Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 18, 2017 at 5:00 PM


Gilbert Hall, Palisades Charter High School, 15777 Bowdoin St., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.
 Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
 Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

DIAL-IN NUMBER: (605) 475-5900. ACCESS CODE: 660-0134
Please note that the conference dial-in number above is only active when a Board Trustee has indicated they will calling from an off-site location to participate.

Trustees Present

Andrew Paris, Dara Williams, Deanna Hamilton, Ellen Pfahler, Emilie Larew, Emily Hirsch, Leslie Woolley, Rocky Montz, Susan Ackerman

Trustees Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee

Guests Present

Amy Nguyen, Benjamin Makhani, Cheryl Onoye, Don Parcell, Greg Wood, Jeff Hartman, Mike Rawson, Ming Ha Ngo, Monica Iannessa, Shelby Ladnier, Tami Christopher

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Emilie Larew called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Apr 18, 2017 at 5:07 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests

Robert Rene on the phone
Dara Williams will be arriving around 5;30pm


Public Comment


Approve Minutes


Approve Minutes

II. Academic Excellence


Dissertation: Permission to Conduct Research on Campus

All student data remains annonymous. 



Progress Update on Schoolwide Goal #3

Ms. Iannessa gave an update; PLC protocol is better. Better formative assessments for next year data usage. We are prime to move into the next level. Constantly working to enhance our data management resources.  Interim assessment blocks have been successfully incorporated into the PLC environment. Teachers have received their results.  Now the plan will be developed as to how to respond to the data.  We are in a good position for next year as far as addressing the data.

AA (Academic Accountability) Team is a dedicated group who help connect PCHS together and provide a space and team for coordinators/Administrators/Instructional Course guidance, to increase student achievement. Give teachers, coordinators and all other resources, to reach optimum success on school initiatives and education. The AA Team has been helping new teachers and there is very positive feedback about the new teachers from colleagues and students.  AA helps work on student achievement including using instructional coaches, providing professional development and other tools for improving student achievement.  AA is looking to expand next year to interact more with PLCs and to help teachers who need assistance. 

One stop shop if you are a teacher - for success. We are seeing higher grades and this department is getting high accolades.

We will be adding a 'link group' so new students can have a buddy when they join PCHS.


Updates/Revisions to Santa Monica College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Agreement

Some changes in wording addemdum; begin Feb end June no longer be a full three year.

Highlighted sections remained the same.


Safe Zone Resolution

This was brought to the Board in Jan 2017 regarding Student Immigration Concerns. This policy is a plan to outline what are our next steps action plan. The purpose is a philosophical statement to make students feel safe.

LSU - red card campaign - gave students a handy reference to help them state their rights - if approached. The card is available to students and there is a thought to making it available to the families as well.  

The College Center has assisted in this area with regard to college applications.

Moving forward, working on developing a parent meeting, with legal representation. We are working on those details. We want to ensure the presented information does not cause more panic. Just want to give support.
Change Board of Director to Board of Trustees.
Leslie Woolley made a motion to Motion to Addopt.
Susan Ackerman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Non-School Sponsored Field Trip Policies & Procedures

Dr. Magee gave update: new policy has been updated, reviewed by legal and it outlines PCHS's level of responsibilites on Non-Sponsored School Trips.
We are working to update other forms currently on our website. We will bring back to May Board Mtg for a vote.
Dara suggested clarifing "school sponsored" vs. non-school sponsored.


PCHS Math Placement Policy

Last years passing of Senate Bill prompted annual reports be given regarding Math placement. The first Annual PCHS report was given today to the Board to give results of placement. Policy was approved last year and can be found on Pali site under Department, Mathematics, Policy.

Dr. Ngo gave an update: the test looks at your Algebra strength/results. What standards were they proficient on/not on. Essential standards proficiency mean you can take other Math courses or retake Algebra. Assessment tests to see if student is misplaced and needs to take other Math classes to prepare for Algebra. We prepare students in prep Algebra classes to help them succeed before excelorating them to other Math classes.

There are FAQs forms to help students understand what they need to be prepared for.

Results are showing that advanced students are taking Algebra 1 is 8th grade, but are having to repeat in 9th grade.

AP Math - can we offer other options for students  (senior) to take so students can meet their As thru G requirements?

