Palisades Charter High School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday March 31, 2020 at 3:00 PM
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Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.
Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.
DIAL-IN NUMBER: (605) 475-5900. ACCESS CODE: 660-0134
Please note that the conference dial-in number above is only active when a Board Trustee has indicated they will calling from an off-site location to participate.
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.
Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.
DIAL-IN NUMBER: (605) 475-5900. ACCESS CODE: 660-0134
Please note that the conference dial-in number above is only active when a Board Trustee has indicated they will calling from an off-site location to participate.
Trustees Present
Adam Glazer (remote), Andrew Paris (remote), Brooke King (remote), Dara Williams (remote), Emily Hirsch (remote), Larry Wiener (remote), Leslie Woolley (remote), Paula Anderson (remote), Reeve Chudd (remote), Rick Steil (remote), Sara Margiotta (remote)
Trustees Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
Dr. Pam Magee (remote), Greg Wood (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
Dr. Pam Magee (remote), Greg Wood (remote)
Guests Present
Amy Nguyen (remote), Karen Cox (remote), Laney Chao
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Leslie Woolley called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Mar 31, 2020 at 3:02 PM.
Record Attendance and Guests
Public Comment
Approve Minutes
Brooke King made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 02-11-20.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
Dara already corrected the spelling of Rauschurber and Wiener's namesĀ
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Reeve Chudd |
Paula Anderson |
Larry Wiener |
Leslie Woolley |
Andrew Paris |
Brooke King |
Sara Margiotta |
Adam Glazer |
Rick Steil |
Emily Hirsch |
Dara Williams |
Approve Special Board Meeting Minutes
Brooke King made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting on 03-14-20.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Paula Anderson |
Larry Wiener |
Dara Williams |
Adam Glazer |
Andrew Paris |
Reeve Chudd |
Leslie Woolley |
Emily Hirsch |
Rick Steil |
Sara Margiotta |
Brooke King |
II. Organizational Reports
Student Report
Many senior activities and other activities have been canceled. It was decided that activities that are up in the air should be canceled or rescheduled for a later date, rather than wait until the activity was canceled.
Activities are being planned to give seniors recognition.
Each class is creating activities to keep their classes engaged.
Voting online will happen when necessary.
Virtual spirit days are being planned as well.
Rick Steil inquired about the yearbook and if there is a sense that orders will be greater than usual because of the cancellation of other activities. Laney's sense is that more people will want the yearbook.
Activities are being planned to give seniors recognition.
Each class is creating activities to keep their classes engaged.
Voting online will happen when necessary.
Virtual spirit days are being planned as well.
Rick Steil inquired about the yearbook and if there is a sense that orders will be greater than usual because of the cancellation of other activities. Laney's sense is that more people will want the yearbook.
Parent Report
Reeve mentioned that the system set up seems to be working very smoothly.
Sarah mentioned that it seems that eLearning has been easier for some teachers than for others.
Dara mentioned that some parents are concerned with grading policies.
Dr. Magee mentioned that they are waiting for an update for the Department of Education regarding advice in changes for grading policies. That advice is expected by April 2nd.
Sarah mentioned that it seems that eLearning has been easier for some teachers than for others.
Dara mentioned that some parents are concerned with grading policies.
Dr. Magee mentioned that they are waiting for an update for the Department of Education regarding advice in changes for grading policies. That advice is expected by April 2nd.
Classified Staff Report
Classified employees have been put into new positions.
Special Education Assistants have been very helpful and have gone over and above to assist.
Special Education Assistants have been very helpful and have gone over and above to assist.
Faculty Report
UTLA collected some feedback. All of the teachers right now our doing their best to deal with eLearning and technology. Paula Anderson mentioned that she has never seen a more dedicated staff. The teachers who are IT experts have been assisting other teachers. Everyone has been stepping up. Larry Wiener has noticed that the staff has been working well together and supporting one another. This is something that has come from the top. The 2 days given to faculty to launching the program were instrumental. It has been a boost to morale.
