Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 11, 2020 at 5:00 PM


School Library, Palisades Charter High School,15777 Bowdoin St., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

DIAL-IN NUMBER: (605) 475-5900. ACCESS CODE: 660-0134
Please note that the conference dial-in number above is only active when a Board Trustee has indicated they will calling from an off-site location to participate.

Trustees Present

Adam Glazer, Andrew Paris, Brooke King, Dara Williams, Larry Wiener, Leslie Woolley, Paula Anderson, Reeve Chudd, Rick Steil, Sara Margiotta

Trustees Absent

Emily Hirsch

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Greg Wood

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Greg Wood

Guests Present

Amy Nguyen, Karen Cox, Laney Chao

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Leslie Woolley called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Feb 11, 2020 at 5:09 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

Steve Klima
Concerns about issues with payroll errors. Still dealing with this even though it was brought to the Board's attention in August. It has an impact on morale. The way that the issues are dealt with leads to a lack of trust. Some teachers were incorrectly paid before the holidays and they were counting on that money.

John Rauschuber
Third appearance before the Board this year. The issues with lifetime health benefits are unresolved and this is not acceptable. Many employees don't own their own homes, have to commute, have to care for others and/or have kids in college. The teachers do not have the ability to participate in the school's financial decisions. It is not right that the contract was allowed to expire without a COLA and the issue of lifetime benefits has not been resolved.

Laney Chao
ASB President
PowerPoint presentation
Explains the function of ASB
ASB raised $4705
Each grade has raised funds as well

Maddie Stein
PowerPoint presentation continues
Represent the student body
ASB holds events

Jeremiah Lewis
PowerPoint presentation continues
Hold elections
Recruitment process is fair and diverse

Talia Davood
PowerPoint presentation continues
Explains role of class president

Selene Laam
PowerPoint presentation continues
Describes the role of the Commissioner of Student Involvement and Clubs

Joe Fisher
PowerPoint presentation
Describes the role of the Commissioner of Communications and the Commissioner of Athletics

Jocelyn Moline
Describes the role of the Commissioner of Publicity

Itzel Hernandeez
PowerPoint presentation continues
Describes ASB recruitment activities



Approve Minutes

Reeve Chudd made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 01-14-20.
Paula Anderson seconded the motion.
Dara was not there. Corrections from Reeve Chudd noted on paper.
Greg Wood noted that there is a paragraph that is repeated.
C. Update regarding school start date: says 70% of teachers and it should say 70% of respondents.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Brooke King
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch
Larry Wiener
Reeve Chudd
Paula Anderson
Dara Williams
Adam Glazer
Rick Steil
Sara Margiotta
Andrew Paris

II. Organizational Reports


Student Report

Valentine's Day Activities:
Pali Palooza will replace the spring dance. Students and teachers will be performing. 
It will be on the outside stage on February 28th from 5:00 to 8:00.


Parent Report

Sara Margiotta mentioned that an email came out via Dewey Dolphin; she felt that the email was very misleading. It tallied all of the individual classes into one lump. It would have to be 7 absences in one class.  The tallies are not coming up correctly in Infinite Campus and Tami Christopher indicates that they are working on the problem.


Classified Staff Report

Nothing to report.


Faculty Report

The faculty members do not understand why there is still no contract. The faculty don't think that the Board has their interests at heart.  Still problems with over-size classes. Lifetime Health Benefits Fund underfunding is still an issue and is moving very slowly. The fitness center is not accessible to the teachers; teachers need keys. The paycheck issue mentioned by Steve Klima is of concern. The Special Education Department is concerned about comments made about Special Education. There have been cuts to the department including 2 faculty members. The Department has been working hard to coordinate with outside agencies. Faculty and staff are unaware of the cuts that have been made and that faculty and staff workloads have increased and that is also affecting morale.

The faculty had positive feedback about the data discussed with them at the Professional Development meeting. Colleagues are talking about each other in a positive way.