III. Governance


Resignation from Board of Faculty Trustee Amanda Campbell & Potential Filling of the Empty Seat

Bylaws - 6th months or less vacant  can be filled by an alternate or left empty, 
Dara Williams made a motion to Moves to leave it empty.
Susan Ackerman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dara Williams
Emily Hirsch
Emilie Larew
Leslie Woolley
Rocky Montz
Deanna Hamilton
Andrew Paris
Susan Ackerman
Ellen Pfahler


Information Regarding the March 2017 CCSA Conference

Ben gave an update: very constructive experience.

Emilie gave an update, all who presented (presentations) were great. Emilie gave out goodie bags to all Board members for all their help - as a thank you!

Next year conference is in San Diego.


Proposed 2017-2018 Board Meeting Dates

Emilie presented meeting dates and details.

In the past 3rd Tuesday we have used and this time around we have nuances for shifting Board Training, and Board Meeting dates.

Emilie will check with trainer to finalize that date.

Board retreat is usually late August (last Saturday in August). TBD
Leslie Woolley made a motion to Motion approved 2017/2018 Board Dates.
Deanna Hamilton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Structure of Board Meetings

Feedback was given to put Organizational Reports first in the Agenda. General consensus motion to do this starting in May 2017.


Approval Of Updated Membership for Board Committees

Rocky Montz is the new Chair for Election Committee.
Rob King is the Vice Chair.
Jeannie Saiza is the Secretary.


Discussion of Options Related to Probationary Teacher Status

PCHS' Attorney Mark Bresee was on conference call.
Dr. Magee asked for legal opinion regarding probationary teacher status: 
We can ask questions about general items, no discussion about employees.

Rocky asked possibility of increasing from 2 to extending to 3 years probationary period. If a proposed modification to the Education Code passes in Sacramento then the probationary period would be 3 years with the possibility of one-year extensions for a fourth and fifth year. Because we are a Charter, the modification does not automatically apply but the UTLA contract incorporates the Education Code so it does affect the UTLA contract.  New hires would have to have contracts that reflect any changes.  If the legislation does not pass and we want to have an extended probationary period we would have to negotiate that as part of the UTLA contract.
Currently, we do not have flexibility.
Retirement or Hiring Bonuses: Charter Schools Act, the Charter School is the employer for purposes of collective bargaining. So we are governed by the collective bargaining laws. Any changes to terms of employment, must be negotiated. There are some districts/schools that have negotiated such bonuses. Any such bonuses would have to be negotiated as part of the union contracts.

IV. Facilities


Track & Football Field Replacement Plan - Contract Approval

Don Parcell gave update: track and field is ready to be repaired. We believe we have a path for funding. We have been refining the scope of work. We've talked with our LAUSD representative John Napoli and we need to submit a form requesting their review and approval of replacement. Ultimately it is LAUSD's call and if we get a proceed forward, we will present at the next Board meeting.

If we are required to go through DSA or there are other issues it will take longer and we will be unable to complete the replacement this summer.


Board Resolution Authorizing Prop 51 Communications & Submissions

Dr. Magee gave update: One step we have to have approval from LAUSD - letters have gone out to them.
2nd component - our board needs to pass a resolution on behalf of PCHS. As we do the final applications,we will be plugging in numbers and bringing it back to the Board for approval.
Ellen Pfahler made a motion to motion to approve with Robert and Deanna absent.
Dara Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Finance


Student Transportation Contract Update

Don Parcell gave updates: Looking at changing Vendors. Tumbleweed is having issues with staffing and retention policies, which is a systemic problem locally and elsewhere in the state and nation.

We have one provider and they are interested, but more costly to us as an added service value. Still working through the process before we present our findings. Systemic problem to get good bus drivers.

We are also looking at other options for the 2018/2019 school year.

With all the budget cuts with LAUSD - they do not have processes to help other schools who need bus support resources. They equally have struggles.

A recommendation to agree/approve will be presented in May and then give the registration forms for June.



School Cafeteria Contract Update

Greg Wood gave update: we have a timeline to get the Board to approve on the June 6th.

The document is a template to ensure school nutrition laws are met. We are looking for new devices/bio-metric device and students can go through line and increase point of sales.We are looking for 5 year contract with 1 year opt out/90 day notice to terminate. Greg has been in contact with 3 Vendors who are interested in bidding.

More updates to come. We will have something for the Board hopefully by June.


PCHS Accounting Procedures

Dr. Ngo gave update by reviewed old policy.

New policy once approved by Dr. Magee. Dr. Magee can consult with Board Chairs. However, the new policy would be subsidized (travel policy for Professional Development). new policy requires receipts, Meals per day $40, lodging max per day $250.00, transportation per trip total: $150.00 and reduce out of pocket expenses and motivate teachers to go to conferences. This is also to give better guidelines of what amount can be spent daily on your trip. The rest teachers must pay "out of pocket."

