Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday June 6, 2017 at 5:00 PM


Gilbert Hall, Palisades Charter High School, 15777 Bowdoin St., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.
 Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
 Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

DIAL-IN NUMBER: (605) 475-5900. ACCESS CODE: 660-0134
Please note that the conference dial-in number above is only active when a Board Trustee has indicated they will calling from an off-site location to participate.

Trustees Present

Andrew Paris, Dara Williams, Deanna Hamilton, Emilie Larew, Emily Hirsch, Leslie Woolley, Robert Rene, Rocky Montz, Susan Ackerman

Trustees Absent


Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

Robert Rene

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Greg Wood

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Greg Wood

Guests Present

Shelby Ladnier

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Emilie Larew called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Jun 6, 2017 at 5:23 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

No public comments.


Approve Minutes

Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 05-16-17 Board Meeting on 05-16-17.
Deanna Hamilton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Rocky Montz
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
Emily Hirsch
Emilie Larew
Leslie Woolley
Susan Ackerman
Deanna Hamilton

II. Organizational Reports


Student Report

Prom was May 20th and Senior Picnic was last Friday.
Homecoming October 29th next year.


Parent Report

Nothing to report.


Classified Staff Report

Andy Paris reported that classified employees are interested in getting their paychecks on the first of the month.

He also raised an issue regarding the fact that wheelchair bound students have to go travel onto the roadway to get to a wheelchair accessible dip in order to get onto campus when accessing the campus from Temescal and Bowdoin. He would like the school to consider adding a wheelchair accessible dip at Bowdin and Temescal that does not require going onto the roadway.  Rocky Montz mentioned that this is included in the Garden Gateway design.


Faculty Report

Coming into the home stretch with graduation on Thursday.
Faculty is happy to be coming into the end of Finals.
We are looking forward to summer break and a new year.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

Report stands as submitted.
Amy Nguyen added that there will be a faculty and staff vote on whether to switch from Delta Dental to Cigna Dental and that Pali is doing well on hiring new faculty.


Director of Operations Report

Stands as submitted.


Director of Development Report

Stands as submitted.


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

Budget Committee is working on the budget.  Working on the fixed items (not variable expenditures).  
The schedule included in the report shows that out of the $32 million budget that we have approximately $3 million variable expenses (so $29 million fixed).  


Executive Director / Principal (EDP) Report

Stands as submitted.
Pam Magee added the following:
The administration, faculty, and staff are Excited about graduation on Thursday at Stadium by the Sea at 5:30.
The graduation program is included in the materials.
All the Board Members have received a magazine, "Disrupting Inequity," that has been distributed to all staff as summer reading as part of our school initiative to reinforce cultural diversity.   This is an area that the school has brought focus to and will continue to emphasize.

III. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Budget and Finance Committee Report

Greg Wood presented.
Approval of budget is not on here because more time is necessary to work out a balanced budget.  The vote has been postponed to our second June meeting.  Last week there were two full day meetings were all budget items were discussed.  There is still a $223,000 shortfall that needs to be worked out.  The Budget & Finance Committee also met today in an effort to balance the budget.  There were a number of contracts that the Budget & Finance Committee were presented and the recommendation from the Committee is to enter into those contracts.  LCAP items were considered by the Budget & Finance Committee.  The budget will be presented at next meeting.


Academic Accountability Committee Report

Nothing to report.


Charter Committee Report

The minutes of the Charter Committee memorialize and reflect the places where the changes need to be made.
Some discussions were had with respect to the possibility of having some board members appointed especially in light of the fact that when only one person runs that person is essentially appointed.
We need to make sure all the areas discussed in meetings are incorporated into the language of the charter.
Deanna Hamilton will take over as the Chair for the Charter Committee.


Election Committee Report

Election Committee has not met.
New member Camille Schoenberg is present at tonight's meeting as a member of the audience and was introduced to the Board.