Leslie Woolley asked about the origin of the information about the lack of safety compliance and the shortage of desks and chairs comes from. Paula Anderson responded that the information is through emails as reported by teachers. Leslie Woolley asked that if this is the case that teachers should be instructed to speak to the administration. Pam Magee encouraged people to come forward with their concerns as well. Don Parcell also encouraged staff and faculty to email or contact him or Chris Lee about any safety concerns.

VAPA and PE have massive classes and it is hard to get sufficient space.
We are at maximum capacity.
With all this, the faculty and staff are upset that there is no contract.
Dance and some larger classes are in Mercer Hall or the small gym.
Mercer is used as a classroom sometimes to try to accommodate the larger classes.
It is difficult to use Mercer because it is used for other things.
Worries about lawsuits from employees using the fitness center for personal fitness.
Adam Glazer suggested a liability waiver could be signed by the teachers.
Steve Klima mentioned that part of the aggravation is that no one was told, the keys were just changed without explanation.
There was also a key to a bathroom that was changed without notice to anyone; Don Parcell indicated that an email was sent out.
There are issues with coverage by the insurance company.
The administration needs to find out whether the insurance company would cover it if the faculty and staff sign a waiver.
Chris Lee mentioned that teachers have reached out about class size and other issues.



Human Resources Director (HR) Report

The report stands as submitted.
Added that there is a classified CALPERS workshop coming up.


Director of Operations Report

Sara Margiotta had a question about why we are replacing campus aids with substitute teachers. Don Parcell was told to use internal resources and that is why. Sara Margiotta pointed out that this is not a wise use of funding. There are implications based upon the number of days that substitute teachers work.
Amy Nguyen pointed out that going to an outside company has costs as well. So there is a cost-benefit analysis. Steve Klima mentioned that LAUSD does have a classified staff substitute unit. It can also skew the budget numbers and make it look like there is a higher allocation for teacher salaries. Greg Wood pointed out that there is a modification to the allocation this year so that this won't be a problem as far as allocation in the future.
Amy Ngyuen pointed out that sometimes temporary employees from an agency may not understand the high school culture, whereas substitute teachers do.


Director of Development Report

The report is with the materials. and stands as submitted. The report was on an excel spreadsheet and there was a problem incorporating it into BOT.
The Booster Club is doing a different type of program for the auction this year; it is on March 14th at the Santa Monica Women's Club.
The show is Hot Tamales Live, which was the first platform for female comedians. This has been a springboard for some very famous celebrities. It is also multicultural. There will also be salsa dancing.
There will be a silent and live auction, booths, and food. If they sell 30 tables, they will make a profit.



Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

The report stands as submitted.
Comfortable adding another 7 ADA, which is another $75,000
The cafeteria is performing to budget.
We have a new credit card company and their terms are good and late fees should be a thing of the past.  
Conference about school budgets and impacts on education.
Funding commitments were discussed; in May the funding levels will be locked in.
SELPA uncovered some monies that LAUSD took that LAUSD agreed to return to the Charter schools. 
Hoping to have the tax return by the March meeting.



Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report

The report stands as submitted.
Monica Iannessa, Tami Christopher, and Chris Lee put on a great Professional Development Day.
The administration wants the UTLA negotiation to be a positive process and wants to keep things positive. Pam Magee agrees that morale among the adults is important.
The administration needs to have more discussion with counsel before negotiations can move forward. There have been mini-surveys that have been distributed. Important to have face to face conversations rather than emails.

III. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Academic Accountability Committee Updates

Larry Wiener:
The committee met last week and is working on preparing for the new mandated start time. Also looking into a change in the bell schedule. The committee wants to hear from faculty and have them participate in the process.


Budget & Finance Committee Updates

Sara Margiotta
The committee met last week. We are over in certificated and classified salaries but we are still tracking to be a $1.2 million surplus to go back to the underfunded reserves.
Gearing up to start the budget process with the departments.