When the conference is required, trip will be paid for by school but you must meet key requirements.

Out of state remains the same and requires Board approval.
Goes into effect July 1, 2017.
Dara Williams made a motion to Motioned to Approved.
Emily Hirsch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Emilie Larew
Andrew Paris
Susan Ackerman
Dara Williams
Rocky Montz
Ellen Pfahler
Emily Hirsch
Deanna Hamilton
Leslie Woolley


Potential Retirement Incentive Opportunities

VI. Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Support and Evaluation


Executive Director / Principal Evaluation Cycle

Leslie gave update. waiting for survey results from Columbia. We sent out further e-mail blasts and await results.

VII. Organizational Reports


Executive Director / Principal (EDP) Report

Stands as Submitted


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

Greg Wood gave update: Good news on our attendance, month 8 of our school year was March 7th. Our cumulative ADA will be funded against certain number of students. ADA was 2844 which is 96%.  Our target was 2836 so that puts us over our target by approximately $75,000.

LAUCD/LACO CGI we are signing up for AP/AR. Greg thinks this will be beneficial for dashboarding and data sourcing so we can get information out more easily. Wave 1- conversion.

Audit is happening this week. Audit team is coming out starting tomorrow.

Banking - Cathay bank to fill whatever gap we have against project cost and what funds we have at hand. We have worked with them in the past. and they know how Charter Schools work. No general extent funding.

2017/2018 our Budget Process still continues. We hope to have all details for the June Board Meeting.


Director of Operations Report

Stands as submitted.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

Stands as Submitted


Director of Development Report

Mike Rawson updated:how to streamline busing into this area.

We could add a paid for ride share to our website.

AYSO Region 69 - they have offered to provide $150K 

Westside Breakers Soccer's Club - they play here often and they have offered $50K to $100K towards or project. Anticipate having approximately $725,000 by June 1st towards our campaign with the support of all these opportunities and Boosters club.  
Starting a Brick Project to raise enough funding to get to $1.5 million.  Looking also to negotiate naming rights.  

Mike reviewed some renderings and continued to discuss all aspects of the campaign. Collectively this project could be self funded with all our prospects.
Tech equity campaign is going well. Funding has come in and total donations $88,822 to date.

9th grade info night was a success. Monthly Ambassadors pledges are coming in and we are moving along well.


Student Report

Ben's replacement has been elected.

May 18th Talent show date.


Parent Report

No update


Classified Staff Report

No update


Faculty Report

Emilie announced that English Teacher Anita Stevens passed away. If you need information, we will provide it.

VIII. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Budget and Finance Committee Report

No update.


Academic Accountability Committee Report

No quorum.


Charter Committee Report

Meeting this month was cancelled. Rescheduling for May.


Election Committee Report

Update from Rocky; we got people to apply and all seats were taken, except for the Teacher seat. We discussed the matter in our last Election meeting and we think we have a candidate.

Idea of appointed Board was suggested and would require mostly community members and explained all the details. Please put this on the Charter Committee Agenda. If we made a change, it would be a material revision and would have to be approved by LAUSD and every year there are proposed legislative changes about employee board members, we want to make sure we are ahead of it. We must find ways to get people heard. We do not want legislation to make changes, and kick all employee's off the board and not have a plan in place.

There are varieties of ways to set up Boards. We will discuss more options later.


Post-Retirement Healthcare Benefits Committee Report

Dara gave an update: It is going to take time, but we will have one more meeting end of May or June.

IX. Board Committees (Board Members Only)


Audit Committee

No update.


Survey Committee

Surveys have gone out and we should hear back soon.


Grade Appeal Committee

Working on scheduling dates.

X. Consent Agenda


Approval of reimbursements for Executive Director / Principal

Rocky Montz made a motion to Motion to pass as presented. Passes unanimously with Deanna Hamilton and Robert Rene absent.
Leslie Woolley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of Field Trips

XI. New Business / Announcements


Next Regular Board Meeting is on Tuesday, May 16, 2017


PCHS Graduation on June 8, 2017

If you (a Board Member) want to attend, contact Shelby and we will order you a robe, cap, gown.


Board Chair to announce items for closed session, if any.

XII. Open Session


Return to Open Session


Report Out on Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any.

8:32 going into closed session
Nothing to report out from closed session.

XIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Returned to Open Session at 9:05.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Leslie Woolley