Steve Klima reported that teachers want to be part of the discussion regarding grades going forward. There are concerns about Schoology and the lag time on the site. Teachers realize that the administration is not able to control this. Some teachers pointed out that this reinforces the need for technology professional development. Thoughts about maybe not going live for the entire school day all five days of the week.
Dave Suarez also mentioned issues with online testing. While teachers could go to essays, this could become overwhelming for students and for teachers who would have to grade them.
Steve Klima reported that teachers want to be part of the discussion regarding grades going forward. There are concerns about Schoology and the lag time on the site. Teachers realize that the administration is not able to control this. Some teachers pointed out that this reinforces the need for technology professional development. Thoughts about maybe not going live for the entire school day all five days of the week.
Dave Suarez also mentioned issues with online testing. While teachers could go to essays, this could become overwhelming for students and for teachers who would have to grade them.
Human Resources Director (HR) Report
Faculty have been very responsive to learn about Zoom.
The report stands as submitted.
The report stands as submitted.
Director of Operations Report
Report stands as submitted.
Director of Development Report
Report stands as submitted with the following updates.
CTE grant funds can roll over because it doesn't have to be spent this year.
Received some emails from concerned parents wondering how they could help. Parents gave $4000 to purchase Chromebooks. A CTE advisory member offered $10,000 to give to the school to wherever the greatest need is.
Researching COVID-19 grants for the school. Planning on submitting a request to FEMA.
Governor's budget in May could impact funding for schools next year given the sums that will have to be spent on COVIC-19.
Reeve Chudd inquired about the Booster Club auction. Mike Rawson noted that the auction has been moved to May 31st and are hoping that it will be able to go forward that day.
CTE grant funds can roll over because it doesn't have to be spent this year.
Received some emails from concerned parents wondering how they could help. Parents gave $4000 to purchase Chromebooks. A CTE advisory member offered $10,000 to give to the school to wherever the greatest need is.
Researching COVID-19 grants for the school. Planning on submitting a request to FEMA.
Governor's budget in May could impact funding for schools next year given the sums that will have to be spent on COVIC-19.
Reeve Chudd inquired about the Booster Club auction. Mike Rawson noted that the auction has been moved to May 31st and are hoping that it will be able to go forward that day.
Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report
Highlighted some areas regarding how changes in education have impacted PCHS.
Materials are included with the agenda and packet.
Tax modifications due to COVID-19.
Checks will be issued and sent to employees.
Revisions to the budget may be necessary based upon changes to the Governor's budget because of the COVID-19 crisis.
There is a state bill to cover some COVID-19 expenditures, mostly related to PPE but also for extraordinary expenses. PCHS may be eligible for approximately $50k in funding. Some funds may be released at the federal level as well.
Four CBOs of the conversion high schools have been having conference calls to share information.
PCHS seems to be ahead of the curve as compared to other schools.
Freezing ADA on month six should be a positive for PCHS but it may be dependent on the funds available and whether that is a set amount or will fluctuate if all schools ADA is higher.
Materials are included with the agenda and packet.
Tax modifications due to COVID-19.
Checks will be issued and sent to employees.
Revisions to the budget may be necessary based upon changes to the Governor's budget because of the COVID-19 crisis.
There is a state bill to cover some COVID-19 expenditures, mostly related to PPE but also for extraordinary expenses. PCHS may be eligible for approximately $50k in funding. Some funds may be released at the federal level as well.
Four CBOs of the conversion high schools have been having conference calls to share information.
PCHS seems to be ahead of the curve as compared to other schools.
Freezing ADA on month six should be a positive for PCHS but it may be dependent on the funds available and whether that is a set amount or will fluctuate if all schools ADA is higher.
Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report
Report stands as submitted.
Pali has done amazing. The teachers came out of the gate strong and are the reason that Pali is ahead of the curve. The students have also been amazing. Student leadership is making efforts to have everyone feel like they are still at school.