Charter Committee Updates

Nothing to report. 


Election Committee Updates

Friday meeting.
6 seats are open.
Next week the election packet will be posted on the website.


Post-Retirement/Lifetime Healthcare Benefits

Ellen Pfahler, the chair of the Lifetime Health Benefits meeting. She came here to address some questions as to the progress. The minutes from the meetings are posted on the Pali High website. Part of the committee's responsibility is to look to how to reduce long-term liability. Meeting with various agencies who provide benefits in order to reduce costs but provide benefits at the same level.
The pool and track loan has a 4.5% return and there is a 1.5% return for the remaining funds. That is how the money is being invested. Right now there is no shortfall, it is just the long term concerns that we have. Some other investment opportunities are being explored. Mike Rawson will present an idea.

We do need to approve the committee members.
Newer employees would like to change from the two-tier system where the newer employees do not have the same benefits. Hearing from different brokers might present us with some solutions. The meeting is this Thursday at 3:15. One possibility is an opt-out incentive for some people and other options will be discussed by the brokers.

List of committee members
Ellen Pfahler 
Sara Margiotta
Michael Rawson
Mark Snyder
Emily Hirsch
Andrea King
Joel Jimenez
Randy Tenen-Snow
John Rauschuber
Susan Ackerman
Linda Burgess
Jean Maninger
Brenda Clark
Paul Mittlebach
Paula Anderson made a motion to approve the members of the Lifetime Benefits Committee.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Board Committees (Board Members Only)


Board Members Only - Committee Updates

Nothing to report from Audit.
Grade Appeals Committee reported that grade appeals have started up.

V. Academic Excellence


Dashboard Presentation

Dashboard Presentation is in the materials and was presented via PowerPoint.
Dashboard data is able to compare different years.
Sometimes it is hard to see gains because we are already achieving at a high level.
Gone to green for suspension.
Graduation is staying in the blue (highest category)
EL is a very small population so that is why it is gray.
Creation of SART discussed; since we are a Charter we cannot have a SARB, but we can have a SART. Tami Christopher would like to have the first SART at the end of this semester but it is more likely going to be up and running in the fall.
There are some places where it shows that are local indicators were not met but according to Monica Iannessa this was an error and, in fact, all local indicators were met.

Still have an achievement gap with certain subsets of students.
Want to know about transportation problems and whether that results in absences.
SART will explore why the student isn't getting to school and to develop a plan to help.

Data is available to teachers in different places in addition to Dashboard.




See previous discussion.


Virtual Academy

The goal is to help serve the students who cannot make it to a traditional classroom.
The curriculum includes A-G required for UC schools
This is an independent study program.
They use an online curriculum
This is a program within PCHS, not a separate school.
In order to participate, the student must be enrolled at PCHS. Must take at least 80% of courses in the Virtual Academy; can take up to 20% of courses in the traditional classroom.
PowerPoint presentation on the Virtual Academy.
Virtual Academy started with 12 students and it now has 72 students.
The classes align with Pali common assessments and are introducing math standards.
Use the Accelerate Curriculum
100% graduation rate and 70% of seniors accepted into 4-year colleges.
Time management is an important skill to succeed.
Rick Steil pointed out that there is a great benefit to taking online classes from anywhere in the world.


Special Education/Student Services Report Update

A teacher resigned over winter break and the other teachers are covering that caseload. Room for one student and assessments are being conducted for 14 students. The caseload limit for resources specialists is 28. Linda Burgess has taken on 10 cases so that is what has allowed them to continue without the teacher. Another retired special education teacher has come to assist with the assessments. Still working with the Hess report. Amy Ngyuen is looking into adaptive PE.

VI. Facilities/Operations


Operations Updates (Including Transportation)

Discussed spray-on sunscreen and how it isn't good as far as being inhaled.

