Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday June 23, 2020 at 5:00 PM


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As per Executive Order N-29-20 from Governor Newsom, the Palisades Charter High School Board of Education meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 23, 2020, at 5:00p.m. will move to a virtual/teleconferencing environment. Calling into the meeting may incur a charge and PCHS is not responsible for any charges.

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at

Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

Trustees Present

Adam Glazer, Andrew Paris, Brooke King, Dara Williams, Emily Hirsch, Larry Wiener, Leslie Woolley, Paula Anderson, Reeve Chudd, Rick Steil, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Greg Wood

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Greg Wood

Guests Present

Amy Nguyen, Dave Suarez, Don Parcell, Isabel Gill, Kevin Lorick, Mary Bush, Michael Rawson, Russel Howard

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Leslie Woolley called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Jun 23, 2020 at 5:09 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

Public Comments were read into the record:
Monica Betts King
Question about comments and the Brown Act
Public Comments will be accepted until 5:40
Jewlz Fahn inquired about setting up a COVID-19 fund to donate to in order to get students back to school
Monica King commented.
Dave Suarez had a comment about item 11 involving comments.
Dr. Vanita Nicholas inquired about PPP loan covering staff and thus not requiring lay-offs.
Monica King asked questions about layoffs in the study center and what will be happening with the study center



Approve Minutes

Paula Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting (Budget) on 06-09-20.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Organizational Reports


Student Report

BLM movement was discussed. ASB worked to create a google form for students to feel heard. This was done at the suggestion of a student who mentioned that some students do not feel connected to the administration. It gives students a forum to write openly to the administration.
ASB will be attending a national conference. The fact that it is virtual gave them this opportunity because they have not been able to attend in the past. July 22nd to 24th is when it is scheduled to take place.


Parent Report

Reeve Chudd was impressed with the way that the semester ended given the challenges.
Sara Margiotta has received a couple of comments from parents that want the students to go back to school. There have been some offers of financial support if there could be a hybrid model. 
Jewlz Fahn inquired about setting up a COVID-19 fund to donate to in order to get students back to school


Classified Staff Report

Nothing to report


Faculty Report

Report was submitted and is with the written board materials.
Still no contract with the faculty
Some paychecks are incorrect
Questions about having adequate technology available to students
Complaints about access to campus
Many teachers have requested that they be able to teach from their classrooms even if school is online
Teachers would like input into the decisions about returning in the fall.
Teachers would like more professional development with regard to eLearning.
Several teachers wanted clarity on the PPP loan
Don Parcell stated that the reason for teachers giving advanced notice is to avoid conflicts with cleaning or work being done in the classroom.
Willing to be flexible and but to make sure that no teacher wastes their time going and that the school can get the work done.
Question from Paula Anderson about teachers coming to campus on the weekends; Don Parcell mentioned that we still wanted to minimize the number of people on campus; Don Parcell is willing to talk to the administrative team as things open up to make modifications.



Human Resources Director (HR) Report

There are a number of candidates for interns. One of the interns is known to us, James Buckman and he is a hard worker. So seeking approval for this student who is a student from National University. His provisional credential will be valid starting July 1, but he won't start teaching until the start of school. Rick Steil indicated that he knows this particular intern and is impressed with him.
Sara Margiotta made a motion to approve the National University Special Education Candidate James Buckman's.
Reeve Chudd seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Adam Glazer
Sara Margiotta
Dara Williams
Brooke King
Andrew Paris
Emily Hirsch
Rick Steil
Paula Anderson
Larry Wiener
Reeve Chudd
Leslie Woolley


Director of Operations Report

Stands as submitted.


Director of Development Report

Reports submitted showing comparisons to last year.
Total unrestricted funds are over $400,000, which is approximately 80% of the goal
Next year will be a very challenging year with respect to fundraising.
Two platforms have been put in place to assist groups with fundraising.
Looking at possibilities for videotaping and sportscasting athletic events if there are no spectators. A small fee could be charged for the service; and other fundraising possibilities.
Interest in creating a COVID-19 fund.
Reached out to foundations to let them know the highlights of what Pali has been doing so that we publicize what the school is doing especially concerning campus unification days.
Discussion about CTE.
Question from Leslie Woolley about the Booster Club auction; Booster is still considering doing something online for the remaining items but nothing has been done yet.



Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

Report stands as submitted. There were some issues with the credit card company. The charges are in the materials.
The PPP loan; great benefit to the school given that we are still expecting funding deferrals
Legislature and Governor are passing a budget with major deferrals but hoping that there will not be funding cuts; but there is some reliance on the federal government to provide some funding.
There will be additional information of the possibility of forgiveness but there are a variety of complicated rules for whether the loan can be forgiven.
Discussion about the layoffs is designed more for an eLearning environment because some of these positions are not needed; 60 days notice is needed so that is why it was done already.
The layoffs can be recalled
Dave Suarez mentioned that there are provisions for the loan not to be repaid.
Different options provide different benefits.
And laws are being written weekly to address forgiveness.
Dara Williams and Dave Suarez brought up issues about whether the loan will be forgiven. Dara Williams mentioned that she thought it unlikely that the loan will be forgiven if the state provides the entire amount of the budget. Dave Suarez brought up that if we follow the terms of the loan then it will be forgiven but that is not a given. Greg Wood brought up that if the loan is forgiven then the monies will be added to the budget and that he is working with experts to determine the best course of action to be able to get the highest amount forgiven possible.



Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report

At this point, the administration does not have re-opening plan in place. A parent survey was distributed and there have been meetings with UTLA. But Pali is still beholden to decisions made by other entities so we are still in a holding problem.
Multiple plans will be made so that there are various options are available.
Various factors will have to be considered depending on how things look closer to the start date with respect to the infection rate and best practices as they develop.
The administration started listening groups on systemic racism; students and staff were involved in these discussions; this is definitely a school priority.
There's a possibility that students will be given a student about coming back.
Paula Anderson brought up a hybrid model that she had heard about; wanted to know who to send these ideas to; Pam Magee said to send the ideas directly to her.
Pam Magee discussed creating a google doc so that people can share and see what has been shared.


III. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Election Committee Updates

A limited election took place.
Jewlz Fahn was elected for the Palisades parent seat. 
Brooke King made a motion to approve Jewlz Fahn for the non-traveling parent seat.
Reeve Chudd seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Board Committees (Board Members Only)


Survey Committee Updates

We did not use Columbia this year to save money and because this year was so different; Pali conducted the survey itself.
Results will be presented in August.

V. Changes/Updates in Response to COVID-19


Operations Written Report

Written report.
Sara Margiotta made a motion to approve the operations written report.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Report to the Community

This explains what the Operations report is.

VI. Finance


Student Tech Devices Acquisition

Quotes are needed from other conversion schools; seeking new devices.
Three vendors with similar pricing. The total is over $700,000 (the document was presented at the meeting.) Least expensive for leasing is $763,089.41 over a 4-year period.
It comes with a 4-year warranty and accident protection.
Lease to own is the most desirable option for cash flow. Board already voted to fund it by lease to own. 
This purchase was in the budget.
The best price is from STS Education
1500 Lenovo model no. 300e
These are the devices that Jeff Ropel recommends.
Dara Williams made a motion to approve the lease to own of up to 1500 Lenovo model 300e devices from STS Education.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Adam Glazer
Sara Margiotta
Brooke King
Rick Steil
Andrew Paris
Emily Hirsch
Larry Wiener
Reeve Chudd
Dara Williams
Leslie Woolley
Paula Anderson
Sara Margiotta made a motion to amend the motion for leasing to own the Lenovo model 300e devices so that Pam Magee is authorized to obtain bids from financing companies and to enter into a contract with a leasing company for these devices.
Dara Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Rick Steil
Sara Margiotta
Adam Glazer
Emily Hirsch
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
Larry Wiener
Reeve Chudd
Leslie Woolley
Paula Anderson

VII. LAUSD Requirement for Pali Academy


LAUSD requirement for bid process of Pali Academy

We were required by LAUSD to bid on Pali Academy and we are only permitted to have it if we are the winning bid. Submitted letter back in May. Start date is in July but we haven't heard back from LAUSD. 
Other schools have had to engage in this type of bidding process as well.
But this is expense is that was not anticipated. So the budget may have to be revised. It may be that the bid needs to be a certain amount of ADA for the Pali Academy students.
It had been included in our school lease.
1% of our funding is the amount LAUSD gets for the facility.

VIII. Facilities/Operations


Transportation Update

Board materials contain details about the scholarship offers.
The deadline was extended because of the delay in getting out the scholarship letters.
Most people pay the down payment at the last minute.
Ridership numbers are just under 450; it should get us to the same number of busses as last year and with a low vacancy rate.



Operations Updates

Nothing else to report.

IX. Governance


Final Thoughts from Exiting Board Members

Medals for exiting members.
Reeve's medal is for best editor.
Larry's medal is for being even-keeled and helpful on the grade appeal committee.
Rick's medal is for being with and asking good questions.
Dara's medal is for keeping us on track with the Brown Act and acting as secretary.
Larry's thanked the Board members for giving him the opportunity
Reeve said that the past 2 years have been a great education; it's been a challenge and an inspiration; fundraising has been a real challenge as had to address the issues of the haves and have nots through issues such as transportation; seen administration's dedication and the commitment of those dealing with the continuing budgetary constraints; thanked his fellow board members for nurturing his education and he salutes those who engage in this important work; takes comfort in his exit leaving it in extremely capable hands
Rick mentioned that as a teacher it is very difficult to be involved in the process without having a voice; so much is financial and a conflict of interest; enjoyed the camaraderie
Paula expressed her gratitude to all of the exiting board members.