All of the stakeholders have been compassionate, kind, and caring.
The administration will carefully consider how to approach grading and will be looking at all of the options after hearing from the Department of Education. There will be an effort to avoid any penalties.
Equity is a major concern.
April 2nd webinar for AP teachers regarding the AP curriculum and exams.
Reeve Chudd inquired about the online registration applications for new students. Dr. Magee assured him that the freshman class will be full.
Sarah Margiotta indicated that she liked the hybrid grading version as some fo the highly academic kids may want to opt in to receive a grade.
Pali has done amazing. The teachers came out of the gate strong and are the reason that Pali is ahead of the curve. The students have also been amazing. Student leadership is making efforts to have everyone feel like they are still at school.
All of the stakeholders have been compassionate, kind, and caring.
The administration will carefully consider how to approach grading and will be looking at all of the options after hearing from the Department of Education. There will be an effort to avoid any penalties.
Equity is a major concern.
April 2nd webinar for AP teachers regarding the AP curriculum and exams.
Reeve Chudd inquired about the online registration applications for new students. Dr. Magee assured him that the freshman class will be full.
Sarah Margiotta indicated that she liked the hybrid grading version as some fo the highly academic kids may want to opt in to receive a grade.
III. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)
Budget & Finance Committee Updates
Report stands as submitted.
Election Committee Updates
Reeve Chudd and Paula Anderson have been talking about the elections. The timeline had to be moved. Some seats do not have applicants so the timeline has been extended. They need the Election Buddy Information. The student elections are going forward as scheduled.
A few people expressed an interest in running during this meeting. Because of this the timeline in today's materials should work.
A few people expressed an interest in running during this meeting. Because of this the timeline in today's materials should work.
Sara Margiotta made a motion to approve the new timeline for the Elections.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Brooke King |
Rick Steil |
Larry Wiener |
Adam Glazer |
Paula Anderson |
Reeve Chudd |
Sara Margiotta |
Leslie Woolley |
Emily Hirsch |
Dara Williams |
Andrew Paris |
IV. Academic Excellence
Math Placement Policy
Agree on the great efforts dedicated to the eLearning program.
Preparing for Phase 2 of eLearning.
Draft of eLearning Phase 2 has been prepared with input from the Curriculum Council and the Department Chairs. Hoping to roll this out after Spring Break. Grading policies are not part of this phase. A new bell schedule has been proposed with input from Chris Lee.
An emergency amendment was made to the math placement policy.
Larry Wiener discussed how the incoming May placement test will not be given; instead their middle school math grades and scores on their standardized tests to place students. There will be consideration of the possibility that the spring grades were impacted by school closures. There is a plan to administer a checkpoint test during the first week of school in order to catch placements that may not align with student ability. Using an extensive Cal State test. State law gives families 3 attempts to challenge the math placement so there have to be 3 available assessments.
Tech Coaches are available to help with tools and teachers are now more motivated to learn these tools and the school closure has enabled teachers to use professional development time to update their technology skills. Teachers have been finding some great ways to connect with students.
The one glaring issue with the students is that they are starved for human contact and the mentorship provided by teachers.
Chris Lee lauded our attendance during the school closure; most classes for Pali are in the mid to high 90s. Check-in quizzes are a good way to stay connected and to reach out to students who are not engaging. Phone calls and emails are being sent to help these kids (about 160 kids).
Preparing for Phase 2 of eLearning.
Draft of eLearning Phase 2 has been prepared with input from the Curriculum Council and the Department Chairs. Hoping to roll this out after Spring Break. Grading policies are not part of this phase. A new bell schedule has been proposed with input from Chris Lee.
An emergency amendment was made to the math placement policy.
