit Card - Nov 2020.pdf
  • CBO Board Report_12_08_2020.pdf
  • EDP Board Report_12_08_2020.pdf
  • PALIHS 8798 Oversight Report 2019-2020 FINAL.pdf
  • ELA Participation Rate 9_18_2019.pdf
  • ELA Performance 9_18_2019.pdf
  • GRAD Rate 9_12_2020.pdf
  • Math Participation Rate 9_18_2019.pdf
  • Rev. Math Performance 9_18_2019.pdf
  • Effective_Grading_Practices_Jan_2011_updated 2020.pdf
  • PCHS No Show Policy.pdf
  • V.A - 2020-21 First Interim Presentation.pdf
  • V.A - First Interim & Actuals to 10-31-2020.pdf
  • V.A -PCHS 1ST INTERIM 2020-2021 - SACS FORM.pdf
  • V.B - PCHS - budgetoverviewparent2020.pdf
  • Palisades BOT FPPC Questions FINAL DRAFT 12_05_2020.pdf
  • Draft GP #9_12_07_2020.pdf