Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 16, 2017 at 5:00 PM


Gilbert Hall, Palisades Charter High School, 15777 Bowdoin St., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.
 Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
 Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

DIAL-IN NUMBER: (605) 475-5900. ACCESS CODE: 660-0134
Please note that the conference dial-in number above is only active when a Board Trustee has indicated they will calling from an off-site location to participate.

Trustees Present

Andrew Paris, Dara Williams, Deanna Hamilton, Ellen Pfahler, Emilie Larew, Emily Hirsch, Leslie Woolley, Robert Rene, Rocky Montz, Susan Ackerman

Trustees Absent


Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

Robert Rene

Trustees who left before the meeting adjourned

Emily Hirsch

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Greg Wood

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Greg Wood

Guests Present

Shelby Ladnier

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Emilie Larew called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday May 16, 2017 at 5:11 PM.
 Robert Rene will be arriving late.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

No public comment.


Approve Minutes

Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 02-21-17 Board Meeting on 02-21-17.
Andrew Paris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Emilie Larew
Andrew Paris
Susan Ackerman
Dara Williams
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch
Deanna Hamilton
Rocky Montz
Ellen Pfahler


Approve Minutes

Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 03-14-17 Board Meeting on 03-14-17.
Andrew Paris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dara Williams
Susan Ackerman
Emily Hirsch
Ellen Pfahler
Leslie Woolley
Deanna Hamilton
Emilie Larew
Andrew Paris
Rocky Montz


Approve Minutes

Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 04-18-17 Board Meeting on 04-18-17.
Andrew Paris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andrew Paris
Emilie Larew
Rocky Montz
Ellen Pfahler
Leslie Woolley
Susan Ackerman
Emily Hirsch
Dara Williams
Deanna Hamilton

II. Organizational Reports


Student Report

ASB mixer today with ASB students from 
Senior Carnival June 2nd
Senior Picnic also being planned
Prom this Saturday


Parent Report

Parents are planning the Senior Carnival and Picnic.


Classified Staff Report

Nothing to report.


Faculty Report

Important to prioritize student's mental health, especially during this time of year.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

Test food results will be published tomorrow.

Finished PEPSPU negotiations today.

Better benefits options and comparison analysis is being reviewed.  Some cheaper options for benefits with different providers.  Our benefits provider is coming back to talk to us about options with their plan.  The Board will be asked to review new possible benefit options.


Director of Operations Report

Stands as submitted.

Ms. Deanna Hamilton asked about "safety committee" concerns. Students may want to give feedback about ALICE drill improvement. Maybe get the students more involved. Per Rocky, we try to get as much feedback from students, staff, and faculty "as possible."

There should be a review of the"water main line" early dismissal. Can we improve the communication? Dr. Magee stated that we have analyzed and have since put better procedures in place. Don Parcell is new and is assisting in developing better processes and clearer communications.

How to educate parents and avoid confusion.

Track and field up grade will be on next month's agenda.


Director of Development Report

Stands as submitted. 

Grant proposals were not submitted due to lack of teacher submissions, so we were unable to meet some submission deadlines. The more compelling our grant policy the better our chance of getting it. So we need the information from the teachers because they can give us the compelling information about what we need.  Leslie Woolley asked if we can get some volunteering to help with grant processing so we don't lose some opportunities.
Leslie Wooley had a question about the a grant proposal for which we missed the deadline.  Michael Rawson indicates that we missed the deadline because we needed input from the teacher(s) and it was not provided. Leslie Wooley wants to know how we can avoid this going forward.  Susan Ackerman inquired as to whether there is a way to task certain faculty members with collecting the data.  
Dara Williams suggested holding a meeting for which the teacher would be given a stipend for attending the meeting and then during the meeting the teacher would work on collecting the data and providing it to Michael Rawson during the meeting time.
To date he has presented the information needed to the Department Chair and then gotten a recommendation of the specific teacher to whom it should be tasked. 


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

Stands as submitted.  
LAUSD Audit/Review was postponed due to family issues.  It has been postponed to a later date.
Tasting for Cafeteria Account is taking place.  Proposals will be submitted by May 24th or 25th and then will be brought to Budget Committee.  CDE also wants to look at the proposal to make sure it is compliant with state rules.  Then the proposal will be brought to the Board for a vote.



Executive Director / Principal (EDP) Report

Stands as submitted.

III. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Academic Accountability Committee Report

Michael Friedman gave updates us on Grading policy based on various meetings, scales for their grading, and reached a close 90% concensus. Still waiting to get some last minute agreement.
Some changes about changing or updating grading policy are being implemented. There are a list of items that got updated. Everyone in each department are getting positive concensus.
EDCO and all other documents are to be combined.
Combine language so we have a one master source.
We should look at designing a separate grading policy for summer school. Should we have a separate policy for "summer school?"
Certain aspects of a CELES that teachers try to keep consistent. We need to iron out some loose ends to let students/teachers know certain things will be established during the process of summer school.
Proposed "make up" policy - maybe change and standardize the wording in policy, and make it more committal, e.g., should vs. shall.
We want to have policies that support our vulnerable students.

Vote - pass the changes in the Grading Policy
Task Dr. Magee
Review whether a grading policy for summer school is needed.

Emilie Larew made a motion to pass makeup policy and change the wording should to shall. Susan seconds it. Robert abstained. No one opposed. Everyone else passes. Paragraph #.

Next AA meeting is August 24. Emilie Hirsch would like to join the upcoming new meetings.


Budget and Finance Committee Report

IMA Textbook - no recommendations came out of the committee.

All day Budget Finance committee meeting 5/31 & 6/1 will be conducted to finalize the 21017/2018 Budget and present to the Board.


Charter Committee Report

Trying to get the next meeting scheduled for 6/6 prior to the Board Meeting.


Election Committee Report

Voter Registration Process was interesting:
93 out of 142 faculty voted for this last Election. Only 3 1/2 % parents voted. Next time, let the closing time to vote go until 10pm.
We should find other ways to communication so we can get more parents involved.
Maybe have some of our sub-committees to help us with the process.
Every year we have about 6 seats up for election and its challenging to get people to run.
We may want to have more public exposure of Board members. Current Board member to occasionally attend school or public events to market the Board Committee and educate the public.

Maybe change the election cycles - have the Election & Charter Committee(s) look at rules and perhaps change some of the rules to improve our uncontested seats.
Change one year term to 3-5 year rolling years term.


Post-Retirement Healthcare Benefits Committee Report

Next meeting is on 6/7 @ 3:30pm in Faculty Cafeteria.

IV. Board Committees (Board Members Only)


Audit Committee

Nothing to report.


Grade Appeal Committee

Last two grade appeals were yesterday.  For the entire year only one grade was changed.


Survey Committee

Survey went out to employees, students are doing it on the activity day, and the link went out on the 6th and the link will close on the 20th.  Hoping for higher participation especially from students.

V. Academic Excellence


Progress Update on Schoolwide Goals

Handout on School Wide Goals was handed out as part of the materials and will be posted. 
We have been working on goals throughout the year based upon the goals that were set at the Board Retreat in August.
The website will be updated over the summer to refine it and make improvements.
Throughout the school year we work on creating a clear road map and we're always trying to readjust our goals accordingly.

We've been working hard to tell the Pali story, in a unique time, in a unique way during so much upheavals going on about Charter schools and politics.

In the summer months, we will be enhancing our website platform.  Current communications coordinator started recently and so there has been some adjustment period but things are running very smoothly now.  

Current events have allowed Pali to focus on bringing the community together.  Pali has been attending conferences throughout the state and country and presented information on what is special about Pali.  This has caused LAUSD to take notice of us and actually have wanted to learn from some of our successes.  Things such as the Student Bill of Rights and the peer mediation program
Better job of listening and being responsive to students and parents.  
Focus on student and adult emotional health.
Charter School Conference showed us that we are on the forefront of where schools need to be with implementation of programs to improve the student experience. 
Rocky Montz said that many of the production companies that come here have noticed and been impressed with how nice people are here and how many different and innovative things are happening on campus.


Non-School Sponsored Field Trip Policies & Procedures

Vote tabled as we need the materials.


Schoolwide Grading Policy

Michael Freidman presented.  
Math Department has reached a consensus.
Social Sciences Department has reached a consensus.
RSP Department has reached a consensus.
VAPA Department has reached a consensus.
Science Department has reached a consensus.
World Languages Department has reached a consensus.
Tech Ed Department has likely reached a consensus.
English Department working on reaching a consensus. 
PE Department is working on reaching a consensus.
There is some anxiety based on this being new.
The Current Grading Policy and the New Proposed Changes to the Grading Policy are included in the materials.