Larry Wiener discussed how the incoming May placement test will not be given; instead their middle school math grades and scores on their standardized tests to place students. There will be consideration of the possibility that the spring grades were impacted by school closures. There is a plan to administer a checkpoint test during the first week of school in order to catch placements that may not align with student ability. Using an extensive Cal State test. State law gives families 3 attempts to challenge the math placement so there have to be 3 available assessments.
Tech Coaches are available to help with tools and teachers are now more motivated to learn these tools and the school closure has enabled teachers to use professional development time to update their technology skills. Teachers have been finding some great ways to connect with students.
The one glaring issue with the students is that they are starved for human contact and the mentorship provided by teachers.
Chris Lee lauded our attendance during the school closure; most classes for Pali are in the mid to high 90s. Check-in quizzes are a good way to stay connected and to reach out to students who are not engaging. Phone calls and emails are being sent to help these kids (about 160 kids).
E-Learning Update
Discussion included in Section A, above.
School Year Calendar
Chris Lee spoke about the proposed school year calendar and the possibility of including emergency days. UTLA representatives proposed date for students would be 8/19 with the teachers having professional development on 8/17 and 8/18.
Dara Williams mentioned that another option is to have the teachers come for professional development on 8/13 and 8/14 and starting school on 8/17.
UTLA is questioning whether building in days is even necessary given that school can be switched to an eLearning environment. There are potential problems with access to technology and also whether the state would allow it to be counted toward ADA. The state typically doesn't let us know right away if we can waive the ADA for those days.
Leslie Woolley mentioned that school closure days should be built into the schedule.
The Board seems to be of this mindset but UTLA is indicating that this is a bargainable issue and from their comments, it is not clear that UTLA wants the days to be built in.
Chris Lee and Dara Williams brought up that recurring school closures are addressed by the Education Code and the possibility of closures should be addressed in the school calendar.
Steve Klima pointed out that we are not yet at a mandate. The UTLA representatives indicated that they are not taking a position on this, but would like to have a concrete calendar to take to the faculty.
Some of the minimum days at the end of the school year could be used for makeup days.
Monica Iannessa mentioned that so far the state has not adopted any eLearning measures and so there is nothing that would apply to ADA for eLearning. Other Board members expressed that building in some emergency days would be a good idea.
Chris Lee mentioned that UTLA put out a survey asking about whether school should start 2 days earlier or if pupil free days during the second semester should be used if emergency days are needed. The split was 50/50. Other days including holidays were considered as well. The bottom line is this is contractual so there would have to be a vote. So negotiations on this will be part of the school negotiations.
Further discussions about school calendar and emergency days being included.
It was suggested by UTLA that the Board discuss this as part of a closed session negotiation session.
Negotiations are part of the closed session agenda so this can be discussed during closed session tonight.
Dara Williams mentioned that another option is to have the teachers come for professional development on 8/13 and 8/14 and starting school on 8/17.
UTLA is questioning whether building in days is even necessary given that school can be switched to an eLearning environment. There are potential problems with access to technology and also whether the state would allow it to be counted toward ADA. The state typically doesn't let us know right away if we can waive the ADA for those days.
Leslie Woolley mentioned that school closure days should be built into the schedule.
The Board seems to be of this mindset but UTLA is indicating that this is a bargainable issue and from their comments, it is not clear that UTLA wants the days to be built in.
Chris Lee and Dara Williams brought up that recurring school closures are addressed by the Education Code and the possibility of closures should be addressed in the school calendar.
Steve Klima pointed out that we are not yet at a mandate. The UTLA representatives indicated that they are not taking a position on this, but would like to have a concrete calendar to take to the faculty.
Some of the minimum days at the end of the school year could be used for makeup days.
Monica Iannessa mentioned that so far the state has not adopted any eLearning measures and so there is nothing that would apply to ADA for eLearning. Other Board members expressed that building in some emergency days would be a good idea.
Chris Lee mentioned that UTLA put out a survey asking about whether school should start 2 days earlier or if pupil free days during the second semester should be used if emergency days are needed. The split was 50/50. Other days including holidays were considered as well. The bottom line is this is contractual so there would have to be a vote. So negotiations on this will be part of the school negotiations.