Post-Retirement Healthcare Benefits Committee Report

June 7th meeting is scheduled.  Updates from that meeting will be presented at the next Board meeting.

IV. Board Committees (Board Members Only)


Audit Committee

The audit has not yet been conducted but is scheduled for the near future.  There is nothing to report at this time.


Grade Appeal Committee

Nothing to report.


Survey Committee

Nothing to report.

V. Governance


Potential Change of June 20, 2017 Board Meeting Date to June 19, 2017

Leslie Woolley made a motion to move the June 20th Board Meeting to June 19th.
Andrew Paris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Susan Ackerman
Deanna Hamilton
Andrew Paris
Rocky Montz
Emilie Larew
Dara Williams
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch
Emilie Larew requested that we take a vote on moving the June 20th meeting to June 19th so as to have more non-interested board members in attendance.


Resolution: PCHS Employee Training Regarding Child Abuse Reporting Obligations

Presented by Amy Nguyen.  An audit found that a few of the employees had not completed their training on child abuse reporting obligations.  Employees were notified of the training including follow up emails.  Some staff did not complete it within the first six weeks of school, although it was completed shortly after.  The resolution is that it be mandated that it be done within the first six weeks of school and if it is not then the person will have to sit out of class to complete it.  It is always sent out prior to the start of school for any staff that want to work on it prior to the start of school.  Monday the 14th is the first day back for faculty and staff.
Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve the resolution regarding employee training on child abuse reporting obligations.
Andrew Paris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dara Williams
Rocky Montz
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch
Emilie Larew
Susan Ackerman
Deanna Hamilton
Andrew Paris

VI. Academic Excellence


Progress Update on Schoolwide Goal #2

Goal # 2 PCHS will continue to ensure the curriculum is aligned between grades, especially an alignment with math courses.  There were PLC pullouts in order to closely examine the curriculum as well as the curriculum from ahead and behind to make sure there are no gaps.  Teachers and PLC's have been provided with mini grants to provide funding necessary to promote this goal. The administration has a perspective regarding the alignment over the last 6 months and we now have a structure and guidelines to be aligned with LCAP criteria.  PLCs can apply for mini-grants over the summer to continue this work.  

The grading policies and procedures survey had 100% participation.  The results of that survey were presented to the faculty and staff to try to resolve any outliers.  Then the policy was presented last month to the board for approval.
LCAP measurements will be presented at the next meeting.
The administration is hopeful that the survey information will give us some meaningful feedback so that we know where we are headed with our goals for next year.  Pali is working with Paul Revere to align there curriculum with Pali's as well.  A meeting is planned for June 12th.  The goal is to see where we want students to end up at graduation and work back from there.
World Languages coach will be helping with the world languages curriculum and will implement a new curriculum. 
Maggie Nance will serve as the coach.

Ongoing student feedback, surveys, and more has helped us finalize our new structure and help to continue shaping our practices.
Math  - we have a meeting on June 12th with Paul Revere to create pair relationships in place.
World Languages - we are working with Maggie and she will be helping coach Languages department.


Non-School Sponsored Field Trip Policies & Procedures

Last month did not have the policy in the packet.  It is now in the packet so that if there was any feedback it could be discussed prior to the vote.  So it is now on the agenda.
Susan Ackerman made a motion to approve the non-school sponsored field trip policies and procedures.
Deanna Hamilton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Rocky Montz
Emily Hirsch
Dara Williams
Leslie Woolley
Emilie Larew
Susan Ackerman
Deanna Hamilton
Andrew Paris


Youth Suicide Prevention Policy

This policy was in last months agenda packet. Not only are we mandated to do this by the state but we want to do everything possible to protect our students.  We want to ensure that our students have a safety net.  The proposed policy covers all of the state mandates.
Susan Ackerman asked if we would be doing anything with parent training.
Pam Magee indicated we will be along with counseling.
Susan Ackerman made a motion to approve the Youth Suicide Prevention Policy.
Rocky Montz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) & LCAP Survey Updates

Discussed in various meetings with stakeholders and then distributed a survey to the parents and students.  There were more than got 350 responses.
This input will be incorporated into the LCAP discussion.
Focus on high needs students and students/parents affected by this were included.