Some concerns about whether this is the same policy for summer school.  Summer school has unique aspects including that it is shorter so the number of absences make a difference.  Also students do work at home so it is not necessary for the students to come everyday.  Grading is done through a different system.  
Also, should there be a separate policy for Virtual Academy?
There is a vote as to the recommendations to the Board.
Emilie Larew brought up that the word "should" about the at least one class makeup policy might not be strongly worded enough and that perhaps the word "shall" or "must" should be used.  
Michael Friedman indicated that sometimes there are student athletes that miss multiple class periods and so there can be an issue with the amount of time given to make up the test.
Emily Hirsch brought up the student athlete problem and that it is not something in their control.  Of course there will always be the kid who takes advantage of the system.  
Emilie Larew brought up that we need to protect the students who may not have someone to speak up for them.  
Michael Friedman also made a comment about the grading policies in general.  He pointed out that consistency and transparency need to be part of the grading policy.  Some of the largest policies are be overlooked or ignored
Cell phone usages
Use of assessments
We have spent an immeasurable about of time addressing policies that only effect a few people. 
Should have no testing on AP testing days to even the playing field.
We should work on grading policies in order to even the playing field for all students, not just those in Special Ed or AP classes.

Emilie Larew made a motion to to pass the grading policy with a change of the word "should" to "shall" with regard to the reasonable makeup schedule in the highlighted portion of the proposed language in the 7th line.
Susan Ackerman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Leslie Woolley
Deanna Hamilton
Robert Rene
Andrew Paris
Emilie Larew
Susan Ackerman
Dara Williams
Rocky Montz
Ellen Pfahler
Emily Hirsch
Robert Rene arrived.


Youth Suicide Prevention Policy Draft

Administration has been talking about this for the past couple of months.  We are mandated to have a policy in place by July.  The materials for tonight came from the state.  Would like to get feedback from next month with thoughts on the policy.
There has been a focus on student mental health and this time of the year there is always a rise in stress due to transitions.
There will be a vote on this in June.


Policy Regarding Student Teaching at PCHS

These are agreements are essentially the same agreements that we have with other schools.  These two schools we are voting on are CSUN and Pepperdine.  There is also a policy proposal  that the teachers who have a student teacher must have taught for 5 years and be in good standing.  The Board Resolutions are so that these schools can take the agreement back to their Board.  These agreements give Dr. Pamela Magee the authority to accept these student teachers.  Dr. Magee thinks that these student teachers are good but must be assessed on a case by case basis.
Rocky made a motion to approve documents as presented. Ellen Pfahler seconded. Emily Hirsch absent. Passes unanimously.

VI. Governance


Certification of Board Elections & Information Regarding Mandatory Board Legal/Governance Training

Results of the elections are in the materials.  There was only one election between two candidates.  The rest of the candidates were unopposed.  Thinking that there may be a need to modify procedures for the student election for the faculty member elected by the students.  These elected Board members are now considered part of the Board so we need to comply with the Brown Act with regard to those elected members. Students were allowed to vote for the Community Member seat but there was no way for the students to vote. But the seat was unopposed so there is no harm in this case.  The student election for Mystic Thompson was held earlier.  So there should be some coordination to run the elections of the faculty representative for the student and the community member for whom the students are eligible to vote should occur at the same time.

Certifyng the elections - Emilie Larew can send the information out and encourage new elected Board members get invited to upcoming Board meetings before they star
at their seat.
Send the New Board Members a "thank you." The new Board members should be invited to the June 17th Board Training and given links to the Board Legal Training (audio).
Dara Williams made a motion to Approve the election results for the election of Mystic Thompson, David Carini, Andy Paris, Shawn McClellan, Emily Hirsch, and Camille Schoenberg.
Leslie Woolley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Leslie Woolley
Rocky Montz
Susan Ackerman
Emily Hirsch
Ellen Pfahler
Dara Williams
Robert Rene
Emilie Larew
Andrew Paris
Deanna Hamilton
Emily Hirsch left.
Voting was statistically low among the stakeholders.  
Parents were the lowest. Suggestions were that voting close later in the evening with a warning that day.
Part of the problem may be that people knew that the seats were uncontested.
Emilie Larew brought up that the municipal election today will have low voter turnout.
Robert Rene brought up that there should be an exploration as to how to get more stakeholder involvement.
Dara Williams asked Mr. Rene for any suggestions that he might have to do this.
Emilie Larew brought up that we just have so few people volunteering even to run for these seats.
Rocky Montz has suggested that Board Members go to Back to School Night or other public functions.
Emilie Larew also pointed out that there is rarely anyone here at the Board Meetings and that tonight there is no one here even for public comment.  
Deanna Hamilton brought up that incoming parents be given a packet explaining the Board's function and how to get involved.
Robert Rene brought up that many incoming 9th grade parents want to participate but they can't.  Dara Williams brought up that this was considered by the election committee and that it was decided we would not change that.  Perhaps more thought should be given to this.