Further discussions about school calendar and emergency days being included.
It was suggested by UTLA that the Board discuss this as part of a closed session negotiation session.
Negotiations are part of the closed session agenda so this can be discussed during closed session tonight.
V. Changes/Updates in Response to COVID-19
Extend School Closure
Discussion about the authority the administration be given to extend school closure.
Discussion about aligning it with state or LAUSD closures, which will likely be the same.
Discussion about aligning it with state or LAUSD closures, which will likely be the same.
Brooke King made a motion to extend school closures to align with LAUSD/State Department of Education.
Paula Anderson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Adam Glazer |
Leslie Woolley |
Emily Hirsch |
Reeve Chudd |
Sara Margiotta |
Brooke King |
Paula Anderson |
Larry Wiener |
Andrew Paris |
Rick Steil |
Dara Williams |
Waive Community Service Graduation Requirement
40 hours is required. Some seniors wait to do it. So the thought is to waive the requirement for this year's senior class. Thought to lower the hours for all students at Pali during this COVID-19 closure.
We can still encourage kids to continue doing community service through online resources.
This requirement is not necessary to get a diploma.
We can still encourage kids to continue doing community service through online resources.
This requirement is not necessary to get a diploma.
Paula Anderson made a motion to waive the community service requirement for seniors.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Reeve Chudd |
Andrew Paris |
Brooke King |
Larry Wiener |
Sara Margiotta |
Adam Glazer |
Emily Hirsch |
Rick Steil |
Dara Williams |
Leslie Woolley |
Paula Anderson |
Adjustments to Grade Appeal Process
Grade appeals can be done virtually if the parent and student agree to this format. It is not necessary to vote on that.
Dara Williams brought up that we shouldn't make any changes to the spring semester grade appeals until we have a spring semester grading policy in place.
How they will be recorded is something the Grade Appeal Committee will discuss.
Dara Williams brought up that we shouldn't make any changes to the spring semester grade appeals until we have a spring semester grading policy in place.
How they will be recorded is something the Grade Appeal Committee will discuss.
COVID-19 Related Issues and Impact on School
Pam Magee added that our current attendance policy is something that should be waived for this year. Other Board members mentioned that this was a good idea.
There was a discussion about not failing seniors. There are concerns about students not turning anything in. But there are also problems for many students who may be sharing computers with siblings who are also attending online school. It would be very difficult to handle attendance appeals.
Some of the issues with access and grading will be addressed in later phases of eLearning.
There was a discussion about not failing seniors. There are concerns about students not turning anything in. But there are also problems for many students who may be sharing computers with siblings who are also attending online school. It would be very difficult to handle attendance appeals.
Some of the issues with access and grading will be addressed in later phases of eLearning.
Paula Anderson made a motion to waive the attendance policy and that it not be considered for grading with regard to the 2019-2020 school year.
Andrew Paris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Emily Hirsch |
Dara Williams |
Sara Margiotta |
Brooke King |
Leslie Woolley |
Reeve Chudd |
Larry Wiener |
Adam Glazer |
Paula Anderson |
Rick Steil |
Andrew Paris |
VI. Facilities/Operations
Transportation Update
Originally planned for late March be the end of the registration process. Because people sometimes wait until the last minute so the deadline for registration is now May 5th. That gives the families time to register and make the down payment and the administration to determine scholarship amounts and appeals. To date there are 90 scholarship applications. Busses for activities for this year have obviously been canceled. We are not being charged for the busses that are not running.
Students won't be charged for April and if school remains closed for May it will be the case for May as well.
Students won't be charged for April and if school remains closed for May it will be the case for May as well.
Operations Updates
While school is not in session, campus is not closed. So there is the ability to go to campus for faculty and others if necessary.