VII. Facilities / Operations


Student Transportation Contract

Tumbleweed is not willing to provide service anymore and has pulled out of negotiations with us.  So we have contacted other vendors.  Of these other vendors only one is willing to work with us.  They are more expensive than what we currently have.  Either Pali or the students/parents will have to bear the increase.  Right now family contributions are $125 per month.  Assuming that we have the same needs for buses next year and have the same general percentages of free and reduced lunch next year, the cost would rise to $185 per student for next year assuming the same contribution from last year.  But it would be a $210,000 increase in our contribution if the student/parent contribution were $150.  Paul Revere private buses are approximately $180 per month.  That is to give us an idea for the local market for this.  The question comes down to how to we adjust this as far as who bears the cost.  All students are subsidized $15. Free lunch are 100% scholarship and reduced get a partial scholarship This assumes approximately the same rough numbers who would qualify for scholarships under free or reduced lunch but there would no longer be a subsidy for students who do not qualify.  We will know from Paul Revere the approximate number of incoming students from there who are currently on free and reduced lunch and we would get those numbers around July 1st.  Leslie Woolley spoke about a Waze carpool.  We have to be worried about endorsing any of these programs and while they may be an option in the long run but we would want to look at these more closely before we adopted anything like this.  Dara Williams pointed out that some parents can afford this and that while it is nice to subsidize these parents the money is coming from another part of the budget and we don't want to lose out on something else.  For instance the availability of technology to students who don't have it should not suffer.  Deanna Hamilton brought up that there may be some families who do need a subsidy even if they are not on free or reduced lunch.  Robert Rene asked a question about the increase, which is about $500,000. He would want to consider the possibility of giving scholarships to students who may need it, especially the kids who are already here.  

Deanna Hamilton inquired if in our multi-year budget we project that transportation costs will increase by a certain percentage.  Greg Wood responded that we did in the past but now our current transportation company has pulled out so the increase is higher than anticipated.  We have called over a dozen companies but only this one vendor is willing to bid.  We also have calls into LAUSD to see if they are interested in being our vendor. We have also inquired as to whether we can approach outside vendors, not approved by LAUSD, but we have not gotten an answer yet.  This may be moot because from Don Parcell's research so far those vendors are even more expensive.  Essentially the Budget & Finance Committee has already recommended that there no longer be any subsidies to other riders.  Currently there is no criteria for any other riders to get scholarships and the question is do we want to develop that.  Right now registration has not been turned on because we can't say what the cost is.  Susan Ackerman surmised that there are not many families who have had to opt out of going to Pali because they cannot afford transportation.  Deanna Hamilton asked what happens if too many parents opt out.  Don Parcell did indicate that if we don't have a similar volume of ridership and there are substantially less buses then the cost may change (and likely increase).  

Free and reduced lunch applications are based upon the income that the parents certify is their income.  Robert Rene indicated that we should not give any scholarship applications unless the family submits an application specifically for transportation instead of basing it on free and reduced lunch applications.  The only transportation that is required is for special education students, not for anyone else. This budget also includes transportation for athletics.  We are not legally obligated to pay for after school buses for athletics and other elective field trips but we do.  It's about $85,000 for those trips.  Emilie Larew pointed out that under the current time constraints that sticking with the free and reduced lunch as the criteria is the most realistic.  Robert Rene brought up is that if we don't have any other options then we should not have a debate.  Dara Williams brought up that we find ourselves in a somewhat of an emergency situation so we should probably stick with free and reduced lunch as the standard.  Leslie Woolley suggested putting a box on the on-line sign-up form for parents to donate to a transportation scholarship fund.
[Robert Rene arrived at 6:11 p.m.]
Robert Rene arrived.