Election of Interim Secretary

Sara Margiotta volunteered.
Emily Hirsch made a motion to nominate Sara Margiotta to be.
Paula Anderson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Election of Interim Chair

Reeve Chudd made a motion to nominate Leslie Woolley as the interim chair.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

X. Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Employment Contract


Consideration of Sixth Amendment to Contract for Employment of Executive Director/Principal, Including the Addition of New Language Recognizing the Potential for Compensation Decreases During the Term of the Contract

Voting on a one-year extension to the contract based upon the evaluation. There is also a new term relating to a possible salary decrease under certain circumstances. 
Dave Suarez brought up the 5% increase in Pam Magee's yearly contract; this provision expired year's ago; her pay raises are now aligned with UTLA raises as are the raises of other administrators.

Adam Glazer made a motion to extend the EDP employment contract for the term set forth in the materials.
Emily Hirsch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Larry Wiener
Leslie Woolley
Reeve Chudd
Rick Steil
Sara Margiotta
Paula Anderson
Andrew Paris
Brooke King
Dara Williams
Adam Glazer
Emily Hirsch

XI. Administrators Employment Contracts


Consideration of Employment Agreements with Administrative Staff (Positions Listed Below), Including the Addition of New Language Recognizing the Potential for Compensation Decreases During the Term of the Agreements

There is also a new term relating to a possible salary decrease under certain circumstances. Each of these contracts would be extended by one year to keep them as three-year contracts.
Dave Suarez has expressed concerns of the teachers especially given that they are operating without a contract; teachers are questioning the necessity of a 3-year contract for the administrators
Pam Magee brought up that administrators are not represented employees; there are provisions regarding them being at-will employees if there is a need to down-size.
In the past, there were committees that considered things with regard to adding positions.
Dave Suarez mentioned the 12-week buy out period; Amy Nguyen mentioned that this is the same as in previous years.
Mark Bresee mentioned that the state budget prohibits teacher layoffs for next year.
Adam Glazer brought up that the fact that the administrators being willing to take a pay cut shows flexibility.
A discussion was had with regard to whether the board members are given information about the administrator evaluations before voting. Dave Suarez expressed concerns about whether stakeholder input is considered in these evaluations; some people are reluctant to come forward; as Adam Glazer pointed out, teachers are able to come to board members to express their concerns.; and that people have to be brave and speak up.
Dave Suarez pointed out that there is a lack of trust in general. 
Rick Steil said that faculty feel like they do not have a voice. 
Rick Steil mentioned that a Greg Wood is on the agenda to be the CFO at El Camino.


XII. Consent Agenda: Finance Items


Approval of reimbursements for Executive Director/Principal

No reimbursements.

XIII. New Business / Announcements


Announcements / New Business

Board training is being planned with a tentative date of July 7th.
The Board meeting dates are in the materials.


Announce items for closed session, if any.

XIV. Open Session


Return to Open Session

return to close session
Reeve Chudd made a motion to administrator contracts contained in the board materials.
Dara Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dara Williams
Paula Anderson
Leslie Woolley
Brooke King
Reeve Chudd
Emily Hirsch
Andrew Paris
Adam Glazer
Rick Steil
Larry Wiener
Sara Margiotta


Report Out on Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any.

During closed session there was a detailed discussion about the contracts and the evaluations for  the administrators.

XV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Pam Magee indicated that she would work with Steve Klima and Dave Suarez to find a meaningful way to get input about the administrators.
Shout out to Isabel Gill for sticking with the meeting.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:43 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Leslie Woolley
Documents used during the meeting
  • 06-23-20 - June Faculty Board Report.pdf
  • Intern RSP Teaching position James Buckman.pdf
  • HR Board Report June 23.2020.pdf
  • PCHS Board Report for Operations for 2020-06-23 Board Meeting.pdf
  • Development Report 62320.pdf
  • CBO Report 06.23.20.pdf
  • EDP bdrpt 6.23.20.pdf
  • COVID-19 Report.docx
  • COVID-19 Community Report.docx
  • Dr. Magee EDP Contract Amendment 6.23.2020 (FINAL).pdf
  • AMY NGUYEN 2020 - 2023.pdf
  • CHRISTOPHER LEE 2020 - 2023.pdf
  • DONALD H. PARCELL 2020-2023 (1).pdf
  • GREGORY WOOD 2020-2023.pdf
  • MARY BUSH 2020 - 2023.pdf
  • MONICA IANNESSA 2020 - 2023.pdf
  • RUSSEL HOWARD 2020-2023.pdf
  • TAMI CHRISTOPHER CONTRACT 2020 - 2023 .pdf
  • Board_Meeting_Schedule_2020_2021_DRAFT.pdf