LAUSD Charter School Division (CSD) Oversight Visit

Will come in on Friday to meet with faculty and staff and then on Monday to review documentary materials.  Binders have been made.  
If anyone has availability on Friday at 10:30 to meet with them let Pamela Magee know.


California Legislation Potentially Impacting Charters

SB 808 caught everyone's attention, it would allow any district to close down a charter school if it has a budgetary impact on the district. It has been put on hold until this summer.  There will be some discussions in Los Angeles.  LAUSD representatives came to speak in support of the bill.  But Dr. Magee has not heard any real strong reasons to support it.

Need to have an awareness of legislation being passed that could impact our autonomy or our governance policies.  

Emilie Larew brought up that LAUSD has supported some legislation including Government Code section 1090 ,which would prohibit employee board members from serving on the Board and other legislation.  Board members running for LAUSD Board were here and they were asked about this.  Zimmer was not even aware of it.  Capputo and Melvoin spoke about it as well.


Potential Revision of Approved 2017-2018 Board Meeting Dates

For the June 17th Board meeting because it is in the current term we do need a majority of current Board members to attend.
The September 19th meeting conflicts with a Jewish holiday.  So the proposal is to move that meeting to September 26th.
Robert Rene made a motion to Change the date of the September 19th Board Meeting to September 22nd and approve the revised Board Meeting Schedule.
Deanna Hamilton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Ellen Pfahler
Susan Ackerman
Andrew Paris
Deanna Hamilton
Emilie Larew
Leslie Woolley
Robert Rene
Rocky Montz
Dara Williams


Potential Change of June 20, 2017 Board Meeting Date

June 17th is confirmed
Board Retreat in August is confirmed.
Sept 21 - do we want to move it - to accommodate holiday? Sept 12/26?
Make a motion Robert Rene, Deanna Hamilton second.

Sept 26th is approved.

June 20th we need to have our non employee Board members present. Ellen, Leslie, Deanna can attend.
Dara Williams and Robert Rene cannot attend the June 20th Board Meeting.
For now leave the meeting on that date and if we decide to change it we will address it on June 6th.

VII. Facilities


Track & Football Field Modernization Update

Michael Rawson presents.  Don Parcell, Rocky Montz, and he have been working with LAUSD on approval for this.  Things seem to be going well.  Our campaign to raise the funds needed is underway. There was a visual presentation showing the proposed track and field.  Virtual reality video will be presented.  There is no room for handrails so they can't be placed there.  It has been a long process but Mike feels like we are getting close.  Pamela Magee pointed out that this really has been a team effort and all parties are doing everything possible to move things forward.  Still hoping for the summer.  May impact part of the football season but not all of it.  There are options to play home games as away games if it comes to that.  

VIII. Finance


2017-2018 Budget Update

News for the January budget - 

We were planning on NO One time funding. They are reestablishing some One time grants.$600K one time funding, so we may get some money for next year.

We have lots of expenses that are increasing coming up, and we are looking for ways to reduce costs to offset these costs. We want to look at categories of expenses and change what we can. What can we change in our budget process is a constant question. We will know more at the end of May 2017. 
May revision to Governor's Budge Proposal
Going to a workshop this Friday to discuss details of the Governor's plan and possible increases in funding. 
Planning on no one time funding but there is a possibility of some one-time funding grants that may or may not be restricted.  So we are hopeful about that.
Handout in the materials from CCSA -- Important Budget Information
Some minimal flexibility in the budget but not much.
So any focus needs to be on things that we can change.
By the 1st the Budget Committee will have a better idea of what the Budget for the next two years will look like.
Budget Meetings on May 31st and June 1st from 8:00 to 3:00 in the Faculty Cafeteria.


Student Transportation Contract

Tabled to June.


Update on Development of Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

Discussions in conjunction with Budget planning.  Short survey on LCAP that will go out to parents soon.  Mandated to get feedback from all stakeholders groups.  Survey should go out in the next week.  LCAP has to be approved prior to the Budget so that will be on the June 6th Agenda.  Employee members can be involved in the discussion but do not take part in the vote.