Track & Football Field Repair/Resurfacing Contract

Continuing to try to get approval from LAUSD so that the project can be done this summer.  Also seeking bids from vendors for the project.
Hoping to be able to present more information by June 19th.
Leslie Woolley asked if we already had bids.  Don responded that we had to have a formal bidding process per LAUSD rules and that we have opened up that process.


Janitorial Services Contract

Our current contract is up.  We have a potential new vendor.  July 1st minimum wage will increase so cost of services will increase. Hope to have the contract ready for approval by next meeting.


Security Services Contract

Security contract is also expiring.  Finalizing a proposed new contract, which will be presented at the June 19th board meeting for a vote.


Cafeteria Food Service Contract

Chartwell is a potential vendor.  Sodexo has been our vendor for 14 years and is now leaving.  
Three companies came to bid on cafeteria contract.  Three toured the campus and two had tastings. Staff and students attended the tastings.  There was an RFP ranking for both Chartwell and Fresh Start.  Chartwell scored a 95 and Fresh Start scored a 90.  
We have a need to have a faster delivery of the food as well as trying to improve the food as we want to increase participation.  Food cost is $3.60 per lunch and $3.60 for every two breakfasts.  
We have one employee who is the auditor of the program as the rest of the employees are Chartwell's.  
We have asked for a biometric device to avoid problems with students forgetting their pin numbers and people double using pin numbers.  Once the Board does approve the contract it is still subject to CDE validation of what we approved.  We need to give approval to the EDP to sign it after approval by the CDE.  
Robert Rene asked about participation and making sure that we have feedback so that we continue trying to get increased participation.  Chartwell will have students give feedback so that their menus can be modified to ensure customer satisfaction.  The Chartwell representative indicated that they have been trying to get our business and they are committed to improving things here, which is a win for them as well based upon profitability.  
From Greg Wood's due diligence, other schools seem to be happy with Chartwell.  
Susan Ackerman inquired about the healthfulness of the menu.  The National School lunch program dictates what they are able to serve with regard to nutrition.  The goal is to have food that is easy to grab and that there are no long waits for it.  Emilie Larew went to the tasting and thought that the food was great and there were many good healthy foods that could be accessed quickly.
Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve the cafeteria food service contract subject to CDE Evaluation and to give authorization for Pam Magee to sign the contract following CDE approval.
Robert Rene seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dara Williams
Leslie Woolley
Emilie Larew
Rocky Montz
Susan Ackerman
Andrew Paris
Robert Rene
Deanna Hamilton
Emily Hirsch

VIII. Finance


PCHS Track & Field Repair Loan Approval

We have an expression of interest from Cathay Bank in providing a loan (an $850K loan @ 4 1/2%) based upon projected project cost of the track and field.  The loan documents would take 2 to 3 weeks to process.  We would need to pay $1000 to lock in the expression of interest.  The lag time for the loan documents would likely not affect the start date for the project.  The wild card in all of this is LAUSD approval.  There is seed money in the amount of $250,000 so we could start.  Don Parcell believes that we will have a proposed contract for the track and field by the next meeting.  But if we don't have everything in place by June 19th then we would want to have a special meeting in order to finalize approval for all of these things.  We would need to have everything in place by mid-July in order to start it this summer.  
Rocky Montz inquired as to what the annual cost for the $850,000 loan.  We will be looking to the income from the Civic Center Permit to pay for this loan.  