Transportation -- registration for the bus and the scholarship application period will start on February 18th. The process will start to distribute the $192,000 in awards. The goal is to have an idea by June of the ridership for next year and then be able to plan bus routes with the goal of having low vacancy rates. Try to avoid the in school year adjustment.

VII. Finance


2020-2021 Budget Calendar

Budget calendar is in the materials.
Dara Williams made a motion to approve the 2020-2021 Budget Calendar presented in the materials with the modification to the May 28th and May 29th meetings being full-day meetings.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Consolidated Application

The Consolidated Application needs approval by the Board.
Dara Williams made a motion to approve the submission of the Consolidated Application by Dr. Pam Magee.
Reeve Chudd seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Governance


2019 -2020 Compliance Monitoring and Certification of Board Compliance Review

As we prepare for the spring audit we need to ensure compliance. These are all of the areas that LAUSD wants the Board to be aware of. The school is training on the suicide prevention policy. 
Dara Williams made a motion to certify that the board reviewed the Compliance Monitoring and Certification.
Adam Glazer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of Amended Bylaws

The by-laws were amended when the Charter was renewed. Reeve Chudd brought up that we are not both directors and trustees. It should be one or the other and it should be uniform. 
Paula Anderson made a motion to approve the by-laws as amended to change all references to directors to trustees and to change all references to chairman to chairperson.
Sara Margiotta seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Ad Hoc Committee (Governance Policies)

Reeve Chudd, Sara Margiotta, and Dara Williams had volunteered at the retreat to be on this committee.
Dara Williams resigned from that committee and Paul Anderson agreed to replace her.


Form 700 Reporting

All Board members must sign. For employees, they must check the appropriate box for Form C.

IX. Consent Agenda: Finance Items


Approval of reimbursements for Executive Director/Principal


Approval of Field Trips

All of the funding is coming from outside sources for all of the outside. Leslie Woolley wanted to make sure that the number of chaperones is appropriate for the number of students. Pam Magee will ensure that the number of chaperones and those who are serving as chaperones is appropriate.
An additional tennis field trip was presented. 
Reeve Chudd made a motion to approve all of the field trips presented.
Dara Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

X. New Business / Announcements


Announcements / New Business

Next Board meeting is scheduled for March 17th but that is during the CCSA so we will change it to March 24th.


Announce items for closed session, if any.

At 7:54 we went into closed session.

XI. Open Session


Return to Open Session


Report Out on Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any.

In closed session, the Board approved a resignation agreement with a certificated classroom teacher; the vote was unanimous by those on the board who were entitled to vote on the motion.  


XII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:58 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Leslie Woolley
Documents used during the meeting
  • Faculty Report February 2020.pdf
  • HR Board Report February 2.11.2020.pdf
  • PCHS Board Report for Operations for 2020-02-11 Board Meeting.pdf
  • Board of Trustees 21120.xlsx
  • GrantReport2019_20.xlsx
  • II.H- 2019-2020 Enrollment ADA Report Projection to Month 5.pdf
  • Agenda Item II. H. CBO Board Report.pdf
  • II.H - POOL_PERMIT 2019-2020 01-30-20 YTD.pdf
  • II.H_-_Credit_Card_19-20_YTD_Summary.pdf
  • II.H - Updates to 12.2019 v02.11.pdf
  • II.H - Cafeteria Updates 12-31-2019.pdf
  • EDPbdrpt 2.11.2020.pdf
  • EDP_Board Materials.pdf
  • Board Presentation 2_11.pptx
  • Posted SARC 2018-2019.pdf
  • VII.A - 2020-2021 Budget Calendar.pdf
  • VII.A - Governors Budget Workshop_Summary.pdf
  • 2019_2020_Complaince Monitoring and Certification of Board Compliance Review.pdf
  • PCHS BYLAWS_REVISED 10_4_19.docx
  • Field Trip Request.pdf