Employee Health Plan Updates

Amy Nguyen presented information on Health Care Provider Plans.  Likes what SISC gives us.  They do have increases this year, including about 10% for the Retiree Health Program.  $100 co-pay for ambulance rides for PPO.  Life insurance no change.  Dental will go down by 4%.  Some active employee rates are going up by 6-9% depending on the plan.  
Montage presented as well.  They could not give us better medical rates but could give us better dental rates.
There are 4 healthcare plans are free and a couple of silver plan options where the employee pays for the difference between the free plan and the silver plan.  We have to give the same or comparable to LAUSD and LAUSD does not have employees contribute.  Only way to change that is through negotiations with UTLA and PEPSPU.  We have agreed that if employees wants to choose a bronze plan we have agreed to share the cost savings with the employee.  If we change a prescription plan that goes along with one of our plans would give us a cost savings.  Any changes will go out to a vote.
Follow up to the Benefits Mtg. last week.
Great free help. Great call in medical/nurse plans. 16 week weight loss programs. SISC is great. SISC Self Insured Schools C
Retiree program is 10% increase.
$100.00 copay for ambulance plan
Dental plan and rates improve
Big increases in medical.
We have 4 plans that are free
Cadillac plans - at a cost ($)
Our Charter mandates we have to match LAUSD's plan, so we have investigated and will come up with some final choices.


Schoolwide Fundraising Policies and Procedures

There are questions and guidelines for non profits we have identified and are creating changs to address issues that have arrise.
Our gift and donation acceptance policies
Some restrictions
Drive online donations - to eleviate coaches having to hold on to checks.
Working with our Booster Club - grant process in place to go to the Executive Director/Principal and work more smartly and being good sturatists and prepare better for our own annual funds.
Goal of development mitigate our marketing budge and support our budget and keep things flowing.
This is for the Boards review and consideration.
Brand image
Athletic programs
This will come back for future meeting and approval.
Presented by Michael Rawson.  Updated policy to include non-school sponsored fundraising activities.  Conditions for non-profit 501(c)(3) corporations regarding use of the website and also for fundraising approval.  Gift and donation acceptance policy is also updated to ensure that there are no ulterior motives in the gifts so that we can be sure the gift is to truly benefit the school.  Trying to minimize confusions with clubs and sports teams and have things centrally organized.  Donations would also be able to be made on the school website to streamline donations and also make auditing easier with regard to these clubs and outside organizations.  Also, Booster Club would work more collaboratively with the school by presenting things to Pamela Magee to make sure there is no overlap. Instead of the Ed Foundation we will have the PCHS Fund for donations to go to that fund.  Also if teachers are seeking funding they would also get approval, rather than for instance starting a Go Fund Me Page.
Ellen Pfahler also brought up how the funds from Booster and other 501(c)(3)s would be transmitted to the school.  The funds won't be deposited into the school funds but rather the Booster Club and sports teams need to coordinate through the school.  An example of team uniforms being changed often and inconsistency in the uniform colors was brought up.
Arleta will present to the sports teams with a powerpoint presentation and a short version of the policy for ease of use.

IX. Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Support and Evaluation


Evaluation Committee Update

No updates.
Underway, nothing to report at this time.


Columbia Survey Report Update

If we move the June meeting up, we have to have the Columbia evaluations first so we can review. We take all this into consideration and present it at the August Board Mtg.
Hoping to get raw data by mid-June for use in the EDP Evaluation.  Then the finalized survey results will be ready by August.

X. Consent Agenda


Approval of reimbursements for Executive Director / Principal

Rocky Montz made a motion to motion to approve, passes unanimously with all those present.
Robert Rene seconded the motion.
The motion did not carry.
Rocky Montz made a motion to Approve the consent agenda.
Robert Rene seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dara Williams
Emilie Larew
Robert Rene
Susan Ackerman
Deanna Hamilton
Ellen Pfahler
Andrew Paris
Rocky Montz
Emily Hirsch
Leslie Woolley


Approval of Field Trips

XI. New Business / Announcements


Announcements / New Business

Graduation is on June 8th.
Board Training on Governance is on June 17th.
If anyone cannot attend, we will make arrangements for those members to get the training so that they are aware of the relevant laws.

Andy Paris brought up the possibility of an end of the year social gathering.  
Susan Ackerman said that we could use her house for the party.
At the next meeting we can look at dates for the pass the baton party.


Board Chair to announce items for closed session, if any.

XII. Closed Session


Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release

Went into Closed Session at 5:13 p.m.

XIII. Open Session


Return to Open Session

Return to Open Session at 5:39 p.m.


Report Out on Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any.

In closed session, attended only by non-interested members of the Board, by a vote of 6 to 0, the Board approved a resignation agreement with a certificated employee.

XIV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:24 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Emilie Larew