Updated Schoolwide Fundraising Policies and Procedures Approval

Tabled for next meeting


2017-2018 Insurance Policy Approval

Charter Safe Insurance Policy.  We are adding volunteer accident insurance and pollution insurance, both of which are recommended. One thing we have done to save us money is that in February or March is that we put them on notice of opting out and this enabled our broker A.J. Gallagher to put out our policy for bid, which at least piecemeal was $35,000 less than our first proposal from Charter Safe and Charter Safe price matched this.  Susan Ackerman asked about the terrorism insurance, which is included.  
Robert Rene made a motion to approve the Charter Safe contract.
Rocky Montz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Leslie Woolley
Emilie Larew
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
Rocky Montz
Robert Rene
Susan Ackerman
Deanna Hamilton
Emily Hirsch


College Readiness Block Grant Approval

We have a grant for this and the funds need to be budgeted.  Items totalling $130k+ are the items that are most aligned with this one time grant and would provide the most to our students.  The Budget & Finance Committee looked at these requests, in addition to some others, and these were the items thought to best fit the grant goals.  
Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve the college readiness block grant.
Susan Ackerman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Deanna Hamilton
Emilie Larew
Rocky Montz
Susan Ackerman
Dara Williams
Emily Hirsch
Leslie Woolley
Robert Rene
Andrew Paris


Approval of Capital Item Modifications for 2016-2017 Budget

Employee Board Members Emilie Larew, Rocky Montz, Andrew Paris, and Susan Ackerman recused themselves and were absent during this discussion and vote.
Budget for 2016 to 2017 it shows a surplus for capital expenditures. 
When looking at some of the items for 2017 to 2018 there were questions as to whether there are projects that we can accomplish in a short time using the surplus from this year.  There is a $100,000 security camera project that we can do and charge that to this year's books.  There is also a generator that we can purchase so that we can assure that there are no power outage issues.
Robert Rene made a motion to approve the capital expenditures for the security cameras and generator.
Deanna Hamilton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Susan Ackerman
Deanna Hamilton
Dara Williams
Emilie Larew
Emily Hirsch
Rocky Montz
Robert Rene
Leslie Woolley
Andrew Paris


PESPU MOU Approval

Met with PESPU on May 16th.  Classified staff clock in.  There is a 10 minute grace period. Times can be adjusted for things like forgetting to clock in or out.  Reasons for leaving early can be recorded.  Overtime is also recorded.  Same day changes can be accommodated.  This is all to clarify with PESPU how the system works.  There should be no financial impact for the organization. 
Robert Rene made a motion to approve the PESPU MOU.
Deanna Hamilton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Robert Rene
Susan Ackerman
Emily Hirsch
Emilie Larew
Rocky Montz
Deanna Hamilton
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
Leslie Woolley


2017-2018 Instructional Materials (IMA) & Textbook Budget

Employee Board Members Emilie Larew, Rocky Montz, Andrew Paris, and Susan Ackerman recused themselves and were absent during this discussion and vote.
Budget & Finance Committee would like us to lock in the textbook budget before the end of the school year such that faculty know what their budget is for the next school year in case they need to be ordered over the summer.  There was a question about a particular textbook not being on there but that teacher did not receive CTE acreditation so we are not ordering that textbook.
Budget for textbooks is $186,578.

Looked at averages over the past 4 years and came up with budget for IMA in the amount of $227,611.25. 
Robert Rene made a motion to approve the textbook budget in the amount of $186,578 and the IMA budget in the amount of $227,611.25.
Deanna Hamilton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Emilie Larew
Deanna Hamilton
Robert Rene
Rocky Montz
Leslie Woolley
Andrew Paris
Dara Williams
Susan Ackerman
Emily Hirsch


Contract for Operations Consultant (Interim Dir. of Operations) - Extend Service to June 30, 2017

Extension of contract to June 30th for the Operations Consultant.
Emily Hirsch made a motion to Extend the contract for the Operations Manager Consultant to June 30, 2017.
Robert Rene seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Deanna Hamilton
Emilie Larew
Dara Williams
Rocky Montz
Robert Rene
Andrew Paris
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch
Susan Ackerman


Director of Development Position - Conversion from Temporary to Mid-Management Position