Everyone is pulling together to make things run smoothly. Technology staff has gone the extra mile for everyone during this massive transition.
Everyone is pulling together to make things run smoothly. Technology staff has gone the extra mile for everyone during this massive transition.
VII. Finance
2nd Interim Report
Materials are included with the meeting packet.
All the predictions are now off because of the COVID-19 school transition to eLearning.
Some expenditures will be lower but some may be higher.
And anticipating some major funding cuts may be imposed.
Reeve Chudd brought up that the state's revenue streams will be impacted. The cash of the school is at least in a defensive mode because not funds were invested in the stock market.
But STRS and PERS are invested.
All the predictions are now off because of the COVID-19 school transition to eLearning.
Some expenditures will be lower but some may be higher.
And anticipating some major funding cuts may be imposed.
Reeve Chudd brought up that the state's revenue streams will be impacted. The cash of the school is at least in a defensive mode because not funds were invested in the stock market.
But STRS and PERS are invested.
2nd Interim Summary and Detail
Board Resolution: Notification to CharterSafe of Potential Withdrawal from JPA
Option to withdraw. We have to notify CharterSafe.
Dara Williams made a motion to approve the Notification to CharterSafe of Potential Withdrawal from JPA and that Dr. Pam Magee be authorized to sign it.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Rick Steil |
Brooke King |
Larry Wiener |
Sara Margiotta |
Reeve Chudd |
Adam Glazer |
Dara Williams |
Emily Hirsch |
Paula Anderson |
Leslie Woolley |
Andrew Paris |
Dara Williams made a motion to approve the Notification to CharterSafe of Potential Withdrawal from JPA and that Dr. Pam Magee be authorized to sign it.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Dara Williams |
Rick Steil |
Emily Hirsch |
Larry Wiener |
Adam Glazer |
Andrew Paris |
Reeve Chudd |
Sara Margiotta |
Leslie Woolley |
Brooke King |
Paula Anderson |
VIII. Governance
Board Resolution for English Learners Authorization Waiver
Reeve Chudd made a motion to approve the Board resolution for English Learners Authorization Waiver for Kelly Loftus.
Paula Anderson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Dara Williams |
Andrew Paris |
Larry Wiener |
Rick Steil |
Adam Glazer |
Paula Anderson |
Reeve Chudd |
Sara Margiotta |
Emily Hirsch |
Leslie Woolley |
Brooke King |
IX. Consent Agenda: Finance Items
Approval of reimbursements for Executive Director/Principal
There is nothing to approve on the consent agenda. The credit card statement was included for informational purposes. Some refunds may be issued but it is not known if all activities that have been canceled will result in a refund.
X. New Business / Announcements
Announcements / New Business
Rick Steil inquired as to whether the Board was forming a task force with regard to opening in the fall. Dr. Magee thought the idea of a task force is a good idea.
In the middle of the Executive Director Principal's evaluation. Please let the committee know of any comments that they receive.
In the middle of the Executive Director Principal's evaluation. Please let the committee know of any comments that they receive.
Announce items for closed session, if any.
XI. Open Session
Return to Open Session
Report Out on Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any.
Nothing to report out.
XII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:07 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Leslie Woolley
Documents used during the meeting
- HR Board Report March 31 2020.pdf
- PCHS Board Report for Operations for 2020-03-31 Board Meeting.pdf
- Development Report 03_31.pdf
- II.H - Credit Card_Feb 2020.pdf
- 03.31.2020 CBO Board Report.pdf
- EDPbdrpt 3.31.20 (1).pdf
- Budget_Finance_Board Report 3.31.2020.pdf
- 2020 Election Timeline - Revised 03-20.pdf
- VIII.A - 2nd Interim Summary and Detail.pdf
- RESOLUTION_OF_THE_BOARD_Charter_safe_opt_out_2020.docx
- RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD Waiver 3.26.2020.pdf
Comments on COVID-19, Schoology/eLearning, and grading policies.