Employee Board Members Emilie Larew, Rocky Montz, Andrew Paris, and Susan Ackerman recused themselves and were absent during this discussion.
Fundraising has been coordinated and successful.  Robert Rene suggested setting targeted performance for this position.  
This year 75% of the current salary for this position is funded by the Ed Fund.  For next year there has not been a discussion as to how much of this position would be funded by Ed Fund.  We need to determine whether the total salary will be funded by the general budget or whether there will be a contribution from Ed Fund.  Overtime we will have to determine the total cost of this position and the amount of funds the position generates.  Obviously we are not going to base the cost benefit analysis on one year only.
So this will be table until the next meeting until we determine how much, if any, will be funded by the Ed Fund.  


Adjustment of Salary Scale for Technology Supervisor/Coordinator Position

Employee Board Members Emilie Larew, Rocky Montz, Andrew Paris, and Susan Ackerman recused themselves and were absent during this discussion.
In the materials are comparable salaries for similar positions some of which is from 
Robert Rene brought up that we should not be deciding these increases without knowing whether they are being considered as part of the budget.  Robert Rene is also concerned about the process of this.  It is not related to the person or the performance.  It is simply voting on something that is not funded and the scale is then set in stone for the next eight years.  We don't want to create an expectation that there is an increase when we may have a budgetary challenge in the future.  Board members expressed their concerns over the fairly large salary increases over the next 8 years without knowing if we will have the budget to do this.  
Dara Williams asked that this be tabled until we have put these figures in the budget as opposed to the current figures, which the current budget is based upon.  Discussed that we need to look at these salaries as part of our budget over the course of time and realistically whether we can sustain these raises along with increases to benefits.  
Amy Nguyen was asked to bring back a salary scale with 3 years as opposed to 8 years and with the higher salary figures as part of the budget for next year, which hopefully will be balanced. 


Adjustment of Salary Scale for Operations Liaison Position

Employee Board Members Emilie Larew, Rocky Montz, Andrew Paris, and Susan Ackerman recused themselves and were absent during this discussion and vote.

Based upon increased job duties and comparable jobs at other schools we are recommending a salary adjustment of 5%.
The Overview of Compensation and Evaluation and Comparisons packet is presented with the board meeting materials.  
The salary scale with steps is included in the materials.  
So we would be voting on the entire table with respect only to the Operations Liaison. (The rest of the numbers are identical on each table, so only the Operations Liaison is affected.)

Deanna Hamilton made a motion to approve the adjustment to the salary scale to the Operations Liaison position as approved by Human Resources.
Emily Hirsch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Emilie Larew
Andrew Paris
Emily Hirsch
Dara Williams
Leslie Woolley
Robert Rene
Deanna Hamilton
Rocky Montz
Susan Ackerman


Adjustment of Salary Scale for Director of Human Resources Position

Tabled until next meeting.

IX. Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Support and Evaluation


Evaluation Committee Update

Nothing to report.

X. Consent Agenda


Approval of reimbursements for Executive Director / Principal

Nothing on consent agenda.


Approval of Field Trips

XI. New Business / Announcements


Announcements / New Business

Next board meeting is June 19th.
Board Training is on June 17th at St. Matthew's.  
Robert Rene brought up the long restroom lines being a problem during the breaks. 
Rocky Montz discussed that we consistently bring up that we want more capital expenditures on restrooms.  
The students make a mess of them during breaks so the upstairs bathrooms are closed because there are issues with constantly cleaning them.
Pam Magee brought up that there materials in the packet relating to the early release in the semester as a result of the water main break and the procedures for what Pali does in the event of these types of situations in the future.
Still want to do a board pass the baton social event.  We need an idea of when people are in town and available.  Sometime in July seems reasonable to most people.  Mid-July seems best.  Susan Ackerman volunteered her home.  


Board Chair to announce items for closed session, if any.

Closed session item was tabled.

XII. Open Session


Return to Open Session


Report Out on Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any.

The closed session item was tabled.

XIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:18 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Leslie Woolley